萬屋 博喜
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2017, no.68, pp.231-245, 2017-04-01 (Released:2017-06-28)

Among contemporary epistemologists of testimony, David Hume is typically taken to be a reductionist, that is, one who asserts that the justification of one’s testimonial beliefs must depend on non-testimonial evidence. In his first Enquiry (“Of Miracles”), according to the standard interpretation of Hume on testimony, he expresses the view that testimony, unlike perception or memory, is not a fundamental source of epistemic justification. Recently, however, this interpretation has been challenged by many scholars who argue that Hume, as a reductionist, would not even attempt to justify testimonial beliefs by appealing to the evidence of ordinary empirical beliefs. But, in his Treatise and first Enquiry, Hume suggests that, in spite of the reductionism, we can still use our evidence of human nature to justify our testimonial beliefs. This leads us to another interpretation of Hume’s reductionism on testimony.The purpose of this paper is to show that, we can construe Hume, consistently with reductionism, as a sort of virtue epistemologist, and that the standard interpretation of Hume on testimony is inaccurate. To begin with, I examine C. A. J. Coady’s interpretation which formulates Hume’s reductionist thesis and provides some objections to Hume. Then, I discuss the virtue-epistemological interpretation, by S. Wright, of Hume on testimony. In responding to Coady’s objections, she attempts to show that Hume scholars can learn much from the insights of virtue epistemology. According to her, our interactions with others, combined with the evidence of human nature, give us an insight into the testifier’s virtues. Although her interpretation seems to be attractive, there is still a problem of the hearer which needs to be solved. Finally, I conclude that, taking into account both the testifier’s and the hearer’s virtues, we can adequately defend the virtue-epistemological interpretation of Hume on testimony.
松浦 和也
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2009, no.60, pp.249-262_L15, 2009 (Released:2010-11-09)

Aristotle discusses time in PhysicsIV, 10-14. Before his main discussion, he introduces a paradox about the existence of time at 217b32-218a9. This paradox is, briefly,“A. Time consists of past and future, B. Past existed but does not exist at present, and future will exist but does not at present, C.“Now”is not any part of time, D. Therefore time does not exist”. One of the difficulties of interpretation here is that his own solution is not found in Physics, nor elsewhere in his Corpus, though he concludes at 222b27-29“that time exists, and what it is, ... was stated”. In this paper I will offer one solution to the paradox from his definition of time,“time is a number of change (kinesis) in respect of before and after”(219b1-2). This definition seems to imply that time does not exist independently but depends on change, because Aristotle never allows any number to exist independently, see for example Metaphysics Iota, 2. Thus, the problem of the existence of time is indeed that of change for him. But the paradox can be easily expanded to the existence of change, modifying B above. Any change either has existed or will exist, but does not exist at present. In PhysicsIII 1, however, he defines change without reference to time, as the“actuality of that which potentially is, qua such”(201a10-11). If this definition is understood as“change is the actuality of that whose potentiality is Y, but only Y”, the changing object has two statuses at least, actually X and potentially Y. And at PhysicsIV, 11, 219b12-33 Aristotle maintains“nows”correspond to the statuses of some changing objects. Although only one now”indicates the genuine present, the other“now”, corresponding with potential status Y, can indicate a potential present. So, Aristotle can state there are two presents at the same instant and therefore time exists between two“nows”at present. In this way, the paradox of the existence of time can be dissolved for Aristotle by regarding time as dependent on change.
串田 純一
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2014, no.65, pp.151-165_L11, 2014

In seiner Vorlesung Aristoteles, Metaphysik Θ (1931) hat Heidegger das Begriffspaar von δύναµις und ἐνέργεια nicht nur als Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit interpretiert, sondern jeweils als Vermögen und Verwirklichung. Vor allem lobte er die Stelle 1047a 24-26, und übersetzte sie wie folgt „In Wirklichkeit vermögend aber ist dieses, dem nichts mehr unausführbar ist, sobald es sich in das Zeug legt, als wozu es das Zeug zu haben angesprochen wird ". Diese Stelle kommentierte er folgendermaßen : „Als völlig und wirklich im Stand ist nur jenes vorhanden, das im Vollzug nichts unausgeführt zu lassen braucht". Heideggers Kommentar lässt uns „ein Vermögen zu haben" so verstehen, dass man etwas genau dann auszuführt, wenn man es nicht unausgeführt zu lassen braucht. Diese Feststellung lässt uns verschiedene Modalitäten der Verhältnisse zwischen Verhalten und Vermögen aufgliedern und den infiniten Regress der Vermögen zu vermeiden. Die Bestimmung,dass man nichts unausgeführt zu lassen braucht, ist konsistent mit der anderen Bestimmung, nämlich dass man nötwendig etwas ausführt. Die erste Bestimmung hat ontologischen Vorrang vor der Bestimmung, etwas tun zu müssen. Wir wissen nämlich nicht immer, wozu unser Verhalten gebraucht wird. Darüberhinaus sind die notwendigen Bedingungen für unser Verhalten nur beschränkt bekannt. Trotzdem verstehen wir, dass wir etwas nicht unausgeführt zu lassen brauchen, wenn wir es tun.In Sein und Zeit bestimmt Heidegger den Vorrang von „Nicht" als Nichtigkeit. Und dieses Verständnis von „Nicht" wird nicht durch propositionale Erkenntnisse erschlossen, sondern durch Befindlichkeiten (Stimmungen, Gefühle, usw.). Dieser transzendentale Horizont, wo man etwas nicht unausgeführt zu lassen braucht,ermöglicht Vermögen überhaupt. Diesen Horizont entwirft das Dasein im Menschen,nicht unser „Ich". Dieser Punkt wird durch die Stimmung der Langweile deutlich gemacht. In der Langweile haben wir nur Zeitvertreibe, die wir nicht unausgeführt zu lassen brauchen. Dieser Entwurf des transzendentalen Horizonts ist eine notwendige Bewegung des Daseins, und Heidegger nennt ihn „Freiheit".
萬屋 博喜
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2012, no.63, pp.297-311_L16, 2012 (Released:2012-10-16)

In this paper I examine Hume's theory of meaning and abstraction. Although his doctrine of abstraction relies on his theory of meaning, his own conception of meaning is not necessarily the so-called “idea theory of meaning”, which supports the possibility of private language. On the contrary, he tries to defend a sort of use theory of meaning: the meaning of abstract terms must consist in our custom or disposition to use them in society and conversation. This idea is derived from his concept of ability, which depends on his conception of the resemblance and the uniformity of nature. The aim of this paper is to show that we can interpret Hume's view of meaning as a use theory of meaning. To begin with, I criticize the traditional interpretation of Hume's theory of abstraction, which faces a substantial difficulty concerning the possibility of communication. Then, I clarify that he proposes in his Treatise the following two doctrines of abstraction: (1) two sorts of resemblance and (2) the principle of the uniformity of nature. These enable us to understand language by appealing to the ability to generalize the use of our abstract terms. Finally, I show that his theory of meaning does not only offer us a criterion for the correct use of abstract terms, but also a defensible foundation of communication.
小谷 晴勇
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1990, no.40, pp.177-186, 1990-04-01 (Released:2009-07-23)
内田 種臣
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1979, no.29, pp.1-19, 1979-05-01 (Released:2009-07-23)
岡本 裕一朗
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1996, no.47, pp.237-246, 1996-05-01 (Released:2010-01-20)

「理性は、すべての実在 (Realität) である、という意識の確信である。」ヘーゲルは『精神の現象学』において、「理性」をこう定義する。この定義はきわめて有名であり、一般によく知られている。しかし、「よく知られていることは、だからといってよく認識されているわけではない。」一体ヘーゲルはこの命題によって、何を表現しようとしたのだろうか。この場合、「理性」とは何を意味しているのか。どうして、「理性」は、「すべての実在である」と言われるのだろうか。「理性」のこの奇妙な定義は、明らかにアリストテレスの所謂「受動理性」の定義、つまり「魂はある仕方ではすべての存在するものである」に由来する。言い換えると、「あらゆる実在である」という「理性」の定義は、『デ・アニマ』の「受動理性」から捉え直されたものなのである。しかし、アリストテレスの「受動理性」がどうしてここで言及されるのだろうか。そもそも、『現象学』と『デ・アニマ』とはいかなる関係にあるのだろうか。ヘーゲルがアリストテレスをきわめて高く評価し、その哲学から強い影響を受けていることは疑えない。このことは、『エンチクロペディー』の最後がアリストテレスの『形而上学』の引用 (ギリシア語原文) で終わっていることだけでも分かる。ヘーゲルはアリストテレスのうちに、自分の哲学の原理を重ね合わせているのである。この点については、従来からたびたび指摘されているが、しかし一歩踏み込んで、その影響関係の内実を具体的に理解することはほとんどなされていない。とりわけ、『精神の現象学』に関しては皆無と言ってよいだろう。しかし、「理性」という『現象学』の決定的に重要な箇所で、『デ・アニマ』の「受動理性」が想定されているとすれば、アリストテレスとの影響関係を無視することは不可能だろう。もっと刺激的な言い方をすれば、ヘーゲルの『現象学』の体系構想は、アリストテレスの理性論 (「受動理性-能動理性」の二重性) から根本的に規定されているのではないか。本稿は、『精神の現象学』の体系構想を『デ・アニマ』から解明することを課題としている。ヘーゲルが『精神の現象学』を「学の体系第一部」に据えたとき、そこには『デ・アニマ』からの決定的な作用を読み取ることができるだろう。『現象学』の「理性」の定義が、『デ・アニマ』の「受動理性」の据え直しであることは、その端的なあらわれである。しかし、そもそもヘーゲルの「学の体系」を、どうしてアリストテレスの「理性」論から理解する必要があるのだろうか。ヘーゲルは、アリストテレスをどう解釈していたのであろうか。アリストテレス解釈はヘーゲルの「学の体系」にいかなる影響を与えたのだろうか。これを具体的に明らかにすることが、ここで遂行される。
岩崎 允胤
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1958, no.8, pp.58-69, 1958-03-31 (Released:2009-07-23)

均衡は哲学的カテゴリーであるから、その内容を普遍的に把握するとともに、真理性の限界を正しく認識せねばならぬ.たとえば、力学的概念を一般化したり、これを絶対化してはならない.あとで述べるように, わたくしは、均衡は、客観的だが、相対的で、物質の弁証法的運動の一契機である.という見方が、基本的に正しいと考える.だが、均衡概念は、しばしば、これとは異った見方によって使われている.たとえば、ワルラス、パレートに始まる一般均衡理論の場合で、わが国においては、中山、東畑、高田氏らによってつとに導入され、経済学の一派を形成しているものである.他方、均衡概念は、かつて、マルクス主義の修正という形で、ボグダーノブ、とくにブハーリンによって援用された.わたくしは、これらの理論における均衡概念を検討し、両理論の連関も考えてみたい.その検討の結果、いずれの均衡論においても、力学的概念の一般化と、絶対化がおこなわれていることが明らかとなり、マッハ主義との結び付きも示されるだろう.さいごに、均衡概念をどのように把握するのが正しいか、について簡単にでも考察してみよう.

2 0 0 0 OA 訂正とお詫び

哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2005, no.56, pp.181-181, 2005 (Released:2009-07-23)
檜垣 立哉
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2002, no.53, pp.33-46,249, 2002-04-01 (Released:2009-12-08)

Après l'apparition de la biologie moléculaire dans la derrière moitié du vingtième siècle, notre pensée sur la vie a été profondément changée. Maintenant, nous ne pouvons pas supposer quelque chose substantiellement comme énergie de la vie. En apparence, ces recherches scientifiques semblent nous conduire au réductionnisme le plus radical. Mais, en fait, cette direction ouvre une nouvelle manière de penser la vie et son existence dans le temps, dans l'espace et dans le devenir. La vie est constituée par les matières complètement, mais les matières elles-même fonctionnent dans les relations réciproques et dans les processus du devenir. Les sciences du chaos, celles de la complexité et celles de l'auto-organisation nous ont montré une nouvelle vision de la nature. Par exemple, on doit considérer les théories de l'évolution tout autrement.Dans cet essai, je présente, d'abord, la nécessité de la philosophie pour les sciences de la vie, parce qu'elles traitent les concepts du temps, du système et du devenir directement. Et puis, je souligne que la philosophie elle-même doit essentiellement réagir à cette nouvelle situation des savoirs de la nature. Pour poursuivre ce sujet concrètement, je pose, à l'instar de H. Bergson et de G. Deleuze, trois étapes de la philosophic de la vie(1. celle de la relation organique. 2. celle du lieu et du environnement 3. celle du devenir fragmentaire et local), et j'examine, justement à la troisième étape, une phase de l'intersection entre les sciences d'aujourd'hui et la philosophie. Enfin, je tente de situer cette nouvelle bio-philosophie dans le contexte de la pensée post-modern.
松本 俊吉
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.1996, no.47, pp.286-295, 1996-05-01 (Released:2009-07-23)

鷲田 清一
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2012, no.63, pp.45-60_L4, 2012 (Released:2012-10-16)

Is “my” body really my possession? Unraveling this problem leaves us with two questions: Whose body is it? Is the body a possession? We can rephrase these questions in the words of Gabriel Marcel, author of Being and Having, who asked “Do I have a body? Or am I a body?” These problems in the field of “bio-ethics”, be they at the level of principle or at the level of legal procedure, invariably involve questions of ownership. We must then once again return the facticity of our body to the border between “being” and “having”. At the same time, we must sever the link between the concept of “property”, which has long been viewed as self-evident, and that of “disposability”. The view that one not only owns one's body but, in addition, every last bit of that body is at one's disposal attests to the fact that we have been held captive by the gaze of self-ownership in modern society.
齊藤 安潔
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2008, no.59, pp.163-178,L17, 2008-04-01 (Released:2010-07-01)

In the Republic, Socrates says rulers may need to use a false story-a so-called ‘noble lie’ (414b-c)-or a false marriage lottery (460a), in order to persuade citizens to do the right thing. An apparently similar trick is suggested in the Laws by the Athenian to persuade citizens that the just life brings more pleasure than the unjust life (663d-e). He says there that even if the state of the case were different from what has been proved by the argument, the lawgiver would not be able to tell any more ‘profitable falsehood’ for the young. These forms of deception in the Republic and the ‘profitable falsehood’ in the Laws are usually assimilated, and taken to imply that rulers are permitted to make free use of falsehood. My contention is that they serve different purposes for Plato and thus should not be taken to reinforce the same conclusion.In the Republic, the purpose of realizing the ideal state by creating the philosopher king, who has insight into the Form of Good, justifies the use of falsehood. But such a king does not exist in the state described in the Laws. It therefore becomes all important to persuade citizens and induce them to obey the laws freely. Plato is confident that his argument concerning the just life is true- and in addition, that it is one of his most profitable arguments. In the context of the Laws, Plato tries to achieve his goal by educating citizens to be virtuous through dialectical arguments. If all he wanted to achieve were their unquestioning obedience, he would not have suggested the possibility of the falsity of his argument (663d-e).Whereas the argument in the Republic centers around the education and rule of the philosopher king, Plato's concern in the Laws is to persuade citizens towards the virtuous life through dialogue, which presupposes a basis of agreement and understanding. Plato's dialogue, the Laws, is intended to be the most adequate and suitable story for the young to hear, and, as such, is free from falsehood.