竹岡 志朗
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.58, no.1, pp.63-79, 2016-07

A category of product is not objective or a priori existence. In other words, a boundary or members of category is not determined in advance. In researches, there are some approaches to concept of category. To classify concepts, one is static approach, another is dynamic approach. In static approach, a category is regarded as bundles of properties. On the other hand, in dynamic approach, a category is constructed impromptu in decision making. Both of these researches, a concept of category is the point at issue because of this concept is important theme as consumer's decision making in consumer behavior researches. In detail, consumers are affected categories of products as consideration set in decision making processes. In this research,we consider category of concepts in innovation diffusion processes. In innovation diffusion, meanings of product categories transit one after another. This article makes this transition visible with using of text-mining. There are some advantages in using text-mining in this research. First, a text-mining tool allows us to review all terms that describe products and to examine the referential relationship among those terms or the co-occurrence relations among the terms. By abstracting the semantic dimension of all terms, we can avoid the problem of whether the terms used by parties are comprehended by observers in the same way. Second, a text-mining tool is able to identify the commonality of co-occurrence relations among all terms because such a tool allows massive amounts of data to be identified and quantified. Third, a text mining tool can uncover the commonality of co-occurrence relations between more than two terms. Because a greater number of collocated terms imply a narrower interpretation, it is more likely that parties and observers will share technology values. In concrete, we use co-occurrence network analysis. Co-occurrence network is described based on term's co-occurrence relationships. In short, this analysis is a summary of writings (in this article, electric words of mouth which is written at kakaku. com). Then we can describe clusters on co-occurrence networks. We regard this clusters on co-occurrence networks as levels of meaning. Level of meaning affects consumer's cognition and then consumer's decision making processes. Using this approach, a manufacturer can perform and make an incremental innovation ahead of others.
岸本 裕一
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-23, 1999-09-30

In this study, it is analyzed that in Japan 1990's, marketing and popular music have had mutual close relations through Tie-up songs. The term of "Tie-up-song" is defined a popular song which has some tie-up relations or contracts for commercial purposes as a theme song to movies, TV dramas, TV shows, etc., and/or as an adverting song for particular brands, firms, campaigns, etc.. For example, Celine Dion's "The Hearts Will Go On" for "Titanic", Whitney Houston's "I Always Love You" for "The Body Guard". In 1990s, in Japan, most of hit popular songs have held tie-up relations so as to increase their opportunities to public appearance. Some says that without tie-up, there is no hit. In this context, hit making mechanism in Japanese pop scene is analyzed from the aspects of business marketing. Finally, it is emphasized that a discipline of music marketing should be established in order to develop popular music business.
高田 里惠子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.14, pp.63-92, 1998-01-31

Der vorliegende Aufsatz ist eine Vorarbeit, um eine nicht eindeutige Einstellung zum Establishment, die den intellektuellen Mittelstand des modernen Japan bezeichnet, zu analysieren. Dabei gilt mein Interesse zunachst den intellektuellen Diskursen uber Mayumi Haga, einen reprasentativen Kritiker der "Japanischnen Romantik". Ihr eigentumlicher Antimodernismus, der vom einfachen Japanismus zu differenzieren ist, konnte in der Kriegszeit vor allem verzweifelte Studenten faszinieren. Die "Japanische Romantik" schien fur junge Intellektuelle eine einzige Moglichkeit des inneren Widerstandes gegen die Wirklichkeit des Kriegs zu bieten. In einer solchen Situation geno〓 auch Haga als Ubersetzer von Carossa und Rilke gro〓e Popularitat. Aber nach dem Kriegsende wurde Haga von intellektuellen Lesern vergessen oder sogar verachtet, wahrend die "Japanische Romantik" selbst wiederentdeckt und rehabilitiert worden ist. Im Mittelpunkt meiner Darstellung steht, was sich hinter dieser Vergessenheit versteckt. Nicht Hagas (fast komische) faschistische Behauptung, sondern sein falsches Selbstverstandnis, da〓 er ein kritischer Au〓enseiter sei, irritiert uns. Haga halt uns sozusagen den Narrenspiegel vor, in dem wir unsere Besessenheit sehen, da〓 wir als Intellektuelle gegenuber dem Establishment kritisch sein mussen, nicht affirmativ sein durfen. Haga konnte sich selbst mit Recht einen kampferischen Don Quichotte genannt haben.
坂 昌樹
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.177-195, 1999-03-31

Diese Arbeit ist der erste Teil meines dreiteiligen Aufsatzes uber die philosophische Fakultat der Universitat Gottingen in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Dieser erste Teil gliedert sich in zwei Kapitel: einerseits behandle ich den allgemeinen Zustand der Universitaten im 18. Jahrhundert, andererseits wird von mir die Vorgeschichte der deutschen Universitaten vor der Grundung der Gottinger Universitat erortert. Im ersten Kapitel ist die besondere Situation der deutschen Wissenschaften und Intellektuellen im Zeitalter der Aufklarung zu erwahnen. Da Deutschland in jener Zeit kein Zentrum der Herrschaft und der Kultur, wie z. B. London oder Paris, besaβ, gab es fur die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften besondere Schwierigkeiten. So bestanden beispielsweise Sprachprobleme. Solange das Deutsch in verschiedene Dialekte zersplittert war, wurde es noch nicht als intellektuelle Sprache anerkannt. Dazu behielt das alte Latein nach wie vor seine wissenschaftliche Prioritat, und auch das Franzosisch wurde an den deutschen Hofen wie z. B. bei Friedrich dem Groβen als wichtiger als die heimische Sprache angesehen. Erst in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts konnte sich das Deutsch mit der Verbreitung der wissenschaftlichen Literatur allmahlich in der intellektuellen Welt durchsetzen. Das ist gerade der Prozeβ der kulturellen Integration der deutschen Nation, wie Friedrich Meinecke meinte, obwohl sie sich politisch bis zum Zusammenbruch des Reichs (1806) mehr und mehr auseinander entwickelt hatte. Fur diese kulturelle Integration spielten die Universitaten und deren Professoren neben den nichtstandischen Organisationen wie z. B. der "deutschen Gesellschaft" eine entscheidende Rolle, wie dies Norbert Elias in seinem Buch, "Uber den Prozeβ der Zivilisation" dargestellt hat. Nun muβ man der Rolle der Universitaten in der damaligen deutschen Gesellschaft Aufmerksamkeit widmen. Das zweite Kapitel zur Vorgeschichte der Gottinger Universitat hat zwei Schwerpunkte: die Entwicklung der Fakultaten, bs. der theologischen, juristischen und philosophischen seit dem 16. Jahrhundert; die Charakteristik der damaligen Art der Wissenschaften, namlich den Pragmatismus. Bei dem ersten Thema handelt es sich um die sogenannte "Territorialisierung" der Universitaten. Anlaβlich der Reformation fingen hauptsachlich die protestantischen Lander des Reichs an, alles, was vorher zu den Rechten und Funktionen der Kirche gehort hatte-vom Gutsvermogen bis zur geistigen Bevormundung des Volkes-sich anzueignen. Aufgrund des Landeskirchentums erstrebten die Lander, sich zum vormundschaftlichen Polizeistaat zu reformieren, um die Territorialherrschaft absolutistisch zu vervollkommnen und sie gegenuber dem Reich zu legitimieren. In den Universitaten trugen im 16. die theologischen und im 17. Jahrhundert die juristischen Wissenschaften nicht nur unmittelbar zu dieser Staatsreform bei, sondern auch zur Ausbildung der reformerischen Beamten. Durch die pragmatische Art der Wissenschaften war es gewahrleistet, daβ die auf solchen Wissenschaften gegrundete Verwaltung sich am "gemeinen Nutzen" d. h. der Wohlfahrt und dem Gluck des Volks orientieren konnte. Daraus ergab sich, daβ, wie Christian Thomasius sagte, die Nutzlichkeit der groβte Sinn der Wissenschaften war, und daβ die absolutistische Herrschaft nur durch die Sicherung der Volkswohlfahrt legitimiert werden konnte. Folglich kritisierten die Wissenschaften der Aufklarung sehr scharf die damalige "Sektenlehre" der Theologie. Sie warfen ihr und den sogenannten Fachern des "Brotstudiums" vor, nur eigene Zwecke zu verfolgen und keine gesamtgesellschaftlichen. Wissenschaften und Universitaten sollten ihre raison d'etre im "Nutzen" fur das Volk finden. Anders gesagt, war der christliche Altruismus stark ausgepragt in der deutsch-obrigkeitsstaatlichen "Nutzlichkeit" der Wissenschaften, die sich von dem englisch-individualistischen Utilitarismus des 19. Jahrhunderts unterschied. Dementsprechend war dem aufklarerisch-absolutistischen Staat nur moglich, die Herrschaft christlich-polizeilich zu legitimieren.
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.20, pp.325-338, 2000-12-20
伊藤 潔志
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.50, pp.85-112, 2015-03-23

The purpose of this paper is to examine and elucidate the distinctive features of the religious aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical thought. Few people generally regard Wittgenstein as a religious thinker, but research has been carried out on his views on religion and attempts have been made to apply his philosophical thought to theology. Wittgenstein's philosophical thinking is commonly divided into two phases ─ the early phase and the later phase ─ and even as it showed a certain consistency, it also underwent considerable transformation. Accordingly, in the early and later phases of Wittgenstein's philosophy there are both elements that are the same and elements that are markedly different. In this paper I will look at the early phase of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought, picking out certain ideas about religion that run throughout Wittgenstein's philosophy and elucidating the distinctive features of such ideas. Wittgenstein held that language has limits, and that accordingly there are also limits to thought. Further, he held that since language and the world exist with and through one another, the world also has limits. Accordingly, it is impossible to speak anything regarding what exists beyond the limits of language, and impossible to speak anything that lies outside the world. This means that though it is possible to speak of things when they have to do with facts, it is not possible to speak of things when they have to do with values ─ since values lie outside the world. Thus, it is not possible to speak things like religion, faith, revelations, and God (they are `unspeakable'). Nevertheless, Wittgenstein argues, even though it is not possible to` speak' these things, it is still possible to `show' them. According to Kierkegaard, `showing' is a particular state of affairs, and to `show' is a way of indirectly `speaking' something. We might perhaps call this showing a `religion of silence.' Wittgenstein was a philosopher who worked out a religion of silence, a religion that exists on the other side of the limits of language, thought, and the world.
口野 直隆 大島 一二
vol.56, no.3, pp.1-12, 2015-02-27

This paper examines the strategy of development in Chinese food service market focusing on Saizeriya's case, one of the leading Japanese food service chain. In spite of expanding share of Japanese food service industry in Chinese market, media says that some companies are facing difficulties. Saizeriya's case could be described as a success when defining it as consequent increase of numbers of restraint after entering Chinese market. In this case study, factors of Saizeriya's success were analyzed focusing on it's strategy on1) procurement of food materials and2) labor management. This paper described how Saizeriya developed their business in Chinese food industry with using these strategies.
小野 良子
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.28, pp.5-35, 2014-03-18

Introduction 1. Feminine Mystique: American women in 1950s 2. The Second Wave of Feminist Movement: American women in 1960s 3. Hollywood Shakespeare and its Artistic Limitation: Zeffirelli's Taming of the Shrew Conclusion Notes Bibliography This paper is an attempt to examine whether the feminist movements of the 1960s had a particular impact on Franco Zeffirelli's filmed production of The Taming of the Shrew in 1967. The play was first performed on Elizabethan stage and reflected gender politics of the Elizabethan age. The story portrayed the process how the shrew was instructed and molded to the ideal wife by her newly wedded husband. Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew created the taming plot as comedy with a happy ending of the married couple. Zeffirelli's Shakespearean comedy expected an utterly different audience living in the age of women's liberation. The feminist's movement prompted re-evaluation of the existing social framework authorized by the patriarchal ideology. Zeffirelli's adaptation was a farcical comedy with an ambiguous ending, presenting both the latest feminist's reading and antifeminist backlash on screen. Zeffirelli's Taming of the Shrew was never an academic reproduction of Shakespearean work, but a Hollywood commodity that sells Shakespeare for huge commercial profits.
山本 順一
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.58, no.2, pp.17-68, 2016-10

Now we are living 21st century social lives. Information technology and Internet have been changing our society and our daily life. Everything continues to be different day by day. Public libraries all over the world are also changing. They have taken new digital contents and various databases. While lots of library users now use e-books and electronic journals, they use PCs in the libraries and enjoy cyberspace. Librarians believe in intellectual freedom, and library privacy as well. This paper deals with the legal history and construction of library privacy. Substantial idea of library privacy protection style nowadays is different from 20th century's way. Japanese public libraries would like to protect users' library privacy through general ordinances for the protection of personal data held by administrative organs. The author considers such Japanese legal way of style is inappropriate, and U.S. public libraries enforce better protection of the personal library use information through their privacy policies and various privacy protection laws. This paper introduces some examples, including San Francisco, Boston, New York, and so on.
青野 正明
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.47, pp.5-34, 2013-03-28

In 1936, the Japanese Government-General of Korea reorganized the colony's shrine system. This reorganization was carried out for two purposes : first, to promote some of the main shrines to the status of Kokuhei-shohsha (国幣小社), which ranked sixth among nationally-supported shrines ; and second, to increase the overall number of shrines (神社・神祠) as a way of mobilizing Korean people to carry out the Government-General's policies. In this paper I examine principally the second of the two above-mentioned purposes, seeking to clarify the nature of this shrine policy, which sought to make use of the traditional agricultural rites carried out in villages in Korea. Concretely, I analyze how the policy for reproduction and reformation of village rites attempted to create shrines (神祠) by making use of village rites in the region of Gangwon-Do.
竹中 暉雄
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.551-600, 2015-03-23

This paper discusses the problem of the charging of school fees during the period of free compulsory education in modern Japan. 1 The charging of school fees for compulsory education was not sustained by any definite philosophy. There were exceptional cases when not only poor families but even relatively wealthy communities were exempted from charges, and also cases when charges were levied on the relatively poor community as well as on the wealthy. As a result, various unequal and unreasonable conditions came about. 2 No official explanation was given to the general public as to why it was necessary to pay school fees when compulsory education was supposed to be free, nor as to why it sometimes became unnecessary to pay. 3 Instead of the charging of fees, since the "Elementary School Ordinance" of 1900 had provided that compulsory education should be free, communities were still obliged to pay higher resident taxes because there was as yet no governmental grant to elementary schools. 4 Many books on educational administration defined the charging of school fees as a natural levy, and could not agree logically with the principle of free education. After the "Elementary School Ordinance" providing free compulsory education was issued, their explanation of free education consequently became very vague. 5 In a sense, the "Elementary School Ordinance" providing free compulsory education was unconstitutional, because the "city and town=village system" law of 1888 authorized cities, towns and villages to collect service charges as required, and the Imperial Constitution prescribed that an ordinance could not override the existing law. The author concludes that it was because of this that jurists, who must have been aware of this fact, hesitated to give their unconditional support to the free education system, with the result that their explanations became all the more vague.
田代 昌孝
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 = St. Andrew's University economic and business review (ISSN:02869721)
vol.58, no.2, pp.109-128, 2016-10-03

The consumption tax rate was raised from 5% to 8% from April, 2014. In addition, consumption tax rate was to be raised from 8% to 10% in October, 2015. But the increase to 10% of planned consumption tax rate was postponed by consideration to economic stagnation. Therefore, the consumption tax increase will not be avoided by the securing of stable social security resources and deficit financing. If we can use all lifetime income to spend all lifetime consumption, Consumption tax is proportional. To my regret, There are no a longitudinal survey containing income and consumption on Japanese households. But Estimating a Theil index with age-income cross-section data to proxy for estimating lifetime incidence of consumption tax makes constructing an influence index of intra-generational income equality in consumption tax. In this analysis, the influence of intra-generational income equality considers not only the deduction effect and the tax rate effect of the income tax but also the effect of the consumption taxation and analyzes the factor of intragenerational income equality based on a Theil index approach.
梅田 百合香
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.7-32, 2016-03-03

Concerning the issue of morality in politics, Machiavelli and Hobbes have often been viewed as "realists," who accepted the evil lurking in human nature as natural and dissociated morality from politics. However, Hobbes himself did not separate politics and morality, and insisted that his political philosophy was also a moral philosophy. This paper examines the logical structure of political and moral theory in Hobbes's Leviathan, focusing on "evil in politics." In Hobbes's moral philosophy, there is no room for evil in politics in the state of nature, meaning the state of a moral vacuum. Evil in politics signifies injustice in society, in other words, intentions or actions that disturb peace in the civil state after a social contract has been made. Hobbes's description of the state of nature demonstrated that peace was the grand foundation for maintaining a society that actualized morality, and could be the criterion of moral judgement for all political actors.