竹田 陽子
技術マネジメント研究 (ISSN:13473042)
vol.9, pp.15-24, 2010

本研究では、ネット上のコミュニケーションが活発になされている韓国の20代と30代に対して質問紙調査をおこない、ネット上での弱いつながりと強いつながりに関するポジティブ、ネガティブ両面の認識がネット上で求めるつながりの強さにいかに影響するかを検証した。ネットへの弱いつながり志向は、弱いつながりに対する情報収集、影響力強化、自己表現のメリット、不確実性のリスクの認識がなされているほど、また、強いつながりに対する情報収集メリットの認識がなされていないほど高かった。一方、ネットへの強いつながり志向は、強いつながりから得られる影響力強化のメリットが認識されているほど、また、弱いつながりに対する情報収集メリットと不確実性リスクが認識されているほど高かった。つながりの志向性を問わずネットで活発にコミュニケーションする人は情報や資源が幅広く得られるというメリットを感じ、同時に、よく知らない人とやりとりすることのリスクも感じているということが言える。また、ネットに弱いつながりを求める人と強いつながりを求める人の違いには、影響力の源泉に対する認識が関わっていることが明らかになった。This research identified how positive and negative cognition towards weak and strong ties influences strength of expected ties on networks through questionnaire survey on Korean people in their 20's and 30's. The weak-tie orientation increased when the merits of weak ties regarding information gathering, influence strengthening and self-expression, and the anxiety risk with weak ties were cognized. The strong-tie orientation increased when the merits of strong ties regarding influence strengthening as well as information-gathering with weak ties and the anxiety risk with weak ties were cognized. It could be said that, regardless of strength of ties, those who communicate with other people actively felt merits of getting wide range of information and resources, and at the same time they felt anxiety of communicating unknown people. In addition, we found that the difference between those who expect weak ties and those who expect strong ties on networks is related to their cognition about source of influence.
君塚 正臣
横浜国際経済法学 (ISSN:09199357)
vol.19, no.1, pp.89-126, 2010-09
茅野 政徳

眞有 澄香
横浜国大国語教育研究 (ISSN:13411950)
vol.13, pp.23-37, 2000-11

1 0 0 0 OA Euphony

小栗 敬三
横浜国立大学人文紀要. 第二類, 語学・文学 (ISSN:0513563X)
vol.8, pp.8-14, 1962-03-30

By euphony is meant the harmonious arrangement of words with special emphasis upon pleasing sound and rhythm. Rhythm (in verse and prose) is too big a subject to be dealt with in this paper. Repetition of identical (or similar) sounds is sometimes pleasing to the ear (e.g. rime, alliteration, assonance and consonance), although abuse of the same technique and "words that rime where rime is not intended" will produce unpleasant effects. In Japanese as in English, a marked tendency toward the avoidance of harsh sounds and combinations of sounds hard to pronounce can be observed. In fact, appeal of the euphonious sounds is universal in all the languages of the world. Let me quote a Japanese proverb as an example of euphony. "Tanki wa sonki." (It does not pay to be short-tempered. Out of temper, out of money.) "Sonki" (a word never used, except in this proverb) is created out of "son" (loss, disadvantage) so as to rime with "tanki" (short [quick, hot] temper). (cf. "Health is wealth.") Pleasing sound is an important element of proverbs, political slogans or commericial catch-words. This is true of Japanese as of other languages. F. O. Colby says "the word physicists is one of the unloveliest sounding words in English"-this remark is interesting because it shows that the word has an unpleasant sequence of sounds not only for foreigners but also for native speakers (and specialists) of English. One thing which has caused me to write this article is a pair of words with-s's and-s' (e.g. Keats's and Keats'; Dickens's and Dickens')-how to distinguish each pair in usage and pronunciation. English and American people may write-s's, yet in pronunciation (at least, in their daily speech) they prefer-s' (an apostrophe has no connection with pronunciation cf. boys, boy's, boys',), especially in such words as Moses' and Ulysses'. The same preference for ease of pronunciation results in such forms as for Jesus' sake (instead of Jesus's) and axes, crises (instead of absurd axisis, crisisis). I have come to learn that an egg is a more pleasing combination of sounds than a egg ahd also learned that in French this phonetic phenomenon (liaison) is much more remarkable. I now write an apple without any conscious choice of the articles a, and an-write quite unconsciously and automatically, whereas my students do not-often they do not not notice their a apple until the mistake is pointed out by the teacher. Such problems as n-linking, (e. g. mine eyes), r-linking, and avoidance of the same sounds and of hiatus (e. g. r-dissimilation) are also to be included in euphony. I have come to no conclusion. I cannot by any means boast of a new and original view of euphony. Yet to me this is a subject full of linguistic and phonological interests-a subject on which I should like some day to write more extensively and (I hope) more systematically.
青木 淳一
横浜国立大学環境科学研究センター紀要 (ISSN:0286584X)
vol.24, no.1, pp.141-145, 1998

A soil zoological investigation was done under the Legacy Project of USA and 82 species of oribatid mites were collected from forest soils in the US Marine Corps located northeastern part of Okinawa Island. They contain one species new to Japan, Arborichthonius styosetosus Norton, and 28 species new to Okinawa Prefecture.
小栗 敬三
横浜国立大学人文紀要 第二類 語学・文学 (ISSN:0513563X)
no.12, pp.1-16, 1965-11

Japanese students of English, like most foreigners, are apt to use the strong form, when the weak form is required, in their pronunciation of English. They tend to pronounce the second syllables of purchase, village like chase, age and put the same vowel quality to the vowel "o" of confide, confidence; politics, political; come, welcome. Hardly any distinction is made between the vowel "u" of suppose and that of supper. In pronouncing I.P.A. [ə], we should be on our guard against the use of such vowels as [a], [ɑ] in place of murmuring obscure vowels. The strong [i] vowel is to be used in the first (not in the second) syllables of city, busy, women, pretty, etc. We have to learn that the weak form [əm] (and contracted form [m]) is usual in a sentence like I am [I'm] tired, whereas the strong form is always used in I really am tired. The same is true of is in Who is coming?-He is. It is well known that the pronunciation of British English has, on the whole, greater varieties of weak forms than the American pronunciation, in which the secondary stress is of greater significance. In this paper I have tried to point out, with many examples of words and sentences, the importance of learning and using the weak form, which plays a far more important role in the pronunciation of English than in other European languages and in Japanese.
佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.22, pp.149-163, 1982-10-30

Nowadays, there are two sport theories, so-called the compensation theory is rather widespread in the western sociology of sport, which is said the principal and function of modern sport lies in compensating hypodinamics (insufficient motor activity). And the other theory asserts that sport is a neutral zone for politically. Adherents of these theories ignor the fact that sport largely depends upon concrete historical socio-economic conditions. Accidentally, the boycott Moscow olympic game in 1980 presented us a actual problems about the relation of sport and politics. This suggest that sport is definitely not political, nor is politics free of sport. In above mentioned, this report aims to consider the relation of sport and politics by through the analysis of the sport ideology in the USSR.
上川 孝夫
エコノミア (ISSN:00129712)
vol.57, no.1, pp.75-93, 2006-05
山田 光義
横浜国立大学留学生センター紀要 (ISSN:13406493)
vol.4, pp.3-13, 1997-01

Lu Xun (1881~1936), a world renouned Chinese writer, came to Japan in 1902 to study to become a medical doctor. Later, however, he changed his mind and decided to be a writer. Although in Lu Xun's case his change of heart was approved, present interpretations of Japanese immigration law usually does not allow foreign students' changes of heart. This is due to the overriding emphasis on "the continuity of the purpose of study". This paper examines the reason behind Lu Xun's change of heart and proposes that the current policy of Japanese immigration authority be reconsidered to make the birth of another Lu Xun possible in the future.