高山 佳子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.23, pp.189-194, 1983-10-30
吉田 太郎
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.6, pp.39-59, 1966-12-26

During the period of about 260 years of the Edo Dynasty 1610~1868, there had developed throughout the country a total of over 15,500 Terakoya schools or private educational institutions for the public. The purpose of Terakoya schools was to give the mass of the people fundamental knowledge necessary for their daily lives as well as to teach them writing and reading. This was just what had happened with Writing schools or Reading schools found in the seventeenth-century Europe. At Terakoya schools in Japan the students were free to enter and to leave when they liked. The graduation from the same involved no social privileges of any kind on the part of the students. Most of such institutions were of one-room and one-teacher, with completely meagre educational content. One should not, however, overlook the fact that the prevalence of Terakoya schools in Japan had contributed towards a very small number of the illiterates, as compared with those of the world at large in its contemporary period. Some of the textbooks or readers used at Terakoya schools consisted of articles, dealing with works of great men in history or with main historical events of Japan. The present writer intended to analyze the content of such textbooks or readers, and to look into the educational influences such textbooks or readers had left upon the people. He regrets to say, however, that on account of the extreme shortage of relevant materials he has not been able to make researches into the actual curriculum building, and methods of examination as well as of evaluation of the results. In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the role of Terakoya schools was so important and their educational achievement was of such great magnanimity that in 1872, when western educational system was first introduced to Japan and the elementary school was made compulsory, the ratio of enrolement was extremely high, proving that Terakoya schools had cultured the enthusiasm of the people for the necessity of education.
緑川 伝作
横浜国立大学人文紀要. 第二類, 語学・文学 (ISSN:0513563X)
vol.8, pp.15-32, 1962-03-30

The title may seem somewhat ambiguous, but it really means Coordinate Conjunction 'But' weak in its function of introducing 'a statement of the nature of an exception, objection, limitation, or contrast to what has gone before'. The 'But' treated in this thesis is that which, in its function, has virtually lost its proper sense. Upon [A] and [B], except Matzner and Poutsma, most grammarians seem not to have touched. Moreover middle-grade dictionaries such as C.O.D., U.E.D., etc. have no mention of them. For the completion of this thesis I am greatly indebted to O.E.D., W.N.I.D. and Matzner. The examples cited in this thesis, except those which have such indications as O.E.D., W.N.I.D., Matzner, or cf. N.B., are all collected by me. They are mostly rather long, because I should like to make clear the context in which the word in question is used. Most English-Japanese dictionaries have taken up [A], though their explanations are not satisfactory. But we could hardly find any English-Japanese dictionary which has touched upon [B]. In view of the fact, I have devoted much more space to [B] than to [A] and treated [B] elaborately, giving as many and various examples as I can. The following is the outline of the present thesis: [A] 'But' after an interjection or exclamation: (a) Expressing some degree of the feeling of opposition, objection, protest, etc., that is, some degree of adversative feeling. (b) Expressing mere surprise. (c) Expressing mere recognition of something unexpected. [B] 'But' merely expressing disconnexion, or emphasizing the introduction of a distinct or independent fact: (a) Merely expressing disconnexion. (b) Merely emphasizing the introduction of a distinct or independent fact, (as the minor premiss of a syllogism), in short, marking a transition of thought.
室井 尚 吉岡 洋 秋庭 史典 佐藤 守弘 吉田 寛 小松 正史 安田 昌弘 島本 浣 吉村 和真 須川 亜紀子 カルパントラ ファビアン 大久保 美紀 丸山 美佳 入江 哲朗 ロート マーティン 簗瀬 洋平 井上 明人 小島 秀夫 バラカン ピーター 輪島 裕介 増田 聡 松蔭 浩之 前川 修 増田 展大

熊崎 美枝子

酒井 志郎 佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.17, pp.130-157, 1977-11-30

This Report aims to study about the Swimming Curriculum in the training Cource for primary School teacher in Japan. Collected Rate by mailed questinnaire are as 80.4% (37/46) of National universities and 56.25% (9/16) of private colleges. According to our studies approximately 70.2% of National universities Swimming curriculum is as a necessary Subject, 24.3% as an elective subject, and have no Swimming curriculum 5.5%. About contents of swimming curriculum many universities Lecture on 「swimming Medicine」 (92.3%), 「Method of swimmig coach」 (34.6%), 「Swimming Administration」 (42.3%) and 「Science of Swimming」 (34.6%), and to practice such as crawl stroke. Back stroke. Breast stroke, side stroke and so on. But Butterfly stroke is not one of a main program.
神田 茂
横浜国立大学理科紀要. 第二類, 生物学・地学 (ISSN:05135613)
vol.1, pp.97-106, 1952-03-25

Lists of meteorites in Japan, Korea and China have been compiled. A summary of the results reveals that the meteorites which have been studied so far are 30 in Japan, 3 in Korea, and 6 in China. Of the 29 witnessed to fall, 25 are aerolites, 1 is a siderolite, and 3 are siderites. Of those found whose fall was not witnessed, 2 are aerolites, and 8 are siderites.
小栗 敬三
横浜国立大学人文紀要. 第二類, 語学・文学 (ISSN:0513563X)
vol.12, pp.1-16, 1965-11-30

Japanese students of English, like most foreigners, are apt to use the strong form, when the weak form is required, in their pronunciation of English. They tend to pronounce the second syllables of purchase, village like chase, age and put the same vowel quality to the vowel "o" of confide, confidence; politics, political; come, welcome. Hardly any distinction is made between the vowel "u" of suppose and that of supper. In pronouncing I.P.A. [ə], we should be on our guard against the use of such vowels as [a], [ɑ] in place of murmuring obscure vowels. The strong [i] vowel is to be used in the first (not in the second) syllables of city, busy, women, pretty, etc. We have to learn that the weak form [əm] (and contracted form [m]) is usual in a sentence like I am [I'm] tired, whereas the strong form is always used in I really am tired. The same is true of is in Who is coming?-He is. It is well known that the pronunciation of British English has, on the whole, greater varieties of weak forms than the American pronunciation, in which the secondary stress is of greater significance. In this paper I have tried to point out, with many examples of words and sentences, the importance of learning and using the weak form, which plays a far more important role in the pronunciation of English than in other European languages and in Japanese.