網中 裕一 吉岡(小林) 徹
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.35, no.1, pp.77-95, 2020-05-01 (Released:2020-05-13)

This study addresses the potential of crowdfunding of scientific research as a complementary source of funding to competitive government-funded research grants. Although a growing number of academic researchers expect scientific crowdfunding to support academic research that is not funded through traditional grants, few studies have investigated the motives of crowdfunding contributors. This study develops hypotheses regarding the relationship between crowdfunding and its returns or emotional motivations. The hypotheses are tested using an internet survey of 3,443 Japanese citizens regarding their willingness to contribute to academic research. We controlled two biases, disinterest and acquiescence, in the responses by applying a randomized experiment method. Our results identify two influential determinants of both an interest in donating and the willingness to contribute, namely, research that increases empathy and research that contributes to global knowledge. We also find that returns from crowdfunding, such as increasing national scientific competitiveness, do not always drive donation behavior. The results confirm the usefulness of crowdfunding in supporting various types of academic research.
上山 隆大
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-73, 2013-09-30 (Released:2017-10-21)

The object of this short paper is to show a possibility for the historical approach to launch a research program in "Science for Policy in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy." How does writing a history resolve such highly modem problems as related to "Science and Technology" as well as "Innovation"? To answer this question, this paper proposes the method I would name "contemporary historical approach as a policy study." Obtaining policy expertise on science and technology has mostly depended upon the social sciences like economics and management, and other science studies. However, I would like to suggest that the historical approach is no less powerful than quantitative examinations by other social sciences for two reasons. First, policy-related investigations usually focus on what has happened during the recent couple decades, whose description itself can be regarded as a "contemporary history." Second, the evidence-based historical account can instill a sense of "reality" to understanding the background of policy analysis. The contemporary historical approach I would propose is not a simple reproduction of our past experiences. It would be most important to do as much data-collection and fact-findings as possible, to exploit memories of the interviewed persons, and to select only meaningful facts out of them. In so doing, this approach would bring in more realistic explanations to the current policy studies.
矢作 尚久 藤井 進 森川 和彦 川本 章太 加藤 省吾
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.1, pp.79-97, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-07-02)

The essence of digital transformation (DX) in healthcare is to technologize the "tacit knowledge of clinicians." In healthcare, the clinician's role is to accurately assess the patient's condition, determine the best course of treatment, and inform other healthcare professionals of what to do next. Then, the treatment process begins, and the patient finally leads to the behavioral change by the various healthcare players. Thus, since all treatment processes begin with the "tacit knowledge of clinicians," it is none other than the essential element of healthcare. Therefore, from the perspective of competitive strategy, it is also a key factor for innovation. Furthermore, it can become Japan's unique core competence when combined with the Japanese universal insurance system. This next-generation medical DX platform, centered on the "tacit knowledge of clinicians," will lead the world in the future as a cutting-edge intelligence system and as a brand-new universal health insurance model.
清水 洋 青島 矢一
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.27, no.3_4, pp.183-196, 2013-04-25 (Released:2017-10-21)

Management studies are concerned with analysis of individual enterprizes to understand their economic performance, while national science and technology policy, in contrast, aims at prompting science and technology for national economic growth. Today, however, as the relationship between technological advance and economic growth of a country is not straightforward anymore, and the science and technology policy increasingly more often needs coordination with other policy areas such as energy, environment or economy in general, the microeconomic findings from management studies become more important in policy formation. Findings from micro-analysis on the organizational behavior and the industrial dynamics will provide valuable insights and policy implications in ensuring science and technology policy to lead to the growth of the national economy and the competitive advantages of the firm.
筒井 晴香
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.37, no.3, pp.252-263, 2022-11-01 (Released:2022-11-14)

This paper provides an overview of the outline and current status of automated driving (AD) technology, and presents possible future issues for ELSI of that.First, an overview of AD, the background for social implementation, the aims, and the current status of social implementation is presented.Next, two reports on the ethics of AD published in Europe are introduced.Based on the above, several future issues are presented. First, I review the "E," "L," and "S" aspects of AD on responsibilities in an accident. Then, I hold that it is necessary not only to make adjustments for the acceptance of AD into society, but also to consider the necessity of its acceptance. Furthermore, I hold that the ELSI study of AD will lead to a reexamination of the automobile transportation system. Finally, I introduce a research project in Japan that are working on the ELSI of AD.
具 承桓
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.32, no.4, pp.360-379, 2017-12-28 (Released:2019-08-30)

This paper discusses the issues related to the trend and market development in EV. How do we understand this EV boom? We will concentrate on the following issues: (1) Why did China's industrial policy shift from a gasoline vehicle to EV? (2) What factors cause that change? (3) Why did Japan lag behind China in EV?China, which has a large population and a growing middle class, is likely to become a leading player in the future. But, the Chinese government faces many problems.The problems are serious air pollution problem, import natural energy, industrial competitiveness, and sustainable economic growth, and so on. To solve the problems, The Chinese government is implementing industry policy focused on EV, especially battery EV. On the other hand, the characteristics of Japanese automobile market have the late installation of EV charging infrastructure, a long-time consumption, and relatively small market, and so on. These are the reasons why Japan (or Japanese maker) is slower than China (or Chinese maker) in the early stage of EV diffusion.In conclusion, this stage is not EV boom but the take-off of EV in the innovation diffusion process. Given the uniqueness of the Chinese market, we should observe the market with the focus on sales rather than the supply rate. Also, we should pay more attention to the role of government as a resource allocation coordinator in the transition period of an industrial ecosystem.
鈴木 せいら 赤池 伸一
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.3, pp.345-355, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-21)

Japan's science, technology, and innovation policies have reached a major turning point in response to the progress of social globalization, digitalization, AI, and life sciences, as well as the trend of rapid social transformation through innovation. The "Basic Act on Science and Technology" which stipulated the basic matters for policies related to the promotion of science and technology in Japan substantially revised the "Basic Act on Science, Technology and Innovation." This change was the first substantial reformation of the law in a quarter of a century. Based on this amendment, the Basic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation was approved by the Cabinet in March 2021. This paper describes the background and history of the law. It also provides a brief overview of the Sixth Science and Technology Innovation Basic Plan, and summarizes the status of our response to the issues and recommendations for the plan as presented in our journal, the Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, Vol. 34, No. 3, and in the Annual Conference. The plan consists of three pillars: strengthening of innovation, strengthening of research capabilities, and education and human resource development. Although there is no major difference in principle between the issues and recommendations presented by the conference and those described in the Basic Plan, it is thought that further discussions are necessary for concrete measures.
宮崎 正也
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.3, pp.317-332, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-21)

The number of business establishments in the automobile parts industry located in the Central Japan area has reduced by nearly half over two decades. While the business situation was expected to intensify in the late-2010s, there are some exceptional companies having successful high performances. This paper focused on such high performers of Tier2 firms in the area, and then it described eight Tier2 firms' strategies as the case studies based on our interview with their top managers. Furthermore, organizing the results in order to extract a mid-range theory of the strategy, this paper applied QCA (qualitative comparative analysis) to the interview data. As a result, we identified the strategy configurations adopted by high-performing Tier2 firms and classified them into four types. This paper identifies the strategy combinations that are likely to be effective for small and medium-sized firms such as Tier2 firms.
安田 聡子
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.3, pp.290-307, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-21)

This paper attempts to demonstrate that university-industry (U-I) linkages take multifaceted forms simultaneously spanning across the whole spectrum beyond the usual understanding of industry-funded joint research and commercialization of intellectual property rights. It unveils a variety of informal knowledge-transfer channels, most of which had rarely been investigated. The analyses are on the various records regarding multiple types of U-I collaborations between Mutoh-Umemura Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of the University of Tokyo and various companies and corporate scientists during 1941–1977. The channels analyzed include "consulting," "laboratory equipment and materials granted by companies," "accepting corporate scientists into university labs for training purposes," "employment of graduate students and their continued research in corporate labs," "recruiting university professors to industry labs," "regular research meetings," and "relationship cultivation among professors, alumni, and corporate scientists."
長根(齋藤) 裕美
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.3, pp.222-239, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-21)

This paper focuses on "researchers" at universities, and provides an overview of the historical changes in the researcher training system and the changing environment for researchers, especially from around the 1980s to the present, based on literature and data. In particular, it will focus on the training system for researchers, the labor market and career paths of Ph.D. holders, changes in faculty organization, research time, and university staff supporting research. The researcher training policy of the past 40 years has produced young researchers who cannot find stable jobs at universities even after obtaining Ph.D. and who have no prospects for the future. In addition, industry has not been actively recruiting doctoral students. On the other hand, researchers who have found jobs at universities also face a challenging research environment, and the severity of the situation increases. It is not easy to conclude that these consequences depend on a series of university reforms but the decline in Japan's research capabilities has been pointed out worldwide. In light of the fact that it is researchers who support scientific research, there is a need to redesign the research system from the perspective of researchers.
小久保 欣哉 松田 裕之 岩田 幸訓
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.1, pp.47-58, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-07-02)

In the IoT ecosystem built by data platformers, algorithms are building further competitive advantages in large-scale teacher data and machine learning by increasing predictability through self-enhancement actions. It is hard to say that Japanese companies have a strong presence in the platform business, and it is not easy to build an advantage for Japanese companies from the viewpoint of population size and language. Therefore, in the business area which does not necessarily depend on large-scale data, we constructed deferred acceptance (da) algorithm and sought the area in which the optimal allocation of resources can be realized by providing them. As a result, it was suggested that the current assignment can be significantly improved by using the da algorithm. Japanese companies wonder if they can build a competitive advantage by steadily creating optimal algorithms in fields that do not rely on large-scale data or machine learning.
稲水 伸行 塚本 裕介 牧島 満 里 政幸
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.1, pp.32-46, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-07-02)

This paper uses data from about 1,000 people obtained under the declared state of emergency to compare 1) a group that had telecommuting experience before the Corona disaster and was telecommuting under the declared state of emergency, 2) a group that experienced telecommuting for the first time, and 3) a group that was working in an office. First, the results show that an abnormal level of telecommuting was taking place under the declared state of emergency, which has not been assumed by existing studies. Second, people who were in the office communicated more, but incidental communication could be compensated to some extent by the experience of telecommuting. Third, unexpectedly, telecommuting for work that was thought to be only possible in the office led to a positive psychological state. Based on these findings, we will discuss how COVID-19 will change the way we work.
立本 博文 平井 祐理 生稲 史彦
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.1, pp.5-16, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-07-02)

This paper investigates the impact of big data on the business performances of Japanese companies by using the dataset of the questionnaire surveys conducted by RIETI in 2017 and 2020. There are three key findings.First, the companies that benefit from big data have not been significantly increasing. But the majority of the companies expect to expand their data use in the future. The fact indicates that the base of data utilization in Japan is growing with expectation.Second, measuring companies' data capability by data analytics competency (DAC) scores, we found the difference between manufacturing and service sectors. The DAC's effect in the service sector is statistically positive, whereas that in the manufacturing sector is not. This suggests that the benefit of data utilization is much evident in the service sector than that in the manufacturing sector.Third, by plotting the DAC scores of each sector on the data capability map, we found out the similarity and superiority among sectors. From the map, financial and information sectors have similar data competencies and relatively superior to other sectors in the light of data utilization.This study gives a good starting point for future research on sector comparison of the impact of big data and firms' capacity of data utilization.
村上 由紀子
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.35, no.3, pp.357-371, 2020-12-16 (Released:2020-12-26)

This study demonstrates a relationship between researchers' international mobility and the use of international knowledge exchange networks (IKNs) in order to contribute to evidence-based policymaking. While previous studies focused on collaborative research networks and citation networks for articles and/or patents, this study targets IKNs, which the Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan aims to develop. The study analyzes a sample of approximately 1000 researchers from national universities and laboratories in Japan, finding that having over a year of overseas research experience increases the likelihood not only of connecting to IKNs but also of having strong ties within IKNs. This study also finds that researchers' abilities and research environments, in addition to the type of research institutes for which they work, affect the use of IKNs. On the basis of these findings, this study suggests the implementation of policies that support international mobility and improve the research environment.
金間 大介 高野 里紗
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.35, no.3, pp.339-352, 2020-12-16 (Released:2020-12-26)

Ever since the enactment of the Science and Technology Basic Plan in 1996, university-industry (U-I) collaboration in Japan has shown the stable expansion although Japanese economy has experienced a few depressions. In this research, aiming to grasp the details of U-I collaboration in Japan and provide new evidences and knowledge to the discussion on policy making, a large dataset of U-I collaboration contract from a large research university is deeply analyzed. A total number of 4,412 research contracts for 10 years from 2005 to 2014 is investigated, and categorized into four types based on collaborative behaviors of university researchers and firms. As a result, various patterns on U-I collaboration have been observed, and outputs from such collaborative researches have been also diversified. For the future study, joining with other datasets such as patents and objective of U-I collaboration will be required, and more precise analyses should be conducted.
枝村 一磨
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.35, no.3, pp.316-328, 2020-12-16 (Released:2020-12-26)

In this study, the empirical analysis of the effect of industry-university collaboration on the research productivity of firms is carried out using Japanese firm-level panel data. In consideration of estimating the model in which the dependent variable is the number of patents and the number of papers, the panel-Poisson model, which is a count data model, was used for estimation. As a result, industry-university collaboration has a positive effect on R&D productivity of firms. Even if the scale of R&D input, the firms' absorptive capacity, and the industry characteristics and time trends are controlled, the number of patents and papers by firms publishing with university are larger than that by firms with no publication by industry-university collaboration. The number of patents and papers by firms collaborating with university tends to be larger than that by firms not collaborating. The same results could be found in the effect of the number of industry-university collaborative papers, the number of industry-university joint patents, and the amount of research expenditures paid to universities on the number of patents and papers by firms.
高田 広章
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.32, no.3, pp.309-315, 2017-10-31 (Released:2018-04-01)

This paper explains the history and future of automotive embedded systems from the viewpoint of Cyber Physical System (CPS) and describes the development issues of embedded control systems focused on the model-based development and difficulties of specification definition.
氏田 壮一郎
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.36, no.4, pp.378-389, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-03-15)

This study aims to clarify the process of sharing and evaluating subtle massage comfort in the massage-chair development. As a result, the designers acquire sensory criteria while accumulating experience through new product development cycles. They evaluate massage action by the prototype function based on their experimental criteria. And many massage techniques are realized as the state of components or digital codes and are shared within the development department. By combining them, new massage functions are multiply created. At the final stage, the development manager evaluates the prototype massage function and totally optimizes to enhance the comfort of the product. From this case, it is clarified that this massage function development is the process which involves both manipulating the realized part and evaluating the massage action based on the shared experimental criteria.