大和 健二
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.61, no.3, pp.254-265, 1970 (Released:2010-07-23)

In order to investigate diurnal rhythm of urine excretion, 47 patients were studied. The results are summerized as follows:1) The excretory patterns of urine volume during 24 hours in usual life were classified into five types. They are the nocturnal oliguric type, 9p.m.-3a.m. oliguric type, 0a.m.-6a.m. oliguric type, nocturic type and flat type. The subjects without renal insufficiency showed the nocturic type invariably.2) In the subjects without renal insufficiency, two excretory patterns of total solute were noticed, the first type with maximum excretion at noon, the second type with maximum excretion in the morning and evening, in contrast with various types of volume.3) The graphic relation between urine volume and total solute excreted in hourly fraction of urine in usual life clarified the facts that there were two groups independent of types of excretory pattern of volume, one showing a straight line in distribution and the other showing a shift to the right. The total solute in fractions of urine at night was less than that in daytime in each group.4) Two subjects were kept under a constant water load. From the observation of graphic relation between urine volume and total solute excretion in this experiment, the shift of fractional urine to the right was revealed to be water dieresis.5) Three subjects were kept under a constant water load and pitressin was injected subcutaneously, and then each subject reached the state of osmotic diuresis in maximum antidiuresis by exogenous ADH.One subject received constant infusion of 2.5% saline under restriction of water. He represented osmotic diuresis in maximum antidiuresis by endogenous ADH. From the observation of graphic relation between urine volume and total solute excretion in these experiments, straight linear distributions were thought to be chiefly due to osmotic diuresis.6) In usual life, water diuresis and osmotic diuresis, the rate of Na and total solute excretion into urine was almost constant. From the result that total solute and Na excretion were increased in parallel after administration of hypertonic saline, it is assumed that Na is related to total solute excretion.From the above results it is thought that diurnal rhythm of urine excretion comes essentially from osmotic diuresis due to diurnal rhythm of total solute excretion but, to some extent, the latter varies with water diuresis.
松永 武三
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.56, no.11, pp.1209-1224, 1965-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

1) Seventy-nine cases of congenital sexual abnormalities have been experienced in recent six years (1958-1964).They are 15 cases of female pseudohermaphroditism, 13 male pseudohermaphroditism, 5 true hermaphroditism, 7 gonadal dysgenesis, 4 agonadism, 14 hypergonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis and 21 hypogonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis. Cytogenetical study was made in these patients as well as in normal adult males and females, and patients with hypospadia, cryptorchdism, vaginal defect and hymenal atresia.2) The nuclear chromatin was determined on buccal smears of these patients by the rapid staining method devised by the author.Advantages of this method are ease in securing suitable cells and rapidity and simplicity in preparation. Therefore, it is used in massexamination or screening test for the various sexual abnormalities.3) Chromosomal counts and karyotyping were carried out by the short term method of Moorhead et al. on cultured leucocytes, and the chromosomes were prepared by the air drying method and arranged in seven groups according to their length and centromere position.The classification is a slight modification of the international system of nomenclature of human mitotic chromosomes adopted in 1960 in Denver, Colorado.4) The phenotypic males with hromatin-negative nuclei are revealed in all cases of male pseudo-hermaphroditism, 3 of gonadal dysgenesis, 7 of hypergonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis and in all 21 cases of hypogonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis. The phenotypic females with chromatin-negative nuclei are revealed in 4 cases of gonadal dysgneesis, 4 of agonadism and one of true hermaphroditism, and the phenotypic males with chromatin-positive nuclei are revealed in 3 cases of ture hermaphroditism and 7 of hypergonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis. The phenotypic females with chromatin-positive nuclei are revealed in 15 cases of female pseudohermaphroditism and one of true hermaphroditism.5) Five cases of true hermaphroditism, 6 of gonadal dysgenesis, one of agonadism and 7 of hypergonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis showed abnormal sex karyotype: that is, 4 cases of phenotypic female gonadal dysgenesis and a 45/XO chromosomal constitution. Four cases of true hermaphroditism had the basic diploid number of 46 and an XX sex chromosome constitution and one had a 46/XY. Two cases of the phenotypic male gonadal dysgenesis showed a sex-chromosome mosaicism, which had a 46, 45/XY, XO. Agonadism had a 45/XO chromosomal constitution, and 7 cases of hypergonadotrophic testicular dysgenesis had a 47/XXY.This type of 46, 45/XY, XO mosaicism has not previously been reported.6) The correlation of sex-chromatin patterns and sex chromosome constitution was discussed, hypothetical mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of abnormal sexual development are reviewed, and the role of chromosomes in human sexual development is briefly discussed.

1 0 0 0 OA 単睾丸症例

片山 喬 石川 堯夫
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.53, no.8, pp.569-572, 1962 (Released:2010-07-23)

A 33 year old male visited our clinic with the complaint of sterility and the congenital absence of the right testicle. The patient was hospitalized for exploratory laparotomy and the congenital defect of the right testicle was confirmed by the operation. With the case report, we considered the anorchidism embryologically and its developmental correlation to the cryptorchidism.
瀧田 徹 近藤 厚生 成田 晴紀 小林 峰生 小谷 俊一 三矢 英輔
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.70, no.6, pp.648-654, 1979 (Released:2010-07-23)

The conventional theories on the quantitation of the urethral resistance have been reviewed. The urethral resistance could be theoretically induced from the bladder work done during the voiding. Furthermore a hypothetical diagram has been proposed with the correlation between bladder work and urethral resistance, which might be of value to differentiate the type of micturition disturbance.
丹田 均
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.12, pp.925-943, 1971-12-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
2 2

1) A slight modification of competitive protein binding assay for plasma testosterone of Maeda was studied. 0.25ml of male plasma was sufficient for the assay.2) The change of plasma testosterone level by aging was studied in men. The prepubertal level was 80.92±44.12ng/100ml. That sharply increased between 15 to 19 years of age and reached to the maximum level (670±239.11ng/100ml) in twenties. And then it was gradually decreasing with age. The level in sixties was 334.16±77.54ng/100ml.3) The decreasing process of plasma testosterone level after castration was examined in detail. A 50% deduction was found after 2 to 6 hours and plasma testosterone level reached the prepubertal boy's level after 12 to 24 hours.4) The effect of five days' H. C. G. (5, 000IU) administration on plasma testosterone concentration in normal adult male was studied. The increase in the plasma testosterone level was persistent for a few days even after the cessation of administration.5) After intramuscular injection of 100mg of testosterone propionate the rise in the plasma testosterone level in two normal males rapidly reached a peak in 1 to 5 hours and declined to the base line level in 48 hours. However, in castrated patients, the level slowly reached a peak after 8 to 12 hours and returned to the normal value after 36 to 48 hours.
加藤 哲郎 渡辺 泱 島 正美 海法 裕男
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.9, pp.704-707, 1971-09-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 4

Transsection of the hypogastric nerves and/or pelvic nerves was performed on 18 adult male dogs. Prostates were removed on the 7th, 14th and 21st postoperative day to examine histologically.The denervation caused severe structural changes on the dogs prostate, which could be summarized as follows.1. Atrophy of the epithelium as well as myxomatous degeneration resulting in proliferation of collagenous fibers in the stroma was the most prominent finding commonly seen in the various denervating groups. Since cystic dilations of the prostatic gland or capillaries were indefinitely observed in some cases, these findings could not be confirmed as typical changes caused by the denervation.2. The degenerative changes were recognized on the 7th day and more conspicuous on the 14th day after denervations. On the 21st postoperative day, however, the degeneration of prostatic tissue became considerably slight.
梅原 次男 熊本 悦明 丸田 浩 大野 一典
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.76, no.5, pp.635-644, 1985-05-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 1

1968年4月から1984年3月までの16年間に当科で手術療法を行った尿道下裂症例61例, 及び male hermaphrodism 28例の計89例につきレ線学的に後部尿道の形態を中心に比較し, 両疾患の境界点を検討した. 検討内容は, 両疾患における vaginal rest の合併頻度 vaginal rest の大きさ及びその後部尿道への開口部の位置である. 又, 併せて先天奇形やIVPの異常頻度も検討した. 結果は, 以下の如くであった.(1) Vaginal rest の合併頻度は glandular 25%, penile 29%, penoscrotal 43%, scrotal 71%, perineal 100%で尿道下裂と male hermaphrodism 全体では, 84%であり下裂の程度が高度になるにつれ, 合併頻度も高い傾向にあった.(2) 停留睾丸の合併は, 尿道下裂41%, male hermaphrodism で85.7%であった.(3) IVPの異常は, 尿道下裂21.4%, male hermaphrodism で21.4%であった.(4) Vainal restの大きさを後部尿道の長さに対する相対比で比較してみると, 尿道下裂では, 後部尿道に対して2/3以下であるのに対して, male hermaphrodism では2/3以上であった.(5) Vaginal rest の後部尿道への開口部の位置を検討してみると, 尿道下裂では, 正常の vermontanum に開口していたのに対して, male hermaphrodim では, 外括約筋へ近づいて開口している結果であった.以上の結果より, 尿道下裂を male hermaphrodism と臨床上, 区別するとすれば, vaginal rest の大きさが後部尿道の長さに対して2/3以下であり, vaginal rest が正常の vermontanum に開口することが, 一応の鑑別点になると考えられる.
三品 輝男 渡辺 泱 荒木 博孝 都田 慶一 藤原 光文 小林 徳朗 前川 幹雄
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.72, no.10, pp.1256-1279, 1981-10-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 1

前立腺癌の高危険度群を知る目的で, 学歴, 職業, 収入, 信仰, 結婚状況, 性生活, 食生活, 身体状況, 既往歴および家族歴を重点調査目標とする111項目よりなる独自の前立腺癌疫学調査用質問用紙を作製し, インタビュー方式により, 前立腺癌100例と, それらの症例に年齢と現住所を一致させた正常対照者100例とを対象に, matched pair analysis による case-control study を行つた. その結果, 前立腺癌群において正常対照群よりリスクが高いと考えられたのは, 次の諸点であつた (危険率10%以内のものにはアンダーラインを付さず, 危険率5%以内のものにはアンダーラインを付した).1) 職業については管理的職業に従事せず, 軍隊歴がなく, 染料を取り扱つたことがある. 2) 収入については, むしろ低い. 3) 結婚状況については, 早婚で, 結婚継続年数が長い. 4)性生活については, 最初の性交年齢が若く, 青壮年期の性交回数は多いが, 老年期に入ると性交回数が少なく, 性活動停止時期も早い.5) 食生活については, 魚介類はあまり摂らぬ西欧型の食事内容で, 緑黄色野菜の摂取が少なく, 香辛料や塩つぱいものを好む. アルコール, 喫煙はあまり関係がない. 6) 既往歴としては, 前立腺肥大症およびロイマの既往あり. 7) 学歴, 信仰, 身体状況および家族歴には特記すべきものはなかつた.すなわち前立腺癌の高危険度群は, 特に性生活と食生活に特異なパターンを有する人達であることが明らかになつた.
樋口 照男 木村 明 林田 真和 舘百 合子
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.77, no.9, pp.1455-1460, 1986-09-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

当科では1980年1月より1985年8月までの間に685例の患者に対し計1, 194回の経直腸的超音波断層検査を行い, 得られた断層像より前立腺重量, 前後径左右径比, 仮想円面積比等を計測してきた。前立腺癌症例19例, 手術適応となった前立腺肥大症症例42例, 前立腺炎症例145例, 正常例180例の計測結果を集計し, 以下の知見を得た.1) 前立腺炎症例では正常例に比べ, 重量は低値, 前後径左右径比, 仮想円面積比は高値を示したが, いずれも有意ではなかった.2) 前立腺癌症例, 前立腺肥大症症例とも, 正常例, 前立腺炎症例に比べ, 重量, 前後径左右径比, 仮想円面積比がいずれも有意に増加していた。3) 前立腺癌症例では前立腺肥大症症例に比べ, 前後径左右径比, 仮想円面積比の増加の割に重量があまり増加せず, また仮想円面積比が同程度であっても前後径左右径比がより増加していた.
真嶋 光 鈴木 康義 折笠 精一
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.77, no.1, pp.114-124, 1986

種々の毒素, 酵素等の細菌産生物のラット膀胱上皮に及ぼす影響を走査電顕で観察し, 又尿路感染症患者13人の尿中 endotoxin 濃度を測定した.<br>1) 急性膀胱炎患者尿中には0.01~1μg/ml, 複雑性尿路感染症患者尿中では0.1~10μg/mlと正常人尿中の0.001μg/ml以下に比してて高濃度の endotoxin が存在した.<br>2) 細菌浮遊液 (E. coli 07 10<sup>8</sup>/ml) 及び細菌培養濾液 (endotoxin 濃度1~5μg/ml) のラット膀胱内注入では, 表層細胞表面の microplicae の腫脹, 上皮細胞の膨化及び剥離, 赤血球及び白血球の出現等の所見が両者で同程度に認められ, 4時間後には膀胱の約半分を占める部で変化を認める激しいものであった. 細菌浮遊液注入時の細菌の上皮への付着は経時的な上皮の変性に伴って増加した. 4.4×10<sup>4</sup>/mlの細菌浮遊液注入での変化は軽微であり, endotoxin (5μg/ml) では中等度の変化を認めた.<br>以上の結果は細菌の存在なしに, 細菌培養濾液中の種・々の毒素, 酵素等の細菌産生物が膀胱上皮の変化を引き起こした事を示しており, またこの変化が細菌付着及びそれに続く細菌感染の引き金となる可能性が考えられる. この様に尿中の高濃度の毒素, 酵素は高濃度の細菌と協同して臨床的にも膀胱炎発症に重要な役割を果していると推定された.
小柳 知彦 石川 登喜治
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.64, no.1, pp.67-74, 1973 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 1

153 female patients with recurrent urinary infection were seen between July 1971 and December 1971 at the Urology clinic of the Hokkaido University Hospital. The age distribution was from 2 year-to 76 year-old. 25 cases harbored well explicable underlying conditions for recurrent infection. Other 128 cases required more detailed functional studies to explain its pathogeneses and to outline the proper treatment. Distal urethral stenosis, the majority of which was found in women over 50 year old, was thought to be etiologically significant in only 12% of the cases. Faulty voiding habit either by infrequent voiding or by frequent holding of the urge to void, was the primary cause of recurrence in 48%. Latent uninhibited ngB was found in 10%. Success rate in the prevention of recurrence was increased by the regimen of frequent voiding among infrequent voiders and by the concommitant administration of anticholinergic in patients with uninhibited ngB. The role of hydrostatic pressure must be a significant factor in patients with recurrent urinary infection.
高山 秀則
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.77, no.11, pp.1840-1850, 1986-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

ヒトおよびラットの精巣内毛細血管の透過性および精巣, 血液関門の構造を硝酸ランタンを動脈側より注入灌流するか, 精巣組織を直接に硝酸ランタン液内に浸透させ電子顕微鏡的に観察した. また, 精巣毛細血管の通常電子顕微鏡観察をすることによって血液関門としての微細構造につき検討した.ヒト精巣毛細血管ではすべての毛細血管にランタンの透過性を認めるのではなく, 一部のものに限られた. しかも, 毛細血管を透過したランタンは間質組織を通過し, 精細管内に達するものはみられなかった. ITCとPTCとでは透過性の相違は認められなかった.ラット精巣毛細血管はITC, PTCの区別なくランタン透過性は良好で, 血管外に透過したランタンは間質, 精細管壁を透過し, 精細管内のセルトリ細胞間の特殊結合部位で停止した.ヒト, ラットの精巣毛細血管の微細構造は本質的には同様であるが, 内皮細胞間の結合様式に相違が認められた. つまり, ヒトの場合には tight junction や desmosome 様の結合様式をとることが多いが, ラットの場合には gap junction の形態をとることが多い. ここにランタン透過性に相違が認められる根拠があると考えられる.ラットの精巣毛細血管は精巣・血液関門としての機能を有しないが, ヒトの場合に不完全ながら関門としての機能を有し, 能動的な物質交換の場となり得ると考えられる.
山田 哲夫 田口 裕功 臼田 和正
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.73, no.2, pp.216-220, 1982 (Released:2010-07-23)

硬結がほとんど全部の陰茎海綿体に及んだ成形性陰茎硬結症の1例を報告した. これに対し, 亀頭及び尿道海綿体を残し大部分の陰茎海綿体を切除した. 術後約2年を経過し性交は不可能であるが陰茎痛や排尿困難は消失し, 陰茎の形状も保たれている. 陰茎と皮膚の血管病変は膠原病の血管病変と類似し, 成因として膠原病が考えられた.
神代 元彦
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.21, no.7, pp.337-346_1, 1932 (Released:2010-07-23)

Der 42jährige Patient hat seit 18 Lj, mehrmals Gonorrhoe gehabt. Im 39 Lj. trat Verminderung der Projektionskraft des Harnstrahls und daran anschliessend eine akute Harnverhaltung auf. Im letzten Jahre. kam eine Anschwellung in der Perinealgegend vor und der Harnstrahl wurde wieder kraftlos. Nach der Applikation der Umschläge auf die Perinealgegend hörten diese Erscheinungen auf. Seit einer Woche traten wieder die Anschwellung der Perinealgegend, Dysurie und partielle Harnverhaltung mit Schüttelfrost und Fieber auf. Die perineale Anschwellung wurde injidiert und eine grosse Menge von Eiter und ein bohnen-grosser Stein entleert.Bei diesem Falle ist der Stein nicht in einen präformierten, autochthonen paraurethralen Abszess hineingestürzt, sondern der Abszess ist durch den Druck des Steins, der anfangs in der Urethra lag, auf die Schleimhaut der Urethra entstanden und nachher der Stein ist in diese Abszesshöhle hineingestürzt.
木村 行雄 宮田 宏洋 安達 国昭
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.63, no.5, pp.343-345, 1972 (Released:2010-07-23)

The peripheral nervous controls of seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation were examined experimentally and the hypothesis reported in the previous paper was confirmed.Methods: The hypogastric nerve and the fibers entering the hypogastric plexus which were grouped and referred to as the central branch of the hypogastric plexus and the lateral branch were exposed and sectioned. After 1-4 weeks postoperatively, the penis of the operated dogs was manually stimulated without anesthesia and changes in ejaculation were observed.The results obtained are as follows:i) Section of the bilateral hypogastric nerves. Ejaculation did not occur after 1-4 weeks postoperatively. Disappearance of ejaculation was found to be due to retrograde ejaculation, i. e. regurgitation of the semen into the bladder, but not due to the loss of seminal emission.ii) Selective section of the nerve fibers entering the hypogastric plexus.In the dogs whose median branch was cut, ejaculation occurred just like before section of the branch. No retrograde ejaculation occurred in these dogs. In 5 dogs whose lateral branch was sectioned, ejaculation disappeared in all dogs. In 3 of the 5 dogs retrograde ejaculation occurred and in a dog many spermatozoa were found in the urethra. In only one dog emission disappeared completely.From these results it is concluded that the nerve fibers controlling seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation may take different passways above the hypogastric plexus and these results also confirmed those reported in the previous report.
坂 義人
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.64, no.10, pp.829-836, 1973-10-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

Bactericidal activity of iodic antiseptic, Isodine, was stuied by a method similar to that of the Phenol Coefficient. In the early stage of the experiments, bactericidal activity was found to be very labile. After many experiments however, it was found that the dark violet color of Isodine was faded by the peptone in the Trypticase-soy-broth and its bactericidal activity was reduced. To avoid the effect of peptone the saline was used to emulsify the colonies on GAM-agar-plate. 1, 000 times diluted Isodine killed P. aeruginosa (8 strains), E. coli (NIHJ JC-2) and S. aureus (FDA 209-P) within one minute. But 5, 000 times diluted Isodine could not kill those bacteria within 15 minutes. No difference of bactericidal activity was observed between 20°C and 37° incubation.By mixing serum or urine with Isodine, the fading and the reduction of bactericidal activity also occurred. The fading by protein (+++) urine was stronger than that by protein (-) urine. Just as soon as the material was mixed, the fading came to end.50 times diluted Isodine, faded by urine containing protein (-), (+) (++) and (+++), killed P. aeruginosa (Tsuchijima) within one minute but 500 times dilution could not kill it within 15 minutes. 100 times dilution killed it within 3 minutes when mixed with protein (-) and (++) urine. But the same solution could not kill it within 15 minutes when mixed with protein (+) and (+++) urine.The degree of fading was examined when 50 times diluted Isodine was used for the bladder irrigations in a man and a woman with protein (-) urine. The fading occurred very strongly in the first and the second irrigation but weakly in the subsequent irrigations. When the bladder of a man with protein (++) urine was irrigated previously with distilled water twice and then Isodine was used, the fading hardly occurred.
天野 正道 田中 啓幹 高田 元敬 森永 修 三宅 清 木下 博之 絹川 敬吾 別所 敞子 松本 明
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.79, no.5, pp.832-840, 1988-05-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

急性精巣上体炎の原因微生物として Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) の占める割合を明らかにするために自験例42例 (平均年齢35.8歳) を対象に尿道よりのC. trachomatis の検出と血清抗体価測定を実施し以下の成績をえた. 1) C. trachomatisは18例中6例 (33.3%) より検出され, 血清抗体価を全例で測定しその陽性率は, IgM 19.0%, IgA 38.1%, IgG 66.7%であった. 年代別では抗原, 抗体共に年代が低いほど, 陽性率が高い傾向を認めた. 2) 各抗体価の経時的推移を7例につき最長4カ月観察した. 4倍以上の推移をみた症例数は, IgM 2例, IgA 1例, IgG 3例で, いずれかの抗体価が4倍以上の推移を示したのは7例中4例であった. 3) C. trachomatis が検出された6例の平均年齢は23.0歳 (18~31歳), 血清抗体価陽性症例はIgM 2例, IgAとIgGは全例であった. 膿尿は5例で認め, 一般細菌培養では検討した4例で起炎菌と推察される細菌は証明されなかった. 4) 急性精巣上体炎中C. trachomatis 感染症の占める割合を検討した. C. trachomatis 検出症例は6例, IgM抗体価陽性症例は7例, IgA抗体価陽性症例は5例, 以上18例はC. trachomatis 感染症と診断され全症例の42.9%に相当した. 著者らの検討ではIgG抗体価陽性症例中約80%が最近の感染による抗体価上昇と考えられ, それらを加えると44例中28例 (66.7%) がC. trachomatis 感染症と推察された. 若年者 (35歳以下) の本症ではC. trachomatisによるSTDとして捕え, 対処すべきとの考えを支持する成績であった.
石井 延久 光川 史郎 白井 将文
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.68, no.2, pp.136-144, 1977 (Released:2010-07-23)
5 6

For the differential diagnosis of organic and functional impotence, we have used radioisotope penography to determine their rates of increase in penial blood flow at erection. In a further attempt to achieve the aim more conveniently, we recently tried to trace change in penial skin temperature concomitant with erection in 33 subjects, including 22 with impotence, 5 with Klinefelter's syndrome and 6 control cases.The trace in penial skin temperature—named as penothermocurve—was obtained after a visual sexual stimulation (V. S. S.). By way of comparison, radioisotope penography was applied in 23 of 33 test subjects.The results showed that, 6 among the 22 impotence cases who had no past ailments predisposed to organic impotence, revealed an average rise of 1.58°C in penial skin temperature after V. S. S., of 13 others with past history of trauma or others who were likely to lead to organic impotence revealed an average 0.77°C in penial skin. Of remaining 3 cases with psychotic impotence, an average temperature rise was 0.73°C. An average temperature rise of 5 Klinefelter's syndrome cases was 1.16°C after V. S. S. The 6 control cases revealed an average temperature rise of 1.28°C.In the 23 cases with radioisotope penograms, 15 B-type cases had an average rise of 1.23°C, while 6 A-type cases had an average temperature rise of 0.68°C. The other 2 cases without any responses in radioisotope penogram had an average temperature rise of 0.3°C after V. S. S.It has thus become evident that the cases with increasing penial blood flow with V. S. S. showed proportional increases in penital skin temperatures, indicating a satisfactory consistency between our tracing of penothermocurve and the radioisotope penography test in distinguishing functional from organic impotence. Our penothermocurve method, free of technical difficulties in handling R. I., simple and practicable anywhere, would be worthy of recommendation in objective differential diagnosis between functional and organic impotences.
中田 康信 高村 孝夫 宮田 昌伸
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.77, no.10, pp.1585-1591, 1986-10-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

特異的に勃起させる陰茎海綿体神経を電気刺激する実験をイヌを用いて行ない, 勃起時の血流動態について検討した. 今回の実験では, 1) 内陰部動脈血流, 2) 海綿体組織血流, 3) 海綿体内圧, 4) 全身血圧を測定した. 電気刺激後16.95±6.39sec (mean±SD) して海綿体内圧が急激に上昇し始め, その後ゆるやかに上昇し最高圧に達する. 拡張期血圧を100とすると海綿体内圧の最高値は90.8%であった. 内陰部動脈血流は, 刺激と同時に増量がみられ, 海綿体内圧が上昇するころには下降し始める. 完全勃起時には勃起前に比べわずかに増加している程度であった. また海綿体組織血流は完全勃起時は非勃起時に比べ低い値であった. 一定の海綿体内圧を設定した条件下では電気刺激直後, 内圧の下降が認められた. 以上より電気刺激による勃起時には流入血液量の増加と海綿体洞の拡張が重要な働きをしていることがわかった.