滝澤 聡子
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.55, no.1, pp.293-309, 2005-05-25
林 怡蓉
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.104, pp.183-195, 2008-03

In this paper, I examine the actual situation of tobacco advertisement controls and the process of formation of the controls in Japan. Using an analysis of the representation of smoking manners advertisements, I aim to answer this following question by analyzing the representation of smoking manners advertisement. The questions: why did the problem of smoker's manners turn out to be the main focus of discussion regarding tobacoo advertisement, instead of the health problem involved? Japan Tobacco Inc. Together with the Ministry of Finance has announced the message that tobacco is one of the nonessential items for adults. At the same time they have published advertisements regaqrding smoking manners have consideration towards other people and environment when smoking.
河野 通弘
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.36, no.1, pp.71-119, 1985-03-20

It seems to be very difficult in the Japanese criminal procedure that the accused has an opportunity to controvert the propriety of the issued warrants in the proceedings before trial. In the American judicial system, however, the defendant aggrieved by an unreasonable search or/and seizure with a warrant may make the challenge to the "sufficiency" and "veracity" of the affidavits underlying the warrant in the pre-trial suppression hearings. The author intends to clarify what principles base the right of challenge to warrants through the examination of informant's cases in the United States of America, and thereby help the solution of the same problem in the Japanese criminal justice. This paper is contended as follows : Introduction I. Preliminary Considerations 1. Pre-trial Proceedings in Federal System 2. Informants II. Challenge to Warrants 1. Availability of Hearsay Evidence in Warrant Affidavits 2. Challenge to the Sufficiency of Affidavits (1) Sufficiency Challenge (2) Two-pronged Test for Probable Cause 3. Challenge to the Veracity of Affidavits (1) Cases before Franks v. Delaware (2) Franks Decision III. Principles of the Right of Challenges Conclusion
岡 俊孝
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.37, no.2, pp.279-315, 1986-06-30

The first three chapters of this study have been printed in the last issue of this journal, in which the author made it appear that since the spring of 1932 the Fascist Italy's designs for the Ethiopian conquest had gradually found a shape and that in the fall of 1934 Mussolini and his Ministries of Colony and Foreign Affairs as well as the Military Services had assumed that they would open war against Ethiopia within two years or so. He also showed that the leadership of the Italian government had regarded it as of primary importance for its foreign policy to obtain the British and French consent before the conquest. In the third chapter, he traced the development of Mussolini's negotiations with Great Britain and France in the first half of 1935 and found that Fascist Italy had hardly been able to obtain the British agreement. In the fourth and fifth chapters, the author examines the way in which Italy's image of Great Britain was confused through the summer of 1935 and how and why the relations between the two powers were growing more strained. The author's paper consists of following chapters : I. Introduction. II. Fascist Italy's Designs for the Ethiopian Conquest. III. Mussolini's Negotiations with Great Britain and France. IV. Change of Italy's Image of Great Britain-from Confusion to Confrontation. V. Anglo-Italian Tensions and Mussolini's Vacillasion. VI. The Brink and Escape from Collision. VII. The Structure of the Mediterranean Crisis-A Chicken Game. VIII. Conclusion.
岡 俊孝
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-34, 1986-03-20

Since the unification of the Italian Peninsula, friendly relations with Great Britain had been one of the basic principles of the modern Italian foreign policy. In the Fascist era, this principle remained a pivot of Italy's foreign policy until the Ethiopian crisis of 1935. Although it had been no secret for many months that Benito Mussolini was preparing the conquest of Ethiopia, Great Britain did not venture to prevent the disaster until the summer of 1935 when she finally decided to reinforce the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean by sending a great number of vessels of her Home fleet thereto. This British decision and Mussolini's reaction to it threatened the longtime good relations between Italy and Great Britain. This paper proposes to examine the nature of this Mediterranean crisis between these two powers, both of which had vital interests in this region. In particular, this study is a reexamination of Fascist Italy's motivations, purposes, and tactics in this crisis as well as the British 'appeasement' policy toward Italy on the eve of the conquest of Ethiopia. The author's paper consists of following sections : I. Introduction. II. Fascist Italy's Designs for the Ethiopian Conquest. III. Mussolini's Negotiations with Great Britain and France. IV. Change of Italy's Image of Great Britain-from Confusion to Confrontation. V. Anglo-Italian Tension and Mussolini's Vacillation. VI. The Brink and Escape from Collision. VII. The Structure of the Mediterranean Crisis-A Chicken Game. VIII. Conclusion. The first three chapters of this study are in this issue; and the latter part will appear in the next issue of this Journal.
岡 俊孝
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.38, no.4, pp.609-654, 1987-12-20

This is the third and last part of the author's paper on the Mediterranean crisis between Italy and Great Britain just prior to the outbreak of Mussolini's aggression of the Ethiopian Empire in the autumn of 1935. In the sixth chapter, entitled 'The Brink and Escape from Collision', the author describes, first, how the conflict escalated in mid-September after Foreign Minister Hoare made a speech before the League Assembly and the British naval power was reinforced in the Mediterranean, and then, how the Anglo-Italian dispute de-escalated at a fairly rapid rate in the end of September. In the seventh chapter, the author describes the structure of the Mediterranean crisis at its final stage as a game of 'chicken' for both sides, and explains why the participants of this crisis could reach a solution, temporary though it was, employing bargaining strategies through conciliatory influence efforts by each. The author's paper consists of following chapters : I. Introduction. II. Fascist Italy's Designs for the Ethiopian Conquest. III. Mussolini's Negotiations with Great Britain and France. IV. Change of Italy's Image of Great Britain-from Confusion to Confrontation. V. Anglo-Italian Tensions and Mussolini's Vacillations. VI. The Brink and Escape from Collision. VII. The Structure of the Mediterranean Crisis-A Chicken Game and Bargaining. VIII. Conclusion.
長田 典子 井口 征士 藤澤 隆史

「音を聴くと,色が見える」という現象は「色聴(colored hearing)」と呼ばれており,心理学の分野で共感覚(synesthesia)の1つ,すなわち1つの感覚が本来独立であるはずの別の感覚を喚起する興味深い現象として知られている.本研究では,色聴現象の中でも音楽の調性に対して色を感じる現象に注目し,脳機能イメージングを行った.音楽聴取時の色聴保持者において,色知覚部位であるV4連合領域(V4/V8/V4R)および右下頭頂小葉・補足運動野・小脳の3つの部位から色聴保持者特有の賦活を確認した.これに基づき色聴のメカニズムを提案した.
久米 暁
関西学院哲学研究年報 (ISSN:02892928)
vol.40, pp.1-19, 2006

山路 勝彦
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.101, pp.43-67, 2006-10

In its efforts to appeal the success of Japanese colonial policies, the Empire of Manchuria joined in various kinds of expositions held in Japan since the Taisho period. The main purpose of joining in these expositions was to display the rich mining and agricultural resources of Manchuria. Under colonial rule by the Japanese militarists, Manchuria was a country situated as a provider of natural resources for Japan. Manchuria had another opportunity to represent itself by showing a different culture from that of the Japanese. When the Chicago world exposition titled "a century of progress" was held in 1933, Manchuria joined in this fair to declare itself as an independent country, displaying its historical and cultural heritage as different from the Chinese and Japanese. In 1934, a unique exposition was held in Dalian (Dairen in Japanese) of Manchuria. In this exposition, not only mining resources but also native folk customs, such as shamanism of the Mongols, Orochen, or Koreans, were displayed as a part of Manchurian culture. Thus, Manchuria showed complicated features in each exposition.
小國 英夫
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.105, pp.15-30, 2008-03

Although social welfare in Japan is aspiring to a new direction, with a Nursing-care Insurance System (executed in 2000) and a Disabled-Persons'-Independence Support System (executed in 2006), and so on, based on "recipient / patient autonomy," Japan's geriatric welfare remains traditionally bound by "Peternalism" and a "Protectionist Principle" and in the nearly 8 years which have elapsed since the Nursing-care Insurance System was put into operation has not yet conquered these constraints. Sinxce the fall of 1997, the writer objected that at the center of the implementation of the "My Care Plan" in the Nursing-care Insurance System, mental "self-rule" - "autonomy" (i.e., recipient-autonomy based) - should outweigh physical "self-standing" - "independence" - for geriatric welfare as well. In such movements as Independent Living for Challenged Persons, and so onm, this view was emphasized and practiced from early on. Whether or not disability welfare and geriatric welfare can assume completely identical viewpoints, fundamentally many of their viewpoints can be shared apropos of "human beings' ways of life." The writer wishes to contend that a geriatric welfare that progresses with welfare fror challenged children and others in a directio of mutual ideological and systemic based has tremendous value for social welfare and for raising Japan's social welfare to an international standard.
難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.100, pp.181-189, 2006-03-15

In the 1970s, some young people began to take pleasure in creating Japanese words coined with the suffix '-er'. For example, there were readers and contributors of "Bikkurihouse" magazine, who were called "(Bikkuri-) houser", first by editors, and then even by themselves. In this era, coinages with '-er' were alternatives for labeling the youth by adults or the mass media. In the 1980s, such puns and word-plays were diffused among young people. In the middle of the 1990s, the new words, 'Chaneller' and 'Amuror', were used by young people and immediately became vogue-words through the mass media. The former meant fans of 'Chanel' brand and the latter meant wannabes of 'Amuro Namie', who was the singer and dancer most popular with teenage girls at that time. Afterwards, many new coinages have been made by this word formation, 'brand name +er' or 'celebrity's name +er'. In the end, the genealogy of Japanese coinages with the suffix '-er' resulted in the emergence of fandom following certain brands or modes advocated by celebrities through the mass media.
太田 莉加 西本 実苗 井上 健
vol.31, no.1, pp.83-96, 2005-03-25

今回の研究では,私立の4年制K大学に通う学生316名(男性105名,女性211名)を対象に,独自に作成した(1)ペット飼育に関する実態調査と(2)対ペット尺度,そして(3)MPI,(4)GHQ 30,(5)UPIの5種の質問紙を用いて一斉調査を行った。その目的は,大学生におけるペット飼育の実態を明らかにすること,外向性一神経症的傾向といった側面からの飼い主の性格的傾向や,ペット飼育による心身両面への効果を検討することであった。また,対ペット尺度を作成することで,ペット飼育による人への影響が,具体的にはペット飼育のどういった側面と結びついているのかも検討することとした。実態調査から,現在ペットを「飼っている」者は被験者全体の31.6%(100名),「実家で飼っている」者は10.8% (34名),「以前飼っていたが今は飼っていない」者は25.9%(82名),「飼ったことがない」者は31.6%(100名)であることが明らかとなった。飼っている(た)ペットの種類においてはイヌが圧倒的に多く,それは飼いたいペットにおいても同様であった。また,現在ペットを飼っていない人における飼っていない理由としては,住んでいるところがペット禁止であるからといったものが多かった。今回,飼い主とペットとの関係を客観的に捉えるために対ペット尺度を作成したが,それについて因子分析を行った結果,3因子が抽出され,57項目中39項目が選出された。抽出された3因子については,項目の内容からそれぞれ,肯定的感情因子,関係性因子,スキンシップ因子と命名した。ペット飼育とMPI, GHQ, UPIとの関係を見たところ,ペットを飼う人は,飼ったことがない人よりも,神経症的な傾向が強い人やストレッサーに敏感な人が多いのではないかと考えられた。よって,もともとそういった特徴をもった人がペットを飼う傾向があるのではないかと思われた。対ペット尺度とMPI, GHQ, UPIとの関係を見たところ,飼い主の飼育態度と心身状態の関係は,ペットを現在「飼っている」のか,あるいは「実家で飼っているのか」といったことや,飼い主が飼育当時どの発達段階にいる(た)のかといったことと関係しているかもしれないということが考えられた。また,イヌとネコとで飼い主の飼育態度が異なるということ,異なる特性をもつペットを飼う人にも異なる特徴があるかもしれないということが考えられた。これらのことから,ペット飼育のどういった側面が人へ影響を与えているのかといったことについては,ペットを飼育している(た)時期(飼育状況)やペットの種類によって異なるであろうと推測された。以上をふまえ,今後,青年期にあたる大学生を対象に,更なる調査を行い,ペットによる人への影響をより詳細に見ていきたい。