ウド ヤンソン 平松 毅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.50, no.2, pp.461-472, 1999-06-30
三谷 紗世
関学西洋史論集 (ISSN:03860043)
vol.30, pp.37-52, 2007-03

Artemisia Gentileschi is an important Baroque woman painter who painted some dramatic pictures of Judith, a biblical female 'hero', under the influence of Caravaggio's realism. She, however, was ignored by the 20th century art historians until in the 1970 's, when she was rediscovered by the feminist art historians as a female 'hero' of feminists. In this article, I wish to reevaluate Artemisia in the context of Firenze history, mainly focusing the images of Judith who she painted. How do we explain Artemisia's realism? Why did she make up her originality which was very different from her master, Caravaggio? All Judith images of hers are very realistic, which gives powerful and victorious elements to her works. Her realism was also emphasized by some violent elements. According the art interpretations, Artemisia's Judith had been believed to express her emotion of revenge to her rape experience for a long time. But, can we explain her realism only by taking up her personal unfortunate experience? Judith as a saint patron in Firenze has the dual images of virtues and vices. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth century, she was a symbol of victory and welfare as a patron of the Medici as well as of the Firenze's people. In the days when the Medici was ousted, however, she was also ousted as a symbol of violence. The relationship between Judith and Firenze or the Medici corresponds to that of Artemisia's. In those days, painters were craftsmen/craftswomen rather than artists. Even Artemisia was not free from her patron, Cosimo II, who wished to get back the time of Medici's prosperity, by evaluating the symbolism of Judith. In conclusion, Artemisia's realism on Judith will be explained only by considering how Judith was recognized by Cosimo II, Firenze's people, and Artemisia in the context of seventeenth century Firenze history.
柚木 学
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.28, no.2, pp.439-464, 1974-09-28
平山 健二郎
経済学論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.58, no.2, pp.29-62, 2004-09

The purpose of this paper is to review the historical evolution of the Quantity Theory of Money. I argue that one of the central tenets of the Quantity Theory is the neutrality of money which was also the maintained hypothesis of the Classical and Neoclassical Economics. Despite criticisms from Keynes, the Quantity Theory has revived itself in the form of Monetarism since the 1960s which is now the cornerstone of modern macroeconomics. However, Quantity Theory/Monetarism implicitly assumes the exogeneity and controllability of the money supply. These properties are increasingly cast into doubt as the range and magnitude of inside money (bank deposits and similar financial instruments) have substantially expanded.
陣内 正敬
言語と文化 = 語言与文化 (ISSN:13438530)
vol.11, pp.47-60, 2008-03

難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.100, pp.101-132, 2006-03-15

In the 1990s, a certain type of highschool girl was called 'Ko-gal'. They were the center of attention during this decade. They were identified as wearing remodeled school uniforms, in particular 'cho mini(-skirts)' and lloose(-socks)', had sun tanned skin, and dyed their hair. Furthermore, they were considered to loiter on street corners or at fast-food shops in the Shibuya area with their friends all night long. The mass media, especially magazines for adult men, represented them as being easy to love and sometimes prostituting themselves. While the mass media bashed them, micro- or niche media, such as pagers, mobile-phones, Pri-kura, and several magazines featuring them, were frequently used to connect them with each other. They had their counter-part 'Gal-o', who always paid attention to be loved by (Ko-)gals. If it couldn't be regarded as drastic gender confusion, at least, the Kogal phenomena caused a gender panic. In contrast, during the 1990s, young men didn't have any movement of their own. With the exception of some shopowners in the ura-Harajuku area, who as gurus of style and taste of life, influenced a certain type of young people who didn't like to wear popular clothes favored by the majority. Such gurus created or selected clothes, shoes and accessories basically for men, collected their favorite things, and recommended some records, books and various goods through micro- or niche media and word-of-mouth communication, as Ko-gals did. They were influenced by youth sub-cultures in the USA and in the UK, i.e. hip-hop, biker, surfer, skater, punk etc. It seems that they attempted to reconstruct masculinity in the new era as non-white-collar heroes. A certain type of young girl shared their taste as well.
亀田 啓悟 松下 泰章
Working papers series. Working paper
vol.40, pp.1-19, 2008-04

伝統的な経済理論に従えば政府財政の悪化は長期金利を上昇させはずである。しかしOECD諸国中最悪の財政状況にあるわが国の長期金利は、依然として低位安定を続けている。本稿ではWachtel and Young (1987)等を参考に財政赤字と長期金利に関するイベントスタディーを行い、財政赤字の悪化が長期金利に与える影響を分析する。財政赤字の予想値には財務省の『予算の後年度歳出・歳入への影響試算』による4年度先財政赤字予想値を、長期金利には10年物国債の最長期物利回りを利用した。実証分析の結果、国債市場の整備がほぼ完了したとされる2000年以降において、財政赤字の予期せざる1兆円の変化が、長期金利を約0.15〜0.25bps上昇させることが確認された。この結果は、海外の先行研究結果と比べ小規模な反応であるものの、昨今の日本の低金利を考えると妥当な反応と思われる。
森脇 俊雅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.58, no.1, pp.344-321, 2007-04

The purpose of this paper is to explore the power relationship between mayor and local assembly in pre-war Japan. It is often said that mayor is more powerful than local assembly in contemporary Japan. However, it had been said that local assembly was more powerful than mayor in pre-war Japan. Why local assembly was so dominant in pre-war Japan? This paper attempts to explain the relationship by studying the selection process, term and background of mayor. 1 The Purpose of This Paper 2 Local Government System of Pre-war Japan 3 Selection of Mayor 4 Governors and Mayors of 6 Prefectures in Kinki Area 5 National Trends 6 The Cases of Conflict between Mayor and Local Assembly 7 Conclusion
上宮 智之
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.58, no.4, pp.109-132, 2005-03-20

It was in Mathematical Psychics that F. Y. Edgeworth first gave the "Box Diagram". However, this "Box Diagram" looks different from what we call the "Edgeworth Box Diagram" today. The conventional interpretation says that his competitive recontract model is a "provisional recontract model," and his "Box Diagram" has some relevance to the "Edgeworth Box Diagram". These notions were criticized by Tarascio, Walker and Jaffe in the 1970s. Through an exact reading of Mathematical Psychics, anti-conventional interpretations can be denied on the whole.
浜野 研三
関西学院哲学研究年報 (ISSN:02892928)
vol.37, pp.49-62, 2003-06-10

三浦 麻子 平石 界 樋口 匡貴 藤島 喜嗣

本研究計画は,心理学,特に社会心理学領域における,実験結果の再現可能性の検証を組織的に実施する世界規模の再現可能性検証プロジェクトに参画するために,日本における拠点を構築するものである.具体的には,追試研究の実施の拠点となる研究者ネットワークを形成し,標準化された刺激・手続きの日本語版を作成し,手続きの共有と結果の蓄積・公開をインターネット上で実現する.2017年度の研究実績は,以下の3点に集約できる.まず,自分たちの手で着実に再現可能性の検証を積み重ねるため,標準化された刺激・手続きを共有しうる追試研究を事前登録の上で実施し,その成果を日本社会心理学会の年次大会で3件報告し,参加者と活発な議論を行った.次に,心理学における実験結果の再現可能性検証の重要性に対する認識を普及させるための取り組みを行った.特に今年度は,心理学の関連領域の学会誌(ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌)特集号への招待論文の掲載や関連する内容を取り扱った著書や翻訳書の刊行,インターネットラジオ番組への出演など,心理学を超えた周辺領域や心理学に関心をもつ一般市民をも視野に入れた活動を展開した.そして,結果の再現性に疑念のある研究ばかりが追試されがち(そして,再現されないという結果が公表されがち)な現状を憂慮し,心理学の今後の発展のためには,頑健な再現性をもつだろう研究の再現可能性にも注目すべきという信念を持って,その追試マテリアルを作成することにも注力した.この作業は現在も進行中で,2018年度にはAdaptive Memoryに関する実験のマテリアルが完成する予定である.
永田 彰三
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.52, no.1, pp.23-35, 2002-05-10
志村 洋

柴田 愛子 曽山 典子 岡村 誠 森 徹

我々の研究は、法や規則やモラルに反した行為、例えば、いじめが行われている状態を考える。この違反行為を知りながら傍観する傍観者達の行動を進化的非協力ゲームとしてモデル化し、実験で検証した。この理論によれば傍観者が(1)いじめを報告する(2)報告しない(3)確率p^*で報告するの3つの状況はNash均衡である。しかし、3番目の均衡は進化的不安定な均衡(evolutionarily unstable equilibrium)である。そして、日本人大学生を対象とした8回の実験結果から、いじめを排除するサービスは公共財であり、傍観者の生徒からのいじめについての報告が増える条件は、(1)いじめを報告したときの費用(仕返し等)が小さい。(2)生徒がいじめを傍観することから受ける不効用が大きい(3)教師がいじめを取り上げるのに至る必要な最小報告生徒数が少ないことなどが判明した。しかし、最も重要な結論は、(4)クラスの規模が小さくなれば、協力的行動が増え傍観者が減る結果である。この結論は学校のクラスの小人数化政策を支持する。3回の国際学会で報告され、カルフォルニア大学のDaniel Friedmanとイエール大学のShyam Sunderが高く評価した。(論文は英文で投稿中)これらの結果が、日本人に特有なものか否かを調べる為に、現在までに3回の国際混合実験が行なわれた。実験1は関西学院大学(1998.9.24)で、日本とドイツの大学生10名ずつ、実験2はドイツAugsburg大学(1999.9.6)で、日本人大学生10名、ドイツ人大学生8名日本人留学生2名、実験3が天理大学(2000.11.8)で日本、中国、台湾の大学生を40人集めて実施された。その結果、事前協議効果は同国人と外国人に関係なく存在する。また、異なる国籍のメンバーが同一グループを形成する場合、信頼感が薄くなることが判明した。
前野 育三
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.41, no.4, pp.707-741, 1990-12-20

1. The daily life of citizens and the police 1) Public peace-its two aspects The duty of the police is to maintain the safety of the life, body and property of people. This is called "chian (public-peace)" in Japanese. The Japanese word "chian" is used in two meanings. A first is the safety of citizens' life. A second is to preserve a political order that the governing classes request. Activities of the police are concerned in both the sides, as the word "chian" has two meanings mentioned above. The police has so big an authority and equipment that democratic control is important. 2) Characteristics of the Japanese police Many people point out that the Japanese police conciders it important to stick to citizens, and esteem service activities to a citizen as characteristics of the Japanese police. Activities of police box (koban) in Japan are pointed out as significant by Walter L. Ames and David H. Bayley. But the esteem of the service activities is the only one side of the Japanese police. It has a political character in another side. 3) The police as a power organization We can not imagine a modern society without police. It is expected that the police system expands still more. The expansion of the police system easily invites the expansion of abuse of the police power. It will be adequate to distinguish the abuse of the power in the process of the legitimate police activity and the political police activity. 2. The abuse of the police power 1) Juvenile police The Juvenile law has a policy to restrain the police power to the minimum. However, juvenile police activities are spreading to the wide range of juvenile "protection", today. And they produce numerous human right infringement cases in the process of the "protection" on one hand and the investigation on the other hand. 2) Traffic police It is the traffic police division that has the closest relation with citizens. It gives rise to many cases where an ordinary nonpolitical citizen has antipathy to the police. 3) Detective police The four cases that changed from capital punishment sentence to acquittal with a review continued. They showed that a innocent person could be convicted to a capital punishment. It is obvious that courts are finally responsable for these error convictions. But the original cause is found in a process of an investigation on the part of police. Illegalities and defects of an investigation bring forth error conviction. Especially an evil of an overestimating a confession in investigation must be pointed out. It is admitted in Japan that a police detention cell is a substitute for a jail. It is a hotbed of false confessions. 4) Self-righteous attitude of the police We observed infringements of human rights by police in various aspects. The biggest problem is the self-righteous attitude of the police whose infringements are pointed out. The police protects a policeman who infringes human rights and it does not accept criticism from the outside. It is even hostile to a citizen that protests against the infringement. Such an attitude of the police is generated from the lack of respect for human right and citizen sense. The insufficiency of the inspection within the police organization encourages it. And the fact that the police is an especially powerful organization makes it possible. 3. Political police "Public safety" is easily changed to the maintenance of a political profit of a particular governing class. The political police can not be restricted to activities of one division. The political police watches out for the political activities including meeting/association of citizens. Such activities can not be justified under the Constitution that secures people sovereignty principle and a basic human right. A watchout activity of the political police is mainly directed to a labor union and a reformist party. The Japanese police as a whole has a trait peculiar to the political police. 4. Emphasis on the community relations The emphasis on the commun
西川 啓司
美学論究 (ISSN:09113304)
vol.17, pp.(巻末よりの頁付)31-48, 2002-03
柳内 隆
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.32, no.1, pp.293-340, 1981-03-27

Aujourd'hui, on fait beaucoup de critiques sur la theorie d'Althusser, lesquelles se montrent en deux tendances; l'une est du groupe des sympathisants d'Althusser, par exemple J. Ranciere et E. Balibar. Ils apprecient, au fond, la theorie d'Althusser, mais leurs critiques tendent a sa theorie de l'ideologie et de l'Etat. Ils pretendent qu'il n'y a pas, theoriquement' d'attitude en rapport avec la lutte de classe. L'autre tendance de critiques se trouve en ceux qui refusent la doctorine d'Althusser en definissant sa methodologlie comme structuraliste (H. Lefevre et J. Lewis). Dans cet article nous allons examiner principalement le premier cas et, en analysant les oeuvres : "Ideologie et Appareils ideologiques d'Etat" (L. Althusser), "Sur la theorie de l'ideologie d'Althusser" (J. Ranciere), et "Etat, Parti, Ideologie" (E. Balibar), nous allons considerer le probleme de l'Etat moderne. Introduction I La Theorie de l'Etat et de l'ideologie chez Althusser II La critique de Ranciere sur la theorie d'Althusser III L'etude de la theorie de l'Etat chez Balibar -sur <<Etat, Parti, Ideologie>>- (1) Pas de <<theorie de l'Etat>>? (2) Les deux reptures (3) Du <<parti-conscience>> au <<parti-organ isation>> (4) De l'organisation au l'ideologie (5) Ilussion ou inversion politique Conclusion