岡 俊孝
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.40, no.4, pp.841-885, 1989-12-20

Few studies have been made of the foreign policy of the Japanese Empire toward Italy and Ethiopia during the Italo-Ethiopian conflict which moved Benito Mussolini to the fateful conquest of Ethiopia in October 1935. This study is a reexamination of Japan's diplomacy toward Italy and Ethiopia as well as the latters' reactions thereto prior to the beginning of the Italo-Ethiopian war. The author's paper consists of following sections : I. Introduction. II. Italian-Japanese Relations before the Italo-Ethiopian Conflict. III. Ethiopia and Japan. IV. Ambassador Sugimura's Remarks and their Repercussions. V. The Mediterranean Crisis and Italo-Japanese Relations. VI. Conclusion.
宮平 光庸
関西学院経済学研究 (ISSN:02876914)
vol.28, pp.93-140, 1997-12

清滝 ふみ
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.57, no.2, pp.27-46, 2003-06-25

This paper examines why the trade off between incentives and job assignment causes the Peter Principle (where people are promoted to their level of incompetence). It develops a model in which the employer cannot write long-term wage contracts. Under the incomplete contract, employees tend to under-invest in the firm-specific human capital. We show that the employer distorts the assignment in the direction of the Peter Principle to improve this hold-up problem.
山路 勝彦
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.97, pp.25-40, 192, 2004-10-28

This paper is concerned with the Colonial Exposition in the early 20^<th> century in Tokyo and Osaka. The content is as follows: 1. The Colonial Exposition in 1912/13 The Takusyoku Hakurankai, held in Tokyo in 1912, was the first Colonial Exposition in Japan, the purpose of which was to display special products from colonies such as Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria. This exposition was aimed to provide an opportunity to demonstrate that the Japanese government had succeeded in ruling these colonies. 2. Anthropologists and the Display of Aborigines It is quite interesting that many physical anthropologists at Tokyo University, like Tsuboi Shogoro, worked together with the government staff, displaying aborigines from the colonies as if they were just exhibits. These anthropologists were delighted that they had an opportunity to measure the parts of the bodies of aborigines. The Tokyo Anthropological Association issued commemorative postcards entitled "Aborigines in Japanese colonies". 3. Aborigines in Expositions in the Syowa era Aborigines of the Colonial Exposition were just like a display in a museum, showing their costumes or their features for the Japanese people. However, the situation changed slightly in the Syowa era. In those days, aborigines joined in events of various expositions, performing their traditional music and dances on the stage planned by entertainers in a funny style. Aboriginal dancers were no longer silent objects of exhibition.
難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.95, pp.217-225, 2003-10-28

In British society, class culture still has not lost its significance, whereas matters of gender, ethnicity and generation are becoming relatively more important. In particular, working class culture has maintained its vitality and many people are proud of their sense of belonging to the culture, though heavy or mining industries have declined. In this note, I survey recent studies concerning working class culture and derive three points as follows. Firstly, now class is not only an issue of production but also one of consumption or taste. As a result, many people construct themselves at will as members of the working class, though in some cases they are white collars workers or students. Although some manual workers earn more money than office workers or teachers, they recognize themselves as working class. Secondly, the representations of working class cultures in films or TV dramas revitalize and reconstruct them. Lastly, now the barrier of gender becomes lower, even in working class culture, so lasses or 'laddette' culture has emerged as the counterpart of lads culture, which means masculine working-class men's culture. In conclusion, whereas the aspect of 'class in itself is decreasing now, the aspect of 'class for itself is increasing. So, in British society class cultures will be alive for a while.
亀田 啓悟
Working papers series. Working paper
vol.38, pp.1-24, 2008-02

本稿では、わが国の民間消費に対する非ケインズ効果の存否をSolved-out型消費関数を応用したHjelm(2002)の手法で実証分析した。わが国経済を対象とする先行研究はすべてPerotti (1999)のオイラー方程式を応用した方法のみが採用されており、この点が本稿における新たな試みである。この結果(1)わが国においても財政再建時に非ケインズ効果が発生しており、構造的基礎的財政収支対GDP比の前年度変化1%、あるいは前年との累積変化1.5%の改善は民間消費を約1%改善する、(2)財政再建規模を同0.8%、1.2%にすると利用するデータによっては非ケインズ効果の発生は確認できず、非ケインズ効果を期待するならばより大規模の財政再建が必要である、(3)非ケインズ効果の発生は財政再建の構成やその時期の為替レート変化、公的債務残高とは無関係であり、規模のみが重要である、(4)財政拡大期には非ケインズ効果は確認できない、の4点が明らかとなった。
関谷 一彦
言語と文化 = 語言与文化 (ISSN:13438530)
vol.9, pp.77-94, 2006-03-01

Quarante-cinq ans environ se sont ecoules depuis le proces intente contre l'editeur et le traducteur qui publierent une traduction de Sade au Japon. Pourquoi done revenir sur ce proces aujourd'hui? Quelle valeur peut avoir une etude qui reconsidere ce qui a alors ete en jeu? La societe japonaise a beaucoup change depuis lors et avec elle le discours sur la sexualite. Il est par exemple inimaginable de nos jours qu'une traduction des oeuvres de Sade fasse l'objet d'une attaque judiciaire pour obscenite. L'objet d'une telle attaque menee par le pouvoir n'est plus aujourd'hui un texte litteraire, mais des photos, des videocassettes, des DVD et surtout des images sur l'Internet. Mais tout compte fait, bien que l'objet de l'enquete ait change, le systeme de surveillance qui prend pour cible l'obscenite reste inchange dans la societe japonaise. Get article a donc pour but de reflechir sur la question de l'obscenite a travers la discussion qui oppose la position juridique et la position litteraire dans le proces de Sade au Japon. La question de l'obscenite est au centre du proces. Du cote du procureur, on considere la traduction de Shibusawa, Suite des Prosperites du vice-l'Histoire de Juliette, comme obscene; du cote de la defense des accuses, cette oeuvre ne l'est pas. La discussion tourne cependant en rond. Pourquoi? Parce que les deux points de vue sur la question ≪Qu'est-ce que l'obscenite?≫ sont tres eloignes l'un de l'autre. Cette difference montre bien, me semble-t-il, la difference qui existe entre le point de vue du droit et celui de la litterature. Le point de vue juridique fait intervenir naturellement l'interpretation des lois. Il cherche une coherence a l'interieur de la logique juridique qui est de nature metaphysique et scolastique par la forme. Tandis que le cote de la defense des accuses insiste sur l'arbitraire de ce concept d'obscenite. Mais ce schema qui oppose le cote du procureur et celui de la defense des accuses se reproduit a l'interieur meme du cote de la defense des accuses, avec d'un cote les avocats et de l'autre les hommes de lettres. La logique des avocats suit en effet le meme cheminement que celle du procureur. Ainsi cette profonde opposition entre la position juridique et la position litteraire eclaire-t-elle bien le point essentiel du probleme de l'obscenite. Point essentiel qui est le suivant: qu'est-ce qui excite le desir sexuel? Nous envisagerons cette question plus universelle et que la discussion au centre du proces de Sade met en lumiere, pour ensuite proposer notre propre reflexion sur la question de l'obscenite.
橋本 信之
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.41, no.4, pp.801-848, 1990-12-20

1 Introduction 2 Niskanen Model 3 Assumption of Budget-Maximizing Behavior 4 Assumption of Bureaucrat's Complete Dominance and High-Demand Committee 5 Concluding Remarks
橋本 伸也 野村 真理 小森 宏美 吉岡 潤 福田 宏 姉川 雄大 梶 さやか

村田 治
經濟學論究 (ISSN:02868032)
vol.60, no.4, pp.37-66, 2007-04

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the mechanism of the Juglar cycle. To do this, first of all, we show the existence of the Juglar cycle in the post-war period in Japan. Until now, the Juglar cycle in the post-war period was shown in terms of the investment-GDP ratio. Instead of this, we will indicate the existence of the Juglar cycle in terms of 16 periods moving average of GDP growth rate. Moreover, we will show the cyclical relations between the GDP growth rate and the capital stock growth rate. In order to give a theoretical explanation for these cyclical relations, we will set up the model with the capital stock adjustment principle and make use of the limit cycle theorem of Poincare=Bendixson.
吉川 仁
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.47, no.1, pp.287-320, 1996-03

In Mabo v. Queensland of 3 June 1992,the High Court of Australia handed down a decision of great import to the future of Aboriginal land rights in Australia. In a six to one majority, the Court held that the Meriam people of the Murray Islands retained a native title to their land which was not extinguished by the annexation of the Islands to the colony of Queensland in 1879,nor by subsequent legislation. In reaching this decision the High Court rejected the concept of terra nullius (land belonging to no one) that has been long-established and accepted in cases before the Mabo decision. It is my opinion that Mabo decision has significant relevance to the issue of the land rights of the Ainu people in Japan. So, in this article I summarize the Mabo decision and make comments concerning especially the doctrine of terra nullius, the extinguishment of native title and the need for compensation based on wrongful extinguishment of the title in the decision.
難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.96, pp.163-178, 307, 2004-03-25

"Taiyo-zoku (The Sun Tribe)' was the first major youth subculture in postwar era Japan. It was named after a novel "Taiyo-no-kisetsu (The Season of the Sun)" written by Ishihara Shintaro in 1955 and made into a movie in 1956. The novel and movie depicted the lifestyle of bourgeois or middle class young people. In the same year, many Taiyo-zoku movies were released and Shintaro's younger brother, Ishihara Yujiro, became one of the most popular movie stars. Many young people were influenced by Yujiro's style. Later, in 1964, many male high teens gathered, chatted and tried to pick up girls around the Ginza Miyuki street corner in Tokyo. They were called the 'Miyuki-zoku'. Their clothes were a collage of Ivy Leaguers' fashion or European suit styles. Their fashion and behavior were boosted by "Heibon Punch", which was started as a young men's magazine, in particular for "The Dankai Generation" a. k. a. the Japanese baby boomers. None of these zokus were long-lived. But they were not peripheral phenomena, because they reflected some important points of Japanese society in those days. Firstly, they symbolized the transition of a major factor of youth subculture, from class to generation. Secondly, they suggested the change of a major role of youth subculture, from Tokyo-born young to Tokyo-goers. Finally, they reveal the change in fashion trend-setting, from trickle-down to bubble-up. The former means that fashion trends are spread from the upper class to lower class. The latter means that trends are born in the street and then the fashion industry picks them up. In spite of these changes, those two zoku were malecentered. Even among young people, a new view of gender did not appear until the late'60s.

4 0 0 0 IR 道祖神考

本位田 重美
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-15, 1969-04

4 0 0 0 OA 「若者論」論

難波 功士
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.97, pp.141-148, 200, 2004-10-28

Before the 1960s, in Japanese society young people were usually called 'Seinen'. But, from the 1970s they have been usually called 'Wakamono'. In this paper, I intended to describe the changes of names for the young and think about why such changes happened. My findings include three points. 1) In the 1960s, Youth Culture (Wakamono-Bunka) spread all over the world and in Japan adolescent culture (Seinen-Bunka) was taken over by Wakamono-Bunka which was more anti-authoritarian and hedonistic. 2) In the 1970s, Youth Culture was diluted and diffused. It became more docile and consumption-oriented. As it were, Youth Culture as a unique noun was transformed into youth culture as a common noun. In Japan the youth who liked such youth culture were called 'Yangu' and their personalities were considered more realistic and privatismic. 3) In the 1980s, in Japan the youth had begun to be called 'Shin-Jinrui', which means 'new type of human being'. They were familiar with various media and didn't have the consciousness of belonging to the same age group or generation. They were fragmented into many cliques depending on their interest and taste. Through these processes, Seinen (-Bunka) became a dead word, and simultaneously Youth Culture (Wakamono-Bunka) lost its original ideas linked to a certain generation and period.