小林 正佳 今西 義宜 石川 雅子 西田 幸平 足立 光朗 大石 真綾 中村 哲 坂井 田寛 間島 雄一
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.108, no.10, pp.986-995, 2005-10-20 (Released:2010-12-22)
9 9

嗅覚障害の治療としてステロイド薬の点鼻療法が一般的に行われているが, 治療が長期にわたる症例も多くその副作用が懸念される. ステロイド薬点鼻療法長期連用に関してその安全性を有用性と比較して検討した報告はない. そこで今回は当科嗅覚味覚外来で同療法を施行した患者を対象にこの比較検討を施行した.0.1%リン酸ベタメタゾンナトリウム液 (リンデロン液®) の点鼻療法を施行した62例中42例 (68%) に点鼻開始後1~2カ月で血清ACTHまたはコルチゾール値の低下が出現したが, 異常な理学的所見や自覚的症状は認められなかった. 点鼻療法を中止した8例は全例1カ月後にそれらの値が正常範囲内に回復した. 一方, 同療法を継続した34例中4例で開始後2~5カ月で自覚的な顔面腫脹感, 顔面の濃毛化というステロイド薬のminor side effectが出現したが, 中止後1カ月ですべての症状が消失した. 同療法のみを3カ月以上継続した23例の治療効果は, 自覚的嗅覚障害度, 基準嗅力検査上ともに統計学的に有意な改善がみられ, 日本鼻科学会嗅覚検査検討委員会制定の嗅覚改善評価法でも78%例で何らかの改善判定が得られた.ステロイド薬点鼻療法の長期連用は軽度で可逆的な副作用を生じ得る. 一方, 嗅覚障害の治療効果は高い. よって同療法は有用な嗅覚障害の治療法であり, 臨床的必要性に応じて十分な注意の下に長期連用することは可能と考えられる.
有友 宏
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.92, no.9, pp.1359-1370, 1989-09-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
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Vibration mode of the ossicles was investigated in twelve fresh human temporal bones using a video measuring system (VMS, Technical Insrtument). This system allows one to observe the ossicular vibration and to measure its vibration amplitude (up to 0. 2 micron) and phase angle. In this study the inner and middle ear was kept intact except for two small holes in the tympanic tegmen. These holes were for the observation of ossicular movement and were covered with a thin cover glass during the experiment. The vibration amplitude and phase angle of the umbo, malleus head, lenticular process and stapes head were measured at 19 frequencies between 0. 1 kHz and 4. 5 kHz. The umbo moved piston-like at 0. 1-0. 8 kHz and 2.6-4.5 kHz but in an ellipse at 1. 0-2.4 kHz. The malleus head showed elliptical movement with its long axis anteriorly tilted around 45 degrees from the direction of the umbo vibration at 0. 1 kHz. Both the lenticular process and stapes head showed similar movement ; piston-like in lower frequencies and elliptical in higher frequencies. The umbo, lenticular process and stapes head vibrated parallel at lower frequencies. The position, displacement and phase angle of the rotation axis of the ossicles was calculated based on the displacement and phase angle of the umbo, malleus head and lenticular process. The axis was around the level of the neck of the malleus in frequencies lower than the resonant frequency, beneath the level of the short process near the resonant frequency and at the top of the malleus head in higher frequencies. The average axis displacement was 0. 9 microns at 1 kHz but much smaller at frequecies lower than 0. 8 kHz or higher than 2 kHz. This suggests that such axis movement may reduce the efficiency of the middle ear sound transmission.
根来 篤 梅本 匡則 任 智美 阪上 雅史 藤井 恵美
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.107, no.3, pp.188-194, 2004-03-20 (Released:2008-12-15)
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大前 由紀雄 安達 仁 磯田 幸秀 前川 仁 北川 洋子 唐帆 健浩 田部 哲也 北原 哲
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.109, no.7, pp.594-599, 2006-07-20 (Released:2008-12-25)
12 13

青柳 聡
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.98, no.4, pp.627-641,755, 1995-04-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
2 2

ヒト仮声帯の組織学的形態を年齢変化および男女差を中心に観察した. 対象は病理解剖された20~79歳までの男女各27例の喉頭で, 各標本の声帯全長を8等分し仮声帯上皮を観察した後, 再構築し仮声帯の上皮の扁平上皮化生 (以下, 化生) の範囲を立体的に評価し組織地図に表し, 喫煙との関連についても検討した. また声帯膜様部中央で仮声帯上皮下組織の観察を行った.1) 化生出現度は中年層がピークだが, 化生範囲には年齢変化がなかった. 喫煙群で後方から前方への化生範囲の進展がみられた.2) 腺組織は加齢により減少した.3) 膠原線維は加齢に伴い減少の傾向で, 弾性線維は加齢により増加傾向であった.
村川 哲也 小坂 道也 森 聡人 深澤 元晴 三崎 敬三
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.103, no.5, pp.506-515, 2000-05-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
13 13

高圧酸素療法(Oxygenation at high pressure,以下,OHPと略す)を併用した突発性難聴症例について,その治療成績をretrospectiveに検討した.対象は1989年1月から1998年12月までの10年間に,香川労災病院耳鼻咽喉科にてOHPを併用した522症例である.予後は厚生省突発性難聴調査研究班による聴力改善の判定基準に従い,x2検定により統計学的有意差を検定し,p<0.05を有意差とした.未治療例と既治療例の比較,高圧酸素療法を含む治療全体を開始するまでの日数,年齢,初診時平均聴力,聴力型,めまい•耳鳴の有無,OHPの副作用,再発症例,発症時期などについて検討した.全体の治療成績は,治癒率19.7%,有効率34.9%.改善率58.1%であった.既治療例に対する予後は,治癒率12.5%,有効率18.8%,改善率38.8%と約4割の症例に効果があった.未治療例だけでなく,既治療例に対しても早期にOHPを開始した方が効果があると考えた.予後は加齢と共に不良になる傾向を認めた.初診時平均聴力との間には相関を認めなかった.聴力型では低音障害型,谷型が良好で,山型,高音漸傾型,聾,聾型は不良であった.初診時平均聴力が31dB以上の症例では,めまいを伴う症例の予後が有意に悪かった.耳鳴の有無と予後には有意差を認めなかった.OHPの副作用として35例(6.7%)に滲出性中耳炎を認めた.17例(3.2%)に再発症例を認め,再発時の予後は初回発症時と比較して有意に悪かった.発症時期には有意な順位を認めなかった.他の治療法に抵抗を示す症例でも,できるだけ早期にOHPを施行することにより,良好な聴力改善を得る可能性が残されていると考えた.
米山 文明 沢木 修二
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.62, no.7, pp.1600-1610, 1959-07-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

On 200 students (male and female were at the same rate) of an Academy of Music, the authors investigated their methods of the practice of singing and their subjective fatigue following the practice. In the second place, larygoscopic examination was carried out on 99 out of them befor and after their practice of singing. The results were as follows: 1. Vast majority of the subjects had the practice for 1 hour each day; thirty minuites each time with intermission of 10 minutes. 2. Signs of dysphonia due to over-practice were noticed in case they had the practice over 3 hours, a day. 3. The subjects complained of fatigue when they practised for 1 hour each time or 2 to 3 hours. each day. 4. It was revealed by laryngoscopic examination that hyperemia in the vocal cords easily manif- ested itself following the practice, while edema was hardly elicited by the practice. Moreover, am appreciable parallelism was found between the grade of subjective fatigue and hyperemia in the. vocal cords. On the other hand, fatigue and edema seemed to have no definite relation to each other. 5. There existed some certain, common tendency as to subjective fatigue, viz., fatigue was ratherr marked in the female as compared with male; being independent of sex, it was more notable in soprano or tenor than in alto or basso, and in those having long vocal career, fatigue was less marked even after vocal practice. 6. Edema in the vocal cords was more incident to alto or basso than to soprano or tenor.
山中 盾
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.103, no.8, pp.905-915, 2000-08-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

正常成人男性3名を対象として声帯振動のEGG(電気声門図)波形, PGG(光電声門図)波形,超高速度ディジタル撮影装置(以下HSDI)による撮像を同時記録し,声帯振動の1周期における撮像と各波形との対応に関して比較して,声帯振動パタンの解析におけるEGG,PGGの有用性について検討した.被験者ごとに話声位で3段階の音程と3段階の強弱をつけて行い,合計27の発声を記録した.各発声のデータ毎に声門面積波形(GAW),声門横径波形(GWW),EGG波形,differentiated ECiG波形,PGG波形,differentiated PGG波形,音声波形と同期信号を同じ時間軸の上にグラフ化して示し,各波形のパタンを比較した.GAWとGWWの解析から,声帯遊離縁を基にした声門閉鎖パタンと声門開大パタンには発声様式の違いに対応した変化があることが確認された.声門閉鎖時のEGG波形はいくつかのパタンがありHSDI撮像で観察された声帯遊離縁の動きによく対応していた.しかし声門開大時のEGG波形と声帯遊離縁の動きとは閉鎖時ほど明らかな一致が見られなかった.EGG波形は遊離縁の接触の仕方により決まり,EGGは声帯振動パタンの推測に実用的かつ有用であると考えられた.一方PGGとGAWとの間には時間のずれが認められ,PGG波形だけで閉鎖期始点と開大期始点を決定することは難しいと考えられた.従って,PGG波形は開放期の有無や周波数の測定などには有用と考えられるが,1周期毎の声帯振動パタンを推測するには難点があり,声帯振動の解析に適用するには今後も検討を要する.
高木 大 福田 諭 中丸 裕爾 犬山 征夫 間口 四郎 飯塚 桂司
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.104, no.6, pp.675-681, 2001-06-20 (Released:2010-10-22)

釧路地方におけるアレルギー性鼻炎患者についてCAP RASTの陽性率を検討した. また当地方の花粉の飛散状況もあわせて調査し, 札幌での報告と比較し, その地域特異性について検討した. 平成10年4月1日から平成12年3月31日までに市立釧路総合病院耳鼻咽喉科を受診した患者でアレルギー性鼻炎様症状を示し, CAPRASTを施行した結果, アレルギー性鼻炎の診断を下した107名を対象とした. また, 釧路地方でのシラカンバとイネ科花粉について飛散量を調査し, 札幌での飛散量と比較検討した. CAP RASTの結果は花粉類の陽性率ではオオアワガエリが22.4%と最も高く, 以下ハルガヤ17.7%, タンポポ15.0%, シラカンバ14.0%, ヨモギ12.1%, ハンノキ11.2%, ブタクサ8.4%の順であった. シラカンバ花粉の飛散量は釧路では5月下旬から6月上旬にかけて飛散のピークがみられた. 札幌では4月下旬から5月にかけて飛散がみられ, ピークは5月上旬頃であり, 釧路では約2週間程度ピークが遅れていた. また, シラカンバRAST陽性患者の初診月は6月が多く, 時期的にも一致していた. イネ科花粉の飛散時期は釧路地方では札幌に比し約1カ月遅れていた. 釧路地方の花粉症ではイネ科花粉症が最も多く, シラカンバがそれに次ぐ形になっており, シラカンバ花粉症が近年増加している札幌周辺とは若干異なった結果になった. これらの結果については釧路地方の気候等の地域的特徴が影響しているものと思われた.
佐藤 公則 柏木 彰一 平野 実
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.100, no.5, pp.479-483, 1997-05-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
8 8

新生児の声帯膜様部を透過型電顕で観察した. 1) 声帯の粘膜上皮は薄いが, 細胞間隙は非常に狭く, 細胞どうしが密に接し, desmosomeが比較的多く認められた. 粘膜上皮の細胞どうしがより強く接着していると考えられた. 2) 声帯粘膜上皮の基底膜および基底部の接着装置はほぼ完成していた. 声帯粘膜上皮と粘膜固有層の支持的機能がすでに十分に備わっていると考えられた. 3) 粘膜固有層は基質が豊富で線維成分の発達は乏しかった. 膠原線維は成熟した構造であったが, 弾性線維は未熟な構造であった. 新生児の声帯は振動体として必要な粘膜の粘弾性が乏しく, 振動に適した構造ではないことが示唆された.
渋沢 三伸 矢野 一彦
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.93, no.1, pp.1-5, 1990-01-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
2 1

Many authors described the clinical importance of asymmetry of the laryngeal framework. However, its pathogenesis is generally unknown. In this study, CT images of 315 Japanese subjects were investigated to define the laryngeal position relative to the midline of the cervical vertebra.The CT slice of each subject within 5mm cephalad of the cricoarytenoid joint was traced. Then, the deviation and rotation angles were measured using our method.Seventy one percent of the subjects' larynges deviated and/or rotated to the right side, while 17% to the left side. Six percent showed neither deviation nor rotation. As to the rest of 6%, deviation and rotation were in opposite directions. Besides, the length of the thyroid alae were measured in 282 subjects. Left ala was longer in 55%, and right was in 23%, and almost equal in 22%.The conclusions are as follows, 1. The majority of the subjects' CT images showed deviation and/or rotation of the laryngeal framework to the right side.2. So called idiopathic laryngeal deviation is a case which observed in those cases with remarkable deviation and/or rotation of the laryngeal framework.3. Aging seemed to be an important factor in accerelation of the laryngeal deviation and rotation.4. The type of diseases and the side of mass lesions had no statistical significance in deviation and rotation of the larynx.
坂田 英治 梅田 悦生 大都 京子 金沢 致吉 村岡 潔
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.81, no.7, pp.676-682, 1978-07-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

Unter den Krankheitsfällen, die über Schwindel klagen, findet man nicht selten Prodromalsymptome schwerer Krankheiten oder Initialsymptome von Hirntumor usw.Neben der Schwindelbeschwerde, dem subjektven Symptom der Patienten, lassen sich auch die objektiven Symptome Spontan-und Provokations-Nystagmus feststellen. Hierhin liegt auch der Grund für die in den letzten Jahren die Forschung in Bezug auf Spontan-Nystagmus, über deren Bedeutung man sich mehr und meter hewusst geworden ist. Tatsache ist jedoch, dass vom pathophysiologischen Aspekt aus betrachtet uber Schwindel noch viel Dunkel herrscht.Wir haben deshalb aufgrund von Untersuchungen Genaueres über die Mechanismen, die beim Zuatandekommen von Spontan-und Provokations-Schwindel wirken, zu ergründen versucht, wobei wir erstere an einem Krankengut mit Morbus Ménière, akuten Labyrinthf unktionsausfall sowie Innenohrentzündungen, letztere bei Lageschwindel vom gut-bzw. bösartigen paroxysmalen Typ sowie bei Zervikalschwindel anstellten.Die Verfasser haben insbesondere Schuknechts mechanische Erklärung über den Lageschwindel vom gutartigen paroxysmalen Typ zum Anlass seiner Forschung, da er glaubte theseArt von Schwindel durch einen funktionelleren Mechanismus erklärbar machen zu können. Desweiteren hat der Autor die Zusaznmenhänge von "Bruns-Syndrom" und "akutem Unterwurmsyndrom" beim Lageschwindel vom bösartigen paroxysmalen Typ ereörtert und dabei betont, dass Storung im Vestibulariscerebellum die Hauptursache bei der Entstehung dieser Erkrankungen sind.
堤 康一朗 岩武 博也 桑原 大輔 俵道 淳 小林 健彦 肥塚 泉 加藤 功
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.103, no.6, pp.727-733, 2000-06-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
2 2

小川 敬
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.90, no.2, pp.240-257, 1987 (Released:2008-03-19)

The comparative ultrastructural studies of taste buds were made scanning electron microscopically in 15 different kinds of the vertebrtates, such as fish, frog, newt, lizard, snake, chicken, macaw, mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, monkey and human.There were no remarkable differences in the shapes and sizes of the taste pores on the surface ultrastructure of the taste buds among classes and species of such animals, but in the taste buds in frog, lizard and bird, there were some morphological characteristics in the distribution sites in the oropharynx. On the basis of the surface morphological features, these taste buds could be classified into five different types; type I named crater-like type, II buried type, III exposed type, IV disc type and V specific type. Most of the taste buds in these cases seemed to belong to type I or II groups.The relationships between the ultrastructural characteristics of taste buds and their physiological roles were discussed briefly from a viewpoint of evolution of taste sensation in the vertebrates.
奥田 匠 花牟礼 豊 笠野 藤彦 鹿島 直子
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.108, no.9, pp.835-841, 2005-09-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
6 4

蝶形骨洞に限局した疾患あるいは蝶形骨洞を主病変とする疾患では, 頭痛・眼症状など, 通常の鼻副鼻腔疾患とは異なった症状により耳鼻咽喉科以外の科で気付かれることが多い. このような症例には炎症や嚢胞性疾患が多いが, 良性腫瘍や悪性腫瘍, 真菌症も含まれる. それぞれが比較的まれな疾患であるため本邦では数例ずつの症例報告とならざるを得ず, 概要がつかみにくい. 今回我々は, 1999年から5年間に鹿児島市立病院耳鼻咽喉科を受診し, CTやMRIの画像により蝶形骨洞が主病変と診断された44例 (男性21例, 女性23例) を対象に, 病変の分類, 主訴, 治療法等を検討し, 蝶形骨洞を主病変とする疾患の診療の指針について考察した. 病変の内訳は炎症32例, 嚢胞8例, 良性腫瘍1例, 原発性悪性腫瘍2例, 転移性悪性腫瘍1例であった. 症状は頭痛が59%, 眼症状が27%に認められた. 眼症状の内訳は, 炎症症例の60%が眼痛であり, 嚢胞症例の63%が視力低下, 腫瘍症例の100%が複視と, 病態により症状が異なる傾向があった. 頭痛に複視を来した場合は悪性腫瘍の可能性が高く特に注意を要する. 保存的治療に反応の良い症例以外では, 腫瘍性疾患も含め, 診断的治療を兼ねた内視鏡下鼻内副鼻腔手術が有用であった. 早急な治療を要する疾患 (急性化膿性炎症, 視力障害を伴う嚢胞, 悪性腫瘍) の鑑別が重要と考えられた.
宮崎 宏三
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.63, no.11, pp.2316-2330, 1960-11-20 (Released:2008-12-16)

The author studied on the various basic methods to measure the difference of biaural pitches by using 35 healthy subjects. These methods were clinically applied to 1) 32 cases of Menieres disease 2) 10 cases of nerve deafness 3) 10 cases of conductive deafness, and following results were obtained.Of 32 cases of Menieres disease. 15 were fresh cases 17 were obsolete cases. 12 of 15 fresh cases and 2 of 17 obsolete cases revealed Pathological Diplacusis (Diplacusis index is over ±2%), In 15 cases of Pathological Diplacusis 12 cases showed higher pitch on diseased ear than on healthy side, and 3 cases showed the reverse. The former group has greater difference of the pitch of both ears.The audiogram of Pathological Diplacusis cases revealed reversible hearing loss of low frequency in most cases and closed relationship to Recruitment was seen. However, there noted no parallel relationship with Pitch Difference Limen.Therefore, above mentioned phenomenon is considered to be explained by disturbance of the sense of hearing due to Endolymphatic Hydrops. This phenomenon was not comfirmed at any other types of hard of hearing.
堂坂 善弘 間口 四郎 高木 摂夫 永橋 立望 福田 論 犬山 征夫
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.98, no.3, pp.357-361,517, 1995-03-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
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シラカンパ花粉飛散がない6月にも症状を発現しているシラカンパ花粉症症例をしばしば経験し, 他の花粉の重複感作またはブナ目花粉の共通抗原性を疑い調査研究を行った. 患者のシラカンパ, コナラ, ブナ各RAST値間に高い相関を認め, シラカンパ花粉抽出液によりコナラ, ブナ各RAST値が有意に抑制されたことより, シラカンパ花粉とコナラ花粉およびブナ花粉間には共通抗原性が認められ, シラカンパ花粉症患者が6月に症状を発現する原因はその植生からコナラ属花粉と考えた. 高山以外にシラカンバの植生のない本州地方でのシラカンバRAST陽性者は他のブナ目樹木花粉によって感作されていると推察した.
大柿 徹 苦瓜 知彦 大久保 仁 小松崎 篤
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.95, no.9, pp.1323-1331,1477, 1992-09-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
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職業ダイバー31人について聴力検査, 内視鏡による外耳道の検査を行った. この結果, 外耳道外骨腫は40%以上に, 感音性難聴は70%以上に認められ非常に高い発生率を見た. 外骨腫は潜水歴の長さとは関連性がなく, またこれと難聴との関連性もなかった. 感音性難聴においてはその程度と潜水歴と長さとに関連性が認められた. 感音性難聴が認められた者の中で内耳窓破裂等の内耳圧外傷による急激な聴力の低下を経験している者は極めて少なかった. 現在, 潜水による感音性難聴としてはこの内耳外傷による急性の感音性難聴が認められている. しかし内耳圧外傷が生じる程の大きな圧変化でなくても何らかの経路を介して内耳リンパ液圧の変化をもたらし, これが頻回に繰り返されると内耳聴覚器に障害が生じ, 慢性の感音性難聴が発症するのであろうと推察した.
福田 修
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.62, no.8, pp.1845-1862, 1959-08-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

The author measured the diameter, the length and the capacity of external auditory meatusand middle ear cavity in 34 different species of vertebrates including 2 amphibians, 4 reptiles, 6birds, and 22 mammals, to study the mutual relationship of each measurement and also studied the morphology of the middle ear cavities.The conclusions were as follows:-1). The length of the external auditory meatus was always in proportion to the size of theskulls, but not to the breadth. The larger animals had longer meatus. The ratio of the length tobreadth of meatus was 11.4 in ox, 13.7 in pig, but in small animals like bat or rat, was nearly 1.0.In animals which behave in water, for example, otter, sea-lion and fur-seal, the ratios wereremarkably large. The partially closed meatus observed in whale was an extreme case.2). The external auditory meatus is essential for fine perception of air conduction sound.Moreover, the resonance effect of the meatus which is determined by the length of it may profitthe hearing acuity of the animal, when awared of the close relationship between tbe resonanceeffect and animal's cry.3). The capacity of tympanic cavity was always larger than those of external meatus, and theratio dividing the former by the latter was very much constant in each mammal, for example, 3.0_??_3.4 in dogs. and 3.7_??_4.1 in cats.4). In general, the capacity of the tympanic cavity was proportional to the size of the head, mainly due to the capacity of the tympanic bulla. On the other hand, the mesotympanum contain-ing the tympanic membrane, ossicles and windows showed a little variation.I have observed also this tendency among the different mammals. The ratio of tympanic cavityper 1mm2 of ear drum was 4 in rat, 6 in mole and 435 in ox.5). The tympanic cavity of bird was uniform in shape as well as external meatus, exceptsome variation in shape and size of air cells fully developed in the skull.6). The form of accessory air spaces of vertebrates were classified into several types accordingto the"order"or "family", such as single bulla with or without bony septum (rodentia, chiro-ptera, some uugulates and cetacea), and cellular structure developed in the bulla (ox, pig andhorse), in the mastoid process (some primates), or in the basis of the skull (insectivora).7). But certain irregularities of the structures of the auditory organs were noted, because ofthe adaptation to the circumstances. For example, Barary sheep, classified in bovidae, had a singlebulla and large epitympanum with large Schrapnell's membrane as seen in cervidae.8). Accessory air spaces are thought to have significance in four points, that is, making the tympanic membrane easily vibrate by the low frequency sound waves, reducing the weight of theskull, and the effect of reservoir action and acoustic dissipation. The resonance or insullation effect are doubtful.9). The size of the air sinuses in the skull has a tendency to change according to the size of the skull. Therefore we must consider the relation of the both when the air sinuses are discussed.
芦原 誠 大森 琢也 西村 忠郎 酒井 正雄 永津 郁子
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.95, no.6, pp.851-859, 1992-06-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
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Taurine (2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) and carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) are found in large quantities in the olfactory epithelium and bulb. Taurine is a structurally simple amino acid, and has been reported to have several putative roles, such as neurotransmitter, neuromodulator, neurogrowth factor and to function in membrane stabilization. Carnosine, on the other hand, has been suggested as a putative neurotransmitter in the olfactory system. We have succeeded in visualizing taurine-and carnosine-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the human olfactory mucosa, and also carnosine-LI in the human olfactory bulb. For this investigation, we collected specimens of the human olfactory bulb by autopsy and from the olfactory mucosa by biopsy, and compared localization of taurine-and carnosine-LI in several cases. By means of biopsy using Nakano's forceps, samples of olfactory mucosa were obtained from 5 cases: a 17 year old female, 23 year old male, 46 year old male, 47 year old male, and a 57 year old male. The olfactory bulb of a 1 month old male was collected at autopsy. These specimens were processed for immunohistochemical study according to the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. In the olfactory epithelium, taurine-LI was demonstrated in some primary olfactory neurons, and in basal cells. Carnosine-LI was observed only in primary olfactory neurons, i.e, dendrites, vesicles and axonal bundles of olfactory receptor cells, but not in basal cells. In the olfactory bulb, the olfactory nerve layer and the glomelular layer showed carnosine-LI positive reactions. Therefore, taurine and carnosine may possibly coexist in some olfactory neurons. Olfactory receptor cells are classified as sensory neurons. Considerable evidence indicates that they are continually replaced throughout adult life by proliferative basal cells. Taurine in the basal cells and the olfactory receptor cells may play certain roles in cell growth and differentiation. Nerve growth functions of taurine have already been reported in certain portions of the central nervous system. The existence of carnosine in the nerve terminals of the olfactory bulb supports the concept that this peptide is a putative neurotransmitter in olfactory neurons. The pattern of taurine staining demonstrated in our study is highly compatible with this theory.