小関 恒雄
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.83, no.4, pp.355-359, 1975 (Released:2008-02-26)

Shamanistic rosaries were found out at a dilapidated temple, Yamagata Prefecture. They were used by the miko, Japanese mediums, belonging to this temple, from the times of Edo to Mei ji era (about 100 to 200 years ago).To the rosaries were tied the rostrum parts of jawbones, fangs, nails, horns, marine shells and others. As a result of taxonomical examination, these materials were identified to be those of the bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus), the dog (Canis familiaris), the fox (Vulpes vulpes japonica), the wild boar (Sus leucomystax leucomystax), the deer (Cervus nippon nippon) and the antelope (Capricornis crispus crispus).According to the traditional saying, jawbones of Japanese wolves (Canis lupus hodophilax) completely exterminated in this country had been used as accessories of the rosaries in those days. No remains of wolves, however, were included among them, which proved to be the bones of dogs.The people of mountain villages then believed that a bear and a wolf were sanctified and occult animals, and their remains had been used as a charm to ward off accidents and diseases.Using these rosaries, the mediums had practiced divination or had exorcized evil spirits from the patients.
石田 肇
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.96, no.1, pp.17-45, 1988 (Released:2008-02-26)
26 29

石井 勝
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.87, no.2, pp.153-156, 1979 (Released:2008-02-26)

鈴木 尚
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.83, no.3, pp.269-279, 1975 (Released:2008-02-26)

Three cases of mechanically injured skulls from ancient sites in Japan are reported.1) A senile male skull excavated from the shellmounds of Hobi, Atsumi Peninsula, Central Japan, a prehistoric site of the latest Jomon Period (Figs. 1-3). The upper mesial incisor of the left side, which is the only tooth remained, is artificially filed and 4 incisors of the lower jaw are also artificially extracted. The intended tooth-filing with dental knocking out is regarded as the indication of the authority of those days. Eight perforations of different sizes and forms were observed on the skull vault. The senile authority was attacked probably by at least two or three enemies with arrows and stone axes from behind.2) An adult female skull excavated from the protohistoric tombe at Sokoji, Tagata-Gun, Shizuoka Prefecture (Fig. 4). The right temporal region of the skull was perforated in oval form. The margin of the broken part shows an indication of attack by an obtuse weapon from the right side.3) An adult male skull excavated from a medieval site at Gokurakuji, Kamakura City near Yokohama (Fig. 5).The skull is regarded as one of a great number of victims of the medieval battle in 1333. The skull is pierced by an iron arrowhead comming from an anterior direction. The tip of the arrowhead is projected about 45mm long on the outer surface of the skull, but it's root remained about 35mm long inside of the skull.

1 0 0 0 OA 肩帯の進化

犬塚 則久
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.100, no.4, pp.391-404, 1992 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 3

島 五郎
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.65, no.3, pp.109-127, 1956-12-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

1. Marked characteristics and local variations are observed between the toe prints of various Ainu tribes and those of the mixed Ainu in Hokkaido. (Tables 1 and 2)2. The toe prints of the Ainu of the present list which differ only slightly from those of mixed ainu but which are extremely unlike those of pure Ainu can be considered in the category of mixed-bred Ainu. The reason is described in detail in the present paper. Because of this, apparently marked local differences observed in comparing the Ainu tribes are not necessarily significant.3. The Tocachi Ainu tribe has steadily maintained its distinctive characteristics. From a physical stand point, most of the Ainu are mixed. The Hitaka tribe, and more especially Iburi tribe are intensively influenced in the direction of mixed breeding.4. Marked differences among individual local tribes are chiefly attributable to the fact that physically mixed tribes have been involved in the pure Ainucategory. Chiefly the differences take their origin from mixed breedingwith Japanese.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
pp.190908, (Released:2019-10-12)

Sesamoids of the metacarpophalangeal joint are tiny bones located in the volar plate and articulated with the metacarpal head. Almost all living humans have radial and ulnar sesamoids in their pollical metacarpophalangeal joints. These bones protect and guide the tendon of the long (= extrinsic) pollical flexor. Whereas this condition is considered to be primitive for primates, living great apes have a tendency to lose these pollical sesamoids. Susman (Science 1994; 265: 1570–1573) correlated the loss of the pollical sesamoids in living great apes with the remarkable reduction/loss of the tendon of the long pollical flexor. However, the prevalence of these pollical sesamoids in chimpanzees drastically differs among previous studies. Thus, we CT-scanned cadavers of 12 chimpanzees, four gorillas, and two orangutans, and investigated the frequency of pollical metacarpophalangeal joint sesamoids in these apes. Combining our findings with previously reported data gave updated frequencies of 21% in chimpanzees (n = 24) and 0% in gorillas (n = 7) and orangutans (n = 6). This result is in accordance with the purported independent reduction (or loss) of the tendon of extrinsic flexor of the pollex in great apes (Diogo et al., Journal of Human Evolution 2012; 63: 64–78) and underscores the view that living great apes independently lost this tendon–sesamoid complex. Given that a reduction (or loss) of the tendon of extrinsic pollical flexor in great apes is a trade-off between emphasis on hook grips and pollical reduction, human hands have not experienced specialization for hook grips and retain the primitive condition in this regard. Orangutans and chimpanzees independently specialized for hook grips. The case for gorillas, whose hand proportion is similar to that of humans, is equivocal. Gorilla hands may have attained their current state secondarily or they may have lost the powerful extrinsic flexor of the pollex for reasons other than specialized hook grips.
高橋 美彦
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.98, no.3, pp.289-301, 1990-07-31 (Released:2008-02-26)

縄文時代87例,弥生時代44例,古墳時代44例,鎌倉時代30例,室町時代22例,江戸時代36例,明治時代16例の古人骨の頭部 X 線規格写真と,住民調査で得られた現代人の頭部 X 線規格写真419例を調査し,顎関節形態の時代的推移について検討した。その結果,顎関節の時代的変化はおもに関節突起に現れ,下顎窩における時代の変化には一定の傾向はみられなかった。関節突起はおおむね時代とともに細長くなるとともに,下顎頭幅は小さくなり,下顎頭の尖鋭化が進行していた。下顎窩幅に対する下顎頭幅の割合は弥生時代人と現代人で小さく,とくに現代人においてこの傾向が強く認められた。
吉田 敬一
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.86, no.2, pp.51-63, 1978-04-15 (Released:2008-02-26)
3 3

A review is given of existing knowledge regarding the condition for thermal comfort. Psychological, physiological, and environmental measurement for comfort condition are discussed.The results of our survey on factory workers are illustrated and the effect on comfort condition of age, sex, seasons, races, and heat production are discussed respectively.
鈴木 尚
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.90, no.Supplement, pp.11-26, 1982 (Released:2008-02-26)
2 5

戦前の常識によると,洪積世の日本は人間の住める環境にはなかったので,沖積世になり初めて人間が住み付いたと信じられてきた。ところか戦後,岩宿のローム層から初めて石器が証明されて以来,日本にも旧石器時代があるとの意見が定着した。これに伴い洪積世人骨の探索も行われ,本州と沖縄から若干の例が指摘されるに至った。下部洪積世 明石人は直良信夫により発見され,長谷部言人によって下部洪積世人として記載されたが,現場発掘の所見から骨の古さに若干の議論がある。中部洪積世 牛川人は豊橋市牛川鉱山から発見された女性の左上腕骨の一部で,Homo sapiens と違って骨幹は前後に扁平であるほか,旧人的特徴がみられる。この骨を基にして身長を推測すると135cmで矮人の範疇に属する。上部洪積世本州 三ケ日人,浜北人などがある。いずれも断片であるが,観察しうるわずかの所見から判断すると,これらは洪積世の Homo sapiens で,縄文人と共通する多くの特徴があり,縄文人の祖先と見なしても差支えない。沖縄 港川人,山下町人などがある。港川人 本島南端の港川採石場から初めて大山盛保により人骨と獣骨化石が確認されたのが契機となり,総合調査が行われ,5~9体分の人骨が発見された。そのうち3体分が完全である。これらはC14法により約18,000年前と推定された。研究の結果,彼らは新人的特徴が基本になり,それに横後頭隆起,下顎に頤下切痕,上•下横隆起など旧人的特徴を混えたかなり原始的人類と考えられる。なおこの人類は縄文人に近似するとともに,南支那,印度シナの洪積世人,新石器時代人に類似するのに対し,北支那の人類とは関係が薄いようである。山下町人 那覇市,山下町第一洞から発掘された約7年の幼年者の右大腿骨と右脛骨で性不明。C14法により約32,000年前と推定された。骨の特徴はこの人類が化石の Homo sapiens であることを物語っている。ただし同年の現代日本人よりもわずかに大腿骨稜の発達がよい。結論, 今日までに発見された資料に関する限り,日本の洪積世人は低身長,中,短頭型,広顔,広鼻,低眼窩など縄文人と共通する形質がある。多分,3万年ほど前,少くも18,000年前の頃,南支那,印度シナに住む一般化された Protomongoloid は少くとも2群に分かれて,当時,存在した陸橋を経てそれぞれ沖縄と日本本州に到着したものであろう。
菊田 文夫 近藤 四郎 大塚 斌 高橋 周一
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.100, no.4, pp.511-525, 1992 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 1

The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
pp.190219, (Released:2019-04-02)

Recent fossil records have suggested that human erect bipedal locomotion started in Africa probably more than 6 million years ago. However, debate continues regarding how locomotion was acquired by our prehuman ancestors. Fossils and the genetic traits of recent humans and animals cannot answer this question directly. Therefore, the present paper reviews acquisition models of human bipedalism and explanations regarding how humans acquired bipedalism based on a comparative kinesiology of contemporary mammal species. Nonhuman primates are adequate models of human bipedal acquisition because of not only the phylogenetically close relationship with humans, but also the trend toward hindlimb dominance and orthograde positional behavior in daily life. Although dissimilar to the erect bipedalism seen in humans, nonhuman primates adopt bipedal positional behavior in the wild. All nonhuman primates use the arboreal environment, but some groups of species utilize the ground predominantly. Compared with relatively terrestrial nonhuman primates, relatively arboreal primates show more similarities with humans in their bipedal locomotion. Comparisons among primate species and between nonhuman primates and nonprimate mammals indicate that human-like bipedal characteristics are strongly related to arboreal life. Our prehuman ancestors likely started and adapted to bipedal locomotion while living in trees; this process is referred to as the generalized arboreal activity model. When humans began terrestrial locomotion, they likely performed proficient bipedalism from the first step. The generalized arboreal activity model presented here does not contradict the fossil records.
佐藤 方彦 佐藤 陽彦 勝浦 哲夫 津田 隆志 原 田一 山崎 和彦 安河 内朗
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.85, no.1, pp.23-28, 1977 (Released:2008-02-26)
3 4

The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.126, no.1, pp.43-63, 2018 (Released:2018-04-21)

This study aimed to show secular changes in the cephalic index (CI) in Japan when brachycephalization was reported to have ceased, and examined possible causes of the observed changes. Head length and breadth data measured on 4034 Japanese adults, born between 1910 and 1996, were used to examine the association between birth year and CI using linear and quadratic regression analyses. Possible causes of secular changes in CI were investigated by examining the secular changes in eight body-size variables and 16 environmental indicators, obtained from the government statistics records. Results showed that a trend reversal from brachycephalization to debrachycephalization occurred among the generation born in 1960–1964, followed by trend reversals in birth length (BL), energy intake, and birth weight (BW) in that order. Previous studies showed that the reverse trend in BW was related to a reduction in fetal growth rate, which resulted from worsening fetal nutritional status, which was also attributable to decreasing maternal energy intake. Since the head measurement at birth is approximately 60% of the adult size, the main cause of debrachycephalization may be worsening fetal nutritional status. From the maternal nutritional perspective, reverse trends in CI and BL began with rapid recovery from the post-war food shortage. However, the body mass index (BMI) of 20-year-old females decreased due to the very small increase in weight despite a rapid increase in height, which was partly achieved by weight loss after the age of 17. As speculated, debrachycephalization began when the negative effects of decreasing BMI among the young adult females outweighed the positive effects of the post-war recovery of the food situation. The results of this study may help to understand the plasticity of the human body.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.122, no.3, pp.137-148, 2014 (Released:2014-12-23)

This study quantifies the population history of Iron Age nomads of southern Siberia by analyzing craniofacial diversity among contemporaneous Bronze and Iron Age (7th–2nd centuries BC) groups and compares them to a larger geographic sample of modern Siberian and Central Asian populations. In our analyses, we focus on peoples of the Tagar and Pazyryk cultures, and Iron Age peoples of the Tuva region. Twenty-six cranial landmarks of the vault and facial skeleton were analyzed on a total of 461 ancient and modern individuals using geometric morphometric techniques. Male and female crania were separated to assess potential sex-biased migration patterns. We explore southern Siberian population history by including Turkic-speaking peoples, a Xiongnu Iron Age sample from Mongolia, and a Bronze Age sample from Xinjiang. Results show that male Pazyryk cluster closer to Iron Age Tuvans, while Pazyryk females are more isolated. Conversely, Tagar males seem more isolated, while Tagar females cluster amongst an Early Iron Age southern Siberian sample. When additional modern Siberian samples are included, Tagar and Pazyryk males cluster more closely with each other than females, suggesting possible sex-biased migration amongst different Siberian groups. This is evident in modern female Tuva, who cluster with modern female Kalmyk, while modern Tuvan males do not. Male and female Iron Age Tuvans are not closely related to modern Tuvan peoples living in the region today, resulting from the influx of the Xiongnu beginning in the Late Iron Age. Both male and female Pazyryk and Tagar crania appear more similar to Central Asia groups, especially the Kazakh and Uzbek samples. However, there is evidence that Tagar females have a common origin with the Yakut, a modern nomadic population that resides in northeastern Siberia. These results would suggest variable genetic contributions for both sexes from Central and East Asia.
吉川 徹雄
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.71, no.3, pp.117-120, 1963-12-31 (Released:2008-02-26)

In the study of the lamination of the masseter of the higher primates which include the crab-eating monkey, orangutan, gorilla and man, the zygomaticomandibular muscle originates from the supraorbital eminence and terminates along the oblique line of the mandible, spreading along the concaved surface of the frontal and zygomatic bones (YOSHIKAWA et al., 1961b, 1962a). The space which is occupied by this muscle is proposed to be called the sulcus musculi zygomaticomandibularis, which is expected to be a new characteristic to prove the natural and reasonable reconstruction of the human fossil skull.In the Saldanha skull, however, the sulcus is too narrow to expect the existence of the zygomaticomandibularis. So the author concludes that the reconstruction of the skull is unnatural.In the Saldanha skull, the mandible, which is reconstructed from a fragment of a mandibular branch after the Heidelberg mandible, is too large to harmonize with the reconstructed cranium and is expected not to be of the same individual. (Fig. 1)
鈴木 尚
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-10, 1951-04-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

In the summer of 1950, seven skeletons were sent to me by the benediction of Mr. T. OTOKITA, Hachinohe City, which were excavated incidentally in 1944 atSame-town near Hachinohe City, Aomori Pref. and then were buried in a templeyard in the neighbourhood.While the skeletons were discovered at a site of prehistoric Jomon period (shellmounds), only one skeleton out of the seven is a male adult of prehistoric age, the other six skeletons (three female adults and three infants) are presumed to be those of modern age from the differences in the state of their preservation (petrification). Judging from the wooden Japanese bowl which was discovered with. one of the modern skeletons, the latter ones are estimated to belong to the 16-17 th Century, perhaps the beginning of the Tokugawa era.The physical characteristics of the first skeleton is not only distinct in general, but also even in the morphological specialities resembles the recent Hokkaido Ainu, such as the skull with long and low head, with strongly developed upper and lower jaws and the flat limb-bones and so on. The second one is a little different from the first and it is hardly said to be a typical Ainu, but it is believed that the physical characteristics in general fall within the variations of the Ainu.Though the skull of the third one is mostly missing, it is generally very similar to the first one.When the first and second skeletons are compared on trial with those of the present Ainu kept at the Tokyo University (No. 1436 and No. 1459), the skeletons coincide with each other, especially in the form of the skulls (Fig. 3). Therefore, the skeletons of Same-site are regareded as the Ainu.According to documents in Tokugawa era, the Ainu dwelt in the northern end of Honshu, chiefly in Tsugaru and Shimokita Peninsulas of Aomori Pref. in 16 th. or 17 th. Century, but they assimilated with the Japanese in the middle of 18 th. Century.The skeletons discovered at Same-site must probably have belonged to the Ainu community which appeares in the mentioned records. It has been generally believed that the Ainu were gradually driven from Honshu northward up to Hokkaido and that those who were mentioned in our modern history are those Ainu who had been left behind in the north end of Honshu. If it is true, in the light of the fact that those Ainu on the documents and theAinu skeletons just described are very similar to the present Hokkaido Ainu, much more skeletons of just likeAinu should be found among the human bones from sites of various periods and parts of Honshu. As it is, such kind of bones have not been excavated yet, it may be concluded that the racial border-line between the Japanese and the Ainu existed in Tsugaru Strait from very old times.
鹿野 忠雄
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.56, no.8, pp.434-446, 1941-08-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

After an exhaustive study of the languages of the two islands, morphologically, phonetically, and gramatically, Prof, E. ASAI published, in 1936, a paper entitled " A Study of the Yami Language : An Indonesian Language spoken on Tobago Island (Leiden), " in which he strongly put forward the opinion that the languages of the Batanes Island and Kotosho are almost the same rather than being merely akin to each other. The present writer compared 131 names of animals and plants used by the natives of these two islands and was struck with the marked similarities among them, thus confirming Prof. ASAI'S opinion.In the language spoken by the Batanes at present, not a few of the words suggest a Spanish derivation, which is only natural, seeing that the island had long belonged to Spain. In the Yami language, on the contrary, excepting two instances, we can hardly find a word of Spanish origin.Of the exceptions, one is vaka, the Spanish ox, and the other paluk, from Spanish pale. The Yami Word paluk means water sprinkled with some grains of millet. Before, launching a new boat, the Yami perform a ceremony called the mipaluk, in which each prospective member of the crew of the boat surrounds the boat, and smears its gunwale with the paluk from a pot, this paluk being a charm for the future success of the new boat. The Yami, curiously, have no wine of any kind, although the writer has reasons for believing that they drank some sort of wine in former times, just like all the other tribes of Formosa, which habit, however, has since been discarded. As a matter of fact, the Batanes islanders obtain from the sugar-cane a wine called the Bashi, or palek, which is clearly a derivation from the Spanish pale. According to Yami legend, the close intercourse that existed long ago between the Batanes Island and Kotosho, was broken off eleven generations ago, namely 275 years ago (a generation being 25 years), at which time Spanish ships appeared on the seas adjacent to the Philippines.These two words of Spanish origin in the vocabulary of the Yami, show that the Kotosho language was slightly influenced by Spanish via the Batanes Isiand. Yami legends also support this 'chronologically. From these considerations the writer believes that communication existed between the Batanes Island and Kotosho about the middle of the seventeenth century.These two words of Spanish origin in the vocabulary of the Yami, show that the Kotosho language was slightly influenced by Spanish via the Batanes Isiand. Yami legends also support this 'chronologically. From these considerations the writer believes that communication existed between the Batanes Island and Kotosho about the middle of the seventeenth century.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.113, no.3, pp.291-293, 2005 (Released:2005-12-21)
2 2

We used the JC virus genotyping method to investigate the origins of Greenland Inuits. Using polymerase chain reaction, we detected six JC virus isolates in urine samples collected from Inuits in northwestern and southeastern Greenland. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete and partial DNA sequences of these isolates demonstrated that all isolates belonged to the EU-a1/Arc cluster previously identified in native northeastern Siberians (e.g. Chukchis and Koryaks) and Canadian Inuits. This finding suggests a close contact or affinity between Greenland Inuits and other circumarctic populations.
埴原 和郎
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.66, no.4, pp.187-196, 1958-08-30 (Released:2008-02-26)
27 30

Sexual diagnosis of skeleton is a very important problem in the held of anthropology as well as in that of legal medicine. We have a great many methods for this purpose, but there are few of them that express our satis-faction as far as objectivity, simplicity and correctness are concerned. Considering all of these points of view, it may be affirmed, at least in the present state, that the best way is synthetic estimation by multiple measurements.