三重野 雅/村瀬 博文/深瀬 秀郷/福栄 克浩/土岐 光伸/永山 裕/笠原 邦明/玄間 美健/小田 浩範/大森 一幸/前田 静一/加藤 元康/磯貝 治喜/原田 尚也/平 博彦/有末 眞 ミエノ タダシ/ムラセ ヒロフミ/フカセ シュウゴウ/フクエイ カツヒロ/トキ ミツノブ/ナガヤマ ヒロシ/カサハラ クニアキ/ゲンマ ヨシタケ/オダ ヒロノリ/オオモリ カズユキ/マエダ セイイチ/カトウ モトヤス/イソガイ ハルキ/ハラダ ナオヤ/タイラ ヒロヒコ/アリスエ マコト MIENO Tadashi/MURASE Hirofumi/FUKASE Shugoh/FUKUEI Katsuhiro/TOKI Mitsunobu/NAGAYAMA Hiroshi/KASAHARA Kuniaki/GENMA Yoshitake/ODA Hironori/OOMORI Kazuyuki/MAEDA Seiichi/KATO Motoyasu/ISOGAI Haruki/HARADA Naoya/TAIRA Hirohiko/ARISUE Makoto
vol.12, no.2, pp.227-232, 1993-12-31

Generally, the repositioning and fixation of fragments in the treatment of jaw fractures is performed based on proper occlusion conditions of the upper and lower jaws. However, the treatment of fractures of the mentally and physically handicapped pose a number of problems caused by lack of patient comprehension and cooperation. In this paper, we present two cases of mandibular fracture of handicapped patients, whose closed reduction and fixation was impossible. In these cases, open reduction and ridged fixation of fragments was carried out with screw and plate without intermaxillary fixation. Problems of the treatment of jaw fracture of mentally and physically handicapped patients were discussed.
加藤 謙介 カトウ ケンスケ Kensuke KATO
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.14, pp.1-11, 2013-03

This study focused on the social issues surrounding the rescue of companion animals during disaster relief efforts. It (1) reviewed previous reports on this topic and applicable laws and (2) performed a quantitative analysis of newspaper articles related to animal rescue in times of disaster from 1985 to 2011. The review was based on three perspectives: self-help, mutual assistance and public assistance. -Based on this review, future responses to animal rescue during disaster were considered.
"大亀 衛/加藤 泰治/槇原 義典" "オオカメ マモル/カトウ ヤスハル/マキハラ ヨシノリ" "Ohkame Mamoru/Katoh Yasuharu/Makihara Yosinori"
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.26, pp.41-54, 1990

"かえでの種子は最初不規則な落下運動をするが, まもなくそれは自転運動と公転運動とにじり運動をあわせた規則性のある落下運動に変わる。この規則運動をしながら落下する種子の運動方程式がつくられ, 数値解析が行なわれた。規則運動を始めたところの高さや羽根の長さを種の長さで割った比が大きいほど種子の滞空時間は大きく, 羽根の長さの方向の傾きや種の厚さと密度の積や羽根の厚さと密度の積が大きいほどそれは小さくなっている。種子の自転の角速度の大きさがπ1/sあたりより大きいと, 種子の滞空時間はこれの影響を受けない。さまざまの滞空時間で落下するこれらの種子はいろいろな速さの風に運ばれて広く飛散する。これは自然淘汰にうちかってかえでが繁殖できた理由の一つであろう。""The equations of motion for a maple seed are made, and the flight duration of maple seeds is investigated by means of numerical calculation. The flight duration is generally different from each other. Therefore, the seeds are carried down extensively on the wind. This is one of the reasons why maples grow well in spite of natural selection."
加藤 潔 カトウ キヨシ Kiyoshi Katoh
vol.12, pp.101-116, 1999-03-31
加藤 恵司 カトウ ケイジ
聖学院大学論叢 (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第22巻, no.第1号, 2009-11
加藤 淳平 カトウ ジュンペイ KATO Jumpei
山形大学大学院教育実践研究科年報 = Bulletin of graduate school of teacher training Yamagata University (ISSN:18848893)
no.4, pp.138-145, 2013-02-16

This research focuses on dialogue and reflection. In lesson study, the workshop called Unconference has no-borders between teachers and learners. The result of the workshop showed that active form of dialogue made all the participants become autonomic learners. The teachers came to realize the efficiency of reflection and find it a different learning experience. Learners in supportive environments have high levels of self-efficacy and self-motivation and use learning as primary transformative force. [キーワード] 対話, 内省, 学習環境デザイン, アンカンファレンス
加藤 行男 村上 賢 カトウ ユキオ ムラカミ マサル Yukio Kato Masaru Murakami Tomomitsu Alexandre Okatani
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University
vol.11/12, pp.180-183, 2005 (Released:2012-09-12)

野生の爬虫類252検体および愛玩用として一般家庭で飼育されている爬虫類(愛玩用爬虫類)39検体からSalmonellaを分離し,種および亜種の同定,血清型別を行った。野生の爬虫類252検体中29検体(11.5%),愛玩用爬虫類39検体中22検体(55.6%)からSalmonellaが検出された。分離されたSalmonellaの亜種は,亜種Iが最も多かった。分離されたSalmonellaの亜種Iの血清型は,S. Litchfield,S. Thompson,S. Newportなど9血清型に分類された。以上のことより,爬虫類はSalmonellaを高率に保有し,分離された株の中には日本においても胃腸炎患者から分離される血清型もあり,爬虫類がヒトのSalmonella感染症の感染源となりうることが示唆された。 A total of 291 fecal samples from 252 wild reptiles and 39 pet reptiles were examined for the prevalence of Salmonella spp. in Japan. Salmonella spp. were isolated from 29 (11.5%) of 252 wild reptiles and 22 (55.6%) of 39 pet reptiles. The isolates were identified into subspecies I to IV. The majority of isolates (43.6%) belonged to subspecies I and these isolates could be identified into 9 serovars. The serovars isolated were found to be S. Newport, S. Litchifield and S. Thompson which cause human salmonellosis. These results indicated that reptiles may be a potential infectious source of human salmonellosis in Japan.