三木 理史
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.17, no.2, pp.230-248, 2022 (Released:2022-07-28)

三木 理史
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.67, no.10, pp.677-700, 1994-10-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

わが国において鉄道を中心とした近代交通体系の形成は,これまで旅客・貨物輸送数量の変化を指標にして考察され,1906~1907年の鉄道国有化がその契機になったと指摘されてきた.しかし,交通の階層差を問題とせず,また輸送数量に依存してきた既往の見解には再考の余地があるように思われる.そこで,幹線鉄道と私鉄路線の結節形態に視点を置く歴史地理学的手法で,路線の階層差を踏まえた考察を試みた. その結果, 1906~1907年の鉄道国有化は,上中位路線を組織化して近代交通体系の形成を促;進する機能を果たしたが,完成には至らなかったと判断せざるをえない.主として鉄道国有化以後に建設された下位路線は,1930年代から1940年代前半にかけての交通統制によって近代交通体系への組織化が進行した.したがって,わが国の近代交通体系の形成には,鉄道国有化に加えて交通統制が重要な機能を果たしたと考えられる.
三木 理史
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.61, no.5, pp.373-391, 2009 (Released:2018-01-10)

This paper clarifies the decline of the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities by analyzing transport coordination in Osaka City after World War II. First, the author hypothesizes that influences in urban traffic planning were reversed between the Ministry of Construction (the Ministry of the Interior before World War II) and the Ministry of Transport (the Ministry of Railways before World War II) before and after World War II, by concentrating on the Urban Transportation Council which played an important part in subsequent transport coordination. This is considered from two points:Transport management generally consists of both infrastructure and transport systems. The Ministry of Railways that regarded transport systems as businesses had difficulty controlling urban areas where the ratio of tram traffic was much higher than railway traffic, because the Ministry of the Interior, which regarded transport systems as belonging to infrastructure, dominated urban areas through the Urban Planning Central Council. However, the Urban Planning Central Council was abolished in 1941 under the influence of the wartime regime. Therefore, urban planning works were weakened because the Ministry of Interior was also dissolved. Since the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities in Osaka City was the basis of urban planning that was greatly controlled by that ministry, it was thought to be obligated to conflict with the Ministry of Transport after World War II.The Ministry of Transport, which was organizationally constructed in 1949, promoted the Traffic Council to democratize traffic administration. The Traffic Council was related to the Land Transport Coordination Council from before World War II due to changes in transport legislation. The Urban Transportation Council used to be the Transport Coordination Council before World War II because it was constructed as one branch of the Traffic Council in 1955.This paper considers the decline of the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities in Osaka from these two circumstances. Although necessarily unsettled before World War II, the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities was restored to reflect the desires of the wartime regime. The Ministry of Transport tried to break through using G. H. Q. support immediately after World War II; in spite of this, ideas of municipal control continued to be entrenched. However, urban areas had spread rapidly because residents were fleeing to the suburbs to escape the bombing in the cities during the war. Because the municipality had difficulty monopolizing transport businesses in municipal areas due to serious traffic jams and increased automobile traffic during the era of high economic growth, the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities lost geographical validity. Therefore, because the construction of municipal subway lines was very expensive, the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities also lost economic viability. As a result, the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities declined rapidly after the end of the period of high economic growth.By considering the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities in Osaka, the reasons for its decline may be generally seen as a deficit in the transport businesses of the Osaka municipality. However, this paper clarifies that the municipal monopoly of urban traffic facilities in Osaka declined not only due to geographical factors but also economic factors. Therefore, its decline was also related to the reversal of relative power between the Ministries of Transport and Construction in urban transport planning after World War II.
三木 理史
アジア経済 (ISSN:00022942)
vol.46, no.5, pp.2-18, 2005-05
三木 理史
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.65, no.7, pp.548-568, 1992-07-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

従来,国家的統制政策の所産と考えられてきた昭和初期から第二次世界大戦中の交通事業者の統合問題を,大手私鉄資本による地域交通体系の再編成という視点から再考して,その空間構造を検討した.事例は三重県における近鉄資本による事業者統合に求めた. その結果,大正期まで基本的に国鉄駅起点の路線形態をとり国鉄線中心の交通体系下にあった局地鉄道線は,大手私鉄資本下に統合されてゆくなかで,大手私鉄幹線中心の交通体系に再編成されてゆく過程を跡づけることができた.そうした地域交通体系の再編成構想の実施にあたっては,戦時交通統制という国家政策の利用が不可欠であった.
三木 理史
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.1, pp.1-19, 2002-01-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

三木 理史
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.89, no.5, pp.234-251, 2016-09-01 (Released:2019-10-05)

本稿の目的は,1920年代における漢人の満洲への出稼移動に着目し,満鉄旅客輸送の特徴を明らかにすることにある.その具体的課題は,満鉄の鉄道旅客輸送の実態と,旅客の中心であった出稼者の移動の2点の解明で,本稿の分析結果は以下の4点にまとめられる.1. 出稼地は次第に南満から北満へと移行し,出稼者が満鉄線と中東鉄道線の利用増加を促進した.2. 出稼者の入満経路は大連経由が増加して京奉鉄路経由が減少した.3. 出稼者は三等や貨車搭乗(四等)で割引運賃や無賃による利用が多く,輸送人員も非常に大量であった.4. 北満への出稼者誘致は当初吉林省が積極的で中東鉄道東部線沿線を中心に進み,中ソ国境での紛争や自動車輸送の進展などの事情によって,次第に未開発地の多い西部線沿線へと移った.鉄道にとって無料や低運賃の出稼者輸送の意義は,大量性に加えて,穀物輸送貨車の空車回送の間合い運用が可能な点にあった.
三木 理史
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.85, no.6, pp.618-632, 2012-11-01 (Released:2017-11-16)

三木 理史
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.51, no.3, pp.217-239, 1999-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between reclamation work in Karafuto (present-day Sakhalin) and the construction of its capital city, Toyohara (present-day Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) after the Russo-Japanese war. There are four main points of consideration. As a study of colonization, this paper examines the relationship between suzerain policy and urban design as well as the transfer of systems and techniques from domestic to overseas territories. In addition, since Karafuto resembled Hokkaido in regional character during Japanese colonial times, as a study of urban design this paper compares Karafuto with Hokkaido, especially in terms of the intentional construction and nodal function of cities. Based on these four points, the contents of this paper can be summarized as follows:1. Similar to Hokkaido in its population density and ethnic composition, Karafuto has been considered the Japanese overseas territory most similar to its domestic territory in terms of colonial government policies. It has not always been considered so similar in regard to climate and agriculture, however, leading the author to surmize a feeling of incongruity among its settlers. As the ratio of non-settling fishermen to permanent settlers was high in the early colonial times, the encouragement of permanent residence was the most important task of the reclamation work.2. The construction of the new capital city was begun shortly after the Japanese occupation of Karafuto. From among several choices, the village of Urajimirofuka was selected as the site for the new city due to its location in the Suzuya Plain, an important agricultural area, yet also near a military base and along the main road. The new capital city was named Toyohara.3. Greatly influenced by the division of farmland, the streets of the new city were laid out in a grid pattern, modeled after the one used in Sapporo. The center line of the new town was its railway, later dividing the governmental area from the civil area. If the design of Sapporo was greatly influenced by the design of cities in domestic territories, then the planning technology of Toyohara can be considered to have been introduced into Karafuto from Japanese domestic territories by way of Hokkaido.4. The construction of Toyohara was closely related to the division work of farmland. The plans for Toyohara were drafted mainly by persons associated with Sapporo Agricultural College. That is to say, Karafuto received a transfer of experience and technology from the reclamation work carried out in settling Hokkaido as a domestic colony.5. In the early days of Japanese colonization, the nodal function of cities on Karafuto was of the Reverse Y type, concentrating every function in the city of Otomari. After Toyohara was constructed, the function changed to a Sideways T type, with everything concentrated there. The change was almost complete by 1911.6. The inland settlement of Karafuto was more difficult than had been expected. As Toyohara was not enthusiastically received by settlers, the Japanese colonial government in Karafuto had to politically promote the invitation of settlers and encourage their permanent residence. Although a few cities and fishing villages developed along coastal areas, few permanent settlements developed further inland.
三木 理史
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.81, no.4, pp.197-214, 2008-05-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

本稿は, 日本において日本語で公にされた樺太 (サハリン) に関する単行本・雑誌記事を「樺太論」と総称し, その20世紀の変容過程を考察した. その考察では, (1) サハリン島と大陸との関係および島南部の樺太と北海道の関係, (2) 一島単位の地域観の消長と政治的領域性との関係, (3) 樺太の日本領編入をめぐる領有観と回復観の関係, の3点を論点とした. まず, 領域性との関係から第二次世界大戦終戦を一つの転換点と見て, それ以前では領有直後, シベリア出兵期, 昭和戦前期に, 以後では1990年代に樺太論の画期を, おのおの見出した. その結果, 領有当初は北海道との関係が, シベリア出兵期には北サハリンを含めて一島単位で南北の地理的連続性に基づき大陸への連続性が強調された. また, 昭和戦前期には自然科学的に埋蔵資源への関心が高まったが, 地域観は南北で分断していた. 1990年代には一島統合的ロシア領サハリン観が卓越したことがわかった.
三木 理史
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.43, no.4, pp.328-347, 1991-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 1

A public utility is a useful service for the public, such as electricity, gas, water and sewage and transportation. Generally speaking, in the Meiji Era., most of the smaller utilities were unprofitable. Nevertheless, there were some entrepreneurs who willingly invested their money in the smaller utilities. For example, they are Keijiro Amemiya who established Dainihon Light Railway Company, Tokichi Saiga who established Saiga Electric Machinery and Appliance Company, and so forth.Saiga & Co. (Saiga Electric Machinery and Appliance Company) which was established by Tokichi Saiga had approximately 80 subsidiary companies including electricity, electrical equipment and various railways such as tramway and railway. The covered most parts of Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. However, their business collapsed to the point where they dishonored a bill in 1912 and went bankrupt soon after that.Saiga & Co. ran electricity businesses and railway businesses at the same time in the same area depending on the situation. Matsuyama in Ehime Prefecture and Iinan in Mie Prefecture are the cases. These areas are regarded as one of the most important areas for their business. Therefore, I discussed the Matsusaka Railway Company and Matsusaka Water Electric Company in my essay, which are subsidiary companies of Saiga & Co. in the Iinan District.Consequently, I could come to three points as follows:1. Matsusaka Railwey Company and Matsusaka Water Power Electric Company were two major companies in the Iinan District at that time, Local capital intersts had planned to establish them in their original plans. But, they failed to raise funds and asked Saiga & Co. for financial aid. Doth enterprises were established in this way.2. Matsusaka Railway Company and Matsusaka Water Power Electric Company developed their businesses rapidly after Tokichi Saiga participated in their management. This means that his contribution to the businesses was indispensable for their success in administrative and technical aspects.3. In 1910, Saiga and the manager of Matsusaka Water Power Electric Company participated in a project to build Matsusaka Light Railway. Matsusaka Water Power Electric Company built a dam across the Kushida River to generate electricity in 1905. However, it interrupted the transportation of the timber on floats, which was the customary way to transport timber in those days. Therefore, Matsusaka Water Power Electric Company participated in the project and contributed to build Matsusaka Light Railway between Matsusaka and Oishi.
三木 理史
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.1, pp.69-88, 1996-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The purpose of this paper is to define current trends and issues in studies of regional transportation systems in modern Japan. The author advocates the possibility of the study of modern transportation from a viewpoint of historical geography.First, a review of the historical studies of modern transportation reveals that most of them were about railways. Therefore, this paper places great importance on railways.The beginning of historical study of modern transportation in Japan was a compilation of the history of companies in the Meiji Era [1868-1912]. Many important studies have been done by such compilations since then. However, they were omitted in this paper for want of space, and the subject was limited to academic studies.The historical study of modern transportation developed dramatically during the last twenty years. It was generally concerned with the following three important points:1. Because historical studies are concerned with different transport facilities, there is no relationship between them.2. Because most studies are concerned with the history of the circulation of commodities, other issues are not considered.3. Studies from a broad point of view are insufficiently related to those with a narrow viewpoint.The construction of this paper is as follows on the basis of above-mentioned issues: Issues in the historical studies of modern transportation are discussed in Chapter II. ‘The study of the regional transportation systems’on the basis of historical geography which the author proposes is introduced in Chapter III. Some important subjects in the study are pointed out in Chapter IV. The contents of this paper are summarized as follows:First, the author gives attention to the major transport facilities of the transportation network in a region. He calls the major transportation network of marine and road transportation a ‘Marine etc type of regional transportation system’, and the network of railway transportation a ‘railway type of regional transportation system’. He considers that the changes from ‘marine etc’ to ‘railway’ appeared at the turning points between trunk transportation routes and local railways.Second, he considers the landmark of change from ‘marine etc’ to ‘railway’ to be transport co-ordination as well as the nationalization of the railways from 1906 to 1907.Third, he considers the regional transportation system on the basis of regional community. Attention is given to the preparation of social overhead capital and the management of transport industry in the formation of regional transportation systems.Modern transportation is a bridge between contemporary and feudal transportation. Upon reconsidering the study of transportation in geography, attention is given to its function by the analysis of contemporary transportation. Attention is also paid to its form before the feudal age. Therefore, the author considers that the study of modern transportation in relationship to contemporary transportation using the historical geography method is important in order to maintain a balance between functional studies and formal ones.
三木 理史
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.65, no.2, pp.107-128, 2013 (Released:2018-01-26)
4 3

This paper clarifies that soybeans were produced in Manchuria (Northeast China) and were intensively transported to Dalian (大连) using different railways without changing the fare systems based on the relationship between the South Manchurian Railway, the Chinese Eastern Railway, and the regions within or along both using the results from a micro-scale regional analysis. The contents of this paper are summarized as follows:Tsarist Russia constructed the Chinese Eastern Railway Company. It opened its main line to Vladivostok as an extension of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the early part of the 1900s, and this line bifurcated from Haerpin (Harbin, 哈尔滨) to Lüshun (旅顺) through Dalian as a southern feeder line within Manchuria. After Tsarist Russia ceded the southern feeder line between Changchun (长春) and Lüshun through Dalian to Japan as reparation for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05, Japan continued to operate it through the South Manchurian Railway Company. However, trains on the South Manchurian Railway line between Changchun and Lüshun by way of Dalian couldn’t have gone directly to the main or southern feeder lines at Haerpin and Changchun using the Chinese Eastern Railway because Japan had previously changed its track gauge.Soybeans were one of the most high-volume agricultural products for export from the region in the 1910s. Since more soybeans could be produced in southern Manchuria than in the north during this period, the route to Vladivostok via the Chinese Eastern Railway was less advantageous than that to Dalian using the South Manchurian Railway, which was near the high-volume production areas. Although the Chinese Eastern Railway Company set discounted fare rates, most of the soybeans produced in southern Manchuria were transported to Dalian and little was sent to Vladivostok.Produce was transported by wagon and then loaded and shipped from particular specified stations, not necessarily the nearest ones from the main farms that produced soybeans, due to the relationship between their locations and the railways. Some stations shipped a high volume of soybeans, and these constructed large consolidating zones for both railways. While they might straddle local hsien boundaries, they rarely straddled those of other provinces. Most of the section west of Haerpin on the Chinese Eastern Railway lines ran across Heilongjiang (黑龙江) Province, and the eastern and southern sections across Jilin (吉林) Province. Since most of the high-volume soybean farms in Jilin Province in the east transported their produce to specific stations on the southern feeder line within this same province, they gradually decreased shipments to Vladivostok after the Russian Revolution.The author believes that the reason that few consolidation zones straddled provincial boundaries was due to the currency that was circulated within Manchuria in the 1910s. The zones of regional types of money circulation were generally confined to within a given province. Since most of the farmers must have received their payments from the soybean brokers (liangzhan, 粮栈) within their own provinces, few transported their products to brokers at export ports in other provinces.
三木 理史
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.65, no.7, pp.548-568, 1992

従来,国家的統制政策の所産と考えられてきた昭和初期から第二次世界大戦中の交通事業者の統合問題を,大手私鉄資本による地域交通体系の再編成という視点から再考して,その空間構造を検討した.事例は三重県における近鉄資本による事業者統合に求めた.<br> その結果,大正期まで基本的に国鉄駅起点の路線形態をとり国鉄線中心の交通体系下にあった局地鉄道線は,大手私鉄資本下に統合されてゆくなかで,大手私鉄幹線中心の交通体系に再編成されてゆく過程を跡づけることができた.そうした地域交通体系の再編成構想の実施にあたっては,戦時交通統制という国家政策の利用が不可欠であった.