唐 方 野田 裕司 吉村 昌雄 久保 道徳 阿部 博子
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.45, no.4, pp.833-839, 1995-04-20 (Released:2010-03-12)

亜鉛欠乏マウスに大量の硫酸亜鉛を投与すると, 投与1時間後の血清亜鉛濃度は正常対照マウスに比べて著しく増加し, 小腸粘膜病変も増悪するが, 漢方薬 (〓香, 紫蘇, 木香, 陳皮, 知母, 鶏内金) 投与した亜鉛欠乏マウスでは血清亜鉛濃度の上昇が抑制されると共に小腸粘膜の障害も軽減されることが見出された。
久保 道徳 山崎 美保 松田 秀秋 我藤 伸樹 小谷 竜也
生薬學雜誌 (ISSN:13403443)
vol.59, no.1, pp.22-27, 2005-02-20

The effect of a fruit-juice concentrate of Japanese apricot (Japanese apricot concentrate, Ume-ekisu) on improving blood fluidity was examined. Whole blood passage time measured by a micro channel array flow analyzer (MC-FAN) of the Japanese apricot concentrate (200 mg/kg, p.o.)-treated rats was shorter than that of the non-treated control rats. Thus Japanese apricot concentrate showed an improving effect on rat blood fluidity. Furthermore, it was found that the Japanese apricot concentrate showed inhibitory effects on the collagen-, arachidonic acid- and ADP-induced platelet aggregations and on the thrombin-induced conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Citric acid and mumefural were identified as the main platelet aggregation inhibitory principles of Japanese apricot concentrate.
田原 英一 新谷 卓弘 森山 健三 中尾 紀久世 久保 道徳 斉藤 大直 荒川 龍夫 寺澤 捷年
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.54, no.5, pp.957-961, 2003-09-20 (Released:2010-03-12)

療養型病床群における高齢者の性的逸脱行動に桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯が有効であった2例を報告する。症例1は71歳男性で, 前立腺肥大症の術後リハビリテーション目的で入院となった。入院後まもなくから自慰行動が出現し, 他の女性入院患者や介護職員が不快感を訴えるようになった。桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯を投与したところ自慰行動は消失した。症例2は90歳男性で, 脳梗塞のリハビリテーションのために入院となった。入院後半年ほどして卑猥な言葉を言ったり, 他の女性患者の体を触るようになった。桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯を投与したところ, 性的逸脱行動は軽減した。桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯は痴呆による高齢者の性的逸脱行動に有効な治療法となると示唆される。
難波 恒雄 久保 道徳 谿 忠人 御影 雅幸
日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy (ISSN:00374377)
vol.24, no.2, pp.111-121, 1970-12-20

The foliar crude drug so called "Urajirogashi" has been used in Tokushima Pref. as the folk remedy for nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis and urethral calculi. The effect to dissolve each calculus has been proved pharmacologically and clinically, and the crude drug and their preparations are generally on the present market. The original plant of "Urajirogashi" was considered to be Quercus salicina BLUME. The results of the anatomical studies, however, confirmed that the original plants are Q. myrsinaefolia BLUME and the mixture of both species of Q. salicina and Q. myrsinaefolia besides Q. salicina BLUME. The points to discriminate each species are as follows: A) Q. salicina: Upper epidermis is 1.5〜3 times as thick as lower epidermis, and no idioblast in the part of mesophyll. Palisade ratio is 2.3〜3.7〜5.8. B) Q. myrsinaefolia: Upper epidermis is 3〜5 times as thick as lower epidermis, and idioblast are observed in the part of mesophyll. Palisade ratio is 3.5〜6.7〜10. 5. Further, the key for identification on the anatomical characteres of the leaves from Q. salicina, Q. myrsinaefolia, Q. glauca, Q. acuta, Q. hondae, Q. sessilifolia, Q. gilva, Q. phillyraeoides, Q. mongolia var. grosseserrata, Q. serrata, Q. aliena, Q. dentata, Q. variabilis and Q. acutissima was indicated as Table 4.「序言」ブナ科FagaceaeのウラジロガシQuercus salicina BLUME(=Q. stenophylla MAKINO)は, 本州, 四国, 九州の暖地に自生する常緑高木で, 徳島県地方で「しらかし」および「うらじろがし」と称され, 民間的にその葉や小枝を, 1日30~50g煎剤およびエキス剤として, 胆石症, 腎石症, 尿路結石症など内臓諸結石症の治療薬とされ, 最近では肝臓, 胃腸病, 便秘などにも応用されている日本特有の民間薬である3)4). 近年ウラジロガシの結石溶解作用は薬理学的には, 小国3a), 幸田5)により, 臨床的には近藤ら6), 橋本7)および稲田ら8)により検討され, その有効性が実証された. その後市場に「うらじろがし」, 「裏白柏」と称して出回り, エキス製剤も市販されるようになった. 今回徳島県下で民間的に使用されている「うらじろがし(しらかし)」, および徳島, 香川, 和歌山, 群馬県産の徳島, 大阪, 東京市場品「うらじろがし」の中に同一基源からなるものとは思われない商品が発見されたので, それらの基源を確定する目的でQuercus属植物14種9)の葉との比較組織学的研究を行った.
久保 道徳 勝城 忠久 長尾 孝治 水野 瑞夫 大橋 広好
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.31, no.2, pp.136-144, 1977-12-20

The Chinese crude drug so called "Gehua" has been used for the treatment of crapulence as a folk medicine in China, Formosa, Korea and Japan. The original plant of this was considered to be the flower of Pueraria spp. in Leguminosae. Four kinds of "Gehua" on Chinese, Formosan, Korean and Japanese markets, were taken as the materials. To clarify their origins, we studied external and internal morphological characters of Pueraria spp. collected in Hong Kong, Formosa and Japan. The main characters of them are shown in TABLE I. Consequently, the origins of "Gehua" on Chinese market are proved to be Pueraria chinensis OHWI, the Formosan ones are P. montana MERRIL., and Korean and Japanese ones are P. lobata OHWI. Chinese Pueraria flower which contains kakkatin (=6, 4'-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-isoflavone) is identified as the flower of Pueraria chinensis.
木村 善行 久保 道徳 草加 君代 谿 忠人 東野 正行 有地 滋 奥田 拓道
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.30, no.1, pp.219-222, 1982-01-25

The effects of oral administration of flavonoid components of Scutellariae Radix on serum and liver lipid levels of rats treated with ethanol were investigated. It was found that wogonin reduced serum triglyceride level, and that baicalein and baicalin, the major components of the drug, decreased total cholesterol, free cholesterol and triglyceride contents in the liver. Baicalein increased high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-ch) in the serum of the ethanol-treated rats. In addition to these in vivo experiments, the actions of wogonin, baicalein and baicalin on catecholamine-induced lipolysis in isolated fat cells were investigated. It was found that the three flavones inhibited noradrenaline-induced lipolysis in isolated fat cells. The relationship between these in vivo and in vitro experiments is discussed.
難波 恒雄 久保 道徳 御影 雅幸
日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.30, no.2, pp.p171-182, 1976-12

"Xia-ku-cao (夏枯草)" is one of the Chinese crude drugs used mainly as a diuretic. While in Japan, the same drug called "Ka-go-so" has been used as a folk remedy for gonorrhea, bruises and etc. Regarding the origin of "Xia-ka-cao," it was reported by Su et al. (1958) that those from continental China was originated in the fruited spica of Prunella vulgaris L. of Labiatae. It was, however, stipulated for the spica of Prunella vulgaris L. subsp. asiatica HARA in J. P. IX (1976). According to our survey of respective markets in Taiwan, Japan and Korea, most of the materials collected in the markets were seemed to be originated in Prunella plants, while some from Korea, were seemed to be Thesium plant of Santalaceae as reported by Ishidoya (1934). Furthermore from many descriptions and figures in various herbals (Ben-cdo-shil "Xia-ka-cao" is regarded to be originated in Prunella plants as shown Plate 1. To clarify the respective origin of five kinds of "Xia-ku-cad' from continental China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, pharmacognostical studies were made in comparing them with Prunella vulgaris L. distributed mainly in Europe, P. vulgaris L. subsp. asiatica HARA in East Asia, P. prunelliformis MAKINO in Japan and Thesium chinense TURCZ. in Asia. By the present studies, it was clarified that all of "Xia-ka-cao" originated in Prunella plants were P. vulgaris subsp. asiatica, and the materials from continental China were consisted of spica only, while those from other countries were whole plants body of that plant, and some from Korea originated in Thesium chinense.
久保 道徳
薬学図書館 (ISSN:03862062)
vol.21, no.3, pp.212-222, 1977-01-20 (Released:2011-12-05)
松田 秀秋 久保 道徳
薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.103, no.12, pp.p1269-1277, 1983-12

The antithrombic activities of 70% methanol extract (I) obtained from Korean red ginseng (root of Panax ginseng C.A. MEYER) were evaluated in the models of experimental disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) induced by endotoxin or thrombin in rats, and in the in vitro models of blood platelet aggregation, agglutination of fibrinogen and activation of fibrinolytic system. In the coagulative system, I prevented the exchanges of values of clinical examination (blood platelet, fibrinogen and prothrombin time) at a dose of 500 mg/kg in rats on DIC induced by endotoxin or thrombin. I also inhibited the formation of fibrin thrombi in the renal glomeruli on the thrombin-induced DIC in rats. In the fibrinolytic system, I was found to show fibrinolytic activity in rats as determined by the euglobulin lysis time (ELT) assay. In the in vitro experiments, incubation of I in the plasminogen-containing fibrin plate promoted activation of urokinase action.