金子 博和 江畑 智希 横山 幸浩 伊神 剛 山口 淳平 梛野 正人
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.77, no.8, pp.2048-2052, 2016 (Released:2017-02-28)


8 0 0 0 OA 腹部銃創の2例

深見 保之 長谷川 洋 小木曽 清二 坂本 英至 伊神 剛 森 俊治
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.64, no.10, pp.2495-2499, 2003-10-25 (Released:2009-03-31)

症例1は45歳,男性.ピストルで左側腹部を撃たれ救急外来に搬送された.血圧は触診で60mmHg,左側腹部に射入創,右側腹部の皮下に銃弾を触知した.開腹すると, S状結腸間膜と空腸間膜が損傷を受け,空腸と上行結腸が穿孔していた.空腸部分切除,回盲部切除術を施行し,術後28病日に退院した.症例2は41歳,男性.ピストルで数発撃たれ受傷し来院した.右腋窩に貫通銃創,腰部から左腹部に抜ける貫通銃創,左大腿に貫通銃創,右腹部に盲管銃創,左下腿に盲管銃創を認め,開腹し空腸部分切除,回盲部切除術を施行した.また腹壁と左下腿の弾丸は摘出した.術後45病日に退院した.銃創は本邦においては稀であるが,今後増加することが予想される.腹部銃創による腹腔内臓器損傷が疑われる場合には,迅速な手術決定が必要であると思われた.
阪 彩香 伊神 正貫 富澤 宏之 福澤 尚美(追加資料作成)
2015-04 (Released:2015-04-09)

最新データに基づき2013年までのWoS-KAKEN論文の状況を分析した資料を追加しました(2017年4月11日)。本調査研究では、論文データベース(Web of Science、自然科学系)と我が国の代表的な競争的資金の1つである科学研究費助成事業の成果データベース(KAKEN)を論文単位で連結させ、日本の論文産出構造の分析を行った。その結果、科学研究費補助金の関わる論文数やTop10%補正論文数は近年上昇傾向にあることが分かった。また、科学研究費補助金は、2006-2008年における日本の論文数の47%、Top10%補正論文数の62%に関与しており、日本の論文産出において量的にも質的にも関与していることが明らかとなった。また、日本の論文産出構造において、①科学研究費補助金以外の研究費による論文産出が著しく低下していること、②科学研究費補助金による研究成果が世界における日本全体の存在感を維持させるほどの伸びを生み出していないことが問題点として浮かび上がってきた。This Research Material reports the result of the analysis of the structure of Japan’s scientific publication production using linkage data of bibliographic database (Web of Science) and database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), which is one of the representative competitive funds in Japan. Using those linkage data, it was found that the number of scientific papers and of top 10% highly cited papers that are related to the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) has been increased in the past decade; and outputs of KAKENHI were related to 47% of scientific papers and 62% of top 10% highly cited papers in 2006-2008. These results suggest that KAKENHI plays a large role in the knowledge creation of Japan in not only quantitative aspects but also qualitative aspects. Moreover, following two issues in the structure of Japan’s scientific publication production were revealed. 1) The number of scientific paper that is not related to KAKENHI has been decreased dramatically. 2) Outputs of KAKEN have not shown enough increase for keeping Japan’s presence in the world.
長岡 貞男 伊神 正貫 John P. WALSH 伊地知 寛博
2011-12 (Released:2012-03-14)

伊神 輝
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.1, pp.61-71, 1990-02-25 (Released:2010-11-18)

Newly developed idea of the nascent plate boundary along the eastern Japan Sea has become to be discussed in the last five years. The boundary extends southwards through central Japan, where the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL), one of the great tectonic lines in Japan, traverses to Suruga Bay. In the south of central Japan, the Philippine Sea plate is subducting under Japanese Islands, which lie on the North American plate and the Eurasia plate, and, therefore, a triple junction is formed there, if we acceptthe new idea of the plate boundary. Central Japan is, then, considered to be situated under the complex tectonic stress fields due to the plate interactions, and has the structures resulting from ongoing or past geodynamical process.Many seismic probings have been undertaken in central Japan and the derived structure will open informations on the geodynamic process and verifications of the nascent boundary. New resolution methods in seismic probing of the crust and the upper mantle can derive a three-dimensional velocity structure. The derived structure in central Japan, including ISTL, shows a low velocity body beneath the Hida mountains at the east of ISTL. However, the difference between the North American plate and the Eurasia plate has not beenresolved over the whole area along ISTL from the P-wave velocity of viewpoint. Many explosion profiles have been conducted in central Japan, some of which cross ISTL. The result at the north of ISTL shows a distinctive reverse fault dipping east near the Matsumoto Basin, though the fault location is slightly different eastwards from the geologically estimated tectonic line. The dip of the fault is concordant to that derived from the newidea of subducting the Eurasia plate under the North American plate. We cannot find other seismic profiles showing the similar structure in this area. In the southern part of ISTL, the northsouth fault is derived, which may be deformed by the plate interaction between thePhilippine Sea plate and the Eurasia plate.Unraveling a highly and widely resolved structure will be required to step forward to verify the new plate boundary hypothesis, and to put it practice, it is necessary to develop observation systems as well as the processing techniques. We address a request ofdeep seismic sounding which has controlled sources on a long-range profile with seismic waves penetrating deep into the crust and the upper mantle on a scale to discusss the new plate boundary hypothesis. Almost simultaneously, seismic tomography using natural sources, having a resolution of a three-dimensional image, will provide important information for better understanding of the geodynamical process in central Japan.
伊神 〓 一ノ瀬 洋一郎 原田 道昭 神沼 克伊
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.70, pp.158-182, 1980-09
