伊藤 誠一郎
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.53, no.2, pp.76-99, 2012 (Released:2019-08-22)

In Jealousy of Trade (2005), I. Hontʼs “realism” involves both a warning against understanding The Wealth of Nations as a product of the two idealisms of “civic-humanism” and natural juris-prudence, and an attempt to apply “Machiavel-lism,” or the perspective of reason of state, to the history of the world trade economy. However, when one puts Hontʼs argument in the context of Machiavellian political discussion, such as that of F. Meinecke, R. Tuck, and W. F. Church, it becomes clear that all of these scholarsʼ realistic understanding of the European history of ideas entails the description of the idealʼs history, in terms of progress towards it, rather than its re-nunciation. Specifically, Meinecke finds his ide-al in reason of enlightenment, Tuck in peace, Church in morality, and Hont in “cosmopolitical economy.” Nevertheless, each views the ideal in terms of its tension with historical reality. In contrast, H. Takemoto and T. Nakano, unencum-bered by such European idealism, seek a realis-tic political economy if in different ways while disregarding the ideal. For these two thinkers, reality is not a temporal hindrance that will eventually be overcome, but rather what contin-uously and permanently is. Hence, T. Nakano argues that an ongoing governmental industrial policy is a necessary measure to protect the nation and society, and H. Takemoto finds in The Wealth of Nations something like a political economy of order and safety. JEL classification numbers: B 11, B 49, Y 30.
伊藤 正哉
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.49, no.1, pp.104-120, 2007-06-30 (Released:2010-08-05)

This paper is an investigation of the evolution of R. F. Harrod's theory of imperfect competition. Its central purpose is to show how Harrod shifted the focus of his theory from the market structure to decision-making by entrepreneurs under uncertainty.In 1930, Harrod published an article in which he attempted to resolve the problem of the compatibility of competitive equilibrium with decreasing costs. He demonstrated that competitive equilibrium with decreasing costs in the short and long periods might be regarded as ‘normal’ to certain industries.Joan Robinson argued in 1932 that long-period equilibrium under imperfect competition must necessarily be associated with excess capacity. Harrod challenged that view, saying that her theory was based on unrealistic assumptions concerning the freedom competitors had to find and enter the market as easily as pre-existent firms. Thus, with his theoretical focus trained on the market structure, Harrod's early criticism of ‘the doctrine of excess capacity’ centered on his doubt that ‘free entry’ was a sustainable assumption in the case of imperfect competition.Thereafter, Harrod's thinking was heavily influenced by the work of the Oxford Economists' Research Group. He accepted the position that entrepreneurial activities were shrouded in a ‘thick mist of uncertainty, ’ and he tried to dispel some of the ‘mist’ by understanding and clarifying the intentions of entrepreneurs at the moment when they made pricing and investment decisions. He reconstructed his theory on the basis of extensive empirical observations, and he based his later criticism of ‘the doctrine of excess capacity’ on actual behaviors of entrepreneurs: full-cost pricing and subjective creation of excess capacity. Thus Harrod's later theory was mainly concerned with the decision-making of entrepreneurs under uncertainty. This paper suggests that the evolution in Harrod's theory corresponded to the change in his approach to the market phenomenon.
伊藤 哲
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.32, no.32, pp.48-59, 1994 (Released:2010-08-05)

This article intends to reconsider the relationship between stoic philosophy and the theory of self-command in The Theory of Moral Sentiments.Hitherto, in Western studies, it has been thought that Smith had treated stoic philosophy consistently from the first edition to the sixth edition. However, in my view, concerning the theory of self-command, Smith seemed to criticize stoic philosophy in the sixth edition.In the first edition (1759), Smith comprehended that the virtue of perfect self-command was regarded as stoical heroism or, as it were, stoic virtue. In addition, he realized that the impartial spectator had to maintain a stoic magnanimity. Moreover, in the second edition (1761), according to the supplement of Epictetus' quotation in Part III, Smith emphasized stoic virtue as a means towards of the perfection of human nature. Therefore, with regard to the perfection of human nature, Smith recognized self-command as an integral part of the theory of virtue. However, in the sixth edition (1790), Smith evidently criticized the stoical apathy, which is not true self-command but lack of sensibility. Smith noticed that it was so dangerous to restrain the natural course of passions, and that the habitual most perfect self-command, though it was acquired via many hardships, might tend to fall into insensibility. Hence, Smith pointed out the proper relationship between self-command and sensibility in practical morality.
石島 芳郎 伊藤 雅夫 田 暢淇
家畜繁殖研究會誌 (ISSN:04530551)
vol.15, no.3, pp.109-111, 1969

伊藤 亜紗
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.57, no.4, pp.15-28, 2007-03-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

What I try to indicate in this paper is that what Paul Valery called 'pure poetry' concerns the 'physiological' sensation of the body that cannot be conveyed by prose. Curiously Valery found the ideal type of art experience in the physiological phenomena due to the nature of retina-that is to say perception of complementary colors. Complementary colors produced by the eye as antidote against colors that stimulate itself are certainly subjective impressions and imply fear of disturbing objective recognitions. However, Valery regards this pure sensation which is set free from external objects to refer, as a perception of our own body whose functions are normally imperceptible to us. We directly find out about our body only when it doesn't function properly. By using means such as rhythm, rhyme, inversion and surprise, poetry captures and restrains the reader's body and interferes its smooth and automatic that is to say prosaic activity. This is the point where pure poetry and the physiology intersect. Both, guiding our attention to physical disorder, help us to gain the representation of our body, which, according to Valery's idea, is a system consisting of various functions.