岡部 祐介 友添 秀則 春日 芳美
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.129-142, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)

Konjo is the willpower necessary to endure suffering, and for making an effort, having become a word in daily use in society, as well as in sports. The purpose of this study was to clarify the opportunity and the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo in Japanese society in the 1960s. Our study focused on three points: 1) Clarifying how the meaning of the word konjo changed in the 1960s, from its dictionary definition and usage in newspaper articles. 2) Clarifying the situation in which konjo became popular through the Tokyo Olympic Games, and its spread to the sports community and to society. 3) Considering the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo, and to propose a hypothesis that could account for it.   Our conclusions were as follows: 1) The meaning of konjo evolved from a negative context of “a fundamental character and mindset with which a person is born” to a positive context of “a strong, resilient character that cannot be suppressed” and “a strong motivation to accomplish an aim” at the beginning of the 1960s. 2) Konjo was considered to the spiritual keynote for athletes at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Hirobumi Daimatsu's “konjo theory” had the persuasive reason by winning “Oriental Witches” championship at the Tokyo Olympics. In view of these factors, we considered that konjo was interpreted as a popularized moral virtue by society, and impacted on both education and popular culture. 3) We considered that the concept of konjo became transformed and was used to promote competitiveness in sports at the Tokyo Olympics as part of the strategy for “character building”. It also played a role in bolstering human resources that played a key role in economic development during the 1960s, and thus was of strategic value. The considerations listed above show that the Tokyo Olympic Games played an important role in the transformation of the concept of konjo in the 1960s.
岡部 祐介 友添 秀則 春日 芳美
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.1203240225, (Released:2012-04-03)

Konjo is the willpower necessary to endure suffering, and for making an effort, having become a word in daily use in society, as well as in sports. The purpose of this study was to clarify the opportunity and the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo in Japanese society in the 1960s. Our study focused on three points: 1) Clarifying how the meaning of the word konjo changed in the 1960s, from its dictionary definition and usage in newspaper articles. 2) Clarifying the situation in which konjo became popular through the Tokyo Olympic Games, and its spread to the sports community and to society. 3) Considering the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo, and to propose a hypothesis that could account for it. Our conclusions were as follows: 1) The meaning of konjo evolved from a negative context of “a fundamental character and mindset with which a person is born” to a positive context of “a strong, resilient character that cannot be suppressed” and “a strong motivation to accomplish an aim” at the beginning of the 1960s. 2) Konjo was considered to the spiritual keynote for athletes at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Hirobumi Daimatsu's “konjo theory” had the persuasive reason by winning “Oriental Witches” championship at the Tokyo Olympics. In view of these factors, we considered that konjo was interpreted as a popularized moral virtue by society, and impacted on both education and popular culture. 3) We considered that the concept of konjo became transformed and was used to promote competitiveness in sports at the Tokyo Olympics as part of the strategy for “character building”. It also played a role in bolstering human resources that played a key role in economic development during the 1960s, and thus was of strategic value. The considerations listed above show that the Tokyo Olympic Games played an important role in the transformation of the concept of konjo in the 1960s.
友添 秀則 梅垣 明美
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-10, 2007-03-15 (Released:2012-09-24)

In Japan, the suicide by bullying took place m ostly continuously in the elementary school, the junior high school, and the high school in 2006. Now, children are in the situation which is in the crisis concerned with character. In such a situation, it is thought that physical education should pursue the character building for the purpose of formation of sociality or morality.The purpose of this paper is to examine critically the prec e dence research on the character building in physical education. And it is to clarify the result and problem of the character building theory in physical education through the critical examination of the precedence research.This study will give the effective suggestions for building the character building theory in future physical education.The results were summarized as follows.1) It is necessary to build clearly the explicit concept of the “character building” in physical education.2) The study on the “character building” in physical education must be added comprehensive analysis and examination from the relation with ideal changes of school physical education of Japan and the national curriculum for school physical education of Japan.3) The study on the character building in physical education needs to be considered, clarifying related structure with sports culture.4) The study on the character building in physical education needs to be considered from the position of creating new society, having the viewpoint of social criticism.
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.35, no.1, pp.7-19, 2013 (Released:2014-04-16)
2 1 1

In this study, we focus on arguing about whether retaliatory-hit-batsman is right or wrong, elicit issues which should be solved by reviewing each theorist's theory which is different from each view and aim to provide a new viewpoint for the argument by addressing these issues. As a first issue, we suggest whether retaliatory-hit-batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch is appropriate for the justifiable defense or not. We discuss the issue in accordance with the finding based on the fields of legality and legal philosophy in which there are accumulated discussions about the justifiable defense. As a result, “imminent and unlawful infringement” is suggested as a condition which necessitates the use of justifiable defense and it was concluded that because it's too difficult to consider the retaliatory hit batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch as the justifiable defense, it's not justified from the viewpoint of justifiable defense.As a second issue, we question whether priority should be given to the external principles (the agreement of participants) or internal principles (the excellence) of the game. We address the issue by reference to Rawls and MacIntyre's theories. The result here are as follows: with the Rawls' stance of liberalism, agreement is acquired with the external principles, and on the other hand, with the MacIntyre's stance which is communitarianism with which the concept of “good” has the priority, internal principles (the excellence) should be given the priority. Furthermore, sustaining the game might be more difficult if the agreement is considered as the more important matter than the excellence. Therefore, even if there is the agreement of participants for retaliatory-hit-batsman, when the excellence of the game is undermined, we suggest that retaliatory-hit-batsman is not permitted.
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13011, (Released:2013-07-08)
3 1

In baseball games, there are instances where a pitcher deliberately targets a batsman of the opposing team with a pitch in order to retaliate against a previous strike on their own player by the opposing team. The present study focusing on major league baseball aimed to clarify the nature of the responsibility sensed a pitcher who finds himself in a similar position after a batsman on his team has taken an intentional hit from the opposing team's pitcher in order to analyze the structure of the pitcher's dilemma. We looked at the situation not only from the viewpoint in which the pitcher's responsibility is considered an obligation, as proposed by Takikawa, but also from the obligations concept proposed by Sandel. We found that there is a responsibility to comply with the official baseball rules to discourage any retaliatory hit on a batsman in order to avoid any intentional injury to a member of the opponent's team. On the other hand, responsibility for an intentional hit on a batman can be considered an obligation in order to implement an unwritten rule that condones such retaliatory action. Therefore the structure of the responsibility is considered to be an obligation that generates a dilemma for the pitcher and promotes conflict. On this basis, the difficulty of resolving the problem related to a retaliatory hit was highlighted. Furthermore, the possibility of analysis in accordance with the responsibility concept for ethical issues in sport was suggested. We discuss the concept of responsibility as an obligation that presents a conflict, and consider which course of action should have priority in such cases.
和田 哲也 友添 秀則
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.5, pp.337-348, 1994-01-01

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the activity of kenjyutsu, the traditional physical culture in Japan, practiced as a match or sport in the latter period of Edo era. The object of this study was Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family that was transmitted in the Yoshino River area in the province of Awa (Tokushima prefecture) . The authors investigated the actual condition and character of kenjyutsu in those days using the historical materials of "nogeiko" (the outdoor meet of kenjyutsu) of the school. The findings of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The "taryu-jiai", in which kenjyutsu had come to be practiced as a match in the latter period of Edo era, was carried mainly by the common people rather than the people in the class of samurai and was activated all over the country. 2) "Nogeiko" of Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family was intended to open to the public from the beginning, and it was planned elaborately and practiced systematically. Almost all of the matches in the "nogeiko" were practiced by one person against one, though these were practiced with some formations supposing an actual battle, and there were "metsuke"(referee) who judged victory or defeat. 3) These matches were practiced under the free and large-hearted atmosphere beeing unbound to the ethical idea of Confucianism, and this "nogeiko" had a character of an amusement or pleasure of the common people. 4) This case means that kenjyutsu was practiced as an activity of a match or sport, whose style agreed with several melkmarls pointed by Guttmann, in the province far from the governmental center of this country. This is assumed not to be particular in the area of Tokushima prefecture but to be general in the localities of this country in those days. 5) Practice of kenjyutsu as a match or sport like this and accumulation of the experience,which became a basic condition to accept modern sports since Meiji era in japan, seems to make the rapid diffusion of it easily.
小野 雄大 友添 秀則 根本 想
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.2, pp.599-620, 2017 (Released:2017-12-19)

In recent years, the way university sports are conducted has been under discussion. In particular, there is some concern about the balance between studies and competitive activities, which is important when considering the future of university sports in Japan. As no previous research has focused on sports recommendation admissions to universities in Japan, the present study first attempted to clarify the way in which this system has developed.  The following findings were obtained:  1. In Japan, even before the recommendation admission system was officially approved, athletes had been given preferential treatment in entrance examinations, which was not disclosed to the public or stipulated in application guides.  2. Soon after the recommendation admission system was officially approved, campus disputes worsened, which caused the preferential admission treatment of athletes to be severely criticized, making it difficult to continue with the conventional system any longer. Accordingly, during the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, universities abolished the preferential treatment given to athletes in entrance examinations.  3. Since the recommendation admission system was officially approved in 1967, the faculties of physical education at private universities, among others, started to actively admit athletes based on recommendation. These physical education faculties selected students based on physical skill tests to secure competent athletes. Thus, by matching the admission policy of the faculty with the sporting abilities of athletes, universities were able to secure competent athletes without having to impose a special admission quota for athletes.  4. In the 1980s, private universities played a leading role in conducting entrance examinations with a special admission quota for athletes. Waseda University launched the Special Selection System for Physical Education Major, which introduced a special admission quota for athletes, specified the athletic events and performances, and made the selection process widely known to the public. In conducting this selection, however, the university faced a dilemma of whether or not to employ it as the system for strengthening their sports teams.  5. In 1987, the Ad Hoc Council on Education, an advisory body of the Japanese Government on education, recommended that assessment of sports activities be taken into consideration in entrance examinations. The 1989, the Guidelines for University Entrance Examination, revised in accordance with the Council's recommendation, listed “adequate assessment of activities in sports, culture, etc.” as a selection method for university admission for the first time.
春日 芳美 友添 秀則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.177-189, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
1 1

This study was conduct to understand how women's physical education was promoted during the development of Japan, focusing especially on the Taisho era (1912-1926). First, I reviewed critical opinions about physical education for women prevalent during this period, in order to reveal details of difficulties in promoting it. Secondly, through collection of relevant documents, I examined the measures for promotion of women's physical education that had been discussed during this period. Thirdly, I reviewed the criticism of these promotion measures, in order to reveal the tendencies and problems prevalent at the time.   On the basis of these reviews, I consider that the main reasons why the promotion of women's physical education was not successful in the Taisho era were: 1) women's physical education was not consistent with the traditional social norm of the time, 2) theoretical studies of physical education had not yet been developed, and 3) people at that timetended to regard ‘unhealthy-looking’ women as beautiful (for example in the works of Takehisa Yumeji). Since it was difficult to solve these problems, some advocates tried to promote women's physical education by emphasizing the beneficial effects of gymnastics rather than conducting theoretical studies. This was promoted by proactively creating a new concept of women's physical education such as appreciation for ‘health and beauty’. The measures for promotion of physical education for women in the Taisho era placed emphasis on advertising physical education more effectively rather than improving it qualitatively. The promotion of women's physical education in this manner was criticized by other advocates of physical education, and I consider that this was one reason why the quality of women's physical education remained low.
岡部 祐介 友添 秀則 吉永 武史 稲葉 佳奈子
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.30, no.1, pp.13-23, 2010-10-30 (Released:2013-07-20)
3 1

The purpose of this study is to clarify a contemporary meaning of discourse concerning the suicide of Kokichi Tsuburaya who was a marathon runner in the Olympic games in Tokyo, 1964.Tsuburaya's death was continually talked about in the newspaper and magazines, and discourse related to the suicide of Tsuburaya was reproduced.It was pointed out that the nation and the Self Defense Forces had caused “pressure” for Tsuburaya. In worldwide competitions including the Olympic games, contemporary athletes receive “pressure” as Tsuburaya.However, the difference with the generation of Tsuburaya's was clearly shown, and the conversion of the “ethos of sports” was pointed out. As a result of Tsuburaya's death it brought meaning as follows:Through Tsuburaya's, it was recognized that athletes undertake an excessive expectation from those around them, and social pressures over winning or defeat. It is thought that the death of Tsuburaya made clear the problem of identity loss for athletes. In addition, “recognition that modern athletes represent the nation”and “preferable attitude to competitive sport” is recognized. A definite link can be made between the “ethos of sport” and “Tsuburaya” which reproduces a (standard) discourse.
小野 雄大 友添 秀則 根本 想
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17015, (Released:2017-09-27)
2 5

In recent years, the way university sports are conducted has been under discussion. In particular, there is some concern about the balance between studies and competitive activities, which is important when considering the future of university sports in Japan. As no previous research has focused on sports recommendation admissions to universities in Japan, the present study first attempted to clarify the way in which this system has developed.  The following findings were obtained:  1. In Japan, even before the recommendation admission system was officially approved, athletes had been given preferential treatment in entrance examinations, which was not disclosed to the public or stipulated in application guides.  2. Soon after the recommendation admission system was officially approved, campus disputes worsened, which caused the preferential admission treatment of athletes to be severely criticized, making it difficult to continue with the conventional system any longer. Accordingly, during the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, universities abolished the preferential treatment given to athletes in entrance examinations.  3. Since the recommendation admission system was officially approved in 1967, the faculties of physical education at private universities, among others, started to actively admit athletes based on recommendation. These physical education faculties selected students based on physical skill tests to secure competent athletes. Thus, by matching the admission policy of the faculty with the sporting abilities of athletes, universities were able to secure competent athletes without having to impose a special admission quota for athletes.  4. In the 1980s, private universities played a leading role in conducting entrance examinations with a special admission quota for athletes. Waseda University launched the Special Selection System for Physical Education Major, which introduced a special admission quota for athletes, specified the athletic events and performances, and made the selection process widely known to the public. In conducting this selection, however, the university faced a dilemma of whether or not to employ it as the system for strengthening their sports teams.  5. In 1987, the Ad Hoc Council on Education, an advisory body of the Japanese Government on education, recommended that assessment of sports activities be taken into consideration in entrance examinations. The 1989, the Guidelines for University Entrance Examination, revised in accordance with the Council's recommendation, listed “adequate assessment of activities in sports, culture, etc.” as a selection method for university admission for the first time.
和田 哲也 友添 秀則
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.5, pp.337-348, 1994-01-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the activity of kenjyutsu, the traditional physical culture in Japan, practiced as a match or sport in the latter period of Edo era. The object of this study was Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family that was transmitted in the Yoshino River area in the province of Awa (Tokushima prefecture) . The authors investigated the actual condition and character of kenjyutsu in those days using the historical materials of "nogeiko" (the outdoor meet of kenjyutsu) of the school. The findings of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The "taryu-jiai", in which kenjyutsu had come to be practiced as a match in the latter period of Edo era, was carried mainly by the common people rather than the people in the class of samurai and was activated all over the country. 2) "Nogeiko" of Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family was intended to open to the public from the beginning, and it was planned elaborately and practiced systematically. Almost all of the matches in the "nogeiko" were practiced by one person against one, though these were practiced with some formations supposing an actual battle, and there were "metsuke"(referee) who judged victory or defeat. 3) These matches were practiced under the free and large-hearted atmosphere beeing unbound to the ethical idea of Confucianism, and this "nogeiko" had a character of an amusement or pleasure of the common people. 4) This case means that kenjyutsu was practiced as an activity of a match or sport, whose style agreed with several melkmarls pointed by Guttmann, in the province far from the governmental center of this country. This is assumed not to be particular in the area of Tokushima prefecture but to be general in the localities of this country in those days. 5) Practice of kenjyutsu as a match or sport like this and accumulation of the experience,which became a basic condition to accept modern sports since Meiji era in japan, seems to make the rapid diffusion of it easily.
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 岡部 祐介
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.31, no.2, pp.13-25, 2012-03-30 (Released:2013-10-11)

In basketball, there is one of the intentional rules violations, which is called “foul game”. “Foul game” is the action that a defense player toward the end of a close game will intentionally foul players in possession of the ball in order to stop the clock. Although the dispute has so far been made from a viewpoint whether to be an act morally permitted to “foul game” or not, it has not resulted in the conclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the point on right or wrong of “foul game” in basketball between Fraleigh and Simon who are regarded as renowned scholars in sport ethics with a fresh eye.There are three points in the controversy between Fraleigh and Simon.1. Role of the penalty for intentional fouls2. Importance of restorative skills3. Agreement of participants for intentional foulsIn this study, the three points at issue were examined by considering the contents of “official basketball rule” published in Japan Basketball Association. Especially, we analyzed the transition of the provisions of “intentional foul” and “unsportsmanlike foul” which have specified “foul game”. The results here are as follows.1.The role of the penalty for intentional fouls has shifted from the sanction for prohibited acts to the price for options.2.The importance of restorative skills by the free throw accompanying “foul game” has become more significant skills for which participants are asked in a game.3.The agreement of participants for intentional foul in “foul game” has moved turned to be acceptable.As we can see above, it has been evaluated as an act by which a “foul game“ is allowed in “official basketball rule”.
小野 雄大 友添 秀則 長島 和幸 根本 想
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.15-30, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-04-03)

Previous research has shown that physical education was introduced to young men’s associations through the strong encouragement of Giichi Tanaka. However, there has not been sufficient research on how Tanaka promoted physical education to young men’s associations or specifically what kind of plans were set forth.Accordingly, this study aims to clarify in detail the concept of promotion of physical education to young men’s associations.As a result, the following points were clarified:1) Tanaka positioned youth education in France, Russia and Austria as single-minded military school education and while he recognized its usefulness, he perceived it as negative. Meanwhile, he perceived German youth education favorably as discipline for the body and mind as a prerequisite to activities in the military.2) In the backdrop of German youth education as a model, Tanaka had a sense of impending crisis with respect to the current state of youth education in Japan which was in a trend of implementing excessive military style education. Based on these points, the education in Tanaka’s concept was, at least, positioned as activities in order to become healthy in terms of both stamina and spirit.3) The promotion of physical education to the youth was, for Tanaka, keeping in mind the combination of military education and national education, an experiment that required strong and healthy spirits and bodies as a basic prerequisite for the promotion of national power and war potential at time of generalized war as well as an expansion of military training.
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.35, no.1, pp.7-19, 2013

In this study, we focus on arguing about whether retaliatory-hit-batsman is right or wrong, elicit issues which should be solved by reviewing each theorist's theory which is different from each view and aim to provide a new viewpoint for the argument by addressing these issues. As a first issue, we suggest whether retaliatory-hit-batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch is appropriate for the justifiable defense or not. We discuss the issue in accordance with the finding based on the fields of legality and legal philosophy in which there are accumulated discussions about the justifiable defense. As a result, "imminent and unlawful infringement" is suggested as a condition which necessitates the use of justifiable defense and it was concluded that because it's too difficult to consider the retaliatory hit batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch as the justifiable defense, it's not justified from the viewpoint of justifiable defense.<br>As a second issue, we question whether priority should be given to the external principles (the agreement of participants) or internal principles (the excellence) of the game. We address the issue by reference to Rawls and MacIntyre's theories. The result here are as follows: with the Rawls' stance of liberalism, agreement is acquired with the external principles, and on the other hand, with the MacIntyre's stance which is communitarianism with which the concept of "good" has the priority, internal principles (the excellence) should be given the priority. Furthermore, sustaining the game might be more difficult if the agreement is considered as the more important matter than the excellence. Therefore, even if there is the agreement of participants for retaliatory-hit-batsman, when the excellence of the game is undermined, we suggest that retaliatory-hit-batsman is not permitted.
勝田 隆 友添 秀則 竹村 瑞穂 佐々木 康
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.31-48, 2016

<p>本研究の目的は、現在のスポーツ界において、スポーツ・インテグリティという用語がどのように捉えられているのかを明らかにすること、また、その用語のもとに展開される実践的取り組みにについて、とくに教育的観点から、問題点を指摘することである。<br>そのために、まず、現在のスポーツ界において、スポーツ・インテグリティという用語がどのように捉えられているかを整理し、その上で問題点を見出した。<br>次に、スポーツ・インテグリティを保護・強化をする上で脅威となる要因について整理した。そして、複数のスポーツ団体が実践的に取り組むスポーツ・インテグリティに関するプログラムを、教育的観点から6 つに分類し、問題点について精査した。<br>考察の結果、本研究において以下の問題点が見出された。<br> a) スポーツ・インテグリティは、スポーツの文脈だけでなく、教育的・社会的文脈においても語られること。<br>b) 日本のスポーツ関係者は、大規模イベントの開催国の責任として、この問題に対する教育を啓蒙する必要性について認識し、共有すること。<br>c) 各組織のリーダーは、スポーツ・インテグリティの脅威に関する共通理解を持ち、これまで以上に共に対処していくことが求められていること。<br>d)「スポーツ ・インテグリティ」を自分自身に、そして組織や社会に対して問う姿勢として、スポーツそのものを守るための行動変容に不可欠なものと捉えること。<br>本稿におけるスポーツ・インテグリティに関する考察はまだ序説に位置づくものであり、今後、教育的観点以外の考察を含め、更なる研究が求められる。</p>
小野 雄大 友添 秀則
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14043, (Released:2014-09-29)
6 3

The Young Men's Association (YMA) was an education institute that provided business programmes and further education for young men. It aimed to train both mind and body, and valued sporting activities.   However, there has been little knowledge about the state of sporting activities provided by the YMA. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the state of the sporting activities at Fuchu YMA in Tokyo. For this purpose, the study used Fuchu-sport bulletins which specialized in such sporting programmes during the Taisho era and pre-war Showa era.   The main findings are summarized as follows.   1)  Fuchu-sport was modeled on a specialized magazine, Asahi Sports. The publication of Fuchu-sport was an indication of the high interest in sport during the Taisho era.   2)  After the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Education announced their first and second instructions, the Tokyo government independently ran conferences aimed at the development of sport and physical education at Tokyo YMA. Accordingly, Tokyo was one step ahead of other areas in Japan in setting up athletic clubs for the YMA.   3)  The organization of kyogi-bu was supported mainly by Fuchu YMA, but also funded by the local authority and by Fuchu ordinary and higher elementary school, the latter being also committed to conducting actual sporting activities.   4)  University students were recruited as coaches, and thereby the kyogi-bu provided successful programmes that led to an improvement in competitive level. However, this improvement resulted in elimination of some of the members.   5)  The remarkable successes of the kyogi-bu and its development in Fuchu were accomplished by collaborating with the local educational institutions. The relationship between the YMA and school athletic clubs was another significant factor in running the sporting programmes.   The present study has provided deeper insights into the nature of sporting activities held by the YMA during the Taisho era and pre-war Showa era.
金 暉 友添 秀則 小野 雄大
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.38, no.2, pp.1-20, 2019-01-10 (Released:2019-04-01)

As the management organization of the Extracurricular Sports Activities and Competition of High School, All Japan High School Athletic Federation (hereinafter referred to as AJHSAF) can be an important research object when considering the ideal way of Extracurricular Sports Activities and Competition of High School.However, there are few researches on AJHSAF. How has it been founded and what kinds of activities have been developed, and how did it establish the competition hosting rights are not clarified. This study focuses on AJHSAF from its inception in 1948 to its establishment of competition hosting rights in 1952, and aims to clarify the founding process of AJHSAF.The following points will be clarified in this paper:1) AJHSAF was founded in 1948 based on [Interscholastic Competition] in order to manage and operate the competition educatively. With the establish of each competition department, the entity as an executing agency was prepared, AJHSAF was organized.2) AJHSAF and High School Athletic Federation in each prefecture was socially considered as a suppression to restrain the overflow of the competition. However, as the immaturation of the organization and the competition hosting rights was not established, AJHSAF and High School Athletic Federation in each prefecture failed to restrain the excessive holding of competition by Japan Amateur Athletic Association, and it seemed like its business was only to hold competitions.3) With the enactment of [About Student Sports (Interscholastic Competition)] in 1952, AJHSAF established the competition hosting rights, which means school officials had equal rights on competition hosting and start to involve in student’s sports.
日髙 裕介 友添 秀則 小野 雄大
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.1, pp.31-50, 2020

<p>High school "sports strong teams" are a part of school education and serve as an important foundation of Japanese competitive sports. However, even though their importance has been pointed out, up to now there has been little research focusing on "sports strong teams." Therefore, this study sheds light on the historical characteristics of the high school "sports strong team" formation process.</p><p>The results of our research are as follows:</p><p>1. During the period of the establishment of high school reforms, the first health and physical education classes in Japan were taught at Tokyo Metropolitan Komaba High School. The first baby boom</p><p>generation went on to high school. Later, when the number of high school students suddenly decreased, private high schools began to position sports as an important pillar of a "distinctive education."</p><p>2. In the 1980s, while various high school educational reforms were taking place, the educational value of sports became recognized, and the number of high schools that used sports and operated in distinctive</p><p>ways increased. However, now that the declining birthrate society has arrived, simply using sports for their educational value is no longer enough to call something distinctive education. Therefore, under these circumstances, some high schools have begun to aim aggressively for "strong" extracurricular sports activities.</p><p>3. However, during this period, comments were beginning to be made about the adverse effects of "strengthening" extracurricular sports activities. Specifically, schools where extracurricular sports</p><p>activities are employed excessively by school management have received criticism from the standpoint of education.</p>
望月 麻紀 宝田 雄大 友添 秀則 大坂 昇
公益社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN:18813526)
vol.51, no.4-5, pp.283-287, 2014 (Released:2014-05-10)

Generally, conservative treatment is performed at the initial stage of Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) to decrease pain. When this conservative treatment is no longer effective, surgery will be performed to decrease OSD pain by removing a tibial tuberosity avulsed bone and a synovial capsule. We reported a time-series change of pain before and after the OSD surgery on a wrestling athlete. The present subject was a 20-year-old male wrestler (height 183 cm ; weight 90 kg), who received OSD surgery on the left knee. Numerical rating scale (NRS) was used to determine pain before and after the OSD surgery. NRS was measured by three positions : resting position (RP), sitting with knee extending position (SKEP), squat with knee flexing 90° position (SK 90 P) and pressure pain (PP). Immediately after the OSD surgery, NRS at the RP, SKEP, SK 90 P, and PP decreased from NRS 3 to NRS 0, NRS 5 to NRS 1, NRS 8 to NRS 6, and NRS 8 to NRS 1, respectively. Three weeks after the OSD surgery, pain at the SKEP and PP decreased to NRS 0. Eight and eleven weeks after the OSD surgery, pain at the SK 90 P decreased to NRS 2 and NRS 1, respectively. The present case study suggests that OSD surgery may progressively decrease pain. Further studies are needed to clarify the effect of OSD surgery on pain.