増地 克之
筑波大学体育科学系紀要 (ISSN:03867129)
vol.32, pp.157-160, 2009-03
菅波 盛雄 斉藤 仁 廣瀬 伸良 中村 充 林 弘典 増地 克之
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005

菅波 盛雄 斉藤 仁 廣瀬 伸良 中村 充 林 弘典 増地 克之
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

増地 克之 町田 正直 松井 崇 薬師寺 巨久 金野 潤 小山 勝弘 岡田 弘隆 金丸 雄介 小俣 幸嗣 武政 徹
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.42, no.2, pp.2_1-2_9, 2009-11-30 (Released:2012-08-28)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate “Speed Uchikomi” as a form of strength training. We measured the following variables to evaluate the efficiency of this training, the heart rate according to the different pace of uchikomi, and the percentage of maximal oxygen consumption calculated from the heart rate and RPE. Endocrinological data, such as plasma lactic acid, ACTH and GH levels were also measured. The results were as follows: 1) We inferred from the cardiorespiratory response that “Speed Uchikomi” exceeds 70% maximal oxygen consumption when the frequency is more than once every 1.5 seconds. Therefore, when we use uchikomi as strength training, it should be done at a frequency of more than once every 1.5 seconds. 2) A gradual increase in the plasma lactic acid level, depending on the uchikomi frequency, was observed. “Speed Uchikomi” with a rate of more than once every 1.5 seconds gives a higher value than that of the lactate threshold or onset of blood lactate accumulation. From its energy metabolism, “Speed Uchikomi” is effective as endurance training. 3) “Speed Uchikomi” with a frequency of once every second increased the plasma ACTH level compared with the resting level. In other words, it is suggested that uchikomi which is a basic judo practice, has a significant influence on the endocrine system. 4) After performing “Speed Uchikomi” at the rate of once every second, the plasma GH level increased higher than the resting level, which means it has an anabolic effect. 5) The training rate of once every second is very exhausting and is expected to be more efficient than training at a rate of once every 1.5 seconds, but training like this without planning also carries a risk of overworking.
増地 克之 法兼 真 小倉 大輝 窪田 友樹 松井 崇
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.793-804, 2020 (Released:2020-11-25)

The 2017 revised rules for competitive judo require a higher level of stamina. Endurance capacity as a foundation of stamina is enhanced by training/conditioning involving optimum relative exercise intensities associated with the stress response, which has an important impact on biological adaptation mediated by the metabolic/endocrine system. Repetition training in judo techniques (uchikomi) for the shoulder throw (seoi-nage) as a typical hand technique (te-waza) induces blood lactate elevation and the stress response at a faster pace than 1 trial/1.5 s (20 trials/30 s), which is the optimum pace for enhancing endurance capacity in seoi-nage uchikomi. However, the optimum paces of uchikomi for foot techniques (ashi-waza such as uchi-mata, osoto-gari, and ouchi-gari), which are much more popular than hand techniques, remain untested. To address this issue, the present study investigated psychological, physiological, and biochemical parameters in collegiate male judo athletes during pace-incremental repetition training for foot techniques. For all techniques, the Borg scale, heart rate, and estimated oxygen consumption increased in a repetition pace-dependent manner. Blood lactate levels were unchanged at a slow repetition pace but began to increase at a pace of 1 trial/1.25 s (24 trials/30 s) for osoto-gari, 1 trial/1.0 s (30 trials/30 s) for uchi-mata, and 1 trial/0.85 s (35 trials/30 s) for ouchi-gari. At the maximal repetition pace, the level of blood lactate neared or exceeded 10 mM, and the level of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a stress marker, increased for all techniques. Our findings provide metabolic/endocrine evidence for the optimum paces of repetition training for foot techniques aimed at improvement of endurance capacity, which are ≧ 1 trial/1.25 s for osotogari, ≧ 1 trial/1.0 s for uchi-mata, and ≧ 1 trial/0.85 s for ouchi-gari. This experimental protocol and perspective on relative intensity related to metabolic/endocrine parameters in judo movements should ultimately contribute to better training/conditioning programs for judo-specific stamina.
出口 達也 岡井 理香 金野 潤 渡辺 涼子 井上 康生 増地 克之 田村 昌大 石井 孝法
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.109_1, 2018

<p> 全日本柔道連盟では、平成29年度日本スポーツ振興センター「アスリートパスウェイの戦略的支援事業」において、平成29年全国中学校柔道大会優勝選手と指導者計13名に対して国際大会を利用した研修を実施し、事前事後調査および2か月度に実施したフォローアップ調査からその成果と課題について検証した。</p><p> 本研修は平成29年12月1日~4日までの3泊4日間の日程で実施し、グランドスラム東京国際大会および国際合宿の視察を行い、日本スポーツ振興センターによる目標設定プログラムを実施した。</p><p> その結果、「計画」、「実行」、「評価」、「改善」の各項目について、選手自身の自己評価では「計画」の1項目、指導者による選手の評価においては「改善」の4項目計が有意に向上した。また、研修で実施した各教育プログラムの内容が研修2か月後も「大いに活用できている」もしくは「活用できている」との回答が得られた。</p><p> 本学会では、研修内容と質問紙調査結果の詳細を報告するとともに、PDCAサイクルの習慣化に着目し、中学生アスリートがハイパフォーマンスを実現するための教育プログラムについて提案する。</p>
松尾 博一 山田 幸雄 増地 克之 松元 剛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.353-367, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

The purpose of this study was to extract current issues associated with the understanding of tackling techniques taught by college football coaches in Japan. The goal was to acquire fundamental information for a coaching method that would promote safe and effective tackling techniques. A total of 99 college football coaches from Japan (mean age 36.7±0.5 years) took part in the study. A questionnaire was conducted in order to understand key points that were considered important in their coaching methods. The results and observations can be summarized as follows. 1. Tackling techniques taught by football coaches in Japan often lead to concussions. This is due to coaching methods that focus heavily on tackling techniques with high concussion risks, and placing no importance on HUT-based tackling. In addition, their understanding of the “Hit” phase and “HUT” varies, leading to a greater possibility of teaching tackling with a high risk of concussion. 2. Regardless of factors such as age, the position taken as an active player, the instructor’s income, and coaching qualifications, coaches who do not have much player or coach experience have an increased tendency to teach tackling techniques associated with high risks of concussion and injury. 3. In order to prevent concussions and promote safer tackling coaching in Japan, it is crucial for coaches who have little experience in playing or coaching to have access to appropriate information and education opportunities, and for coach certification programs to be improved.
松尾 博一 山田 幸雄 増地 克之 松元 剛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.2, pp.665-677, 2017 (Released:2017-12-19)

The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the Heads Up Tackling program for defensive players and its influence on safety and performance. Head impacts in football players are directly associated with brain and spine injury, and have been proposed to be associated with injuries such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Therefore, improvement of safety has been a challenge in American football, from the perspective of injury prevention. In 2012, USA Football, the national governing body for amateur American football in the USA developed the Heads Up Football (HUF) program which included “Heads Up Tackling” (HUT), a set of new guidelines for tackling. HUT has been attracting attention in the context of safe tackling through a new coaching methodology. Although in Japan so far, there have been no reports of football-related chronic injuries caused by head impacts, many concussions occur in football games. Therefore, it seem necessary to identify a methodology for teaching tackling techniques in order to reduce the risks of head and neck injury. A number of studies have focused on coaching intervention in relation to safety, and for reducing head impact exposure and injury. However, no reports have focused on the impact of these efforts on athletic performance during a game. If it could be confirmed that HUT reduces the risk of injury in football games without decreasing athlete performances, it would be a useful resource for instruction on tackling skills. Here, 4 matches in the Japan top league (X-league) 2014 and 2015 season were analyzed, before and after HUT intervention was executed in the preseason of 2015. A total of 166 coded tackles were compared in terms of “tackling characteristics”, “amount of injuries”, “effectiveness of tackling”, and “loss of yards” to examine the effect of HUT techniques on “safety” and “effectiveness”. The results revealed that (1) the frequency of “head down” tackling was significantly lower after HUT intervention, (2) the “amount of injuries” was reduced after HUT intervention, (3) there was no effect on the “effectiveness of tackling” in games, (4) “loss of yards” was reduced after HUT intervention, and (5) HUT appeared to reduce the risks of injury in football games, without decreasing tackling performance.