尾崎 幸謙 鈴木 貴士
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.46, no.2, pp.39-52, 2019 (Released:2020-03-31)

Results of an analysis of survey data which includes data from inappropriate respondents (respondents who do not devote an appropriate amount of attentional resources when answering questions or whose answers for two questions are contradictory) are untrustworthy. To address this problem, an instructional manipulation check or directed questions scale can be used to identify such respondents. However, survey companies are not willing to use such tools for ethical reasons. In the present study, using eleven machine learning models and six exploratory variables, a prediction model which can judge whether a respondent is inappropriate is developed. The model shows that two explanatory variables, the maximum number of consecutive items on a scale to which a respondent answered with the same response option and response time, are effective for the prediction. The model can reduce the percentage of inappropriate respondents in the analyzed data, which leads to an improvement in the trustworthiness of the analysis results.
鈴木 貴士 村山 朗 緒方 敦 横山 暁
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.1, pp.17-28, 2021 (Released:2021-11-10)

It is not easy for companies to know how consumers react to advertisements. In recent years, the idea of occasion recognition has been proposed as a method for knowing the advertising effect. This is a state in which consumers remember the situation when they see an advertisement, and it is considered that the advertisement effect is higher in this state. However, a questionnaire survey is required to observe the occasion cognition. In the present research, we estimate the consumers who are in the occasion cognitive state by measuring the operation status of mobile phones. It is possible to identify the layer (digital occasion clusters) that are presumed to be occasion cognition without conducting a survey.
佐藤 進 鈴木 貴士 川尻 達也 山口 真史 陳 淑茹 木村 竜也 長山 恵子 村本 美春 平泉 隆房
KIT progress : 工学教育研究 (ISSN:13421662)
vol.21, pp.157-166, 2014-03

生沼 芳弘 了海 諭 山本 恵弥里 鈴木 貴士
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.37, pp.55-61, 2007

The purpose of this paper is to look at the opinions of the "Nix Women" and the traditional Sumo patterns from the viewpoint of the spectators. For the survey, we handed out question- naires to the spectators who saw the Sumo Tournament on September 14th, 2007. The world of sumo has been rocked by a series of scandals involving fixed sumo bouts and yokozuna Asashoryu. The survey also is to investigate the feelings about these scandals. More than half of the spectators understood that some sumo bouts were fixed.
佐藤 進;Susumu SATO 鈴木 貴士;Takashi SUZUKI 川尻 達也;Tatsuya KAWASHIRI 山口 真史;Masafumi YAMAGUCHI
工学教育研究;KIT progress (ISSN:13421662)
no.24, pp.53-62, 2016

新入生に対し、大学に対する不本意感および学業へのつまずき感に関する調査を2回(入学当初および1年終了時)実施し、追跡が可能であった1,411 名を対象に、その特徴を検討した。1年次春の時点で大学への不本意感は約1割、学業へのつまずき感は約2割の学生が有していた。これらの割合は冬の調査時点でも同等であったが、構成している学生の約半数は入れ替わっていた。大学への不本意感が春から冬にかけて生じた学生は、受験の失敗に対する思いが再燃し、自身の理想とする大学像とのギャップや授業内容・カリキュラムに対する不満が高まっていた。同様に、学業へのつまずき感が春から冬にかけて生じた学生は、課題遂行の困難さや学業への不向きさを自覚しながら、単位取得・留年・卒業への不安が高まる傾向にあった。;This study researched the characteristics of the university freshmen who are unwilling to join the university and who feel anxiety about academic learning for 1,411 university freshmen. A biannual survey on the unwillingness to join the university community and anxiety about academic learning was conducted in spring (the end of May) and winter (December to February). About 10 % of the freshmen were unwilling to join the university, and about 20% of them had anxiety about academic learning in the spring. Although these percentages did not change in the winter, half of the persons with the unwillingness or anxiety was replaced by another persons. The students, who were unwilling to join the university during the spring and winter months, reignite a sense offailing to enter university, and more dissatisfied with academic curriculum or lesson contents. Similarly, the students, who feel anxiety about academic learning during the spring and winter months, realized difficulty to class assignments and unfit for academic learning, and increased anxiety about acquisition of academic credit, graduation, and staying back a year.
尾崎 幸謙 鈴木 貴士
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.46, no.2, pp.39-52, 2019

<p>Results of an analysis of survey data which includes data from inappropriate respondents (respondents who do not devote an appropriate amount of attentional resources when answering questions or whose answers for two questions are contradictory) are untrustworthy. To address this problem, an instructional manipulation check or directed questions scale can be used to identify such respondents. However, survey companies are not willing to use such tools for ethical reasons. In the present study, using eleven machine learning models and six exploratory variables, a prediction model which can judge whether a respondent is inappropriate is developed. The model shows that two explanatory variables, the maximum number of consecutive items on a scale to which a respondent answered with the same response option and response time, are effective for the prediction. The model can reduce the percentage of inappropriate respondents in the analyzed data, which leads to an improvement in the trustworthiness of the analysis results.</p>
生沼 芳弘 了海 諭 山本 恵弥里 佐々木 寿之 小野 俊敏 鈴木 貴士 芹澤 可奈
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.34, pp.25-33, 2005-03-31

The Japan sumo association has been maintained the ban on women entering the traditionally men-only sumo ring, from Edo period. At issue is whether Fusae Ota, the prefectural governor of Osaka, and other women should be allowed into the dohyo, the elevated sumo ring, for ceremonies such as awarding the Osaka Governor's Prize at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament in Osaka. Ota has requested the honor since winning her first term in 2000 and continues to be denied. In Edo period, the women did not allow into the tournament arena. They could allow to see the Grand Sumo Tournament from 1872, after the Meiji Restoration. From that to now, there was no survey to women spectators. This survey made clear the ratio of spectators between the sexes at the Grand Sumo Tournament. It showed that 42 percent of spectators were women. It was more than 25 persent of Japan Professional Baseball, less than 47 percent of J-league Soccer.
高尾 洋之 山本 誠 大塚 忍 鈴木 貴士 増田 俊輔 村山 雄一 阿部 俊昭
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.21, no.4, pp.298-305, 2012-04-20

近年,数値流体解析(CFD)技術はさまざまな分野で応用され,医学の分野において,多くの論文で数値流体解析の結果が報告されている.現在,脳動脈瘤の発生,増大および破裂のメカニズムは十分に理解されていない.それに対し,CFDを用いてそれらに関わる流体力学的パラメーター(wall shear stress : WSS, shear strain rate : SSR, oscillatory shear index : OSI, energy loss : EL, pressure loss coefficient : PLC)を検討した論文が数多く存在し,中でもWSSが注目されているが,相反する両論が存在している状況である.本論文では,そのパラメーターをいくつか紹介し,われわれのCFD解析結果の報告に加え,われわれの結果と最近の他の論文の結果を比較する.