太田 敬子
Japan Association for Middle East Studies (JAMES)
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.19, no.2, pp.87-116, 2004-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

太田 敬子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.19, no.2, pp.87-116, 2003

太田 敬子
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.101, no.3, pp.327-366, 490-491, 1992-03-20

The Mirdasid dynasty ruled Aleppo and its region in northern Syria from 415 A.H./1025 A.D. to 473 A.H./1080 A.D.. The Mirdasid was a family of the Kilab tribe (Banu Kilab) which belonged to the northern Arab tribes. Banu Kilab, taking advantage of political disorder caused by the decline of the 'Abbasid's rule, had extended their influence into the Aleppo region. The Mirdasid principality was founded upon their strong military power. This paper aims to investigate the first period of the Mirdasid dynasty on the point of foreign policy and influence in the international relations. From the middle of the tenth century, the Aleppo region had been threatened by two powerful foreign states; the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt and the Byzantine empire, both of which aimed to annex this region. Under such circumstances, Salih b. Mirdas, the first prince of the Mirdasid dynasty succeeded in gaining control of Aleppo city with support of a Syrian Arab alliance. To extend their power, the Mirdasides made use of the balance of power between these Great Powers and their limited ability to advance their territorial ambitions into Syria. The principal approach to their foreign policy was to negotiate with each of them, receive their recognition for possession of Aleppo, and then nominally establish an independent state under their patronage. However, before receiving their recognition, the Mirdasides had to engage in some battles with them. As a result, Thimal, the third prince, succeeded in obtaining recognition as the ruler of Aleppo from both of the Great Powers and stabilized the supremacy of the Mirdasid dynasty in the Aleppo region. However, the author has also ascertained that this success owed much to the internal affairs of the Fatimid caliphate and the Byzantine empire and changes that occured in the diplomatic relations between them. The author also examines concretely the position of the Mirdasid princes in international relations. As a result, she has found that their subordinate posture in the diplomatic negotiations did not mean a dependent character. It should be noted that recognition from foreign powers to be the governor of Aleppo was indispensable for the Mirdasid princes to achieve stability within their states ; and to receive such recognition was the principal purpose of their foreign policy.
太田 敬子

太田 敬子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.101, no.3, pp.327-366,490-49, 1992-03-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

The Mirdasid dynasty ruled Aleppo and its region in northern Syria from 415 A.H./1025 A.D. to 473 A.H./1080 A.D.. The Mirdasid was a family of the Kilab tribe (Banu Kilab) which belonged to the northern Arab tribes. Banu Kilab, taking advantage of political disorder caused by the decline of the 'Abbasid's rule, had extended their influence into the Aleppo region. The Mirdasid principality was founded upon their strong military power. This paper aims to investigate the first period of the Mirdasid dynasty on the point of foreign policy and influence in the international relations. From the middle of the tenth century, the Aleppo region had been threatened by two powerful foreign states; the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt and the Byzantine empire, both of which aimed to annex this region. Under such circumstances, Salih b. Mirdas, the first prince of the Mirdasid dynasty succeeded in gaining control of Aleppo city with support of a Syrian Arab alliance. To extend their power, the Mirdasides made use of the balance of power between these Great Powers and their limited ability to advance their territorial ambitions into Syria. The principal approach to their foreign policy was to negotiate with each of them, receive their recognition for possession of Aleppo, and then nominally establish an independent state under their patronage. However, before receiving their recognition, the Mirdasides had to engage in some battles with them. As a result, Thimal, the third prince, succeeded in obtaining recognition as the ruler of Aleppo from both of the Great Powers and stabilized the supremacy of the Mirdasid dynasty in the Aleppo region. However, the author has also ascertained that this success owed much to the internal affairs of the Fatimid caliphate and the Byzantine empire and changes that occured in the diplomatic relations between them. The author also examines concretely the position of the Mirdasid princes in international relations. As a result, she has found that their subordinate posture in the diplomatic negotiations did not mean a dependent character. It should be noted that recognition from foreign powers to be the governor of Aleppo was indispensable for the Mirdasid princes to achieve stability within their states ; and to receive such recognition was the principal purpose of their foreign policy.
太田 敬子
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.73, no.1・2, pp.027-054(109~136), 1992-01

The Jarājima (Mαρδαϊται in Greek), were a native group of the Amanus mts. in western Thughūr, the borderland between the Arab and the Byzantine power. This article will examine the character of the Jarājima, their activities in the Arabo-Byzantine conflicts and the policies of these Great Powers toward them, in order to reconstruct the history of Thughūr in the early Islamic period. The Jarājima concluded a very advantageous peace treaty with the Muslims, but they did not refrain from their insurgency against the Muslims in the mountainous region and from cooperating with the Byzantine Army. Their activity had great influence on the Arabo-Byzantine peace treaties. In addition, they played an important role in the anti-Muslim movements by the indigenous peoples in Syria. Finally, the Jarājima were driven out from their country by the Muslims, emigrating into Byzantine or Muslim territory.It should be confirmed that they were an armed portion of the indigenous people of the Amanus region, which controlled the passes there, and lived on compensation for maintaining garrisons, or by trade and plunder. Up until the diaspora throughout Byzantine and Muslim territory, they had been autonomous of any governing organization. This is a situation peculiar not only to the Jarājima, but also the other communities in the Thughūr region.We can find two underlying principles for the policy of the Muslims concerning the Jarājima: conciliation with some concessions and removal from the Amanus region and Muslim territory. Meanwhile, the Byzantine empire utilized of the Jarājima as a native army fighting against the Muslims. But, the Byzantines recognized them only as irregular, temporary soldiers on the periphery outside the borders. There was great contrast between the policy of the Muslims and that of the Byzantines, but the both seem to have considered the Jarājima as a people outside their political and strategic organization proper. This may be related with the ethnic character of the Jarājima.The movement of the indigenous peoples and the changes that occurred in their societies seem to have exerted a great influence on the establishment of Muslim rule in Thughūr. The history of the Jarājima shows the special character of that social change in that region of the era, and is therefore important as an excellent example of general change brought about by the expansion of the Muslims.
甚野 尚志 大稔 哲也 平山 篤子 踊 共二 三浦 清美 青柳 かおり 太田 敬子 根占 献一 関 哲行 網野 徹哉 大月 康弘 疇谷 憲洋 皆川 卓 印出 忠夫 堀越 宏一
