小林 和美
大阪教育大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:03893448)
vol.61, no.2, pp.1-18, 2013-02

教育熱の高さで知られる韓国では,中・高校生のみならず,初等学生(小学生)までもが外国に留学する「早期留学」と呼ばれる現象が拡大し,社会問題となっている。本稿の目的は,韓国教育開発院による統計資料の分析を通して,韓国における早期留学現象が1990年代半ばから今日までどのように推移してきたのかを概況的に把握することである。大統領の政権期(5年)ごとに4つの時期に分けて考察した結果,早期留学現象は,経済のグローバル化が進むなかで,国内の教育システムの問題だけでなく,世界的な経済状況,各政権の政策,労働市場の動向,マスコミ・世論の動向などの影響を受けつつ推移してきたことが明らかになった。In South Korea, a phenomenon called `Jogi-yuhak (pre-college study abroad, hereafter PSA)', junior/ senior high school students studying abroad, has spread even to elementary school children, and become a social problem. The aim of this paper is to grasp generally how the pre-college study abroad phenomenon in South Korea changed from the mid-1990s to today through the analysis of the statistical data surveyed by Korean Educational Development Institute. I examined the characteristics of the PSA phenomenon in each government period. The results are as follows. In the first period (the Kim Young-sam administration period) when the `Segyehwa (Total Globalization Policy)' became a state policy and PSA boom began, PSA phenomenon expanded from the limited wealth to the middle class. The number of PSA students, however, was still around 3,600 at most a year and most of the PSA students were junior or senior high school students. At the beginning of the second period (the Kim Dae-jung administration period), the number of PSA students greatly decreased under the influence of the currency crisis. But it rapidly increased after 2000, when economic conditions recovered and a full liberalization policy of PSA was shown by the government. Finally in 2002 the number exceeded 10,000. During this period the following were noted: the increase of elementary school children the metropolitan area (around Seoul City) sending out majority of PSA students the target countries focusing on English speaking countries (U.S.A., Canada, New Zealand) the increase of returning students including PSA students (over 8,000 in 2002) and yet about 20,000 departure surplus about 65% of the returnee students coming back to South Korea within two years In the third period (the Roh Moo-hyun administration period) when the economy was prosperous, the number of PSA students increased remarkably and reached about 30,000 in 2006. The PSA was now a choice in the life design for more children. The PSA phenomenon spread to Gyeonggi-do in the suburbs of Seoul and other cities, and the lower age PSA children were still on the increase. China and Southeast Asian countries rose to the second destination countries next to U.S.A. The large departure surplus continued, although the number of returnee students greatly increased, exceeding 20,000 in 2007, their stay abroad getting even shorter. In the fourth period (the Lee Myung-bak current administration period), the number of PSA students largely decreased under the global economic slump in spite of a further surge of the English fever in South Korea. The view that the PSA boom was now over was also shown because of the criticism and the doubt for the effect of the PSA. Tendencies of the lower aging of PSA students and the concentration to the metropolitan area are still seen. Southeast Asian countries are now the second popular destination countries after U.S.A. because one can learn English at relatively small expense. The number of the returnee students reached a highest record with about 24,000 in 2009, three years after the peak of the PSA students, reducing the departure excess to about 6,000. After 2009, the proportion of the returnee students who stayed longer in foreign countries is increasing.
中川 昌子 木内 みどり 小尾 道子 殿塚 雅克 小林 和美 日野 亨 舟越 和久
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.23, no.2, pp.304-312, 1975

The reaction of tryptamine with δ-valerolactone in tetralin gave δ-hydroxyamide (3) as the main product and the lactam (4) as the minor product. However, the reaction of 5, 6-dihydro-2-pyrone with tryptamine or aniline afforded a mixture of the corresponding αβ- and βγ-unsaturated lactams, whereas, 2-pyrone did not react with either tryptamine or aniline to give the corresponding pyridone. Cyclization of 3 or 4 by Bischler-Napieralski reaction and followed NaBH<SUB>4</SUB> reduction provided a convement synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 12b-octahydroindolo [2, 3-α] quinolizine (23).
小林 和美
大阪教育大学紀要 2 社会科学・生活科学 (ISSN:03893456)
vol.53, no.2, pp.1-12, 2005-02

中川 昌子 木内 みどり 小尾 道子 殿塚 雅克 小林 和美 日野 亨 舟越 和久
vol.23, no.2, pp.304-312, 1975

The reaction of tryptamine with &delta;-valerolactone in tetralin gave &delta;-hydroxyamide (3) as the main product and the lactam (4) as the minor product. However, the reaction of 5, 6-dihydro-2-pyrone with tryptamine or aniline afforded a mixture of the corresponding &alpha;&beta;- and &beta;&gamma;-unsaturated lactams, whereas, 2-pyrone did not react with either tryptamine or aniline to give the corresponding pyridone. Cyclization of 3 or 4 by Bischler-Napieralski reaction and followed NaBH<SUB>4</SUB> reduction provided a convement synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 12b-octahydroindolo [2, 3-&alpha;] quinolizine (23).
神林 勲 石村 宣人 小林 和美 佐川 正人 武田 秀勝
北海道教育大学紀要. 自然科学編 (ISSN:13442570)
vol.54, no.1, pp.89-96, 2003-09-30

本研究では健康で活動的な成人男性6名と成人女性6名を被検者に,前腕の等尺性筋収縮を30%MVCの強度で維持させ,男女における筋持久力の差異を近赤外分光法(NIRS)によって測定された筋酸素動態[oxy(Hb+Mb)]の面から検討した.結果は以下の通りである.1)男性のMVC(55.1±8.7kg)は女性(34.2±2.5kg)よりも有意に高値を示した(p<0.05).2)運動継続時間は,男性で139.2±29.4秒,女性で175.8±23.7秒と女性の方が男性と比較して有意に長かった(p<0.05). 3)掌握運動中のoxy(Hb+Mb)の変化には明らかな男女差が認められ,男性では初期の直線的な低下後,20〜25%で疲労困憊まで推移したのに対して,女性では初期の直線的な低下後,漸増し,疲労困憊時には約75%にまで達した.4)初期脱酸素化速度には男女間に有意な差は認められず,また,運動継続時間との間にも有意な相関関係は認められなかった.以上のことから,30%MVC強度の筋持久力(運動継続時間)は女性の方が男性と比較し優れていた.この性差は筋の有酸素性代謝能の優劣ではなく,運動中の筋血流量の違いによってもたらされる有酸素性代謝の割合によることが示唆された.
藤井 勝 佐々木 衞 首藤 明和 小林 和美 魯 ゼウォン 奥井 亜紗子 高井 康弘 福田 恵 竹内 隆夫 橋本 泰子 樫永 真佐夫 長坂 格 日下 渉 黒柳 晴夫 北原 淳 橋本 卓 油井 清光 白鳥 義彦

小林 和美
大阪教育大学紀要 2 社会科学・生活科学 (ISSN:03893456)
vol.57, no.2, pp.1-18, 2009-02

韓国では,中・高校生のみならず,初等学生までもが外国に留学する「早期留学」と呼ばれる現象が拡大し,社会問題にもなっている。子どもの留学にともなう家族別居問題の象徴的存在として注目を集めたのが,「キロギ・アッパ(雁のお父さん)」と呼ばれる,子どもを外国で学ばせるため,妻子を外国に住まわせ,自らは韓国に残って生計を支える早期留学生の父親たちである。本稿では,「キロギ・アッパ」の実態について,現地でのインタビュー調査にもとづいて紹介する。「キロギ・アッパ」になり,「キロギ・アッパ」として生活し,「キロギ・アッパ」でなくなるまでの過程を当事者の立場から記述し,子どもの早期留学への関わり方について検討する。In South Korea, a phenomenon called `Jogi-yuhak (studying abroad at an early stage)', even elementary school children, as well as junior/ senior high school students studying abroad, has spread and become a social problem. Symbolic and most focused of this problem is `Gireogi appa (goose dad)'. They work in Korea to support the family while their wives and children stay abroad for the sake of the children's education. This paper reports the lives of `Gireogi appa', based on interviews in Korea. This paper states how they have become `Gireogi appa', how they have lived, and how their lives as `Gireogi appa' will finish (or have finished). Finally, the auther tries to illustrate how these fathers have related themselves to the problems of `Jogi-yuhak'.