小林 健太郎 金田 章裕
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.61, no.1, pp.78-98, 1988-05-31 (Released:2008-12-25)
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比較的実りの多かったこの10年間の日本歴史地理学の成果のうち,以下の6つのテーマについて,その動向を紹介した。 作物栽培の起源は縄文早期に,水田稲作は縄文晩期に湖るようであり,水田分布は弥生中期に本州北端にまで達し,弥生・古墳期の水田のほとんどが極めて小区画であるという従来とは大きく異なった考古学的知見が得られた。 2) 古代都市の復原研究が進み,中国と日本の都城の比較研究も行なわれて,類似点と相違点についての知見が加わった。日本における都市計画の起源にかかわる議論も行なわれた。交通路の研究も活発であり,律令期における整然とした直線状の道路計画の展開の実状が知られるに至った。これらの都市や主要施設の立地・配置とその計画における同時代の人々の空間認識についての議論も始められた。 3) 条里地割と条里呼称法とからなる条里プランが,従来の通説とは異なって, 8世紀の中頃に完成したものであることが判明し,それが古代・中世において果した役割や,広範囲に分布する条里地割をめぐる議論・分析が進んだ。古代・中世の条里地割内部やそれ以外の部分の土地利用についての研究も主要な研究テーマの一つとなった。村落の領域や形態についても研究が進展し,広範な集村化現象や散村の展開の事実も知られるに至った。 4) 中世の市場集落の分布や景観についての研究が進展したが,商品流通からみると当時は市場の有機的な階層構造が成立していなかったとの主張も行なわれた。日本歴史地理学の主要なテーマである城下町研究も進展し,特に,先駆的な戦国城下町や城下町の構造をめぐる議論が展開した。 5) 近世の藩政村と村落共同体との関係や,村落の構造に関する研究が蓄積され,労働・結婚をめぐる人口移動についての研究も発表された。従来からの新田開発研究に加え,近世農書を資料とする分析も加わった。 6) 中・近世の日本では,様々な絵図が数多く作成されたが,これらの絵図の従来からの分析に加え,これらを用いて当時の空間認識にせまろうとする研究が始められた。又,中世の説話から生活空間の深層構造にせまろうという研究も展開した。
小林 優子
イギリス哲学研究 (ISSN:03877450)
vol.29, pp.69-85, 2006-03-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

David Hume is renowned for his objection to the design argument. However, in his book Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Philo appears to believe in God although he is against the design argument. Why does Hume allow Philo to have faith? To answer this question, I think we should not resort to the concept of natural beliefs because in Hume's other writings he explains that people can believe in God by virtue of some principles of human nature. In this paper, I answer this question by elucidating that Hume considered that a belief in God can be explained by passion, imagination, customs and education.
小林 麻衣子
イギリス哲学研究 (ISSN:03877450)
vol.25, pp.23-38, 2002-03-20 (Released:2018-04-25)

The political thought of James VI has always been associated witn the divine right of kingship. However, the theory of divine kingship is merely one feature of his thought. James primarily developed his ideas under the influence of political realism that he encounterea in his youth. He then incorporated various elements of religious reformers' views and Renaissance humanism into his thought for the purpose of constructing strong kingship, which could not be threatened by any other entity. In this paper, I examine the historical context that influenced the development of James' thought and the characteristics of his thought—the obedience theory, Renaissance humanism, and political realism.
小林 大州介
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.37, pp.203-212, 2015 (Released:2016-03-25)

From the late eighteenth through the nineteenth century, the concept of ‘evolutionism’ had prevailed among social scientists in many fields, such as sociology, philosophy, history, economics, anthropology, ethnology and archaeology, as a framework of their research. One of the origins of this idea was the belief in ‘progress’ that characterized eighteenth century’s enlightenment thought. The evolutionists assumed that society, economy and culture progressed through a sequence of deterministic developmental stages, and always toward a completion of civilization. However, in the late nineteenth century, many objections to this notion of evolutionism emerged within the above academic fields, mainly in history and ethnology. Historians and ethnologists pointed out that evolutionism failed to offer an appropriate explanation for the complex and non-deterministic character of the historical process. Moreover, innovation theories, which came into existence in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, largely rejected the idea of progress and evolutionism. In the present paper, the author argues that early innovation theorists, such as Gabriel Tarde and Joseph A. Schumpeter attempted to offer more general theories than the development stages theory, and to transcend the out-of-date ideas of the evolutionists.
服部 正治 Robert Chapeskie 小林 昇
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.59, no.1, pp.63-90, 2017 (Released:2019-09-01)

Introduction by Masaharu Hattori The late Noboru Kobayashiʼs “Historical Critique in Wealth of Nations: A Per-spective on Books III and IV,” translated here into English, was originally pub-lished in Japanese in Fukushima Universityʼs Shōgaku Ronsyū (The Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History), Vol. 41, No. 5, 1973, and re-printed in Volume 2, which is indicated as 《II》 in this translation, 1976, of The Works of Kobayashi Noboru on the History of Economic Thought, 11 Volumes, 1976-1989, Tokyo: Miraisha. The “Historical Critique” of the title of this article has a double meaning when it comes to its content. In one sense, it refers to Smithʼs criticism of history that goes against the natural progress of opulence and has been seen in Europe “after the fall of the Roman Empire” that is de-scribed in Book III of Wealth of Nations. In another sense, it refers to Kobaya-shiʼs criticism of the defect inherent in Smithʼs historical understanding. When it comes to the latter, Smith did not sufficiently recognize the historical fact that the mercantilist protectionism of the Government of the civil revolutions (par-ticularly the Glorious Revolution) in Britain protected and fostered the devel-opment of domestic industrial capital, bringing about the bi-polar separation of independent producers that advanced the development of the primitive accumu-lation of capital and eventually led to the establishment of the capitalist system. Kobayashiʼs historical critique can thus be summarized as pointing out Smithʼs flawed understanding of the historical significance of mercantilism.
小林 純
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.40, no.40, pp.1-12, 2001 (Released:2010-08-05)

The recent state of Weber studies is marked especially by criticism against modern rationality, emerging in the mid-1960s, and by the project of the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe in the 1970s. The image of Weber has been transformed from that of an advocate of rational values into the tragic embodiment of modern culture. We may divide these studies into two kinds, i. e. a) the search for his true intention, and b) the utilization of his ideas. In a), outstanding progress has been made in identifying the traces of Nietzsche in Weber's thought. YAMANOUCHI brought out the scheme ‘chivalry vs. priest’ in Weber's vision of religious development, and in this respect thinks highly of ‘Agrarverhältnisse in Altertum’. The background and intention of Weber's works have also been more adequately explored, epistemologically by MUKAI, and disciplinarily by NAU. In b) NAKANO's analysis of the legal rationalization of Weber's ideas, one can detect the problematic in the Weberian strategy of behaviorism, and can identify the positive and negative of autopoiesis, the systematic strategy of Luhmann. From those ideas, Nakano concluded that society as a whole puts a meta-level of the normative above the legal dimension. SWEDBERG vigorly inspects potential issues in Weber's text of economic sociology that are theoretically applicable for empirical research. The search for true intention produces a continuous awareness of one's own value, as ORIHARA already showed. The current utilization seems to center around the field of economic sociology.
小林 昇
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.38, no.38, pp.13-20, 2000 (Released:2010-08-05)

This essay is a personal account of how an aspect of the post-1945 Japanese research in the history of economics has evolved, with emphasis on how I myself, through my own reading of Friedrich List, British Mercantilists, Josiah Tucker, and particularly James Steuart, as well as my discoveries of other noteworthy economic classics, unwittingly undermined, thus relativized, the dominant place commanded by one economic classic, Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations. This was done within the prevailing academic atmosphere of the time, which was characterized by a predominance of Marxian orientation and a concentration on Adam Smith's studies since pre-1945 days, and a rather critical response to these two schools of thought. This post-WWII response, greatly facilitated by the Japan Society of History of Economics (established in 1950), contained some striking elements, such as the introduction of modern theories in the analysis of older economic treatises, Adam Smith studies being affected by expanded studies of the Scottish Enlightenment, and attempted new perceptions of the entire classical economics in view of the development of historical science and discoveries of various new materials, as well as conspicuous broadening of our horizon to include the Continental European and American scenes. In this process I gradually dissociated myself from the Marxian orientation in my reading of the history of economics.