前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.2, pp.175-184, 2018-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

The purposes of this study were to clarify the influence of physical strength on throwing distance, and to estimate strength requirement for each target throwing distance of discus. The questionnaire method was used to investigate parameters about morphology and physical strength for 114 male discus throwers. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to investigate the relationships between the parameters and throwing distance. Then, multiple regression analysis was carried out to clarify influence of the parameters on throwing distance. As a result, all parameters correlated significantly to throwing distance. The parameters of morphology to have great influence on throwing distance were span of arm and body weight. The parameters of physical strength to have great influence on throwing distance were backward over head shot throw, snatch, standing five steps jump, 30m dash, in descending order. In addition, physical strength requirement corresponding to throwing distance of discus was gained by estimating the standard value of each parameter from the regression analysis. Strength requirement shown in this study has a high practicality for coaches and throwers in planning training programs and setting goals.
尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.
谷川 聡 島田 一志 岩井 浩一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.1, pp.75-85, 2008-06-30 (Released:2008-09-13)
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Walking, jogging and sprinting occur repeatedly in daily life and also many sports events. The present study was undertaken to clarify whether the different kinematic characteristics of sprinting movements between sprint-skilled athletes and non-athletes are common to the those of walking and running movements. Nine male athletes and eleven untrained male students were asked to perform walking, fast-walking and jogging at set speeds (walking: 1.5 m/s; fast-walking, jogging: 2.4 m/s), and sprinting at maximal speed. Walking, fast-walking and jogging movements were recorded by digital video camera and sprinting movement by high-speed video camera. Kinematic variables obtained from video analysis were compared between two groups and within each group. Double support time of fast-walking and contact time of jogging and sprinting were significantly shorter in athletes. Minimal knee angles in jogging and sprinting were significantly larger, and knee angular displacements and hip angle at left foot contact in fast-walking, jogging and sprinting were significantly smaller in athletes. Touch down distances were significantly shorter in all movements and right hip joint angle was small at right foot contact in fast walking, jogging and sprinting. Leg scissors movement was a characteristic of athletes. During the support phase, non-athletes tended to flex not only the knee joint but also the hip joint at foot contact, while athletes tended to keep on extending hip and knee joints. These results suggest that differences exist between two groups and that there are common characteristics of the movements in each group, which could be technically significant from a coaching viewpoint.
内藤 景 苅山 靖 宮代 賢治 山元 康平 尾縣 貢 谷川 聡
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13012, (Released:2013-08-27)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the step characteristics during the acceleration phase (0-30 m) of a 100-m sprint with reference to the step-type of sprinters. Fifty-nine male collegiate sprinters (season best time: 10.68±0.22 s) were recorded running in 100-m races using 10 high-speed video cameras (300 fps). The step variables, such as step-frequency (SF), step-length (SL), contact time, and flight time of each step in the acceleration phase (0-30 m) and maximum speed phase (30-60 m) were calculated. Cluster analysis was used to classify the subjects according to step-type as indicators for the ratio of SF and SL in the 30-60 m section. In addition, each of the step-type groups was divided into two sub-groups (good and poor sprinters) according to the mean speed in the 30-60 m section. The main results were as follows: (1) Sprinters were classifiable into three step-type groups; SL-type (n=22), SF-type (n=24), and Mid-type (n=13). (2) Among these groups, there were no differences in the 100-m race times and mean speeds during the 0-30, 30-60, and 60-100 m sections, although SL-type sprinters were taller and had a higher SLindex than SF-type sprinters. SF-type sprinters took a larger numbers of steps over the 100-m distance and showed a higher SFindex than SL-type and Mid-type sprinters. (3) In the 0-30 m and 30-60 m sections, the contact and flight times of SL-type sprinters were longer than those of SF-type sprinters. (4) In SL-type sprinters, the SF of good sprinters was higher than that of poor sprinters at the 5th step, and the SL of good sprinters was longer than that of poor sprinters from the 7th to 15th steps, and in the 30-60 m section. (5) SF-type sprinters showed no significant differences in the SL, but the SF of good sprinters was higher than that of poor sprinters from the 7th to 16th steps and in the 30-60 m section. These results indicate that there are differences in step characteristics during the acceleration phase according to step-type, and that the step characteristics during the acceleration phase may affect the acceleration ability needed to develop a maximum sprint speed. These findings could be useful for devising training methods for improvement of 100-m sprint performance according to step-type.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 加藤 忠彦 水島 淳 山本 大輔 梶谷 亮輔 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.206_3, 2018

<p> 円盤投の指導現場において、投てき動作前半の局面で円盤あるいは円盤を保持する腕を積極的に加速させる動作について、「円盤を走らせる」という表現が用いられている。この「円盤を走らせる」動作は、効率の良い投てき動作を遂行させる上で重要であると指導現場では認識されているが、実際に競技力の高い円盤投競技者ほど「円盤を走らせている」のか、という疑問が生じる。そこで本研究では、「円盤を走らせる」動作に関連すると考えられるパラメータとパフォーマンスとの関係について明らかにすることを目的とした。国内一般レベルから世界トップレベルまでの記録を有する男子円盤投競技者62名(記録:38.05 – 68.94m)を対象に、競技会での投てき動作を撮影し、3次元動作分析を行った。円盤の速度について確認したところ、第一両脚支持局面の変化量および右足離地時点について、対象者全体で見た場合、投てき距離との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた。しかし、競技レベルごとに見ると、世界トップレベル競技者12名については、有意な負の相関関係が認められたのに対して、国内競技者50名については、有意な正の相関関係が認められた。</p>
谷川 聡 島田 一志 一川 大輔 吉岡 宏 尾縣 貢
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.24, no.2, pp.129-138, 2011-03-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sprint technical training program on sprint and jump ability of soccer players in competition season.     The first group ( n=13, ST group) performed a combined resistance and sprint training program at same training session. The second group ( n=6, JT group) performed a combined jump and sprint training and the third group ( n=6, MT group) performed jog-walk and sprint training with technical instructions. Squat jump, Countermovement jump, Rebound drop jump, Standing long jump and 3 steps long jump were tested as jump performance. The 30-m and 80-m dash and agility run were tested as sprint performance. Sprint movement of JT and MT groups were recorded by high speed video camera.     After training, JT group performed faster significantly in the 30m dash, while MT group in 80m dash. JT and MT groups performed faster in sprint velocity with longer stride length and performed better in 3 steps long jump, while ST group performed slower in the 30m and 80m dash. We suggested that stiff leg of JT group and early leg scissors timing of the MT group made them run faster with longer stride length.     We must take into consideration difference of the effect of ST, JT and MT program based with sprint technique in competition season. It is concluded that coaches have to assess the optimal balance between soccer training and sprint training components.
比留間 浩介 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.1101140174, (Released:2011-01-15)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of physical fitness in baseball pitchers and infielders focusing on variations in power output ability and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) ability in field tests. Twenty-five male university pitchers and 22 university infielders participated. They performed five kinds of jumping (Standing triple jump (STJ), Standing double leg triple jump (SDTJ), Standing long jump (SLJ), Counter movement jump (CMJ), 5 rebound jumps (RJ)), and five kinds of medicine ball throw (Overhead throw (OT), Back throw (BT), Push of upper limb (Push), Shoulder horizontal adduction (SHA) and Twist of trunk throw (Twist)). Push, SHA and Twist were performed purely concentrically (concentric throw: CT) and with SSC movement (rebound throw: RT). These powers were assessed using the Throw index (Tauchi et al., 2006), and pre-stretch augmentations (Walshe et al., 1996) were calculated. It was found that: 1) OT, BT and SDTJ in pitchers were significantly higher than in infielders, and that there were significant correlations between pitched ball speed and OT, BT, and SDTJ. 2) Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders were significant higher than in pitchers, and significant correlations were found between thrown ball speed, batted ball speed and Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders. 3) SHA augmentation in infielders was significantly higher than in pitchers, and there was a significant correlation between thrown ball speed and SHA augmentation in infielders. 4) Twist of trunk power did not differ between pitchers and fielders. These results indicate that baseball pitchers and infielders obtain different physical fitness characteristics through the differences in their movement forms and required abilities.
広瀬 健一 大山卞 圭悟 尾縣 貢
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.30, no.1, pp.65-72, 2016-10-20 (Released:2019-09-04)

This study reports a coaching case of a men's hammer throw athlete (abbreviated to “T athlete” after this) who had a problem with the acceleration of the hammer during the turn phase. T athlete’s personal record was 45.75m at the start of coaching. The theme of the training program was “hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. And T athlete practiced to accelerate the hammer during the turn phase. The training was carried out for about three and a half months. The procedure of the approach was divided into two stages. The approach ① was the 1st training process until T athlete learned “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. The approach ② was a training process after learning “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. During the approach ①, T athlete was able to learn the timing to accelerate the hammer from the right back during “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. In addition, the approach ② conducted the inclined plane of the hammer orbit of the actual throw to get closer to the one of “the hammer throw without using preliminary swings”. Finally, T athlete improved the personal record approximately 7m (45.75 to 52.67m). “The hammer throw without preliminary swings” is considered to be effective as one of the convincing training method to improve the turn technique of hammer throw.
尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.
森 健一 吉岡 利貢 白松 宏輔 苅山 靖 尾縣 貢
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.5, pp.503-510, 2011 (Released:2011-11-15)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of physiological factors which effect oxygen kinetics and energy system contribution on the power of Wingate test (WT), with focusing on the difference of aerobic capacity. Twenty three male track and field athletes (sprinters, long distance runners and decathletes) performed the WT on electromagnetic-braked cycle ergometer. The applied resistance was 7.5% of body weight, and the duration was 60 seconds. Moreover, aerobic capacity (maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max]) was determined by an incremental test, and anaerobic capacity (maximal accumulated oxygen deficit [MAOD]) was determined by a supramaximal constant load test. The oxygen uptake during each test was recorded by a breath-by-breath method. The participants were divided into two group which was high VO2max group (High group; n = 11) and low VO2max group (Low group; n = 12). In the results, although the VO2max was significantly higher in the High group, the MAOD was not significantly different between two groups. The oxygen uptake during WT was significantly higher in the High group, and the accumulated oxygen deficit during WT was significantly higher in the Low group. The aerobic contribution was significantly higher in the High group than in the Low group. In contrast, the anaerobic contribution was significantly higher in the Low group than in the High group. These results suggest that by the difference of aerobic capacity, aerobic and anaerobic energy supply contribution was different in WT.
新井 宏昌 渡邉 信晃 高本 恵美 真鍋 芳明 前村 公彦 岩井 浩一 宮下 憲 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.49, no.4, pp.335-346, 2004-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

A study was conducted to investigate the changes in anthropometric factors, physical fitness, and sprint ability and motion during the preparatory and competitive periods in two Japanese female elite sprinters. The measurements were carried out from the preparatory period to the competitive period three times. The main results were as follows : 1) In both athletes, sprint speed decreased after the preparatory period and increased in the competitive period. 2) High-intensity sprint training during the competitive period led to hypertrophy of the psoas major muscle and improvement of anaerobic power of the upper limbs. 3) During the competitive period in both athletes, the knee continued to flex after contacting, and took off while maintaining a minimal angle. These results suggest that the performance of elite sprinters changes through each training period, and is influenced by a combination of anthropometric factors, physical fitness and sprint motion.
森 健一 吉岡 利貢 苅山 靖 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.275-284, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)

The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of the Wingate test (WT) for evaluation of anaerobic capacity and performance in sprinters, based on the relationships among the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) during cycling, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD-WT), and output power during the WT.   Eight 400-m sprinters (SP group; 49.29±1.56 s) and six decathletes (DC group; 50.29±1.27 s) participated. They performed the WT on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer. The applied resistance was 7.5% of body weight, and the duration was 60 s. Moreover, anaerobic capacity (MAOD) was determined using a supramaximal constant load test. The oxygen uptake during each test was recorded using the breath-by-breath method.   The results were as follows: 1) There was no significant difference between MAOD during cycling and AOD-WT, and a significant correlation between these parameters was evident. 2) In the SP group, there were significant correlations between 400-m performance and MAOD during cycling, and the mean power at 30 s in the WT. However, no significant correlations were observed in the DC group.   These results suggest that in sprinters, the applicability of the WT for evaluation of anaerobic capacity and sprint performance differs between cycling exercise and running exercise.
尾縣 貢 安井 年文 大山〓 圭悟 山崎 一彦 苅部 俊二 高本 恵美 伊藤 穣 森田 正利 関岡 康雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.422-432, 2000-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

A study was conducted to examine the relationship between the physical characteristics and race patterns of 400-m running in three elite 400-m runners.The experiments were composed of a physical fitness test and an analysis of 400-m race patterns.Maximal O_2 intake, maximal anaerobic power, isokinetic muscular endurance and isokinetic maximum muscular power were evaluated in a laboratory.Final 400-m races in the Japan Championship and the National Sports Festival were filmed using video cameras, and analyzed to calculate the changes in running speed during the 400-m distance.In accordance with the race analysis results, the three 400-m runners were divided into two types.One was the "even pace"type, which showed a tendency to maintain a higher running speed until the finish of the race.The other was the "first half"type, which showed the highest speed from the start until the 190-m point.The even pace type had a higher maximal O_2 intake and isokinetic muscular endurance of the lower limbs.The first half type was a good record holder over 100-m and 200-m distances.These results indicate that physical characteristics influence the race pattern of 400-m running.
白木 駿佑 尾縣 貢 木越 清信
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.433-440, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

This study investigated the relationship between exercise intensity and energy contribution in shortduration intensive exercise. Two competitive university sprinters performed 30-s pedaling tests at 4 high intensity levels, following a submaximal test to determine the energy contribution during the 30-s pedaling tests by using the linear regression between exercise power and O2 demand. The energy contribution in each subject was almost constant during the 30-s pedaling tests at the 4 high intensity levels. Furthermore, O2 uptake and peak blood lactate concentration increased with increasing O2 demand in each subject. These results suggest that the energy contribution during short-duration intensive exercise at different high intensity levels is almost constant and that aerobic and anaerobic energy increase with increasing exercise intensity in each individual.
梶谷 亮輔 前村 公彦 山元 康平 関 慶太郎 尾縣 貢 木越 清信
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.139-149, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

The aim of this study was to examine the validity, reliability, and utility of a method for evaluating the characteristics of the counter movement jump. Fifty-two male track and field athletes (sprinters or decathletes) jumped from a 30-cm platform and consciously changed their counter movement times. This study determined the counter movement time required to achieve the highest jump. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The waveform between the counter movement time and jumping height was an inverted U-shape. 2. It is normally accepted that the optimum counter movement time is determined via the jump test. 3. There was a significant correlation between the first test and the re-test in terms of the counter movement time. 4. Participants were classified into 5 groups based on their optimum counter movement times and highest jumping heights. These results suggest that the newly developed jumping test discussed in this study is a valid method for evaluating the characteristics of counter movement.