山田 晴通
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.59, no.2, pp.67-84, 1986

It is often argued how important and crucial roles communication media play in the social phenomena of the modern world. Nowadays, communication media seem to have become one of the most attractive research topics for researchers of any social science. However, it is not the case with human or social geographers.<br> Quite a few geographers refer to keywords like communication, information flow, and télématique, but only few are positively trying to build up "Geography of Information." "Geography of Information" is yet to come. In the present stage, no standard method nor common direction is established for it.<br> One of the factors which prevent the development of "Geography of Information" is lack of sufficient amount communication media studies in geography, which would provide fundamental knowledge upon the spatial distribution of information. Up to now, geographers have produced not a few research papers upon communication media, but these works arescattered over varied sub-fields of geography. They have been done under different research interests, and have only limited relations with each other.<br> This review article describes the present stage of communication media studies in geography, and tries to search a way to establish common property and common direction for them. In this review, some foci are set upon such subjects as nodal or functional region studies using telecommunication flow data, diffusion studies of broadcasting stations as innovations, and several approaches to newspaper industry. Almost 30 research papers are referred, and more than 50 of them are in English or French.
山田 晴通
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.38, pp.138-151, 271-272, 1989-04-30

Japan Cable Television, or JCTV, is a licensed CATV operator under the Japanese Cable Television Law, enacted in 1974. It is rather unique in that it, alone among cable television operators, is permitted to lease its cable network from Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation ( NTT ); the ministry of Posts & Telecommunications ( MPT ) generally requires cable operators to own their own networks, although the law does not make such a stipulation. Such freedom from vast capital investment is one of the major factors becind JCTV's success. JCTV was established in 1971, funded mainly by the Asahi Shimbun group, in order to supply an EngliSh-language channel to closed circuit systems of Tokyo's most prestigious hotels. At that time it was practically impossible for various regulatory reasons to build a new cable network, especially in Tokyo ; leasing its cables from NTT made JCTV viable. In 1974 JCTV embarked upon a new venture, so-called "mansion network" broadcasts to individual Tokyo subrcribers. Due to the high montyly charge, however, this service was mainly limited to foreign businesses. While JCTV charged its subscribers \3,000 per month, subscribers were forced to pay an average of \100,000 monthly to NTT to maintain their line. Even with such exorbitant fees, JCTV managed to gain 5,000 new subscribers by the mid 198O's. In 1982 JCTV formed a partnership with Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) of Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and began a systematic program exchange. A direct satellite link established in 1984 not only added proglams from CNN (Cable News Network) to JCTV programming but allowed JCTV to supply CNN 24 hours a day as an alternative service available on subscribers' request. In addition, JCTV produced a Japanese version of "Daywatch" and similar programming for Asahi National Broad-casting Company, Ltd. (ANB), one of the four nation-wide private TV network orgenizers in Japan and a major JCTV shareholder. ANB, in turn, began selling these programs to its local network operators.
山田 晴通
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.50, pp.16-23, 237, 1997-01-31

Chiiki, tentatively rendered as"local community", has been an important keyword in the development of empirical communication studies in Japan. Since 1970s on, Chiiki Media ron, or"community media studies" has deliberately established the concept of chiiki Media, or"ccommunity media", as a sort of mass media with their readers/audience sharing the common experience of their geographical space. Those community media, often more public in their nature than merely being profit-seeking businesses, have been viewed and discussed from localistic perspectives. During 1980s, however, community media were often more commonly speculated from universal viewpoint of industrialism, in the framework of national governments' Chiiki Joho-ka, or"community informationization" policies, which promoted diffusion of various types of newly invented communication media. Recent academic discussion tends to emphasize the need of revisiting, renewing, and revitalizing localistic perspectives.
スクワイア シーラ・J 山田 晴
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.48, no.4, pp.269-275, 1993

本稿は,湖水地方(Lake District)におけるビアトリクス・ポターゆかりの観光旅行について考察する。主として定性的な調査の結果に依拠しながら,田舎や,イングランドの農村生活についての諸価値が広まる過程で,ポターがどのように利用されるのかを論じる。こうした諸価値は,イングランドらしさをめぐる諸概念や,田舎と都会の対立関係と結びついている。ビアトリクス・ポター(1866〜1943)は,最大級の評価を受けているイングランドの児童文学作家である。国際的にも成功した彼女の絶大な人気は,今日では彼女の著書(その大半が今日も版を重ねている)の売り上げだけでなく,様々な商品や観光旅行,宣伝活動などにも反映されている。こうしたビアトリクス・ポター関連産業の存在は,彼女の作品が評価され続ける理由をめぐって,いろいろと問題を提起する。ヴィクトリア朝末期の人であったポターは,ピーターラビット(1902),ティギーおばさん(1905),あひるのジマイマ(1908),といったキャラクターを生み出し,第一次世界大戦以前に名声を確立した。しかし,今日,彼女の作品は,それが生み出された文脈とは異なる多様な文脈で読まれている。そのため,作品は異なった意味をもつようになっている。文化研究(Cultural studies)の業績は,テキストと読者,生産者と消費者の関係を論じてきた(Jackson, 1989; Gregory and Walford, 1989; Burgess, 1990)。とりわけバージェス(Burgess, 1990)は,ジョンソン(Johnson, 1986)に依拠しながら,意味の変成に焦点を当て,メディアのテキストは多様な読み方が可能な象徴体系の一部であると論じている。同様の議論は,地理学者がこれまでほとんど無視してきた児童文学の解釈や,観光旅行の解釈についても展開できる。本稿は,観光客となった読者が,ビアトリクス・ポターのテキストや彼女にインスピレーションを与えた湖水地方の舞台だてから,どんな意味を汲み上げているのかを論じる。文学観光旅行,つまり著作や作家との関連で有名な場所への旅は,様々な文脈から注目されてきた(Lowenthal and Prince, 1965; Newby, 1981; Butler, 1985, 1986; Curtis, 1985; Pocock, 1982, 1987; Squire 1988, 1990; Ousby, 1990)。しかし,アーリ(Urry, 1990)やヒューズ(Hughes, 1991)が指摘するように,観光旅行については解釈論的分析がほとんど無視されていることもあって,文学観光旅行の研究はまだまだ遅れている。観光旅行の展開とともに,経済的な利益を求めて,風景は新たに意味づけられる。こうした意味を,訪問する観光客がどう解釈するかについて,定性的な研究はほとんどない。湖水地方におけるビアトリクス・ポターゆかりの観光旅行は,こうした観光的意味の生産と消費の研究に,格好の舞台を提供してくれるのである。
イリーイン パーヴェル 山田 晴通
Japan Cartographers Association
地図 (ISSN:00094897)
vol.33, no.2, pp.13-41, 1995-06-30

ボリシェヴィキ革命から1991年12月の消滅に至る旧ソ連について, 人名が付けられた都市地名の改称の流れを, 長老都市地理学者が検討する. 特に注目される改称の波には,(a)政治的・軍事的指導者を讃えた1920年代・1930年代,(b)スターリン色を払拭し, 自国の作家・作曲家・詩人を讃え, 社会主義圏諸国との友好関係を持ち上げた1950年代,(c)共産主義時代の好ましくない痕跡を消し去ろうとする1980年代後半から現在に至る時期のものがある.
山田 晴通
地理 (ISSN:05779308)
vol.40, no.3, pp.巻頭3p,16-20, 1995-03