平岡 昭利
地理空間 (ISSN:18829872)
vol.4, no.1, pp.1-17, 2011 (Released:2018-04-11)

明治期,一獲千金をもくろみ,羽毛を獲得するためアホウドリなどの鳥類を追った日本人の行動は,太平洋の島々へと拡大していったが,本研究は南シナ海の東沙(プラタス)島への日本人の進出を考察したものである。東沙島へは1901 年にアホウドリを求めて玉置半右衛門や水谷新六が探検を行ったが,同島にはアホウドリは生息せず,玉置はすぐに断念し,水谷は目的をカツオドリに代えて進出したが失敗した。次に進出した西澤吉治は,当初,鳥類の捕獲を企図したが,鳥糞(グアノ)・リン鉱採取も視野に入れ,大量の労働者を導入した。無人島が一躍,企業(会社)島「西澤島」に変貌し,無人島進出の行為目的が鳥類から鳥糞・リン鉱採取に変わるのである。また,西澤の事業着手後,領土問題化した西澤島事件は,対日ボイコット運動などの中国のナショナリズムの高揚のなかで起こったもので,日本政府はこれらの運動により大きな痛手を受けており,本研究では,同事件について,日本が西澤島を清国領として認め,清国が西澤の資産を買収することで決着したことにも言及した。
平岡 昭利
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.57, no.5, pp.503-518, 2005-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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The Senkaku Islands are made up of five uninhabited islands scattered about 170km north of the Yaeyama Islands of Okinawa Prefecture. In recent years the territorial claims on these islands made by China and Taiwan have increased since it was found that under that area there is a lot of petroleum and natural gas. No one has ever sufficiently examined why Japanese people in the Meiji Era started going to these islands made only of rocks. This study discusses the Japanese advance into and the development of the Senkaku Islands. The following is its summary;The territorial possession of the uninhabited Senkaku Islands started with the exploration by the Okinawa Prefectural Government in 1885, and the exploration report says that a large flock of albatross was found there. In the 1890's, the Japanese advance into the Senkaku Islands was accelerated in order to get the albatross plumage and the great green turban. In those days the Okinawa Prefectural Government had to plead with the Meiji Central Government again and again to put national landmarks on the islands because it was not clear whether the islands were actually Japanese or Chinese territory. Finally in 1894, the Meiji Government permitted to put the national landmarks. In 1895 the Senkaku Islands were placed under the jurisdiction of Okinawa Prefecture. In the same year, Tatsushiro Koga, who was a powerful and wealthy shellfish merchant, asked the Meiji Government to lease Kuba Island for the purpose of catching albatross because of the rapid decrease of the great green turban. His business changed from shellfish to albatross. In 1896, the Government not only leased Kuba Island to him but also granted him the lease of another four Senkaku Islands for 30 years.In 1897 Koga started his business in the Senkaku Islands, but albatross, his main resource of business, decreased devastatingly in only three years. Therefore, he diversified his business into stuffed birds, bonito fishing, guano, and phosphate rocks and managed to make an immense profit. But his business didn't last long because he mismanaged the natural resources on the islands. Koga Village, founded in Uotsuri Island with a huge investment of money, disappeared in about 30 years and around 1937 the Senkaku Islands again became uninhabited with no change since then.
平岡 昭利

平岡 昭利
地理空間 (ISSN:18829872)
vol.1, no.1, pp.53-70, 2008 (Released:2018-04-12)

行為論で人間行動を解釈する視点から,明治期,日本人の南洋進出の行為目的は,アホウドリであったと想定し,それを追った行動が「帝国」日本の領域拡大につながったことを検討した。アホウドリは小笠原諸島では早くから認識され,1885 年頃には羽毛が外国に輸出されていた。鳥島でアホウドリ撲殺事業を始めた玉置半右衛門は,巨利を得て実業家となり榎本武揚などの南進論者と深くかかわっていた。当時,無人島開拓などの新聞小説が広く読まれるなか,開拓事業に成功した玉置は数々の書物に取り上げられ,無人島探検ブームの一因となった。このブームの中,アホウドリから莫大な利益がもたらされることを認識した人々は,当時の地図に数多く描かれていた疑存島の探検に競って乗り出し,権利獲得競争の果てというべきガンジス島問題も発生した。このようにアホウドリから一攫千金を目論む山師的な人々の行動が,「帝国」日本の領域を東へ,南へと拡大したことを明らかにした。
平岡 昭利
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.29, no.3, pp.227-252, 1977

This is a study on historical development of Daito Islands. Daito Islands are highly detached archipelagoes on the Pacific Ocean, located to the east of the main island of Okinawa (Fig. 1). I started the survey on the supposition that the development of these islands was made under the influence of Japanese capitalism, which seems to present some important problems.<br>The summary of the survey is as follows;<br>Daito Islands had been uninhabited until the middle of the Meiji era and were explored. And it was not until 1900 that islanders of Hachijo settled there and made the islands &Ouml;KUMENE. Thereafter the management of the islands was transferred from a trading capital (Tamaoki Company) to a monopolistic capital. And these islands became a single-enterprise-islands (the period of Toyo&sim;Dai-Nippon Sugar Manufacturing Company) after the sale of government property. Then through a large-scale capital investment, phosphate rock mining industry as well as sugar-manufacturing grew prosperous and attracted the suplus population of Okinawa who wanted to work away home (Fig. 8).<br>In the process of time, agglomerated settlements turned into dispersed ones, which contributed to labor efficiency; houses were built in the center of cultivated field in order to increase the labor-efficiency (Fig. 4. 6. 9). It rested with the company to decide how to use the fields and tenants under a sever control of the company were compelled to grow sugarcanes exclusively. The company adopted the policy to take on many laborers from Okinawa at low wages to prevent deviding tenant lands. As a result, the society constituted a hierarchy of company, tenants (people from Hachijo island) and laborers (people from Okinawa). Even among the tenants rose great differences, social or economic, owing to their native places.<br>A self-government system had not been established since the islands were colonized. It was after the war that the two municipal villages were organized, followed by a reconstruction of sugar manufacturing in 1951 (Fig. 10), and the conflict of more than ten years for the ownership of the land between DaiNippon Sugar Manufacturing Company and the villages. And at last in 1964 (64 years after the colonization) tenants became owner farmers.<br>Now for me, the historical development seems to show the island have the phenomena common to other detached insular societies, that is, other detached islands like Daito Islands are easily subjecteted to the administratration which use the natural strong segregation. Daito Islands case, its phenomena were especially observed in the period of plantation management. Economically speaking, the islands were directly connected with Japan proper. In this sense, &ldquo;detachedness&rdquo; of the islands had been subdued. But this means the reinforcement of dependency on the economy of Japan proper and islanders themselves were still confined in the detached, closed society. To put it concretely, the company, taking advantage of &ldquo;detachedness&rdquo; of the islands, checked the flow-in and flow-out of labor, and issued private notes which circulated only in such a closed society. Then, disposal of national property without regard for the islanders profit had long driven settlers to miserable situation. Authorities, leaving the administration of the islands to the monopolistic capital, engaged the islanders as soldiers and imposed tax without any protection to them. Rigid company regulations worked as laws.<br>The historical development of Daito Islands tells the administration was not satisfactory to the islanders. And this remark seems to apply not only to Daito Islands of past, but also to other island today. It is true that economic investment at large has not so much effect on general islands, but the policy for detached islands should be based on the fundamental fact that these islands are &Ouml;KUMENE (people are living, working).
平岡 昭利
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.29, no.3, pp.227-252, 1977-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
3 5

This is a study on historical development of Daito Islands. Daito Islands are highly detached archipelagoes on the Pacific Ocean, located to the east of the main island of Okinawa (Fig. 1). I started the survey on the supposition that the development of these islands was made under the influence of Japanese capitalism, which seems to present some important problems.The summary of the survey is as follows;Daito Islands had been uninhabited until the middle of the Meiji era and were explored. And it was not until 1900 that islanders of Hachijo settled there and made the islands ÖKUMENE. Thereafter the management of the islands was transferred from a trading capital (Tamaoki Company) to a monopolistic capital. And these islands became a single-enterprise-islands (the period of Toyo∼Dai-Nippon Sugar Manufacturing Company) after the sale of government property. Then through a large-scale capital investment, phosphate rock mining industry as well as sugar-manufacturing grew prosperous and attracted the suplus population of Okinawa who wanted to work away home (Fig. 8).In the process of time, agglomerated settlements turned into dispersed ones, which contributed to labor efficiency; houses were built in the center of cultivated field in order to increase the labor-efficiency (Fig. 4. 6. 9). It rested with the company to decide how to use the fields and tenants under a sever control of the company were compelled to grow sugarcanes exclusively. The company adopted the policy to take on many laborers from Okinawa at low wages to prevent deviding tenant lands. As a result, the society constituted a hierarchy of company, tenants (people from Hachijo island) and laborers (people from Okinawa). Even among the tenants rose great differences, social or economic, owing to their native places.A self-government system had not been established since the islands were colonized. It was after the war that the two municipal villages were organized, followed by a reconstruction of sugar manufacturing in 1951 (Fig. 10), and the conflict of more than ten years for the ownership of the land between DaiNippon Sugar Manufacturing Company and the villages. And at last in 1964 (64 years after the colonization) tenants became owner farmers.Now for me, the historical development seems to show the island have the phenomena common to other detached insular societies, that is, other detached islands like Daito Islands are easily subjecteted to the administratration which use the natural strong segregation. Daito Islands case, its phenomena were especially observed in the period of plantation management. Economically speaking, the islands were directly connected with Japan proper. In this sense, “detachedness” of the islands had been subdued. But this means the reinforcement of dependency on the economy of Japan proper and islanders themselves were still confined in the detached, closed society. To put it concretely, the company, taking advantage of “detachedness” of the islands, checked the flow-in and flow-out of labor, and issued private notes which circulated only in such a closed society. Then, disposal of national property without regard for the islanders profit had long driven settlers to miserable situation. Authorities, leaving the administration of the islands to the monopolistic capital, engaged the islanders as soldiers and imposed tax without any protection to them. Rigid company regulations worked as laws.The historical development of Daito Islands tells the administration was not satisfactory to the islanders. And this remark seems to apply not only to Daito Islands of past, but also to other island today. It is true that economic investment at large has not so much effect on general islands, but the policy for detached islands should be based on the fundamental fact that these islands are ÖKUMENE (people are living, working).
平岡 昭利
地理空間 (ISSN:18829872)
vol.1, no.1, pp.53-70, 2008

行為論で人間行動を解釈する視点から,明治期,日本人の南洋進出の行為目的は,アホウドリであったと想定し,それを追った行動が「帝国」日本の領域拡大につながったことを検討した。アホウドリは小笠原諸島では早くから認識され,1885 年頃には羽毛が外国に輸出されていた。鳥島でアホウドリ撲殺事業を始めた玉置半右衛門は,巨利を得て実業家となり榎本武揚などの南進論者と深くかかわっていた。当時,無人島開拓などの新聞小説が広く読まれるなか,開拓事業に成功した玉置は数々の書物に取り上げられ,無人島探検ブームの一因となった。このブームの中,アホウドリから莫大な利益がもたらされることを認識した人々は,当時の地図に数多く描かれていた疑存島の探検に競って乗り出し,権利獲得競争の果てというべきガンジス島問題も発生した。このようにアホウドリから一攫千金を目論む山師的な人々の行動が,「帝国」日本の領域を東へ,南へと拡大したことを明らかにした。
高橋 誠一 野間 晴雄 橋本 征治 平岡 昭利 西岡 尚也 筒井 由起乃 貝柄 徹 木庭 元晴
