小張 昌宏 後藤 文男 冨田 稔
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.6, no.4, pp.371-387, 1984-12-25 (Released:2010-05-07)

The effects of calcium antagonists in relation to cerebral vessels and circulation were widely reviewed throughout the literature. Their effectiveness in stroke and migraine patients were also discussed.Calcium antagonists usually inhibit cerebral vasoconstriction induced by various agents in vivo. They seem to dilate pial and basilar arteries in vitro, and increase cerebral blood flow in normal animals. Cerebral vasospasms, produced experimentally or in patients, are readily reversed by calcium antagonists. Clinical trials of these drugs on patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage are now under way, with some favorable preliminary outcomes. There are a number of investigations on the effects of calcium antagonists on cerebral circulation following experimental cerebral ischemia, but the results are not uniform, probably due to the various experimental conditions used. The therapeutic effects of calcium antagonists on ischemic stroke patients are mostly demonstrated in their chronic stage, and studies on patients with acute strokes are scarce. Calcium antagonists are also shown to be beneficial in the prophylaxis of migraine attacks.Although there are yet many problems to be investigated, the usefulness of calcium antagonists on medical practice may be promising.
前田 康成 後藤 文太朗 升井 洋志 桝井 文人 鈴木 正清 松嶋 敏泰
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 (ISSN:13451537)
vol.15, no.1, pp.69-81, 2013

後藤 文子
慶應義塾大学アートセンター年報/研究紀要 (ISSN:13428888)
no.25, pp.94-104, 2018

問題提起「縮景」 : ミクロコスモスとしての日本庭園の象徴性七代目小川治兵衛の庭 : 「自然らしさ」を超える地景デザインカール・フェルスターの庭と植物の色彩 : 自然科学的知との融合結語研究紀要
庄子 和博 後藤 英司 橋田 慎之介 後藤 文之 吉原 利一
植物環境工学 (ISSN:18802028)
vol.22, no.2, pp.107-113, 2010-06-01 (Released:2010-06-01)
8 17

明期の青色光強度がアントシアニン蓄積に影響するかどうかを調べたところ, 明期の青色光量を増やすとアントシアニン蓄積は促進されるが, 処理20日目までは効果が持続しなかった. 次に, LEDランプを用いて連続光条件における赤色光と青色光の割合がアントシアニン蓄積に及ぼす影響を調べた結果, アントシアニン含量は青色光の割合が高まるほど大となることが示された. そこで, アントシアニン生合成の光質応答を分子レベルで理解するために, レッドリーフレタスから単離できたアントシアニンの生合成遺伝子群について(CHS, F3H, DFR, ANS, UFGT )リアルタイムPCR法で発現解析を実施した. その結果, R100区では5遺伝子とも発現は認められなかったが, B100区とR50B50区ではCHS, F3H, DFR, ANS およびUFGT の発現が4時間までに上昇し, 48時間では低下した. F3H, DFR, ANS の発現が24時間までに上昇し, 48時間では低下したが, CHS とUFGT の発現は大きく変化しなかった. これらの結果より, レッドリーフレタスの光質に対するアントシアニンの生合成や蓄積に関する制御機構には, 赤色光と青色光の割合が密接に関係していることが明らかとなり, 特にCHS とUFGT の発現が青色光のPPFレベルに敏感に応答しているものと考えられた.
的場 勝英 利根 斉 新浜 光一 後藤 文孝 坂 雅之 南川 純一
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.57, no.5, pp.407-414, 1999-05-01 (Released:2009-11-16)
1 6

An efficient and practical synthetic route to OPC-15161 (1), a novel inhibitor of superoxide anion generation, is described. Intensive survey on pyrazine ring manipulation has led to the development of multi-kilo synthetic pathway, in which beneficial use of a nitrogen protecting group is the key to the problematic cyclization and O-methylation process, both being carried out in one-pot operation. Thus, the synthesis proceeds in 40% overall yield in four steps from tryptophan methyl ester with simple operation and without chromatographic purification, which also opens a general route for the preparation of related 5-alkoxypyrazin-2 (1H) -one 4-oxide such as emeheterone.
高瀬英希 細合晋太郎 岡山直樹 喜多真琴 後藤文康 谷口一徹 長濱みほ 星野利夫 宮崎秀俊
vol.2014, pp.151-152, 2014-10-15

LED-Camp は,組込みシステム分野の学生および若手社会人を対象とした合宿形式の教育実習である.本企画では,モデル駆動開発やアジャイル開発手法といった,組込みソフトウェア開発に関する最新技術を体験でき,チーム形式で組込みソフトウェア開発を実践することができる.本稿では,2014 年 8 月に実施した LED-Camp2 におけるカリキュラムを紹介し,その実施速報について報告する.
後藤 文子
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.131, pp.181-203, 2013-03

投稿論文Die traditionelle Kunstwissenschaft sieht das Kunstwerk wesentlichals eine Seinsform, in der das Kunstwerk als materielle Substanz,sei es die bemalte Leinwand, Bronze oder Eisen, existiert, unddaher mit seinem Standort eng verbunden ist.Die moderne Kunst, die den lebendig sich stetig veränderndenOrganismus und das Leben an sich als ihre wichtige selbständigebildnerische Grundlage betrachtet, verlangt nach einem neuen Konzept,um den Schaffensprozeß der modernen Künstler, die sichvielseitig mit dem Raum-Zeit-Problem auseinandersetzen, zu interpretieren,sowie die Dynamik, die das Kunstwerk in sich beinhaltet,zu begreifen. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Meteorologische Kunstwissenschaftkonzipiert. Mit dem Begriff des Wetters bezeichnetman diejenigen optischen und atmosphärischen Erscheinungen, diebeim Wechsel der Zustände von Luft und Wasser auftreten. DieMeteorologische Kunstwissenschaft nimmt dieses Wetter als einModell für die Kunstforschung und betrachtet das Kunstwerk alsein raum-zeitliches Phänomen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der prozess haften Phasenwechsel.Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt die moderne Architektur inder Zeit von der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur erstenHälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, einer Zeit kulturtheorischer Paradigmenwechsel,in der der Gartenarchitekt als Vermittler zwischen deranorganischen und der organischen Welt eine der Moderne eigentümlicheStellung einnimmt.
後藤 文康
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.35, pp.120-131, 290-289, 1986-04-30

In the late 1950s when Japan was runinng at full speed toward becoming an economic power, a new type of people began to emerge. They drastically changed the framework of the "masses" which until then referred to the "general working class, including labours and farmers." The masses situated in the lower part of the traditional pyramid-shaped society have come to occupy the central and major part of the present oval-shape society. The masses in this society were highly educated and shared almost equal health. Along with the emergence and expansion of the new "masses, " the newspaper was forced to change in order to arise their interest. The first noticeable change was the increase of news and information on home and community life, sports and leisure. It was then followed by an increase in international news items and the expansion of readers' columns. In this period, when the goal of average-people was to improve their standard of living in the same way that others were doing, the task for the newspaper was to understand and respond to such needs and to point out frictions and contradictions. Challenged to fulfill this task, newspapers, the national papers in particular, competed with each other in increasing their number of pages. It was then in the middle of the 1970s that the newspapers have again witnessed a change in the masses. In the so-called "mature" society, people were no longer easily satisfied with homogenized information. The word "bunshu(diverse and divided masses)" was even coined. The newspaper could no longer mass-produce standardaized news only. In order to meet diversified demands, newspapers then have chosen the strategy of multiple-option. Pages on specific topics like health and medical care were increased and separate editions which could be termed 'living journal' were issued. Newspapers from this stage, however, have become often puzzled by the "whimsical" masses who seemed to have become more inquisitive and curious. Protection and consideration for human rights and privacy are thus the biggest problems that newspapers face at present. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the masses, whether they undergo another change or not, will continue to be the key factor in the survival of the newspaper. This is so not only from the financial point of view but also in opinion formation. How should the newspaper fulfill its mission by not losing support from the masses? The author proposes the concept of "paternal journalism, " which entails : cool and mature judgement, broad viewpoint, generosity, self-restraint, rich knowledge, protection of the weak from the strong, and strength …all of which are required by the present-day masses to actualize what may be called the ideal journalism.