田中 勤 玉木 昌幸 田中 秀之 渡辺 徹 村上 宏 八幡 えり佳 田中 敏春
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.23, no.4, pp.551-558, 2020-08-31 (Released:2020-08-31)

背景:心肺停止傷病者に対するアドレナリン投与は3〜5分間隔が推奨されているが,実際に病院前での投与間隔について調査検討した報告例は少ない。目的:新潟市の院外心肺停止傷病者に対するアドレナリン1筒目と2筒目の投与間隔が社会復帰に影響するか検討した。方法:新潟市消防局のウツタインデータを用い,2011〜2015年の院外心肺停止傷病者において心原性心停止でかつ病院前で2筒投与された傷病者を対象に初回投与時間の中央値と投与間隔5分未満群と5分以上群とに分け,社会復帰率,心拍再開率,短期生存率を解析した。 結果:対象の院外心肺停止傷病者は134例で5分未満群は37例,5分以上群は97例。社会復帰は各々7例と2例で5分未満群が多かった(p<0.05)。結語:投与間隔が5分未満である症例では社会復帰例が多く,適正な投与間隔でアドレナリン投与を行うことが院外心肺停止傷病者の社会復帰率改善に寄与する可能性がある。
玉木 昌幸 田中 勤 田中 秀之 村上 宏 熊谷 謙
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.23, no.1, pp.27-31, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-02-29)

背景:病院実習中の救急救命士(以下,研修者)が,生体への静脈路確保(以下, IV)に失敗する理由は共通しており,失敗理由に特化した対策が必要と考えた。目的:IV技術向上のために自作IV訓練モデルを使用し,その効果を検証すること。方法:研修者に共通のIV失敗理由に特化した自作IV訓練モデルでシミュレーション訓練を実施後,病院実習での生体へのIV成功率をモデル未使用者および過去の研修者の成績と比較した。また,モデル使用者にアンケートを実施し,結果を検討した。結果:IV成功率はモデル使用群86.2%,モデル未使用群81.0%であり,使用群が有意に高かった(p<0.05)。また,過去4年間の研修者の成績との比較でもいずれよりも有意に高かった(p<0.05)。アンケート結果もモデルを使った訓練への肯定的意見が多かった。結論:モデル使用群は有意にIV成功率が高く,アンケートでも好評であり,IV成功率向上に有効であることが示唆された。
徳永 弘子 井原 雅行 村上 宏樹 猿渡 進平 竹下 一樹 古賀 昭彦 行平 崇 久野 真矢 前田 亮一
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.25, no.3, pp.219-230, 2023-08-25 (Released:2023-08-25)

This paper reports the qualitative analysis on the episodes of care workers towards defining requirements for a person-centered care service. A labor shortage is a significant problem in a nursing care domain. A work improvement by information technologies is one of the most expected solutions for the issue. However, individual cares in a nursing care field are also essential. We conducted a survey on understanding and practice of the person-centered care through questionnaires and interviews. As a result of the qualitative analysis by the Grounded Theory Approach, it was shown that it is important to more effectively utilize a care plan and to promote dialogues and observations for better understanding of care recipients. This paper also discusses a possible utilization of information technologies for the person-centered care with a focus on a care plan.
伊藤 清 川島 実 荒井 義人 高橋 満博 村上 宏次 野部 達夫
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.723, pp.447-455, 2016

Energy conservation technology has been in high demand in relation to efforts to realize (net) zero-energy buildings (ZEBs). Ceiling radiant cooling panel systems represent a key energy-conservation technology which can yield high efficiency, since it uses moderately cold water (1618°C), offers integration with other energy-efficient strategies, such as indirect evaporative cooling or ground source heat pumps, and does not require energy to propel a fan to remove the cooling load. Furthermore, a radiant ceiling cooling panel system provides greater comfort to occupants because it does not produce a draught. Therefore, ceiling radiant cooling panel systems can offer both reductions in cooling energy consumption and a comfortable environment for occupants. However, there are several problems with applying a ceiling radiant cooling system in Japan. Firstly, there is limited data about the cooling performance of such systems because few have been constructed in Japan. For this reason, it is important to determine the cooling performance of radiant ceiling panels. Secondly, radiant ceiling panels have limited cooling performance, so it is necessary to consider a special system to remove the perimeter load. Thirdly, an outdoor air-conditioning system is needed to provide outdoor air to occupants. The objective of this paper is to present an outline of the proposed system, results of the thermal performance tests in an experimental facility, and the operational performance in a building to which the proposed system is applied. The proposed system consists of ceiling radiant cooling panels, perimeter chilled beams, and an outdoor-air supply system. The ceiling radiant cooling panels remove the interior cooling load. The perimeter chilled beams remove the perimeter cooling load. The outdoor-air supply system has a personal floor diffuser, a perimeter linear diffuser and a return-air inlet near the window top. The return-air inlet removes the hot air from the window to remove the perimeter load efficiently. An experimental facility for the proposed system was constructed, and thermal performance tests were performed. The results show a vertical temperature differential of less than 0.5°C, and the perimeter chilled beam can remove the peak summer cooling load appropriately. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and perimeter chilled beams are approximately 80 W/m2 and 120 W/m2 respectively under conditions whereby the difference in temperature between the water input and output is 9.0°C. Measurement of the system was performed in the actual building to which the system was applied. The results show that the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams can be controlled to remove varying cooling loads. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams in the actual building proved almost equal to the experimental data. Thus, it is demonstrated that the proposed system can remove the cooling load as expected.
伊藤 清 川島 実 荒井 義人 高橋 満博 村上 宏次 野部 達夫
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.723, pp.447-455, 2016

&nbsp;Energy conservation technology has been in high demand in relation to efforts to realize (net) zero-energy buildings (ZEBs). Ceiling radiant cooling panel systems represent a key energy-conservation technology which can yield high efficiency, since it uses moderately cold water (16-18&deg;C), offers integration with other energy-efficient strategies, such as indirect evaporative cooling or ground source heat pumps, and does not require energy to propel a fan to remove the cooling load. Furthermore, a radiant ceiling cooling panel system provides greater comfort to occupants because it does not produce a draught. Therefore, ceiling radiant cooling panel systems can offer both reductions in cooling energy consumption and a comfortable environment for occupants.<br>&nbsp;However, there are several problems with applying a ceiling radiant cooling system in Japan. Firstly, there is limited data about the cooling performance of such systems because few have been constructed in Japan. For this reason, it is important to determine the cooling performance of radiant ceiling panels. Secondly, radiant ceiling panels have limited cooling performance, so it is necessary to consider a special system to remove the perimeter load. Thirdly, an outdoor air-conditioning system is needed to provide outdoor air to occupants. The objective of this paper is to present an outline of the proposed system, results of the thermal performance tests in an experimental facility, and the operational performance in a building to which the proposed system is applied.<br>&nbsp;The proposed system consists of ceiling radiant cooling panels, perimeter chilled beams, and an outdoor-air supply system. The ceiling radiant cooling panels remove the interior cooling load. The perimeter chilled beams remove the perimeter cooling load. The outdoor-air supply system has a personal floor diffuser, a perimeter linear diffuser and a return-air inlet near the window top. The return-air inlet removes the hot air from the window to remove the perimeter load efficiently.<br>&nbsp;An experimental facility for the proposed system was constructed, and thermal performance tests were performed. The results show a vertical temperature differential of less than 0.5&deg;C, and the perimeter chilled beam can remove the peak summer cooling load appropriately. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and perimeter chilled beams are approximately 80 W/m<sup>2</sup> and 120 W/m<sup>2</sup> respectively under conditions whereby the difference in temperature between the water input and output is 9.0&deg;C.<br>&nbsp;Measurement of the system was performed in the actual building to which the system was applied. The results show that the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams can be controlled to remove varying cooling loads. The cooling capacity of the ceiling radiant cooling panels and chilled beams in the actual building proved almost equal to the experimental data. Thus, it is demonstrated that the proposed system can remove the cooling load as expected.