今西 由華 林 陽子 金森 康和 犬飼 隆
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SIS, スマートインフォメディアシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.261, pp.31-36, 2006-09-19

小林 陽介
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.49, no.3, pp.90-95, 2012-10-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

Recently there has been a great deal of research generated focusing on the Financialization-Approach. However, most of the literature on financialization emphasizes the influence of the financial sector, and pays less attention to the real economy. This paper examines how to bring the dynamism of real economy into the Financialization- Approach. Firstly, I investigate the relationship between corporations and finance, focusing on the literature of corporate governance. According to the research by Lazonick and O'Sullivan, the management strategy of U.S. corporations changed from "retain and reinvest" to "downsize and distribute" after the 1980s. U.S. corporations reduced their employment, and distributed cash to stockholders, and increased dividend payments and stock repurchases to raise their stock prices. This change arose from the formation of the "market for corporate control", which is explained mainly from the following: 1) Worsening performance of corporations and agency theory, 2) Increase of the stock holding by institutional investors, and 3) Development of junk bond market. However, this change is explained only from the influence of finance. The activeness of corporations is ignored. Secondly, I investigate the situation that U.S. corporations faced in 1980s to focus on the corporate action. They faced the shift in industrial structure. Key industries, such as steel, automobile and household electronic appliances, lost competitive power, while high-technology, energy and service industries maintained competitive power. Many corporations restructured their business formations to adapt to this shift by mergers and acquisitions. While raising stock prices is a result of financial influence in the literature of financialization, raising stock prices has a positive meaning for companies which perform mergers and acquisitions. Companies can perform mergers and acquisitions advantageously when their stock prices are high. Increase of dividend payments and stock repurchases can be understood to be a result of corporate action which adapts to the shift in industrial structure by mergers and acquisitions. Finally, I discuss the corporate image which should be included in the Financialization-Approach. The corporation should be assumed the active one which pursues profits, not the passive one assumed in the former literature. This is the starting point of an attempt to bring the dynamism of real economy into the Financialization-Approach.
小林 陽介
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.50, no.4, pp.84-95, 2014

<p>The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of the financialization of the American economy in 1980s, focusing on the relationship between corporations and financial institutions. In part I, I survey the literature of the financialization approach. One approach is to focus on the increase of financial investment by non-financial corporations. This approach points out that non-financial corporations invest internal funds to financial assets to avoid the downward tendency of profitrates. This approach is limited by scholars understanding that corporations invest in financial assets solely aiming at financial profits. The other approach is to focus on the growing influence of the capital market and the increase of financial payments by non-financial corporations. This approach emphasizes the creation of the "market for corporate control", driven by the rise of institutional investors, information economics and the formation of junk-bond market. This approach has the limitation that the actions of industrial corporations are not included. Based on these literatures, the approach of this paper is to regard investing equity as the way to control another corporation and include corporate actions which pursue profits. This approach is to focus on the transformation of "finance capital". Originally, "finance capital" had a viewpoint of finance related with industry. However, these days, "finance capital" is used in a sense that financial institutions seek financial and speculative profits. In this paper, I focus on the process of the transformation of "finance capital" from the classical type to casino type. In part II, I trace the transformation of the American economy after World War II, and corporate restructuring in 1980s. In the post-war era, the American economy was characterized by the administered price system. Administered price was the price which added reasonable profit to cost. Because of this, corporations could get stable profit. Under this system, corporate actions were characterized by avoidance of price competition, demand of protective policies, and investment in former type equipment. In the depression in early 1980s, many corporations fell into the red Most of them changed the action pattern. They restructured business formations by mergers and acquisitions(M&A). For examples, U. S. Steel acquired Marathon Oil in 1982 to change its main business from steel to oil production. Financial institutions took part in the M&A boom. Investment banks acted as M&A advisor. In merger mania, they treated bridge loan financing, and invested LBO equity funds. Commercial banks acted as loan lender. In merger mania, they acted as M&A advisor. In part III, I explain the consequences of merger boom in 1980s and examine the transformation of the relationship between corporations and financial institutions. Financial institutions expanded profits from M&A related businesses because such businesses were very profitable. In the process of merger boom, the relationship between corporations and financial institutions had transformed from "relationship oriented" to "arms-length oriented". As for investment banks, large corporations had maintained the continuous relationship with specific investment banks over a long period of time. However, in 1980s, most corporations came to use the investment banks which presented the most advantageous conditions. This was because there were many chances for corporations to change investment banks in the merger boom. The conclusion of this paper is as follows: 1) American corporations moved their capital to advantageous industries by using financial markets. 2) Financial institutions could expand profits by helping corporations which needed M & A to overcome the difficulties in that days. 3) In the process of merger booms, the relationship between</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
重宗 明子 三浦 清之 上原 泰樹 小林 陽 古賀 義昭 内山田 博士 佐本 四郎 笹原 英樹 後藤 明俊 太田久稔#清水博之#藤田米一#石坂昇助#.中川原捷洋#奥野員敏#山田利昭#小牧有三#堀内久満#福井清美#大槻寛#丸山清明
中央農業総合研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:18816738)
no.16, pp.17-37, 2011-03

「華麗舞」は1979年に北陸農業試験場(現中央農業総合研究センター・北陸研究センター)において,超多収品種の育成を目的として,インド型多収品種「密陽23号」を母とし,日本型多収品種「アキヒカリ」を父とする人工交配を行って育成された品種である.1990年から「北陸149号」の系統名で関係各府県における奨励品種決定調査試験およびその他の試験に供試してきたものであり,2006年10月4日に新品種として「水稲農林415号」に命名登録された「華麗舞」の特性の概要は以下のとおりである.1. 出穂期は「コシヒカリ」より4~5日早く,成熟期は「コシヒカリ」より5~9日早く,育成地では"中生の早"である.2. 稈長は「コシヒカリj」より20cm程短く" 短",穂長は「コシヒカリ」より長く" やや長"穂数は「コシヒカリ」より少なく"少",草型は"穂重型" で,脱粒性は"難"である.粒形は"細長"である.千粒重は「コシヒカリ」よりやや軽い. 3.収量は,標肥では「コシヒカリ」より少ないが,多肥では「コシヒカリ」並である.4.炊飯米は, 「コシヒカリ」.「日本晴」よりも粘りが少なく,硬い.表面の粘りが少ないのでとろみのあるカレーソースとのなじみが良く,カレーライスへの嗜好性が高い.5. いもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子はPiaとPibを併せ持つと推定され,葉いもち圃場抵抗性は"中",穂いもち圃場抵抗性は不明である.穂発芽性は"やや易",障害型耐冷性は"極弱"である.
高林 陽展 タカバヤシ アキノブ Akinobu TAKABAYASHI
清泉女子大学人文科学研究所紀要 (ISSN:09109234)
no.36, pp.182-160, 2015

本稿は、ミシェル・フーコーの規律化と統治性に関する議論を念頭におきつつ、20世紀前半のイングランドにおける精神病院とその患者の問題を検討するものである。フーコーは、18 ~ 19世紀のヨーロッパにおける精神病院の勃興について、非理性の代表格たる狂気を規律化し、理性を持つ者の側に復帰させるための啓蒙主義的試みとして論じた。このフーコーの議論をめぐっては、実証的な歴史学の立場から再検討が加えられ、実際の精神病院の現場では精神病者とその家族の利害が考慮されていたことが明らかとなった。しかし、こうした実証的な研究は、20 世紀の精神病院とその患者たちを視野の外に置いていた。それは、20 世紀の精神病院には19 世紀とは異なる特質が認められるためであった。19 世紀末になって狂気の規律化が失敗に終わりつつあることが徐々に認識されると、精神病院という施設を通じた規律化を高コストなものとして退け、ソーシャル・ワークを中心とした施設外での取り組みが増えていった。このような歴史的展開は、フーコーが「生権力」「統治性」と呼んだ概念の下でより鮮明に理解することができる。フーコーは、近代社会の特徴を、集団レベルでの生命の特性を把握し、その調整を行う権力である生権力、人口集団を政治経済的に統制するための様々な制度や戦術の動員を意味する統治性という二つの概念の下で論じた。つまり、フーコーは、規律化とは異なる管理と統治の技法の存在を示唆している。本稿は、その新たな管理と統治の技法が実際の精神医療の現場においても確認できるものかを問うものである。具体的には、ロンドン近郊に所在したクライバリ精神病院の運営委員会記録を分析し、20世紀前半の精神病者たちは果たして、生権力と統治性という、いわば精神医学の権力に服する存在だったのか。彼ら自身の主体性は認められないのかを検討した。分析の結果、精神病院と精神科医たちは多くの場合、患者とその家族の利害を汲んでいたことが明らかとなった。ただし、フーコーが論じた別の概念、統治手段としての家族、あるいは司牧的権力論を参照すると、患者の主体性を認めることは一概には望ましくないことも確認された。結論としては、20 世紀前半のイングランドにおける精神医療は、ソーシャル・ワークという新たなサービス形態を通じて、患者とその家族の生活へとアプローチし、そのチャンネルを通じた国民生命と健康の管理を目指したことが論じられた。 The aim of this paper is to examine the power relations regarding English mental hospitals in the first half of the twentieth century, paying particular attention to Michel Foucault's conceptions of institutionalization and governmentality. Foucault argued that the enlightenment between eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought about the sudden rise of mental hospitals in Europe, where insanity, which was regarded as human irrationality, could be cured in the specialized institution, the lunatic asylum, by the exercise of reason. Such an enlightenment approach to lunacy was called "moral treatment". By the late nineteenth century, however, moral treatment had apparently shown its failure, since incurable lunatic patients were accumulated in asylums. Hence, English psychiatrists and welfare administrators thought lunatic asylums represented a high cost approach to the problem of lunacy, and therefore they began employing a new measure for prevention and after care for mental diseases: social work. With such a medico-administrative network for the control of mental diseases, English psychiatr y expanded its reach to the socially problematic families, which presumably corresponded to what Foucault called "governmentality"; a new technology of social control specialized for the social problems in the modern age. It was with this new technology that English psychiatry changed its way of control and mode of power from a vertical one in the institutional settings to a more ubiquitous one throughout the population. What this paper particularly argues for is to examine this historical model based on Foucault in the actual institutionoal and social work settings in the first part of the twentieth century. In doing so, it focuses on the Claybury Mental hospital, located in East London, whose surviving historical documents, particularly the minutes of the management committee, illuminate the practices of the mental hospital and social work. In so doing, it questions whether patients complied with the controlling power of psychiatry, and whether they negotiated with psychiatric authorities any agreements as to the conditions of treatment, social work and other welfare provisions. Furthermore, it also approaches another question; whether we can find any form of subjectivity regarding those who are suffering from mental diseases. To this end, this paper finds that psychiatric authorities, including mental hospitals, psychiatrists and social workers, considered well the interests of the patients and their families in providing services. However, it also argues that English psychiatr y did not acutually concede patients and their families free use of its services, but instead found an instrumental value in administering the problem of mental diseases through the channel of the family. English psychiatry allowed for the subjectivity of patients and their families only when its detective network worked properly and permeated their objects. Any complete deviation from the network was not allowed. In conclusion, therefore, this paper argues that English psychiatry attempted to extend its controlling mechanism, social work, to the depth of the socially problematic population; those who suffered mental diseases.
服部 和裕 山本 明美 笹井 みさ 谷内 昇一郎 小島 崇嗣 小林 陽之助 岩本 洋 難波 恭子 八重島 智子
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.52, no.1, pp.20-30, 2003-01-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

腸内にBifidobacteriumが少ないアトピー性皮膚炎患児15例を予備的な菌叢の検索から選択し,うち投与群8例に対してビフィズス菌凍結乾燥末(Bifidobacterium breve M-16V株)を経口投与した.腸内細菌叢の変動とアレルギー症状の推移を観察し,対照群7例と比較した.投与群では,ビフィズス菌末投与1カ月目の時点で,腸内のBifidobacterium占有割合の有意(P=0.0173)な上昇と,総好気性菌占有割合の有意(P=0.0499)な低下を認め,さらにアレルギー症状も有意(皮膚スコアでP=0.0176,総合スコアでP=0.0117)に改善した.一方,ビフィズス菌末の投与はアトピー性皮膚炎の症状改善を対照群に比較して有意に促進したが,自然排泄便を検体とした腸内細菌叢の変動と,アレルギー症状の推移の間には,明確な相関を認めなかった.
小林 陽二 福生 吉裕 赫 彰郎 金川 卓郎
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.43, no.2, pp.263-273, 1992-10-20 (Released:2010-03-12)
1 1

動脈硬化症や血栓症に伴う〓血状態の臨床的判定の一助として Diagonal Ear Lobe Crease (ELC) の有無判定が有用か否かを768名の健康診断受診者を対象に行った。その結果, ELC (+) 群において高血圧者や心電図異常者の頻度およびTC,β-Lp, Atherogenic Index などの血清脂質は有意に高く, Apo AI, Apo AI/B ratio は低値傾向, Apo AII は有意に低値であった。各種疾患で入院中の患者34例を対象に行った寺澤らの診断法による〓血度測定とELCの有無判測の結果, ELC (+) 群で有意に〓血度は高かった。以上の成績からELCと動脈硬化症は関連性が高いものと考えられ, 動脈硬化症や血栓症に伴う〓血の判定においてELCの有無判定を考慮して良いものと考えられた。動脈硬化症は未病の状態と考えられることから, ELC有無判定のような簡易な方法で〓血状態を臨床的に診断できることは有用であると思慮定れた。
北村 亜也 田中 啓 松島 実穂 松澤 由記子 谷垣 伸治 小林 陽一
一般社団法人 日本周産期・新生児医学会
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 (ISSN:1348964X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.101-105, 2020 (Released:2020-05-13)

高林 陽展
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.120, no.4, pp.461-495, 2011-04-20

This article offers a historical account of "mental hygiene" in England between 1890 and 1930, based on medical journals, newspapers and parliamentary publications, in order to document the process by which medico-political ideas and practice for the prevention of mental disease were established. Mental hygiene has been widely linked with the negative aspect of social exclusion, as seen in the persecution of the mentally disabled under the Nazi regime. However, it is a little known fact that the science of mental hygiene also aimed to increase mental productivity through preventive measures. In England, during the period in question, psychiatrists promoted programs for the "early treatment of mental diseases". "Early treatment" here specifically refers to the establishment of more accessible psychiatric facilities on an outpatient basis and a voluntary admission system, both of which were expected to encourage more people to use psychiatric services. In terms of the published discourse surrounding the subject of "early treatment", the author argues that books and articles were written and disseminated not only to maintain mental health for the sake of national productivity, but also to serve and strengthen the professional interests of psychiatrists, who had been forced to work under competitive market conditions due to the 1890 Lunacy Act. In this latter sense, the subject of mental hygiene became a verbal instrument for protecting the rights of members of the profession to earn a living.
林 陽子 森本 美智子 神原 千比呂 中村 珠恵 谷村 千華
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.34, no.2, pp.2_49-2_56, 2011-06-01 (Released:2016-03-05)
