水田 洋一 川西 孝秀 矢澤 進
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.2, no.3, pp.165-170, 2003

培地を無くし,遮根できる布(底面遮根材)を用いて底面給液することにより,根域を薄層化することで,セル成型育苗システムを軽量化した&ldquo;セルシート&rdquo;育苗法を開発した.底面遮根材および根域を保護する資材(根域保護材)が,苗の接着性,生存率,地上部生体重に及ぼす影響をレタス,ハクサイ,トマトで調査した.底面保護材にテトロン200 lpiまたはテトロン250 lpiを用いると,シートを垂直にぶら下げた程度では苗は全く落下せず,苗を剥がしても根が傷がつかず,適当な苗の接着性があった.底面保護材にテトロン200 lpi,根域保護材に80 ℃で乾燥したピートモス200~400 ml/シートの組み合わせで,対照のセルトレイ区よりも地上部生体重が大きくなった.しかし,レタスではセルシートを根域保護材で被覆した場合,生存率が低下した.<br>
水田 洋一 川西 孝秀 矢澤 進
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.2, no.3, pp.165-170, 2003-09-15

水田 洋 MIZUTA Hiroshi
名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報 (ISSN:1348687X)
vol.9, pp.45-59, 2011-03-31 (Released:2011-04-18)

I was born in 1919 and grown up in a middle class area of Tokyo. The city was temporarily rather prosperous as a byproduct of WWI (1914-1918). The Factory Law was promulgated in 1916 in spite of the obstinate opposition of business and industry interests. In 1925 the Universal Suffrage Act was enacted as a result of the nationwide movement. But it was immediately followed by the Maintenance of Public Order Act which menaced by death penalty all the attempt to change the imperial regime and private ownership. Needless to say this was a legal reflection of the ruling classes' scare caused by the Socialist revolution in Russia. Marxist thought penetrated among students so widely that it was said clever students would become Marxists. The government strengthened the control in education so as to make students' reading circles the target of police arrest. The present writer was among them, clever or not. Towards the end of December 1941, I was driven out from the final course of the university by the break out of the Pacific War. In December 1942 I was on board for the military occupied Jawa as a civilian research worker attached to the army. The three books I took with me were Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes in the Everyman's Library, Farewell to Arms of Ernest Hemingway in the Penguin Books, and a volume of Japanese poetry of Mokichi Saito. On my arrival at Singapore I was astonished to find nicely supplied bookshops on the very place where the battle was deadly fought less than a year ago. There I bought Studies in Medieval Thought of G. G. Coulton and an introduction to the Russian grammar in English. I had no mind of hoping Japan's victory. While I have been working in Jawa for nearly three years, I learned how books were collected and used in the West, even in a colonial island. In the library of the Higher Law School of Jawa I found Franz Borkenau's Von feudalen zum bürgerlichen Weltbild which I had been looking for. I was lucky enough to make a TS copy of it to bring with me home from POW camp. In December 1949 I was appointed an associate professor of Nagoya University in charge of the history of economic thought. Before I begun to give a first course of lectures I had to face with a fatal problem of the poverty of the library holdings. It was not simply a result of Japan's isolation during the war but also was resulted from the very character of the former Imperial University of Nagoya which totally lacks faculties of humanities and social sciences. Since then it has been my official duty and private interest to collect the books of certain importance published from the time of Gutenberg to the ends of the Pacific War.
水田 洋子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.91-98, 2015-03

自然言語量化子を2つ以上含む文は,量化子のスコープの違いに起因する曖昧性を持つが,更なる曖昧性を持つ場合もある。本稿では,自然言語量化子 most および two を含む文 Most travelers visit two citiesとその受身形 Two cities are visited by most travelers の読みの非対称性を示し,議論する。Most ではなくall を使ったもの(All travelers visit two cities)では,能動形と受身形が同様の曖昧性を持ち,文の 2 つの意味は量化子(all とtwo)のスコープの曖昧性に帰着できる。しかし,mostを使ったものでは,受身形が更に第 3 の読みをもち,能動形と受身形の読みは非対称となる。それらの読みについて経験的および論理的な観点から議論する。また基本文のバリエーションについての考察および,日本語データとの対照考察も行う。Sentences with natural language quantifiers (e.g. every, all, most, two, a few) exhibit an ambiguity attributed to the scope ambiguity of the quantifiers used. However, the sentence may have further ambiguity.This paper investigates the readings of the pair Most travelers visit two cities and its passive version Two cities are visited by most travelers and shows the asymmetry between them. The version with all (i.e. All travelers visit two cities and its passive version) share the same ambiguity between the active and passive sentences, which is attributed to the scope ambiguity of the quantifiers all and two. In the case of the sentences in question, however, there is a third reading in the passive sentence. The details of the three readings and their distribution are investigated on empirical and logical bases. The paper also investigates several variations of the basic sentences (e.g. Most of the travelers visited two cities; Most travelers are attracted to two cities) and discusses the different distribution of the readings. Furthermore, a contrastive analysis with relevant Japanese data is conducted.
水田 洋
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-20, 2000 (Released:2007-06-22)

The following is based on my introduction to a catalogue of Adam Smith's library forthcoming from the Oxford Universety Press, with some additions and rearrangement for Japanese audience. An abridged version was read before the meeting of the first section (humanities and social sciences) of the Japan Academy on 15th June 1999.
水田 洋
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.59, no.2, pp.87-105, 2005 (Released:2007-06-22)

When Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet in Philadelphia to justify and encourage the revolutionary war, it was entitled Common Sense by Benjamin Rush, a Continental Congressman who had studied medicine in Edinburgh under Willam Cullen. Since Cullen was quite familier with the literati of the Scottish Enlightenment including such pioneers of the common sense school of philosophy as Lord Kames, Thomas Reid, and Dugald Stewart, their vocabulary might have been popular among medical students. Thus it is almost certain that Rush took the words common sense from the Scottish Enlightenment to give it to Paine's pamphlet. However, by this trans-Atlantic transfer the word changed its meaning from conservative to radical. Needless to say Paine's common sense was that of the American common peope longing for independence whereas in the Scottish origin it was the common sense of those men of taste who were vehemently attacking the revolting colonies.Although it is an open question how clearly Rush was conscious of the total change of the meaning of the words, it might have been that he had at least a vague idea of the change before he met Paine. He wrote that he introduced Paine to the revolutionary cause to which he had joined earlier. He had been a regular member of Catharine Macaulay's salon in London. In any case, he later clearly denied the universal validity of common sense. He critisized Cullen's Greco-worship in medicine and even the personal worship towards Cullen himself. Thus Rush changed his attitude towards common sense twice, that is say, first as a revolutionary and secondly as an empirical scientist in medicine. He was a surgeon in the revolutionary war, and a medical practitioner and professor after the war. True he was a empirical scientist he has never doubted Christianity.
土井 元章 林 孝洋 細川 宗孝 水田 洋一
