松尾 朗子 田中 友理
エモーション・スタディーズ (ISSN:21897425)
vol.7, no.1, pp.13-24, 2021-12-30 (Released:2022-01-13)

This paper reviews the previous work on disgust from the perspective of moral judgment. Shweder et al. (1997) proposed that morality consists of three dimensions: autonomy, community, and divinity. This interpretation of morality serves as one’s rationale and/or standards in moral judgment. Graham et al. (2011) extended Shweder’s idea and developed it as Moral Foundations Theory (MFT). The purity foundation of the MFT corresponds to the divinity dimension of Shweder’s theory and is found to evoke disgust. What kind of behavior people should judge as morally wrong in terms of the purity foundation is shared among ingroup members, which makes them bound together; that is a social function of morality. Accordingly, their moral judgment leads violators to be socially excluded. Although understanding the purity foundation helps researchers clarify how ingroup members are eventually excluded, cultural differences in the concept of purity can exist, such as the unique purity orientation among the Japanese. In addition, this paper addresses such concepts relevant to social exclusion as moralization and moral elevation. The theoretical and practical findings from research on moral judgment will contribute to the better understanding of the mechanism of disgust being evoked and social exclusion being processed.
田中 友理 宮本 聡介 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.165-170, 2016 (Released:2017-01-06)

Previous studies have revealed that stereotypic (vs. non-stereotypic) information about individuals spreads more easily among communicators in face-to-face communication. It is also known that more dispositional terms (i.e., more "abstract" words such as nouns and adjectives according to the Linguistic Category Model) are used to describe behaviors that are consistent with stereotypes of the actor's group, whereas more context-specific and less dispositional terms (e.g., verbs) are used to describe counter-stereotypic behaviors. In the present study, we investigated to what extent the stereotypicality and linguistic abstractness influence the spread of information in social media which is currently growing into a major arena for prejudiced communication in place of face-to-face discourse. Specifically, we examined whether tweets with higher stereotypicality and linguistic abstractness receive a greater number of retweets. Five hundred tweets posted by Japanese users containing "men" or "women" in Japanese were sampled, and were rated by independent coders with respect to their perceived gender-steretypyicality. The number of nouns, adjectives, and verbs contained in each tweet was respectively counted to assess the linguistic abstractness. Consistent with our predictions, gender-stereotypic tweets contained a greater number of abstract terms (i.e., nominal adjectives) than did less stereotypic tweets. Furthermore, perceived stereotypicality significantly predicted whether or not the tweet was retweeted, as well as how many times the tweet was retweeted. Implications of the results are discussed with regard to the influence of linguistic abstractness on stereotypic generalization in social media. Theoretical significance concerning communication and collectively shared cognition is also discussed.
向井 智哉 趙 恩慶 松尾 朗子 湯山 祥 田中 友理
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
vol.32, no.1, pp.53-55, 2023-06-07 (Released:2023-06-07)

Attitudes toward sexual consent are related to sentencing recommendations for sexual perpetrators in Japan and Canada. However, this tendency may also depend on culture. This study investigated the cultural differences in perceived appropriateness of punishment against sexual crimes as a function of attitudes toward sexual consent in Japan and Korea. Consistent with previous research, the results of the hierarchical regression analysis showed that Japanese participants who perceived sexual consent as important were more likely to perceive punishment as appropriate. However, the opposite pattern was observed among Korean participants. A possible reason for these findings was further discussed.
松尾 朗子 向井 智哉 田中 友理 唯 なおみ 熊谷 晋一郎
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.21, no.2, pp.95-105, 2023 (Released:2023-12-14)

People are often unwilling to approach something that they perceive to be contaminated. Perceived contamination is associated with disgust and can be explained using the concept of magical contagion. As disgust is associated with the morality of purity, the role of disgust in the relationship between morality and the perception of contaminated things needs to be scrutinized. This study investigated how people are motivated to avoid something that they perceive to be contaminated with the Moral Foundations Theory as its theoretical framework and prison work products as the study object. In addition to the traditionally used scale to measure one’s concerned moral foundation(s), the moral values regarding purity and religiosity in a specifically Japanese context were measured using the Purity Orientation–Pollution Avoidance Scale, which has four subscales: Mental Purity, Respect for Religion, Bodily Purity, and Pathogen Avoidance. The results reveal that contamination-related disgust mediates the relationships between the Respect for Religion subscale and avoidance toward prison work products, as well as between the Pathogen Avoidance subscale and avoidance toward prison work products. The present study was novel in that it clarifies the relationship involving morality, disgust, and avoidance. The implications of these findings tap into some topics involving cultural differences.
田中 友理 加瀬 佳樹 安松 健
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第36回 (2022)
pp.3Yin205, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

田辺 裕 稲石 貴弘 森本 大士 直海 晃 田中 友理 柴田 有宏 高瀬 恒信 中山 茂樹 梶川 真樹 矢口 豊久
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 第59回日本農村医学会学術総会 (ISSN:18801749)
pp.116, 2010 (Released:2010-12-01)

症例1 20歳代男性 H21年5月 祭りの最中に人を乗せた馬に腹部を蹴られた。救急病院入院したが翌日まで腹痛治まらず当院に転院。腹部は板状硬。CT上腹腔内遊離ガスと腹水を認め消化管破裂と診断。緊急開腹手術施行した。外傷性小腸破裂、汎発性腹膜炎に対し小腸単純縫合術、腹膜炎ドレナージ術施行した。術後経過は良好で11日目に退院した。 症例2 60歳代女性 H21年7月 馬の調教をしている時に後ろ足で上腹部を蹴られ、救急車で当院受診。右上腹部に軽度圧痛認めた。CT上肝内側区域に不整な低濃度領域あり。採血上GOT/GPT 279/223と肝逸脱酵素の上昇が見られた。外傷性肝損傷と診断し、安静目的に入院。入院翌日にはGOT/GPT 90/136と低下しており、CT上も血腫の増大なく退院とした。 症例3 30歳代男性 H21年10月 馬の世話をしている時に右鼠径部を蹴られ、救急車で当院受診。腹部は板状硬。CT上モリソン窩に少量の腹水を認めた。腹部所見から消化管破裂による腹膜炎を疑い緊急開腹手術を施行した。外傷性小腸破裂、汎発性腹膜炎に対し小腸部分切除術、腹膜炎ドレナージ術施行した。術後経過は良好で10日目に退院した。 馬に蹴られたことによって入院、手術が必要となった症例を続けて経験した。 馬に蹴られるという外傷は、狭い面積に強い力がかかり、内部臓器損傷のリスクも高くなると考えられる。このようなケースの診療に当たる際はそれを踏まえてアンダートリアージのないようにする必要がある。
熊谷 明子 塚越 剛史 田中 友理 蔵治 光一郎
東京大学農学部演習林報告 (ISSN:03716007)
no.103, pp.1-20, 2000-06

千葉県南部に位置する東京大学千葉演習林内の山地小集水域において渓流水の水質を降雨イベント時に観測し,流量の変動に伴う水質の変動を検討した。渓流水の流量と濃度の関係を整理した結果,分析対象とした主要溶存イオンは次のような4つのグループに分けられた。NO-3は,流量と正の相関をもつ。平水時の渓流水濃度,林内雨濃度が低いことから土壌に多く存在していると考えられる。Na+,Mg2+,Ca2+は,流量と負の相関をもつ。主に基岩の風化を起源にするために,土壌水中より渓流水中で濃度が高く,流量の増大に伴い濃度が減少したと考えられる。K+は,やや負の相関をもつが,ばらつきが大きい。林内雨,土壌水,渓流水中の濃度差が少ないために流量に対する渓流水中の濃度変動は現れなかった。Cl-,SO2-4は,降雨イベントによって異なる挙動を示す。Cl-は10月の降雨イベントにおいて,台風によって輸送された海塩の影響が現れていた。SO2-4は流量と負の相関をもつが,7月降雨イベント前のみ低い値であった。このように渓流水質の各イオン変動特性の違いは各イオンの流出経路やその特性を反映していると考えられる。In order to examine the relation between the stream discharge and water quality of small mountainous watershed, we intensively sampled the forest stream water during and after several rain events. This study was conducted in the University Forest in Chiba, the University of Tokyo in the south of Chiba prefecture. The effects of rapid stream discharge increase on the ion concentrations was devided into four groups. NO-3 increases in concentration. Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were diluted. K+ showed no much significant correlation with discharge. Cl- and SO2-4 showed different responses depend on rain events. This results suggest that the differences between groups reflect the different distribution of sources and generation processes of the ions.
田中 友理 比企 直樹 小菅 敏幸 峯 真司 布部 創也
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.30, no.5, pp.1137-1144, 2015 (Released:2015-10-20)

【目的】胃癌術後早期は経口摂取が不十分のため、静脈栄養を併用した効果的な栄養管理が必要となる。胃癌術後に脂肪乳剤・アミノ酸・糖を含む末梢静脈栄養法を併用する新しいクリニカルパス(CP)の有用性と安全性について検討した。【対象および方法】胃癌周術期に新しい CPを使用した94例(新 CP群)と従来の CPを使用した91例(旧 CP群)を対象とし、パス完遂率、合併症率、術後在院日数、体重変化、栄養指標について後ろ向きに比較検討した。【結果】パス完遂率、合併症率、在院日数に差を認めなかった。脂肪乳剤連日投与を含む術後栄養管理で重篤な有害事象を認めなかった。新 CP群における術後1ヶ月の血清アルブミンの減少割合は有意に少なく、術後7日目の体重減少率も少なかった。【結論】胃癌術後に脂肪乳剤・アミノ酸・糖を含む末梢静脈栄養法を併用する CPは術後合併症の発生を増加させることなく、早期に栄養状態を改善し体重減少を抑制する可能性がある。