浅井 暢子 唐沢 穣
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.137-146, 2013

The present study investigated the impact of the narrative representation of trial information on judicial decisions and judgments about the victim among Japanese lay people. In an experiment, participants read 20 testimonies of a stabbing case. The implications of the testimonies leaned either toward a murder or toward a self-defense case. To manipulate the difficulty of story construction, we presented the testimonies either in a temporal or in a mixed order. The results showed that more extreme sentence decisions were made (i.e., longer imprisonment for the murder case and shorter for the self-defense case) when the testimonies were presented in an organized order. Consistent with this, estimations about the victim's likelihood of avoiding such incidents were polarized in the organized-order condition. Although the presentation order did not clearly affect some judgments, the results of our study strongly suggest that the story construction process has a substantial impact on judicial judgments. Cognitive processes underlying judicial judgments were discussed.
金内 さよ 三浦 麻子 唐沢 穣
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20301, (Released:2021-03-31)

The present study compared two forms of reciprocity, namely, a selfish versus altruistic one. In two experiments, participants played two rounds of the dictator game. In the first round, they were all assigned the “recipient” role, and were either over- or under-benefited by the game partner in the “allocator” role. In the second round, the participants were instead assigned the allocator role, with the recipient being either the same partner from the first round or a new partner. The results consistently showed that those who had under-benefited in the first round in turn over-benefited in the second round, regardless of whether the partner remained the same or was replaced. In contrast, those who had over-benefited previously returned the favor, but this was the case only toward the same partner rather than the new one. Hence, selfish behavior was generalized to strangers, whereas a (an altruistic) favor was not generalized, being returned only to the original benefactor. Implications of the asymmetry in chain reactions, as well as methodological issues, are discussed.
八田 武志 八田 武俊 戸田山 和久 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.9, no.1, pp.41-46, 2011 (Released:2011-06-30)

The present study examined whether false beliefs on neuroscience among college students can be corrected by the class lecture of neuropsychology. On the basis of a within subjects experimental design, a 21-item questionnaire was administered to 30 female students from a school of psychology during the first class meeting in a semester as the pre-test and at the final class meeting as the post-test. The participants were asked to judge whether each statement was correct or wrong and evaluate the confidence in their response on a 5-point Likert-type scale. The comparison between the pre- and post-tests with respect to the overall correct response rate showed a significant effect. However, further analyses for separate questionnaire items showed that the majority of items did not show any significant change individually between the pre- and post-tests, with only two exceptional items showing the effect. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the present results suggest the following. That is, although the class lecture of neuro-psychology discussed issues such as the methodology in scientific research, limitations of brain imaging, and refutation of false information in textbooks concerning the right versus left brains, it nevertheless remained to be a difficult task to reduce the misconception of false scientific information among students by lectures in classrooms. We also emphasized the responsibility that mass media is a powerful source of misunderstanding in the scientific knowledge among the general public.
柳 学済 堀田 美保 唐沢 穣
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.1614, (Released:2018-01-20)

菅 さやか 唐沢 穣 服部 陽介
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.21-29, 2009

People often infer the causes of observed actions and events, and explain the causes to others through communication. The present study examined the effects of a communicative goal on the causal explanation of criminal cases. Japanese college students were presented with a criminal case, along with an equal number of potential internal causes and external causes. The extremity of the crime (i.e., murder vs. robbery) was manipulated. Participants were asked to explain what led the protagonist to commit the crime, either in order to help another participant make judgments about the criminal person (i.e., communicative goal condition) or to use the explanation as a basis for their own judgments (i.e., individual goal condition). Participants then responded to a free re- call task. The results revealed that the communicative goal facilitated the use of both internal and external causal information in explanations. Path analyses indicated that causal explanation mediated the effect of the communicative goal on the memory of stimulus information. The importance of communication in the study of causal attribution and related domains were discussed.
塚本 早織 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.13, no.1, pp.13-20, 2015 (Released:2015-06-30)
1 1

八田 武志 八田 武俊 戸田山 和久 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.2, pp.155-161, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)

In Study 1, the degrees of penetration and familiarity of false belief on neuroscience, especially brain imaging, among students were surveyed using a questionnaire technique. A total number of 485 students from medical school, school of nurse sciences, school of psychology, and school of informatics were given 20 items and they were requested to evaluate authenticity of the items and familiarity was rated. The results suggested that as familiarity increased, the tendency for participants to regard the item was correct. In Study 2, the question whether false belief on neuroscience can be modified by a usual class lecture was examined. Degrees of the authenticity evaluation and the familiarity of false information between student groups who took the class of neuropsychology and who did not take the class were compared. Results showed a significant difference in many items between the two groups and suggested a possibility of modifiability even by a class lecture.
田中 友理 宮本 聡介 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.165-170, 2016 (Released:2017-01-06)

Previous studies have revealed that stereotypic (vs. non-stereotypic) information about individuals spreads more easily among communicators in face-to-face communication. It is also known that more dispositional terms (i.e., more "abstract" words such as nouns and adjectives according to the Linguistic Category Model) are used to describe behaviors that are consistent with stereotypes of the actor's group, whereas more context-specific and less dispositional terms (e.g., verbs) are used to describe counter-stereotypic behaviors. In the present study, we investigated to what extent the stereotypicality and linguistic abstractness influence the spread of information in social media which is currently growing into a major arena for prejudiced communication in place of face-to-face discourse. Specifically, we examined whether tweets with higher stereotypicality and linguistic abstractness receive a greater number of retweets. Five hundred tweets posted by Japanese users containing "men" or "women" in Japanese were sampled, and were rated by independent coders with respect to their perceived gender-steretypyicality. The number of nouns, adjectives, and verbs contained in each tweet was respectively counted to assess the linguistic abstractness. Consistent with our predictions, gender-stereotypic tweets contained a greater number of abstract terms (i.e., nominal adjectives) than did less stereotypic tweets. Furthermore, perceived stereotypicality significantly predicted whether or not the tweet was retweeted, as well as how many times the tweet was retweeted. Implications of the results are discussed with regard to the influence of linguistic abstractness on stereotypic generalization in social media. Theoretical significance concerning communication and collectively shared cognition is also discussed.
菅 さやか 唐沢 穣
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.2, pp.180-188, 2006

Recent studies have demonstrated that stereotypical expectations result in biases not only in memories and judgments, but in language use as well. The present study examined the effects of communicative contexts on verbal expressions of stereotype-relevant information. In order to do this, we developed a new linguistic index for content analyses, involving stereotypic representations. In our experiment undergraduate students were presented with behavioral descriptions of either an ingroup, or an out-group member, and were asked to describe their impressions. The stimulus information given to the students included both stereotype-consistent, and inconsistent cases. Results showed that the out-group member was described in more stereotype-consistent, abstract terms, than the in-group member. This was interpreted as higher tendency of bias against the out-group. Ultimately, the newly developed index was found to be useful in identifying dispositional expressions that are peculiar to the Japanese language. Finally, implications for the study of stereotypes as collectively shared representations are discussed.
唐沢 穣 松村 良之 膳場 百合子 村上 史朗 奥田 太郎

笠原 伊織 唐沢 かおり 唐沢 穣
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.17, no.2, pp.147-152, 2019

The present study examined whether people's beliefs in free will affect their moral and judicial judgment. Specifically, using a survey method, we examined the mediation by moral judgment which has been theoretically discussed and illustrated in a previous research. In addition, this study focused on the role of explicit motives toward retribution and incapacitation and examined the hypothesis that people whose beliefs in free will were low would focus on incapacitation. An online survey was conducted, and 232 participants were analyzed (96 females, M age = 20.75, SD = 2.46). Participants answered their own free will belief and then read a fictitious scenario about manslaughter case. They answered to what extent they were motivated toward retribution and incapacitation and made moral judgment and judgment of sentencing. A mediational analysis revealed that the process was significant (β = .18, 95 % CI = [.11, .25]). However, no correlations between free will belief and explicit motives were observed (rs = –.11 and .01). Also, retributive motive had no correlation with moral judgment and sentencing (rs = –.08 and .01), while the motive toward incapacitation correlated with both (rs = .26 and .21). Two statistical models explaining how free will belief and the motive toward incapacitation affect sentencing were constructed. One supposed moral judgment mediated the effects of free will belief and incapacitation (i.e., full-mediation model). The other model supposed another direct path from incapacitation to sentencing (i.e., partial-mediation model). As a result, full-mediation model was adopted in terms of model fit (BIC = –10.91 vs. –8.52) and coefficients of determination (R2 = .20 vs .21). The importance of free will belief in people's daily lives and future directions of researches were discussed.
久木田 水生 大澤 博隆 藤原 広臨 林 秀弥 平 和博 伊藤 孝行 大谷 卓史 笹原 和俊 中村 登志哉 村上 祐子 唐沢 穣

金内 さよ 三浦 麻子 唐沢 穣
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.1, pp.40-45, 2021 (Released:2021-04-25)

The present study compared two forms of reciprocity, namely, a selfish versus altruistic one. In two experiments, participants played two rounds of the dictator game. In the first round, they were all assigned the “recipient” role, and were either over- or under-benefited by the game partner in the “allocator” role. In the second round, the participants were instead assigned the allocator role, with the recipient being either the same partner from the first round or a new partner. The results consistently showed that those who had under-benefited in the first round in turn over-benefited in the second round, regardless of whether the partner remained the same or was replaced. In contrast, those who had over-benefited previously returned the favor, but this was the case only toward the same partner rather than the new one. Hence, selfish behavior was generalized to strangers, whereas a (an altruistic) favor was not generalized, being returned only to the original benefactor. Implications of the asymmetry in chain reactions, as well as methodological issues, are discussed.
菅 さやか 唐沢 穣
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.2, pp.180-188, 2006-11-30 (Released:2017-02-08)

Recent studies have demonstrated that stereotypical expectations result in biases not only in memories and judgments, but in language use as well. The present study examined the effects of communicative contexts on verbal expressions of stereotype-relevant information. In order to do this, we developed a new linguistic index for content analyses, involving stereotypic representations. In our experiment undergraduate students were presented with behavioral descriptions of either an ingroup, or an out-group member, and were asked to describe their impressions. The stimulus information given to the students included both stereotype-consistent, and inconsistent cases. Results showed that the out-group member was described in more stereotype-consistent, abstract terms, than the in-group member. This was interpreted as higher tendency of bias against the out-group. Ultimately, the newly developed index was found to be useful in identifying dispositional expressions that are peculiar to the Japanese language. Finally, implications for the study of stereotypes as collectively shared representations are discussed.
塚本 早織 バレリー ゴンザレス 唐沢 穣
Society for Human Environmental Studies
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.8, no.1, pp.25-31, 2010
