白石 靖幸 加藤 信介 石田 義洋
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.577, pp.13-18, 2004-03-30 (Released:2017-01-27)
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In order to clarify the prediction accuracy of Boussinesq approximation, natural convection in a enclosure with heated and cooled vertical walls is analyzed by CFD technique based on Boussinesq approximation and low Mach number approximation. In the case of ΔT=300℃, the difference of the velocity profile between Boussinesq approximation and low Mach number approximation is great, and about 20% of the maximum velocity in the perpendicular direction. The cause which produces such a difference is mainly due to fact that the density of air in the continuity equation is constant in Boussinesq approximation.
長谷川 兼一 坂口 淳 白石 靖幸 鍵 直樹 三田村 輝章 篠原 直秀

本研究は,児童が何らかの健康障害を有していることが,住宅のDampnessと関連深いことに着目し, Dampnessに誘発される居住環境要因による健康リスクを明らかにすることを目的とする。ダンプビルディングの室内環境の実態を把握するために実測調査を実施し,延べ48件の調査データにより,各部湿度性状,微生物濃度, MVOC, VOCs, SVOCなどの特性を明らかにした。また,アンケート調査データを用いてダンプネスの度合いと健康影響との関連性について検討し, Dampnessの度合いが大きくなるほどアレルギー症状を複数有すること等を示した。
新井 善人 白石 靖幸 長谷川 兼一 鍵 直樹 坂口 淳 篠原 直秀 三田村 輝章
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成26年度大会(秋田)学術講演論文集 第7巻 空気質 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.129-132, 2014 (Released:2017-11-15)

小川 陽平 白石 靖幸
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.85, no.771, pp.379-387, 2020 (Released:2020-05-30)
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Thermo-Active Building System (TABS) is air conditioning system which utilizes the building frame as thermal storage part and radiation surface, and has been introduced in Japan in recent years. TABS offers higher energy efficiency, a more comfortable environment for workers and has advantages such as peak shift, reduction of heat source capacity and cost reduction by using large thermal mass. Also, control performance is important to create a comfortable thermal environment because the thermal response of the ceiling surface temperature is slow due to the large thermal mass. Therefore, research and development of new control methods is progressing. In particular, Model Predictive Control (MPC), that determines the current value of the optimal manipulated variable pattern while predicting the behavior of a future controlled variable, is attracting attention. In this study, we proposed MPC as optimal control method for an air conditioning system with large thermal mass. Moreover, we showed the effectiveness of this method by comparing conventional control method using coupled analysis of CFD analysis integrating general-purpose control simulator. The following results were obtained: 1. MPC had optimized the manipulated variable (water flow rate) to satisfy the constraint conditions while taking into account the future controlled variable, internal load and set point. Therefore, the control error of ceiling temperature from set point in the case of MPC was smaller than ON/OFF control. 2. MPC has the effect of reducing about 12% of the energy consumption required for cooling and transport power of piping water. 3. It was confirmed that not only the sensor location but also the working space satisfied the comfortable range at 1.1m above the floor.
長谷川 兼一 鍵 直樹 坂口 淳 篠原 直秀 白石 靖幸 三田村 輝章
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.780, pp.197-204, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

A recent meta-analysis of dampness in homes has shown that dampness and mold in indoor environments are factors in approximately 30-50% of all respiratory and asthma-related health ailments. Although the specific indoor dampness factors related to such issues have yet to be fully explored, there are clear and urgent needs for improved architectural techniques and optimized occupant behavior patterns that can prevent or eliminate excessive dampness inside buildings. Furthermore, if the underlying structures linking dampness to adverse health effects could be more closely estimated through epidemiological surveys, prevention methodologies for serious problems related to indoor dampness might be discovered. With these points in mind, we previously proposed a home dampness estimation method based on occupants’ self-reported answers to questions regarding indoor dampness during winter. This resulted in an indoor dampness index covering a range from 0 to 24 that classifies houses into four ranks, with those in Rank 4 presenting the most serious dampness-related problems. To clarify the relationship between home dampness levels and indoor environmental quality, another questionnaire survey was conducted and several physical environmental items such as indoor temperature, humidity, and microbial flora from floor dust were measured in 119 detached East Japan houses during the winter season. Herein, we describe the surveyed results and the distribution of the dampness index. The questionnaire also included child health-related symptoms that show onsets within 3 months, and the prevalence of each symptom is presented in relation to each dampness index rank. The characteristics of indoor temperature and humidity resulting from home dampness levels were also clarified by comparing the dampness index and measured results of these physical items. Analyzing the survey results, we found that the prevalence of nasal- and eye-related symptoms increased approximately in tandem with the dampness index ranking. In particular, more than 50% of the children residing in Rank 4 homes reported nasal problems, and there was a high prevalence of throat and skin symptoms in Rank 3 homes. However, despite these values, there are still no clear links between the dampness index and the reported health-related symptoms. Next, the statistical values of temperature, relative humidity, and the humidity ratio during evening time in living rooms and bedrooms were analyzed for each dampness index rank. To test the significance of these associations, Kruskal-Wallis testing was performed to determine whether the samples in each dampness index rank originate from the same distribution. Moreover, the significant differences among each rank’s samples were tested in multiple comparisons. As for temperature results, no significant association was found among the dampness index ranks. This presumes that living room temperatures are affected by heating behaviors at the time of occupancy. On the other hand, both the relative humidity level and the humidity ratio were found to be strongly associated with the dampness index rankings; with higher humidity levels in the living room and bedroom presaging higher dampness index ranks. In addition, the relative humidity and humidity ratios in Rank 2, 3, and 4 living rooms were significantly higher in comparison with Rank 1 living rooms, while the median relative humidity values in Rank 4 living rooms and bedrooms were around 50% and 70%, respectively. Significantly, the humidity ratios in Rank 4 homes were found to be the highest among the surveyed houses and it was expected that these houses had severe environmental problems related to indoor dampness.
伊香賀 俊治 満倉 靖恵 小熊 祐子 福永 興壱 星 旦二 伊藤 史子 苅尾 七臣 星出 聡 藤野 善久 久保 達彦 中村 裕之 福島 富士子 鈴木 昌 渡辺 麻衣子 白石 靖幸 安藤 真太朗 川久保 俊 山川 義徳

超高齢化の進行に伴う医療費・介護費等の増大は、先進各国共通の課題であり、疾病・介護予防へと政策が転換され始めている。個人の努力による生活習慣改善に限界が指摘される中で、本研究では住環境(住宅や地域)の改善によるCo-Benefit である健康寿命延伸効果に着目し、大規模なフィールド調査と追跡・介入調査によって住環境と脳情報や要介護状態等、新たな客観データによる健康影響の客観的論拠の獲得を進めている。本年度は、さまざまな世代を対象として自宅と自宅以外の環境が居住者の健康に及ぼす影響の調査を目的とした横断面調査の補充ならびに、研究代表者らの科研費基盤A(23246102、26249083)から実施してきた経年調査(縦断面調査)、住環境・執務環境の建替・改修前後調査(介入調査)を実施した。具体的には、青壮年期~中年期を対象とした調査では、自宅環境と居住者の健康(客観指標:家庭血圧、脳MRI撮像データ、睡眠状態、体温、身体活動量、心拍、IgE抗体等)との関連の検証に加え、オフィスでの知的生産性の検証を行った。日中の知的生産性はオフィス環境そのものの影響のほか、前日の自宅での睡眠・休息が影響するため、良質な自宅・オフィスの環境がもたらす相乗効果に関する被験者実験を行った。また、自宅と自宅以外の環境の相乗効果は幼・少年期にも存在するため、幼稚園・小中学校での活発な身体活動と自宅での良好な睡眠が、病欠確率と学習効率への影響を調査・分析した。環境側の調査項目としては温度・湿度、(一部の調査で光・音・空気環境、カビ・ダニ)測定等を行った。今年度の調査対象地は、高知県(梼原町、高知市)、山口県(長門市)、福岡県(北九州市)、東京都(23区内)、神奈川県(横浜市、藤沢市)、山梨県(上野原市、大月市)、広島県(広島市)、三重県(津市、伊勢市)、熊本県(熊本市)、石川県(志賀町)等であった。
安藤 真太朗 白石 靖幸 長谷川 兼一 坂口 淳 三田村 輝章 鍵 直樹 篠原 直秀
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
vol.2016, pp.213-216, 2016

伊香賀 俊治 村上 周三 加藤 信介 白石 靖幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.535, pp.53-58, 2000
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Building sector has a heavy role to create sustainable society, because CO_2 emissions associated with construction and operation of buildings are estimated to be 1/3 of the whole CO_2 emissions in Japan. These CO_2 emissions were estimated from 1970 through 2050 and the following results were obtained. (1) CO_2 emission between 2008 and 2012 will increase by 15% than 1990 level. (2) CO_2 emission can be reduced by 6% between 2008 and 2012, and reduced by 40% in 2050, if the 30% energy saving, long life and environment-conscious materials are adopted to new buildings.