福田 晋平 江川 雅人
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.64, no.4, pp.212-218, 2014 (Released:2015-08-06)

【目的】鍼治療による歩行障害の改善が携帯型歩行計 (PGR) により客観的に示されたパーキンソン病 (PD) の 1 例を報告する。 【症例】症例:72 歳女性。 主訴:歩行困難、 頸肩部の重だるさ、 大腿前面部のこわばり感。 現病歴:64 歳時に右手の振戦が出現し、 PD と診断された。 抗 PD 薬の服薬によって症状は軽減したが、 71 歳時に頸肩部の重だるさや大腿前面部のこわばり感を自覚し歩幅が狭くなったため鍼治療を開始した。 現症:歩行は小刻みですくみ足、 日に 5 回の転倒を認めた。 頸肩部の重だるさは、 頸部から肩甲上部に認め、 重だるさが増悪すると前傾姿勢となり歩幅も狭くなった。 こわばり感を自覚する両側の大腿四頭筋に筋緊張亢進を認めた。 [鍼治療]後頸部や両側の大腿部の筋強剛に伴う筋緊張の緩和を目的に、 筋緊張亢進領域で圧痛の認めた経穴 (天柱、 風池、 伏兎、 血海、 梁丘等) に鍼治療を行った。 治療頻度は 1 回/週とした。 【評価】歩行は PGR で 「歩行の力強さ」 「歩行速度」 「歩幅」 を測定した。 歩行バランス機能は TUGT で、 PD 症状は UPDRS で評価した。 評価は初診時と鍼治療期間終了時に行った。 【結果】鍼治療は 12 週間に 12 回行った。 4 診時より、 頸肩部痛や大腿部のこわばり感は軽減し、 転倒回数は 1 日 5 回 (初診) から 3 回 (4 診)、 1 回 (7 診) と減少した。 歩行の力強さは 0.15 から 0.17 (m/sec2)、 歩行速度は 49 から 53 (m/分)、 歩幅は 47 から 49 (cm) となり、 TUGT は 11.8 から 9.5 (秒) と短縮し、 歩行障害の改善が客観的に示された。 UPDRS は 41 点から 28 点と低下し、 PD 症状の改善を認めた。 【考察と結語】鍼治療により、 筋強剛に伴う筋緊張による頸肩部の重だるさの軽減が姿勢を改善させ、 下肢の筋緊張の緩和が歩行機能の改善に寄与したと考えられた。 また、 本症例は、 歩行障害以外の PD 症状に対しても改善を認めた症例であった。
谷川原 綾子 辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.72, no.3, pp.203-208, 2016

<i>Purpose</i>: The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the notation of technical terms and their meanings among three terminologies in Japanese radiology-related societies. <i>Materials and Methods</i>: The three terminologies compared in this study were "radiological technology terminology" and its supplement published by the Japan Society of Radiological Technology, "medical physics terminology" published by the Japan Society of Medical Physics, and "electric radiation terminology" published by the Japan Radiological Society. Terms were entered into spreadsheets and classified into the following three categories: Japanese notation, English notation, and meanings. In the English notation, terms were matched to character strings in the three terminologies and were extracted and compared. The Japanese notations were compared among three terminologies, and the difference between the meanings of the two terminologies radiological technology terminology and electric radiation terminology were compared. <i>Results and Discussion</i>: There were a total of 14,982 terms in the three terminologies. In English character strings, 2,735 terms were matched to more than two terminologies, with 801 of these terms matched to all the three terminologies. Of those terms in English character strings matched to three terminologies, 752 matched to Japanese character strings. Of the terms in English character strings matched to two terminologies, 1,240 matched to Japanese character strings. With regard to the meanings category, eight terms had mismatched meanings between the two terminologies. For these terms, there were common concepts between two different meaning terms, and it was considered that the derived concepts were described based on domain.
谷川原 綾子 辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.72, no.3, pp.203-208, 2016 (Released:2016-03-20)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the notation of technical terms and their meanings among three terminologies in Japanese radiology-related societies. Materials and Methods: The three terminologies compared in this study were “radiological technology terminology” and its supplement published by the Japan Society of Radiological Technology, “medical physics terminology” published by the Japan Society of Medical Physics, and “electric radiation terminology” published by the Japan Radiological Society. Terms were entered into spreadsheets and classified into the following three categories: Japanese notation, English notation, and meanings. In the English notation, terms were matched to character strings in the three terminologies and were extracted and compared. The Japanese notations were compared among three terminologies, and the difference between the meanings of the two terminologies radiological technology terminology and electric radiation terminology were compared. Results and Discussion: There were a total of 14,982 terms in the three terminologies. In English character strings, 2,735 terms were matched to more than two terminologies, with 801 of these terms matched to all the three terminologies. Of those terms in English character strings matched to three terminologies, 752 matched to Japanese character strings. Of the terms in English character strings matched to two terminologies, 1,240 matched to Japanese character strings. With regard to the meanings category, eight terms had mismatched meanings between the two terminologies. For these terms, there were common concepts between two different meaning terms, and it was considered that the derived concepts were described based on domain.
福田 晋久 辻 真太朗 谷川原 綾子 西本 尚樹 小笠原 克彦
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.71, no.6, pp.505-511, 2015 (Released:2015-06-20)

This study aims to grasp the target area of the literature on ontology and to apply it in radiological technology. We used Google scholar to search the literature containing the keyword “ontology”. Our search identified and extracted 162,381 words from 29 manuscripts and used the 8,706 nouns excluding duplicates as individual variable. Using a cluster analysis, we categorized the documents to one of the following five classifications: (1) “Systematization of vocabulary by text mining”, (2) “Hierarchy of language information”, (3) “Conceptualization of situation”, (4) “Standardization of lexical information”, and (5) “Visualization of the concepts related to the problem”. We propose that the terminologies in (2), (4), and (5) cluster can be used in radiological technology field.
辻 真太朗 福田 晋久 谷川原 綾子 西本 尚樹 本間 勝美 小笠原 克彦
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.71, no.3, pp.186-193, 2015

<i>Purpose:</i> In 1994, Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) constructed the lexicon in the field of radiologic technology. However, recently, latest lexicon is not updated yet. The purpose of this article is to compare the terminologies in clinical medicine with the others and to consider reconstructing the lexicon in the radiological technology. <i>Materials and Methods:</i> Our study selected three categories from the database of the academic society. These three groups were Clinical medicine (hereafter CM, 167 societies, includes JSRT), Psychology / Education (hereafter P/E, 104 societies), and Comprehensive synthetic engineering (hereafter CSE, 40 societies). First, all societies were surveyed to know whether there were any lexicon in their official website. Second, these terminologies were surveyed on the following criteria: (a) Media of lexicon, (b) Number of terms, (c) File type of lexicon, (d) Terms translated into English, (e) Way of searching terms, and (f) Number of committees of the terminology. <i>Results:</i> Lexicon in CM, P/E, and CSE had 20, 4, and 7. Compared with P/E and CSE, CM showed the following trends: (a) used electronic media frequently, (b) stored large number of terms (about 5,000 to 11,000), (c) enabled to download frequently, and (d) used the alphabet and Japanese syllabary order frequently. <i>Conclusions:</i> Compared with the lexicon of P/E and CSE, terminology in CM tended to adopt the electronic media of lexicon and to have large number of terms. Additionally, many lexicons were expressed in English terms along with Japanese terms. Following massive lexicon of SNOMED-CT and RadLex, it is necessary to consider applying the web-based term searching and an ontological technique to the lexicon of radiological technology.
福田 晋吾
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.50, no.1, pp.72-108, 2012-07-31

This paper analyzes the production strategies of local footwear manufacturers in the Philippines against the inflow of foreign cheap products into the local market since mid-1990s using macro and micro fieldwork data. Most previous research has insisted that the reason why Philippine footwear manufacturing has been declining since the beginning of WTO is mainly due to their low-tech production. This is partly correct when considering the lower class market but incorrect when applying an analysis to the middle class market. At the level of the middle class market, many local manufacturers are still operating in spite of an increase of the inflow of cheap foreign products. Analysis shows that their production strategies are determined by the scale of production. Smaller manufacturers tend to continue with manual production and less investment so that they can maximize their profits. On one hand, they take strategies that minimize their risks in footwear manufacturing but they are also likely to diversify into other businesses. On the other, bigger manufacturers donʼt stop to compete with foreign cheap products, which shows that they are willing to invest in machinery and use outsourcing to strengthen their competitiveness. This paper shows that instead of diversification, they tend to concentrate on footwear manufacturing in order to build good relationships with good buyers and some achieve vertical integration with retail businesses.
南石 晃明 木南 章 伊東 正一 吉田 泰治 福田 晋 矢部 光保 堀田 和彦 前田 幸嗣 豊 智行 新開 章司 甲斐 諭 樋口 昭則 石井 博昭 松下 秀介 伊藤 健 亀屋 隆志 八木 洋憲 森高 正博 多田 稔 土田 志郎 後藤 一寿 佐藤 正衛
