高橋 勝
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1982, no.45, pp.47-59, 1982-05-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

Up to the present, the evaluation of Kerschensteiner's. Arbeitssehule was divided into two opposing views, either fully supporting, that idea (e.g. Spran-ger) or totally rejecting it (Hohendorf); almost no dialague was carried. on between those two positions. In this paper I try to prove that Kerschensteiner's view on Arbeit includes the following rather differing, elements and that in different periods of his life there was a shift from stressing, this rather than the other element (i. e. his view on Arbeit as such changed).First, in his earlier works (Die Schule der Zukunft eine Arbeitsschule, 1908) Arbeit means an importhant method for setting, free the subjeotive “sel-acitivity” (Selbsttätigkeit) of the child, furthering the autonomy of both“living”(Leben) and “learning”(Lernen) (Arbeit as a methodological principle of self-activity).But in the 6, th edition of the Begriff der Arbeitsschule this position is evidently revised shifting toward the postulates of civic morality. Secondly, that is, emphasis is put on the principle of Sachlichkeit, i.e. (1) on the development of the power to work and (2) on its nature as a useful instrument for forming the character trait (Will) of readiness to serve. It is probably here that the “Idea of disciplined work” in the sense of moral education arose.By way of conclusion I maintain that Kerschensteiner's theory of the Arbeitsschule is not to be treated in terms of an alternative as in the past, either accepting it unconditionally or rejecting it in toto, but that it is to be reconsidered and reevaluated anew after grasping accurately. the two different aspects of Arbeit.
高橋 勝
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.26, pp.44-59, 1972 (Released:2010-05-07)

The purpose of this paper is to consider, on the basis of several works about Max Scheler's Philosophische Anthropologic and Die Soziologie des Wissens published in 1920, under what characteristics in his theory modern “knowledge” is being analyzed and how this is being interpreted in view of “formation”. In his view modern “knowledge” is characterized by the fact that that the activity of man as homo faber acquiring knowledge is technical. That is, in modern times the subject of knowledge objectivates nature and faces as the content of “knowledge” the thing (Sache) as far as it thus has been limited. This kind of “knowledge” is called scientific “dominating knowledge” (Herrschaftswissen) and has the purpose of technically dominating nature. This, however, was originally only one side of “knowledge”.In Scheler's thought “knowledge” is divided into scientific “dominating knowledge” (Herrschaftswissen), “formative knowledge” (Bildungswissen) for the formation of man and “redemptive knoweldge” (Erlosungswissen) according to whether the knowing subject, by which the process of becoming (werden) is promoted, is a “thing” (Sache), “man” (Mensch) or “the absolute” (Das Absolute), Furthermore, it is understood that neither of these three types of knowledge can be substituted for one anothei.But as long as man continues to exist as a “person” he will be a being open toward an “intentional” (meaningful) “world” (Welt). He can realize himself in this without being bound by an “environmental world” (Umwelt), which appears as a relation of “things”. It is there that a more important meaning of “dominating knowledge” which
山本 善次郎 坂本 堯 高橋 勝
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.8, pp.25-34, 1990-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

A survey on terminal care was conducted in St. Marianna University School of Medicine in 1988. The results show: a) ST. Marianna staff members have a strong interest in terminal care; b) few of them consider religious support necessary for terminal patients; c) St. Marianna staff members recognize it's time to discuss hospice and hospice care earnestly. In our country, religious indifference is really quite persistent in this generation. Nevertheless, many terminal patients want religious support as well as psychochiatric support. With considerable experience of clinical pastoral care for terminal patients in the hospital, we are convinced that they need religious support.
高橋 勝雄/和田 重人/古田 勲 タカハシ マサオ/ワダ シゲヒト/フルタ イサオ TAKAHASHI Masao/WADA Shigehito/FURUTA Isao
vol.19, no.2, pp.187-192, 2000-12-30

Seventy-eight cases of benign tumors derived from the soft tissue of the oral and facial regions were analyzed clinically. The results were as follows. 1) The tumors were classified as hemangioma (28.2%), pleomorphic adenoma (24.4%), fibroma (17.9%) and papilloma (14.1%). The remaining 15.4% consisted of 3 cases of lipoma, 3 of adenolymphoma, and other rare cases. 2) Of the 78 cases, 28 were in males and 50 in females (sex ratio) (1:1.8). 3) The patient ages at the first visit ranged from 5 to 80 years (mean age) (47.9 years). 4) Approximately three quarters (75%) had swelling as the chief complaints. 5) The primary sites was 22 cases (28.2%) in the tongue, 15 (19.2%) in the palate, and 12 (15.4%) in the lip. Hemangiomas and pleomorphic adenomas are more common in the tongue or lip and in the palate respectively. 6) The average long diameter of pleomorphic adenomas and papillomas were 32.9mm and 7.1mm respectively. These values deviated from the 19.6mm average for all cases.
上原 忠夫 大沼 俊雄 鈴木 赳 加藤 忠弘 吉田 利男 高橋 勝宏
no.22, pp.235-242, 1979-09-20

From a higher boiling fraction (Bp>100℃/8 Torr) of peppermint oil (Mentha piperia L.) was isolated a white crystalline (mp 59-61℃, 300 mg from 80 g of the fraction) having a molecular formula of C_<15>H_<24>S. The structure of the crystalline was unequivocally determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis and we named it mintsulfide (1)(abbreviated as MS). Ultraviolet irradiation (Pyrex filter) of (-)-germacrene D (2)(abbreviated as GD), one of the major components of the oil, in the presence of sulfur powder afforded the mintsulfide (1), thus demonstrating the absolute configuration of MS. The mintsulfide was converted into the isomer (4). Both 1 and 4 were oxidized to give the products (5〜10), which showed the chemical shifts in the NMR spectra as summarized in table 1 and 2. Table 3 indicates the results of photochemical conversion of GD (2), giving MS (1) and/or β-bourbonene (3) under the various conditions. The evidence in table 3 suggests that activated sulfur (sulfur atom ?) is generated first under the Pyrex filtered irradiation. The activated sulfur reacts with GD, leading the formation of MS (1). This novel photoreaction is substrate specific since presence of caryophyllene (12) or β-bourbonene (3) affects no influence. The preliminary experiments revealed that myrcene (13) and tenmembered diene (14) also react with the photo-activated sulfur.
平舩 寛彦 高橋 宏彰 千葉 健史 菅原 敦子 木村 祐輔 工藤 賢三 若林 剛 高橋 勝雄
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.7, no.2, pp.395-402, 2012 (Released:2012-10-18)

【目的】本研究では, がん患者の栄養状態とフェンタニル経皮吸収性との関連性について検討を行った. 【方法】栄養スクリーニングツールのMalnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)およびNutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS2002)を用いてがん患者の栄養状態を危険度別に分類し, 各群のフェンタニル皮膚移行率(FE)を比較した. 【結果】対象患者24名のMUSTによる分類(低, 中, 高度群)では, 栄養危険度が高い患者ほどFEが低くなる傾向にあり, NRS2002による分類(低, 高リスク群)では, 高リスク群のFEは低リスク群に比べて有意に低かった. 【結論】栄養状態の変化は, FEに影響を及ぼす要因の1つとなることが示唆された. また, 栄養状態が低下している患者では, フェンタニル経皮吸収性が低下している可能性があると考えられた.
高橋 勝美 坂元 孝子 山本 圭治郎 兵頭 和人 八高 隆雄
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2005, pp."529a-1"-"529a-5", 2005-08-22

This study was to examine the optimum height of chair for standing up operation and to inspect the shake of the center of sole pressure and the characteristics of EMG during the standing movement. Standing movements performed at the height of seating posture (hip, knee and ankle joint were 90 degree), and at he height of ±2%, ±4% and ±6% of the seating posture. The center of sole pressure was measured by a force-plate and the EMG's of the muscles of lower limb were measured. The shake of the center of sole pressure was larger at higher sitting height, on the other hand, the EMG activity was larger at lower sitting height. The large shake of the center of sole pressure means the large transfer of center of Gravity, consequently the posture of standing up operation from high chair decreased the load of lower limbs.
中尾 信雄 小野寺 良次 稲澤 昭 別納 征欧 長谷川 信美 山内 清 六車 三治男 堀井 洋一郎 藤代 剛 林 国興 森下 敏朗 林 綾子 田原 秀隆 高橋 勝南 竹之山 愼一 上島 良介 目 和典 堤 孝彦 駒谷 謙司 置本 宗康 河野 謙宗 北爪 惣 佐藤 玲史 高橋 信也
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.48, no.1, pp.17-38, 2001-12

本研究では、カンショ焼酎粕(濃縮液+脱水ケーキ)を主原料とし、大豆粕を副原料として製造した焼酎粕ペレット飼料の成長、飼料効率、肉質等に及ぼす影響を検討するため、期待体重60から115kgまでの交雑種(WL×D)による飼養試験を1回(実験1、加茂牧場、中部飼料株式会社)、期待体重60~115kgまで(実験2)、期待体重30から115kgまで(実験3)ならびに期待体重10から115kgまで(実験4<通しの試験>)のバークシャー種によるフィールド試験を計3回(永田種豚場)行った。試験飼料の焼酎粕含量率は、乾物当りで、加茂牧場(実験1)2.26%、永田種豚場(実験2)1.77%、永田種豚場(実験3)3.00%(期待体重30~60kg)、3.00%(期待体重60~115kg)、永田種豚場(実験4)2.90%(期待体重10~30kg)、2.42%(期待体重30~60kg)、2.26%(期待体重60~115kg)であった。対照飼料としては、市販飼料を用いた。得られた結果は以下の通りである。 (1)実験1の加茂牧場における期待体重60~115kg間の飼養試験では、試験区の平均1日増体量は対照区よりも約19%高かったが、平均1日飼料摂取量が対照区より約13%高くなったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区より約6%高い傾向を示すにとどまった。肉質等には試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高かった。 (2)実験2の永田種豚場における期待体重60~115kgまでのフィールド試験では、試験区よりも対照区の方が、1日増体量で10%、飼料効率で15%ほど高くなった。これは、この試験に用いた配合飼料の焼酎粕含量が1.77%と他の試験に比べてきわめて低かったことが影響しているのかも知れない。なお、血液成分や健康状態には差は見られなかった。一方、行動面では、試験区において社会的序列の上下差が大きく、それによる耳かじりなどの異常行動が見られた。肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が高い傾向にあった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。 (3)実験3の永田種豚場における期待体重30~115kg区間では、平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約10%高かったが、試験区の平均1日飼料摂取量が対照区よりも約7%高かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区より約3%改善されたにとどまった。なお、血液成分や健康状態には差が認められなかった。 この試験の中の60~115kgの部分を抜き出してみると、この場合は、実験2の結果と違って、区内平均1日増体量は対照区よりも試験区が約10%高くなり、飼料効率も試験区で約5%改善された。なお、肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高い傾向にあった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。 (4)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重10~30kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約21%も高かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量は試験区・対照区間に差が認められなかったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区よりも約21%も改善された。 (5)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重30~60kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約6%低かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量も試験区が対照区間より約6%低かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかった。 (6)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重60~115kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区が対照区よりも約2%低かった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量も試験区が対照区に比べて約4%低かったので、結果として飼料効率は試験区・対照区間に差は認められなかった。 (7)実験4(通しの試験)の永田種豚場における期待体重10~115kg区間では、区内平均1日増体量は試験区・対照区間にほとんど差が認められなかった。区内平均1日飼料摂取量は試験区が対照区よりも約2%低く、結果として飼料効率は試験区が対照区よりも約3%改善された。通しの結果を総合してみると、離乳期子豚に対する焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与の効果が著しいと言える。肉質等に大差はなかったが、肉のビタミンE含量は試験区が有意に高かった。そして、肉の官能検査では、総合的好ましさは、試験区がよいと感ずる人が多かった。 以上、肉用豚肥育期の成長に対する焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与試験の結果を総合すると、焼酎粕ペレット飼料の給与は、市販の対照飼料並みまたはそれ以上の成長促進効果があると考えられる。また、焼酎粕ペレット飼料給与豚の肉のビタミンE含有率は、対照飼料給与豚の肉よりもほぼ有意に高まり、肉の官能検査では、総合的な好ましさが認められた。
久保田 尚 松本 正生 藤井 聡 羽鳥 剛史 高橋 勝美

三石 清子 宮地 文子 高橋 勝貞 依田 典子 友松 崇悟
佐久大学看護研究雑誌 = Saku University journal of nursing (ISSN:18836593)
vol.5, no.1, pp.21-29, 2013

A survey was conducted on foot trouble and the living conditions of 96 aged individuals(43 men and 53 women)who were attending day facilities in the Tohshin area of Nagano Prefecture. The project was carried out to evaluate the keypoints in planning more eff ective foot care for the aged by the nursing profession.Among those taking advantage of the foot care service, 67.7% were rated at nursing care levels that ranged from 1 to 2. Most of these people visited the facility twice a week; and on the questions on outing that required one to wear shoes, it was found that many tended not to leave their home for strolling or shopping. "Rehabilitation shoes" that are easy to put on and remove were currently preferred by most. They did not describe any discomfort even when their shoes were more than 2 ㎝ larger than the actual measurements of their feet, which indicated a lack of awareness vis-à-vis appropriate shoes. More than 90% of the subjects had some trouble with their feet. No statistically signifi cant correlations were found between their foot troubles and their shoes. However, there were some cases that attested to a need for care at the appropriate time, as illustrated by examples where the patients have been wearing high-heeled shoes since they were young, resulting in" overtoes" and diffi culty in trimming their toe nails.The survey indicated a need to promote foot care programs so that those aged individuals who utilize the day care facilities will retain" healthy feet" and continue to live independently. 長野県東信地域の通所施設を利用している高齢者96 人(男性43 人、女性53 人)の足のトラブルと生活状況について調査し、看護職が行う高齢者のフットケアを充実させるための課題を検討した。 対象者は要介護度1~2 の通所者が全体の67.7%を占め、通所回数は週2 回が多く、靴を履いての外出状況では、散歩や買い物に出かけない者が多い傾向がみられた。現在履いている靴は着脱が簡単な介護靴が多く、足の長径の実測値より2㎝以上大きな靴を履いていても違和感がなく、適切な靴に対する関心の低さが伺えた。対象者の9 割以上が何らかの足のトラブルを抱えていた。足のトラブルと靴の関係性は統計学的に有意な関係は認められなかった。しかし若い頃からヒール靴を履いた結果、重なり指となり、自身で爪きりができなくなった事例から、適切な時期に適切なフットケアを実施する必要性が認められた。 通所高齢者が「歩ける足」を保持し、自立した生活を送るために、フットケアプログラムを推進する必要性が示唆された。
高橋 勝國 斎藤 敏雄 柳島 淑隆 神谷 祥二 老固 潔一 岩田 章 増井 喜健
公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会
低温工学 (ISSN:03892441)
vol.15, no.2, pp.97-110, 1980-05-25 (Released:2010-02-26)

This paper presents the results of a study on the pressure drop and the film boiling heat transfer for a two-phase flow of hydrogen in a horizontal tube.Experiments were made on two types of tube; two pieces of vacuum insulated straight tubes of 4m long, inside diameters of which are 18.4 and 23.9mm, respectively; Anuninsulated tube of 8m long with 90 degree bends at two locations, inside diameter of which is 12.3mm.Experimental conditions were as follows; Flow rate (l/min.); 5 to 50 Vapor quality; 0.01 to 0.90 Pressure (bar); 1.4 to 5.8 Conclusions obtained from the experiments are summarized below.1) The frictional pressure drop of two-phase flow of hydrogen for a straight tube is well related to a modified Lockhart-Martinelli (L-M) curve, that is, L-M pressure ratio parameter, φl multiplied by 0.8, for both adiabatic and diabatic conditions. More than 90% of data fell within the scatter band of ±20% from the modified L-M curve.The pressure drop for a bend was also correlated by using parameters analogically introduced from L-M parameters for a straight tube.2) As for the heat transfer by forced-convection film boiling, the following relationship was established based on the method proposed by Ellerbrock.(Nuf/Nufm)⋅Bo-0.4=9.46Xtt-0.131More than 90% of data obtained were in agreement with the the expression shown above with no more than ±20% error.In this study, it was known that the heat transfer for two-phase flow of nitrogen as well as hydrogen follow Ellerbrock's theory.