末森 明夫 高橋 和夫
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.14, pp.137-148, 2015

「高宗諒陰三年不言」論争は服喪説と非服喪説が主流を占めてきたものの、非服喪説においても疾病説は等閑に付されてきた。本稿では障害学的視座に立脚し、疾病説(言語障害・聴覚障害)の再検証をおこなうと共に、文献に見られる「作書」という文脈に意志疎通手段における障害学的見解を照射し、「三年不言」という文脈の解釈における外延を図った。本稿の眼目は疾病説の妥当性の主張にはなく、疾病説が論争の傍流に甘んじてきた背景を障害学的視座に立脚して再検証し、論争の主流を占めてきた訓詁学と疾病説の派生的連続性を前景化し、古代中国文献学や古代中国福祉体系の探求に資することにある。 There has been controversy about the word "ryôin (諒陰)" and the sentence "Kôsô did not speak for three years( 高宗三年不言)" in a Chinese historical passage, as many hold the opinion that Kôsô had been mourning or deliberating apolitically; however, another opinion has been neglected, namely, that Kôsô was only temporarily mute. We therefore re-examined thise controversial issue from the viewpoints of speech impairment and/or hearing impairment based on disability studies, suggesting the derivative continuity between the opinions based on disability studies and exegetics of the passage, and contributing studies on welfare in ancient Chinese society.
高橋 和夫
放送大学研究年報 (ISSN:09114505)
vol.15, pp.23-33, 1997

ペルシア湾情勢の将来を語ることは,専門家のする事ではない.この地域は,予言者の墓場である.いわく,イランの王制は安泰である.いわく,イランの革命政権は短命である.いわく,イラン・イラク戦争がイラクの短期間での圧勝に終わる.などなどである. しかし,その将来を敢えて展望して見ると,不安定な要素が多い.四つの変化の流れが合流してアラビア半島諸国を洗うだろう.それは,人口爆発,石油収入の低下,アメリカ軍の存在が引き起こす民族・宗教感情高まり,そして指導者の世代交代である.またイラクではサッダーム・フセインの独裁が続いている.しかし,この長期不安定政権にもいつかは変化が訪れるであろう. こうして見ると,ペルシア湾岸諸国で一番安定感があるのはイランである.そのイランでは緩慢ながらも革命熱の低下するプロセスが進行してる.革命体制の「進化」が起こりつつある.この進化に注目して,イランとの批判的な対話を進める日本やEUと,イラクとイランの同時封じ込め,いわゆる「二重封じ込め」政策を掲げるアメリカとの間に齟齬が生じている.イランの国内情勢の変化に対応した「進化」が,アメリカのイラン政策にも求められている.
高橋 和夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1987, no.86, pp.68-82,L9, 1987-10-24 (Released:2010-09-01)

Calling the Kurds a minority is a misnomer, for they constitute the overwhelming majority in Kurdistan. Their tragedy is that the borders of five countries crisscross Kurdistan making them a minority in all of these states, namely, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and the Soviet Union.From the nineteenth century onwards, the Kurds have been struggling for autonomy in the process of which they have tasted moments of exhilaration as well as despair. Shortly after the Second World War, in January 1946, the Kurds in Iran proclaimed the establishment of the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad in Iranian Kurdistan only to see its demise before the year was out. Later, the focus of their struggle shifted to Iraqi-Kurdistan. The charismatic leader, Mullah Mustafa Barzani, led a series of heroic struggles against Baghdad before, during and well after the Second World War. After his final defeat in 1975, Kurdistan experienced an uneasy period of peace.The revolution in Iran, however, opened up the opportunity for the Kurds to assert their autonomy for the third time since the end of the Second World War. Taking advantage of a brief decline in the authority of the central government, the Iranian Kurds began to demand autonomy. But the revolutionary government has not complied, for it is apprehensive about the possibility of other minorities following suit, which it fears could lead to Iran's dismemberment. Ever since 1979 a civil war has been fought in Kurdistan.The start of the all-out war between Iraq and Iran strengthened the Kurdish resolve for autonomy, for Iraq openly supported the Iranian Kurds. Iran countered by aiding the Iraqi-Kurds against Baghdad. As the fortunes of war shifted on the southern front from Iraq to Iran, so did the situation in the north. By the summer of 1983, after regaining control over its part of Kurdistan, Tehran, aided by the Iraqi Kurds, sent its army into Iraqi Kurdistan.With the concentration of the Iraqi forces on the southern and central fronts, and with the support of both Iran and Syria, the Iraqi-Kurds have steadily expanded their control over substantial parts of Iraqi-Kurdistan. They are already in a position to threaten the pipe-lines and the highway that run through Kurdistan, linking Turkey and Iraq. They also provide sanctuary for the Turkish Kurds who in 1984 started a wide spread guerilla campaign against targets inside Turkey. Thus, Kurdish agitation has spilled over into Turkey. Ankara retaliated first by bombing targets inside Iraq and later increasingly by sending troops across the border into Iraq, straining its relations with Iran and Syria. Also Turkey's intervention in Iraqi Kurdistan has fueled speculation that Turkey might occupy Iraqi-Kurdistan, should the Ba'athist regime in Baghdad show signs of imminent collapse. It seems that under the darkening shadow of the Gulf War, “the third wave” of the Kurdish struggle for autonmy has been building up momentum towards an explosive climax over the fate of Iraqi Kurdistan.
中村 覚 吉川 元 伊勢崎 賢治 高橋 和夫 中西 久枝 澤江 史子 栗栖 薫子 森 伸生 北澤 義之 立山 良司 坂井 一成 泉 淳 小林 正英 細井 長 齊藤 嘉臣 末近 浩太 土佐 弘之 木村 修三 小塚 郁也 福田 安志
