古川 竜太 高田 亮 Nasution A. Taufiqurrohman R.

リンジャニ火山はインドネシア, ロンボク島北半分に配列する第四紀成層火山体群の中心にあり,山頂西部にある径6x8kmのカルデラは13世紀の破局的噴火で形成された(Nasution et al., 2003; 高田ほか, 2003,Nasution et al., 2010; Lavigne et al.,2013). カルデラ形成に先立って, およそ2万年前から1万年前にかけてリンジャニ火山が標高3726m, 総体積100km3の成層火山体を建設した. およそ5000年前からは爆発的噴火を間欠的に起こし, 13世紀の破局的噴火に至った. カルデラ形成噴火の推移は噴火堆積物から6フェイズに区分できる. 各フェイズ間に顕著な時間間隙を示す証拠は見つかっていない. フェイズ1の小規模な水蒸気噴火のあと,フェイズ2ではプリニー式噴火によって発泡の良い軽石を主体とする降下火砕物を西側の広い範囲に堆積させた. フェイズ2末期では粒径が細かくなり, 異質岩片が増加する. フェイズでは火砕流が発生し, 北麓で層厚10m以上の無層理塊状の軽石流堆積物を分布させた. 南西麓や遠方の地域には成層した火山灰流堆積物が広く分布する. 層厚数cm?50cmまで層厚が変化し, 地形的凹地では厚く堆積し, 下位の降下軽石層を削り込むことがある. 推定噴出源から50km近く離れた南西地域や, 海を隔てたギリ諸島にも堆積していることは, 高い噴煙柱から崩壊した希薄な火砕流堆積物であることを示唆する. フェイズ4はふたたびプリニー式噴火となる.降下軽石堆積物は級化構造の繰り返しと細粒火山灰が挟在することから, フェイズ2に比べてプリニー式噴煙が不安定であったことを示唆する. フェイズ5では, ふたたび火砕流が発生し, 厚い無層理の軽石流堆積物が山麓を30km以上の範囲を覆って海岸線に到達した. 火砕流堆積物には花崗閃緑岩など地表に露出しない岩石が含まれる.フェイズ6ではプリニー式噴火が発生したが, フェイズ2と4に比べると規模は小さい. 噴火に関与したマグマはSiO2=62.5-66wt.%, Na2O+K2O=7.5-8.7wt.%の粗面安山岩から粗面岩質である.フェイズ3から4にかけてより珪長質な軽石が増加する.フェイズ4のプリニー式噴煙が不安定で, フェイズ5で大規模な火道の浸食が起こったことを考慮すると, フェイズ4から大幅な火道の拡大あるいは新たな火道形成によって, それまで噴出していなかったマグマが吸い出された可能性がある. フェイズ6のプリニー式噴火は崩壊したカルデラ床によって閉塞された細い火道から起こったと考えると説明可能である. 南極およびグリーンランドの氷床試料では西暦1258?1259年相当の層準に硫酸酸性の強いスパイクがあることが以前から指摘されていた(Palais et al., 1992など).氷床試料から抽出した火山ガラス片の主成分化学組成はこれまでメキシコのエルチチョン火山に対比されていたが,リンジャニカルデラ形成噴火の火山ガラス組成は,両極地方の火山ガラス組成により近い.よってリンジャニカルデラの形成は1258?1259年頃である可能性がある.Lavigne et al., (2013) は同様の手法で噴火を対比して,噴火時期は古文書から1257年とした.両極地方の硫酸堆積量から計算されたSO2放出量は200メガトンであり(Langway et al., 1988),最近千年間で最大である.リンジャニカルデラ形成噴火が地球規模の気候変化に影響を与えた可能性が大きい.
Kurume University School of Medicine
The Kurume Medical Journal (ISSN:00235679)
vol.52, no.3, pp.111-116, 2005 (Released:2006-08-04)
2 7

Over ten years after his death, the Sabin oral vaccine continues its profound influence on public health throughout the world. The annual incidence of polio has fallen dramatically since its introduction, with more than 300,000 lives being spared each year and an annual global saving in excess of 1 billion US dollars. In many ways, the development of an effective oral vaccine and its subsequent regulation by the World Health Organization can serve as a model for medical researchers. Our review describes the contribution of Albert Sabin as a medical researcher, and how his vaccine had a profound impact on the global reduction of polio infections. As many different factors influenced health-care last century, we describe Sabin's involvement with respect to prevailing scientific paradigms and public health issues of the time. Our paper also outlines the basic epidemiology of poliovirus and the historical development of an effective vaccine, both with and without Albert Sabin.
Elham A. HASSAN Marwa H. HASSAN Faisal A. TORAD
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.17-0518, (Released:2018-03-29)

The aim of the study was to correlate the clinical severity of pectus excavatum with its type and degree based on objective radiographic evaluation. Twelve brachycephalic dogs were included. Grading of the clinical severity was done based on a 6-point grading score. Thoracic radiographs were used to calculate the frontosagittal and vertebral indices at the tenth thoracic vertebra and the vertebra overlying the excavatum. Correlation between the clinical severity score and frontosagittal and vertebral indices was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Typical pectus excavatum was recorded in the caudal sternum in seven dogs, with a mean clinical severity score of 1.7 ± 1.4, whereas in five dogs, atypical mid-sternal deviation was recorded with a mean clinical severity score of 3.8 ± 0.7. A strong correlation (r=0.7) was recorded between the clinical severity score and vertebral index in the atypical form, whereas a weak correlation (r=0.02) was recorded in the typical form (P<0.05). The clinical severity and degree of pectus excavatum was poorly correlated (r=0.3) in the typical form of pectus excavatum, whereas it was strongly correlated (r=0.9) in the atypical form. Pectus excavatum in dogs is associated with compressive cardiopulmonary dysfunction, which depends mainly on the site/type of deviation rather than the degree of deviation.
Timothy J. Suchomel George K. Beckham and Glenn A. Wright
Active Aging Research Center
Journal of Trainology (ISSN:21865264)
vol.2, no.2, pp.19-22, 2013-09-25 (Released:2015-05-04)
11 28

Objectives: To examine the impact of load on lower body kinetics during the jump shrug. Design: Randomized, repeated measures design. Methods: Fourteen men performed randomized sets of the jump shrug at relative loads of 30%, 45%, 65%, and 80% of their one repetition maximum hang clean (1RM-HC). A number of variables were obtained through analysis of the force-time data, which included peak force, peak velocity, peak power, force at peak power, and velocity at peak power. A series of one-way repeated measures ANOVA were used to compare the differences in peak force, peak velocity, peak power, force at peak power, and velocity at peak power between each load. Results: Statistical differences in peak velocity, peak power, force at peak power, and velocity at peak power existed between loads (p<0.001), while peak force trended toward statistical significance (p=0.060). The greatest peak velocity, peak power, and velocity at peak power occurred at 30% 1RM-HC. In addition the greatest peak force and force at peak power occurred at loads of 65% and 80% 1RM-HC, respectively. Conclusions: Velocity is the greatest contributing factor to peak power production during the jump shrug. Practitioners should prescribe specific loading schemes for the jump shrug to provide optimal training stimuli to their athletes based on the training goal: specifically, loads of 65% 1RM-HC or higher, loads of approximately 30-45% 1RM-HC, and loads of 30% 1RM-HC should be prescribed for improvements in peak force and force at peak power, peak power, and velocity and velocity at peak power, respectively.
Parenteral Drug Association Japan Chapter
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.1, no.2, pp.71-76, 1999 (Released:2006-08-03)

Viral spiking studies were used to validate the capacity of our manufacturing process of a biological product derived from animal origin to inactivate or eliminate potential viral contaminants. Since the present study was intended for early Phase I & II clinical trials, two model viruses, Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus and polio virus, type 1, which represent a range of physical, chemical, and biological properties were selected for examination. It is generally recommended to take at least two different viral inactivation removed procedures for the robustness of the manufacturing process. We therefore selected a heat treatment and an ethanol purification step, two steps which held the potential for inactivation through independent mechanisms (i.e., physical and chemical inactivation, respectively). Finally, with the design of the experiment taken into consideration, the manufacturing steps were scaled-down and validated. Further, based upon the data collected during validation, the step parameters used for the present study were considered worst-cases. The result of the present spiking study for the two steps was a combined reduction of > 11 logs for polio virus and > 8 logs for X-MuLV which was the maximum attainable clearance given the spiking titer and dilution level for both viruses and both manufacturing steps.
African study monographs (ISSN:02851601)
vol.26, no.1, pp.15-58, 2005

Every African society south of the Sahara has a long history of transmitting knowledge and human experience through the medium of oral tradition. This paper is on the function of oral traditions among the Arsi-Oromo of Ethiopia. Before the coming of Islam and Christianity, the Arsi were followers of Waaqeffannaa (belief in Sky God), the Oromo version of the African traditional religion. In the Arsiland, the Oromo traditional religion existed side by side with Islam, as the latter was mostly tolerant in the past. The indigenous Oromo religious traditions offered Islam an African feature. The cult of Sheikh Hussein of Bale is one quasi-Islamic tradition that has survived. The Arsi oral traditions are good sources about the nature of Waaqeffannaa and the cult of Sheikh Hussein. Based on the oral traditions of the Arsi and other African societies, the writer concluded that in Africa the function of oral traditions is in constant flux. In addition to replicating the past experiences of the society, African oral traditions serve also as mediums to provide self-conscious commentary on the patterns of life in their societies. Another conclusion is that the homology or dialectical unity between oral art and its social function is contextually determined.
Elhussein F Mourad Mohamed S Sarhan Hassan-Sibroe A Daanaa Mennatullah Abdou Ahmed T Morsi Mohamed R Abdelfadeel Hend Elsawey Rahma Nemr Mahmoud El-Tahan Mervat A Hamza Mohamed Abbas Hanan H Youssef Abdelhadi A Abdelhadi Wafaa M Amer Mohamed Fayez Silke Ruppel Nabil A Hegazi
Microbes and Environments (ISSN:13426311)
pp.ME17135, (Released:2018-02-23)

In order to improve the culturability and biomass production of rhizobacteria, we previously introduced plant-only-based culture media. We herein attempted to widen the scope of plant materials suitable for the preparation of plant-only-based culture media. We chemically analyzed the refuse of turfgrass, cactus, and clover. They were sufficiently rich to support good in vitro growth by rhizobacteria isolates representing Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. They were also adequate and efficient to produce a cell biomass in liquid batch cultures. These culture media were as sufficient as artificial culture media for the cultivation and recovery of the in situ rhizobacteria of barley (Hordeum murinum L.). Based on culture-dependent (CFU plate counting) and culture-independent analyses (qPCR), mowed turfgrass, in particular, supported the highest culturable population of barley endophytes, representing >16% of the total bacterial number quantified with qPCR. This accurately reflected the endophytic community composition, in terms of diversity indices (S’, H’, and D’) based on PCR-DGGE, and clustered the plant culture media together with the qPCR root populations away from the artificial culture media. Despite the promiscuous nature of the plant materials tested to culture the plant microbiome, our results indicated that plant materials of a homologous nature to the tested host plant, at least at the family level, and/or of the same environment were more likely to be selected. Plant-only-based culture media require further refinements in order to provide selectivity for the in vitro growth of members of the plant microbiome, particularly difficult-to-culture bacteria. This will provide insights into their hidden roles in the environment and support future culturomic studies.
Miles O. Fortner Paul A. Oakley Deed E. Harrison
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.2, pp.266-270, 2018 (Released:2018-02-22)

[Purpose] To present the case of the non-surgical restoration of cervical lordosis in a patient suffering from chronic whiplash syndrome including chronic neck pain and daily headaches resulting from previous whiplash. [Subject and Methods] A 31 year old female presented with a chief complaint of chronic neck pain and headaches for 12 years, correlating temporally with a sustained whiplash. These symptoms were not significantly relieved by previous chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. The patient had cervical hypolordosis and was treated with Chiropractic BioPhysics® protocol including extension exercises, manual adjustments and cervical extension traction designed to increase the cervical lordosis. [Results] The patient received 30 treatments over approximately 5-months. Upon re-assessment, there was a significant increase in global C2–C7 lordosis, corresponding with the reduction in neck pain and headaches. [Conclusion] This case adds to the accumulating evidence that restoring lordosis may be key in treating chronic whiplash syndrome. We suggest that patients presenting with neck pain and/or headaches with cervical hypolordosis be treated with a program of care that involves cervical extension traction methods to restore the normal cervical lordosis.
Akimasa Tsujimoto Wayne W. Barkmeier Toshiki Takamizawa Hidehiko Watanabe William W. Johnson Mark A. Latta Masashi Miyazaki
Nihon University School of Dentistry
Journal of Oral Science (ISSN:13434934)
pp.16-0815, (Released:2018-01-29)

This study evaluated the simulated localized wear of resin luting cements for universal adhesive systems using different curing modes. Five resin luting cements for universal adhesive systems were evaluated and subsequently subjected to wear challenge in a Leinfelder-Suzuki wear simulation device. Overall, 20 specimens from each resin luting cement were photo-cured for 40 s (dual-cure group), and 20 specimens of each material were not photo-cured (chemical-cure group). Simulated localized wear was generated using a stainless steel ball-bearing antagonist in water slurry of polymethylmethacrylate beads. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of resin luting cements and wear facets were conducted. Significant differences in simulated wear and SEM observations of wear facets were evident among the materials in the dual- and chemical-cure groups. The simulated wear and SEM observations of wear facets of G-CEM LinkForce and Panavia V5 were not influenced by the curing mode. SEM observations of resin luting cements were material dependent. In most cases, dual curing appears to ensure greater wear resistance of resin luting cements than chemical curing alone. The wear resistance of some resin luting cements appears to be material dependent and is not influenced by the curing mode.
Fujimoto A Tsurumi K Kawada R Murao T Takeuchi H Murai T Takahashi H
Springer Nature
Translational Psychiatry (ISSN:21583188)
vol.7, 2017-04-04

ギャンブル依存症の神経メカニズム --前頭葉の一部の活動や結合の低下でリスクの取り方の柔軟性に障害--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2017-04-05.Gambling disorder (GD) is often considered as a problem of trait-like risk preference. However, the symptoms of GD cannot be fully understood by this trait view. In the present study, we hypothesized that GD patients also had problem with a flexible control of risk attitude (state-dependent strategy optimization), and aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying abnormal risk-taking of GD. To address this issue, we tested GD patients without comorbidity (GD group: n=21) and age-matched healthy control participants (HC group: n=29) in a multi-step gambling task, in which participants needed to clear 'block quota' (required units to clear a block, 1000–7000 units) in 20 choices, and conducted a task-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment. Behavioral analysis indeed revealed a less flexible risk-attitude change in the GD group; the GD group failed to avoid risky choice in a specific quota range (low-quota condition), in which risky strategy was not optimal to solve the quota. Accordingly, fMRI analysis highlighted diminished functioning of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which has been heavily implicated in cognitive flexibility. To our knowledge, the present study provided the first empirical evidence of a deficit of state-dependent strategy optimization in GD. Focusing on flexible control of risk attitude under quota may contribute to a better understanding of the psychopathology of GDs.