Rebeca Padilla-Reynaud Anne-Marie Simao-Beaunoir Sylvain Lerat Mark A. Bernards Carole Beaulieu
Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology / Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology / Japanese Society of Plant Microbe Interactions / Japanese Society for Extremophiles
Microbes and Environments (ISSN:13426311)
pp.ME15034, (Released:2015-09-01)
11 23

Suberin, a major constituent of the potato periderm, is known to promote the production of thaxtomins, the key virulence factors of the common scab-causing agent Streptomyces scabiei. In the present study, we speculated that suberin affected the production of glycosyl hydrolases, such as cellulases, by S. scabiei, and demonstrated that suberin promoted glycosyl hydrolase activity when added to cellulose-, xylan-, or lichenin-containing media. Furthermore, secretome analyses revealed that the addition of suberin to a cellulose-containing medium increased the production of glycosyl hydrolases. For example, the production of 13 out of the 14 cellulases produced by S. scabiei in cellulose-containing medium was stimulated by the presence of suberin. In most cases, the transcription of the corresponding cellulase-encoding genes was also markedly increased when the bacterium was grown in the presence of suberin and cellulose. The level of a subtilase-like protease inhibitor was markedly decreased by the presence of suberin. We proposed a model for the onset of S. scabiei virulence mechanisms by both cellulose and suberin, the main degradation product of cellulose that acts as an inducer of thaxtomin biosynthetic genes, and suberin promoting the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites including thaxtomins.
A'an J. Wahyudi Shigeki Wada Masakazu Aoki Takeo Hama
Plankton and Benthos Research (ISSN:18808247)
vol.8, no.2, pp.55-67, 2013-05-25 (Released:2014-08-30)
1 6

Gaetice depressus, a varunid crab common on intertidal boulder shores, is a potential key organism for monitoring organic matter flow through the food web. In order to elucidate its biogeochemical role, the diet source and trophic position of this crab on the boulder shore of an island off the Izu Peninsula, Japan, were estimated using three approaches: foregut content examination, stable isotope signature (δ13C and δ15N) and pigment biomarkers. The results suggest that G. depressus utilizes green macroalgae (Ulva sp., Ulvaria sp.) as its main diet source together with red macroalgae (Gloiopeltis complanata, Gl. furcata). This crab also utilizes periphytic and planktonic microautotrophs (occasionally tissues of heterotrophs) when macroalgae prove insufficient due to seasonal change. Therefore, G. depressus can be considered to be an omnivore since it consumes both autotrophs and heterotrophs, although it obtains organic matter mostly from autotrophs.
Khan M.A.Jabbar Khan Raana Jabbar
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.36, no.3, pp.271-274, 1985

1983年4月に生後25日の男子のクロキンバエ幼虫による泌尿生殖器ハエ症の1症例が見出された。この子供は来院の約10日前に現地人の民間療法師によって割礼を受けた。採集した三齢幼虫の顕著な特徴から, これらの幼虫がクロキンバエであることが確認された。クロキンバエによる泌尿生殖器ハエ症は文献上も世界で前例がなく, パキスタンのカラチからのクロキンバエ幼虫によって起された症例が世界最初の確実な記録である。クロキンバエ幼虫は本来雑食性で, 動物死体に大発生する。発育は非常に速く, 約10日から25日で卵から成虫になる。この症例ではたぶん雌が傷に直接か, または悪臭に誘引されて, よごれたシーツなどに卵塊を産みつけたと思われる。残念ながら寄生幼虫の正確な数は不明であるが, 治療中に137匹の幼虫が見出され, なお入院前に何匹かの幼虫が発見されている。
Hebin Lin Kentaro Miyanaga Jeffrey A Thornton
水資源・環境研究 (ISSN:09138277)
vol.28, no.1, pp.68-74, 2015 (Released:2015-07-11)

The people of the world continue to demand sustainable sources of freshwater for meeting their daily needs, for continuing economic development, and for maintaining a stable and healthful environment. In meeting these needs based on sustaining ecosystem services, the historic sectoral approach to water resources management has led to degraded waterbodies and an inability of governments to meet the demand for safe and secure sources of freshwater. In recent years, water resources management experience has highlighted the need for an integrated management approach that involves all stakeholders, including citizens, scientists and policy-makers, as well as effective organizations that are adequately funded and fully staffed. In this paper, we review some of the key considerations that are fundamental to effective water resources management and demonstrate the necessary and fundamental link between policies, plans and management actions.
Jeremy A. Gentles William G. Hornsby Howard S. Gray Jonathan A. Miller Andrew R. Dotterweich Charles A. Stuart Michael H. Stone
Active Aging Research Center
Journal of Trainology (ISSN:21865264)
vol.4, no.1, pp.25-31, 2015-06-18 (Released:2015-07-06)

Objectives: This study investigated chronic changes in cell free DNA (cf-DNA) throughout a collegiate soccer season. The relationship between cf-DNA, C-reactive protein (CRP), creatine kinase (CK), testosterone (T), cortisol (C), testoster one-cortisol ratio (T:C), body mass and body composition were also examined. Design: Longitudinal study design with repeated measures and group comparisons. Methods: Twenty three NCAA Division I male soccer players were divided into two groups. Starters were placed in Group 1 (G1) and non-starters were placed in Group 2 (G2). cf-DNA, CRP, CK, T, C, T:C, body mass and body composition were taken three times, corresponding to pre-season, approximately mid-season and immediately after the concluding the season. Results: In G1, cf-DNA, CRP, CK, cf-DNA %∆, CRP %∆ and, CK %∆ were all statistically higher at T2 and T3 than T1. In G2, CRP %∆ was statistically higher at T2 than T1. In G2, cf-DNA %∆, CRP %∆ and CK %∆ were higher at T2 and T3 than T1. Conclusions: This suggests that cf-DNA may be a useful marker that can reflect accumulated soccer training and competi tive stressors.
B美 C菜 A子
日経ビジネスassocie (ISSN:13472844)
vol.9, no.6, pp.86-89, 2010-04-06

井上 民二 ABANG A.Hami LEE Hua Seng 市岡 孝朗 山岡 亮平 永益 英敏 加藤 真 湯本 貴和 HAMID Abang.A LEE HuaSeng 寺内 良平 HAMID Abang 山根 正気 市野 隆雄

1.植物フェノロジー調査:林冠調査区の樹木、つる、着生などの植物に個体識別コードをつけ(約600本)、花芽形成から開花、結実にいたる繁殖ステージと、展葉の生長ステージの記録を月2回、1992年から4年間継続しておこなった。その結果、展葉には多くの種でかなりの周期性がみられることが明らかになった。非一斉開花期の開花は年中を通してあまり変化がないが、3-4月ごとにやや多いこともわかった。また1996年2月から半年にわたって起こった一斉開花では、モニターしている樹木550個体のうち381個体(69.3%)、種数にして192種のうち66種(34.4%)をはじめとした189属402種の開花の開始から終了までを記録した。2.昆虫個体群トラップ調査:林冠調査区の4ヵ所(林床、中木層17.4m、高木層35m、および林冠ギャップの地上部)に誘蛾灯(UVライト)による採集を月1回、1992年から4年間継続しておこなった。4年間に採集した昆虫の総数は500万頭に及ぶ。その採集標本の同定と結果の解析を現在、行っている。3.動植物共生系調査:1996年2月から始まった一斉開花で107属160種の植物について送粉者を確認した。そのほとんどは、これまで4年間に開花の記録がない種である。その結果、マレー半島部では、アザミウマによって花粉を媒介されるとされていたShorea属は、サラワクでは甲虫、とくにハムシ類によって花粉媒介されることが明らかになった。この一斉開花以前に、Lambirで鳥媒であるとされてきたのは、228種の樹木のうちのGanua sp.(Sapotaceae)1種のみ(Momose & Inoue 1994=しかも間違い)、3種のヤドリギ(Loranthaceae)(Yumoto 1996)、7種のショウガ(Zingiberaceae)(Kato 1996,酒井 修士論文)に過ぎず、しかも送粉者はクモカリドリ2種(Nectariniidaeの1亜科)にほぼ限られていた。しかし、今回の一斉開花でDurio3種(Bombacaceae)、属未同定ヤドリギ(Loranthaceae)、Tarenna1種(Rubiaceae)、Madhuca1種、Palaquium2種(ともにSapataceae)が新たに鳥媒であることが確認され、送粉する鳥もクモカリドリ4種、タイヨウチョウ1種(Nectariniidae)、ハナドリ2種(Dicaeidae)、コノハドリ1種(Irenidae)、また盗蜜/送粉者としてサトウチョウ(Psittacidae)の関与が明らかになった。コウモリ媒は以外と少なく、Fagraea1種(Loganiaceae)が確認されたに留まった。さらにGanua sp.(Sapotaceae)では、リス/ムササビ媒というまったく新しい送粉シンドロームが見い出された。これは花弁と雄ずい群が合着し、肉厚の器官を成し、それ自体、糖度15%と甘い報酬となっている。花蜜は分泌しない。花弁/雄ずい群が花床からすぐに離脱するのにかかわらず、雌ずいは非情に苦く、落下しにくい。リスとムササビが頻繁に、かつ執拗に訪花し、花弁/雄ずい群を外して食べるうちに、前肢や口のまわりに花粉をつけるのが観察された。また、フタバガキ科などの突出木を中心に種子散布と種子捕食の過程の調査を行った。4.植物繁殖システム・遺伝構造調査:フタバガキ科Dryobalanopsis属、Shorea属植物とショウガ科植物のDNAサンプルの採取を終了し、現在分析中である。5.動植物標本管理と分類学:これまでの4年間で採集できなかった植物の花と果実の標本を今回の一斉開花で得ることができた。昆虫標本も、送粉者、種子捕食者を中心に整備が進んだ。6.研究成果の出版:調査結果は現在順調にそれぞれの学術雑誌に投稿され、出版されている。年度末に英文の報告書を出版する予定である。
Jorge A. Jaramillo Jairo H. Ternera Pulido Jaime A. Castro Núñez William F. Bird Takashi Komabayashi
Journal of Oral Science (ISSN:13434934)
vol.52, no.1, pp.137-143, 2010 (Released:2010-03-26)
3 9

This article describes Colombia's development of formal dentistry, its dental school system, curriculum, and dental licensure, and current issues in oral health care. In 1969, there were only 4 dental schools in Colombia; at this writing there are 21. Five dental schools are public and the other 16 are private. Nearly all classes are conducted in Spanish. Undergraduate pre-dental coursework is not a prerequisite for dental school in Colombia. To obtain licensure, Colombian dental students must complete 5 years of study in dental school, earn a diploma, and work for the government for 1 year. There are approximately 41,400 dentists in Colombia, and the number is increasing quickly. However, the unemployment rate among dentists is very high, even though graduation from dental school is extremely difficult. Although the 1,100:1 ratio of citizens to dentists is considered satisfactory, access to dental care is limited due to the high rate of poverty. (J Oral Sci 52, 137-143, 2010)
Shin-ichi Ishikawa Ryo Motoya Satoko Sasagawa Takahito Takahashi Isa Okajima Yasuchika Takeishi Cecilia A. Essau
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.236, no.2, pp.115-122, 2015 (Released:2015-05-30)
2 10

On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake devastated the Tohoku region, which led to a tsunami and a nuclear disaster. While these three disasters caused tremendous physical damage, their psychological impact remains unclear. The present study evaluated traumatic responses, internalizing (i.e., anxiety and depression), and externalizing (i.e., anger) symptoms among Japanese young people in the immediate aftermath and 2.5 years later. A total of 435 undergraduates were recruited from universities in three differentially exposed regions: Fukushima, Tokyo, and Kyoto. They completed a set of questionnaires retrospectively (i.e., September to December 2013) to measure their traumatic responses, anxiety and depressive symptoms, functional impairment, and anger immediately after the disaster and 2.5 years later. Participants in Tokyo had the highest level of traumatic response and internalizing symptoms immediately after the earthquake, whereas those in Fukushima had significantly higher levels of trait anger, anger-in (holding one’s anger in), and anger-out (expressing one’s anger externally). In Kyoto, the levels of anxiety and depression after 2.5 years were significantly higher than they were immediately after the disasters. In conclusion, anger symptoms were high among young people who lived at or near the center of the disasters, while anxiety and depression were high among those who lived far away from the disasters. These findings suggest the importance of providing mental health services to young people who did not live near the disaster area as well as to those living in the directly affected area.
Akiya Y. Saito A. Sakanoi T. Hozumi Y. Yamazaki A. Otsuka Y. Nishioka M. Tsugawa T.
American Geophysical Union
Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN:00948276)
vol.41, no.19, pp.6943-6948, 2014-10-06

Spaceborne imagers are able to observe the airglow structures with wide field of views regardless of the tropospheric condition that limits the observational time of the ground-based imagers. Concentric wave structures of the O[2] airglow in 762 nm wavelength were observed over North America on 1 June 2013 from the International Space Station. This was the first observation in which the entire image of the structure was captured from space, and its spatial scale size was determined to be 1200 km radius without assumptions. The apparent horizontal wavelength was 80 km, and the amplitude in the intensity was approximately 20% of the background intensity. The propagation velocity of the structure was derived as 125 ± 62 m/s and atmospheric gravity waves were estimated to be generated for 3.5 ± 1.7 h. Concentric structures observed in this event were interpreted to be generated by super cells that caused a tornado in its early phase.