鈴木 尚
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.97, no.1, pp.23-37, 1989 (Released:2008-02-26)
3 4

祖父江 孝男 須江 ひろ子 村上 泰治
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.66, no.2, pp.77-91, 1957-12-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

(1) Ejiko is a child's cradle used among the folk-societies in the northeastern part of Japan. The most common type is made of straw (coiling) as shown in Fig. 1-3, in which a child squats, wrapped by futon (quilt) and tied by a rope. During a day, while the whole family is out for work, the child is left completely alone in the house, crying and screaming, but without any bodily movement; hence it is often the case that flies collect on the child's face, or a cat squats on it, etc. It is therefore obvious that this child-rearing pattern may give the child a great amount of frustration and his personality formation is considerably influenced by it. (Although WHITING concludes that the "independence training" is most severe among the Ainu(7), this Japanese pattern may exceed in this aspect.)
中橋 孝博
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.95, no.1, pp.89-106, 1987-01-15 (Released:2008-02-26)
9 8

渡辺 誠
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.74, no.1, pp.19-46, 1966-04-10 (Released:2008-02-26)

1. In the Jomon Period, Neolithic culture of Japan, 495 fish-hooks have been recovered from 77 sites, of which 430 are one-piece hooks, and 65 two-piece hooks. However, no composite hook has ever been found.2. One-piece hooks are classified into six types: (1) non-barbed; (2) out-barbed; (3) in-barbed; (4) both-barbed; (5) stem-barbed; (6) anker-type, and of these hooks non-barbed and out-barbed are most popular. In other words, it may well be said that these six types can be classified into two groups such as non-barbed (Type 1) and barbed (Type 2-6). In general, it can be said that the former, taking the form of medium size (3-5 cm.), has been found throughout the Jomon Period and widely distributed. The latter, however, has made a remarkable progress since the later phase of the Stage 3 (i, e. Jomon Period is divided into five stages), and includes many large-sized specimens beside the medium-sized ones. At the same time, it must be remembered that the increase of the absolute quantity has become more conspicuous, though its distribution is comparatively limited.3. Two-piece hooks are classified into six types (A-F). Unfortunately, we are obliged to make a study of mainly Types A, E and F because of the lack of the specimens of the other types. Type A found during the Stage 1 comprises chiefly the medium-sized two-piece hooks which are similar to the non-barbed type of one-piece hook in their size, and Type E and F consist of large- or remarkably large-sized specimens. Hence it can be said that Types E and F are a sort of form that promoted progressively the tendency to make larger fish-hooks like the barbed type of one-piece hook.4. A study of fish bones found in the shell mounds provides us with information that fish-hooks were mainly used for the capture of such fishes as Pagrosomus unicolor (QUOY & GAIMARD), Euthynnus pelamys (LINNÉ) and Thynnus thynnus (LINNE), though the last is rare. It seems safe to suppose that the fish-hooks of medium size might correspond to the use of the capture of Pagrosomus unicolor, and those of large size to Thynnus thynnus: in particular the latter seems to have been bartered as a major materials.5. It may be explained that the phenomenon that fishery by angling, which had been developed since the later phase of the Stage 3, was more positively selecting fishing places in the Stage 5 indicates the appearance or development of a group of houses specializing in the fishery.6. 96.6 per cent of fish-hooks are made of deer antler, and the Types E and F of two-piece hook are of ideal perfection of technical development which has succeded in meeting the demand of mass production of the large-sized fish-hooks within the restriction of the material-antler. However, this restriction of the material seems to have been dissolved by the diffusion of Yayoi culture in the succeeding period.7. Such a technical development was made along the Pacific coast of northeast Honshu, where the sign of this advance had been recognized in the later phase of the Stage 3, and especially in this coast the Bay of Sendai must have played a leading part in making a remarkable progress.8. From the extensive point of view, the sites containing the fish-hooks are concentrated along the Pacific coast of central and northeast Honshu, and are very rare in the prefecture bordering the Japan Sea and in southern Honshu and Hokkaido. It is noteworthy that the areas of heaviest concentration of the sites from which the fish-hooks have been recovered corresponds to the areas where the Jomon culture most flourished.
吉田 巖
一般社団法人 日本人類学会
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.29, no.3, pp.95-103, 1914-03-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

5 0 0 0 OA ヒトの歩行

山崎 昌廣 佐藤 陽彦
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.98, no.4, pp.385-401, 1990 (Released:2008-02-26)
7 16

小浜 基次 加藤 昌太良 欠田 早苗
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.69, no.3-4, pp.128-140, 1962-03-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

In the summers of 1957-58, somatometrical and somatoscopical investigations were made on the present Ainu of Shari in Kitami province, Hokkaido.In comparison with the Ainu of other provinces, Shari-Ainu was higher in stature and slightly shorter in leg length, biacromial and biiliac diameters. The mean values of the head length and the cephalic index of the Shari-Ainu were 189.67mm and 79.83 respectively, showing that their head is shorter and far greater in cephalic index than those of the other Ainu. The most distinctive traits of the Shari-Ainu were larger facial and nasal height.So far as metrical values are concerned, Shari-Ainu tended to differ from the pure Ainu and resemble to the Japanese in the north-east district of Japan, suggesting that the Shari-Ainu is closely mixed with the Japanese. The cephalic characteristics of the Shari-Ainu seemed to suggest that they were not related to the Moyoro skulls which were excavated from the shell-mound in Abashiri.
守山 正樹 竹本 泰一郎 柏崎 浩 鈴木 継美 マリーナ ロバートM.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.93, no.1, pp.33-43, 1985 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 1

初経発来への年齢,身長,体重の寄与を,1960-64年に出生の女子生徒275名で調査した。初経時の年齢,身長,体重の平均値はそれぞれ12.5 SD 0.89年,151.1 SD 5.7cm,42.3 SD5.8kg であった。初経時年齢と身長は有意な正の相関(r=0.406)を示し,「初経時年齢群別の平均身長は一定値をとる」とした松林(1932)の報告は支持されなかった。初経時年齢と体重の間には関連がないが (r=0.104),初経時の体重は身長よりもはるかに大きな変動を示し,「特定の体重,体構成への到達が引き金となって初経が起こる」とした Frisch と Revelle(1971)の仮説も支持されなかった。さらに,各暦年齢時での初経の有無(1/0)を被説明変数,身長•体重を説明変数として重回帰分析を行なったところ,体重のみが有意な寄与を示した。この結果より,初経発来にかかわる体格の閾値の存在が示唆された。
江藤 盛治
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.71, no.1, pp.23-51, 1963-07-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

This is a report concerning the determination of the original firing temperature of the Japanese prehistoric pottery, so called Jomon-Doki. In 1935, KONDO, KAWASHIMA and TANAHASHI measured the amount of alumina extracted from several Jomon vessels by a dilute hydrochloric acid after reheating them at various high temperature, and they concluded that their firing temperature may have been 700-800°C, or below. Recently in 1957, YAMADA and KONDO, applying the differential thermal analysis to prehistoric earthenwares from Hokkaido, measured their firing temperature as below 885°C.From 1949 to 1951, the author had a chance to try some experiments concerning the physical properties of Jomon pottery, at the Laboratory of Ceramic Engineering, Tokyo University of Engineering (director-Prof. Dr. Chihiro KAWASHIMA). In this article, the author deals mainly with the thermal properties of Jomon pottery using on the results obtained then.
飯島 尚
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.40, no.3, pp.93-96, 1925-03-25 (Released:2010-06-28)
林 敬義
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.83, no.2, pp.203-211, 1975


4 0 0 0 人類學雜誌


3 1 0 0 OA 蝸牛考

柳田 國男
一般社団法人 日本人類学会
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.42, no.4, pp.125-135, 1927-04-25 (Released:2010-06-28)
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (ISSN:00035505)
vol.63, no.4, pp.121-127, 1954-03-27 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 1

Studies have been made since 1949 on 201 white American-Japanese and 66 Negro-Japanese hybrids in the Tokyo area and in Kanagawa Prefecture. They were all under six years of age, and their mothers were invariably Japanese. The results are as follows:(1) Blood type. The figures for B and O types respectively stand about halfway, between the corresponding figures for the two races. The racial blood index of the white American-Japanese is 2.93, showing a European type, while that of unmixed Japanese stands at 1.35 and is consistently Asiatic. The racial serologic point of the hybrids, as Figure 1 shows, stands at about the midpoint between the two races (Table 1). (2) Dermatoglyphs. Hybrids show the middle percentage of the pattern of two races (Table 2 and 3). (3) Color of skin. By comparison with Hintze's Color Table, we have ascertained that, the skin of the American-Japanese hybrids is 13% whiter than that of unmixed Japanese, and is 2.4% less white than that of white race. Namely in color, it is very near to that of whites and is almost devoid of the characteristic yellowish shade (Table 5). (5) Color and form of hair. About half (52.2%) of the American-Japanese hybrids have black hair, and 11% blond hair. The hair of 60% of the American-Japanese hybrids is straight and that of 14% slightly curled. On the whole, the hair is more wavy in form thanit is intermediate between the two races. (6) Color of iris. A majority (88%) of the American-Japanese hybrids possess a black iris, with only a minority (0.4%) having a bluiush one. It is concluded that the black color of iris is one of the most dominant hereditary factors of the Japanees race in crosses involving the white race (Table 6). (7) Mongolian fold. The Mongolian fold is found in 21.8% of the hybrid children as much as the ratio of Japanese children having the fold at the same age is 23% (Table 7). (8) Stature and weight. An examination of stature and body weight of hybrid children shows that they are about the same as Japanese children in both measurements, but are smaller and lighter than white children. The cephalic index tends near to that of white children. The curve of the nose index and the facial index transverse an intermediate zone between the ranges of both races. (9) Mental tests and deformities. The intellingence quotients are a little lower -by 5 on the average- than comparable figures for Japanese natives. In all there have been three cases of hernia, one case of syndactylism, three cases of idiocy. It is believed that such deformities have been caused through the various operation during the pregnancy.