橋本 喜輝 深澤 啓二郎 藤井 恵美 高安 定 阪上 雅史
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.98, no.2, pp.131-135, 2005-02-01
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We reviewed three cases (0.52%) of congenital anosmia without hypogonadism. None of the three cases demonstrated any response to the intravenous olfactory test, or to T & T olfactometry. Each olfactory cleft was normal with endoscopy. Biopsy of mucosa of the olfactory cleft in one of three cases showed that olfactory mucosa could not be detected in the mucosal specimen and that only respiratory mucosa was identified. Hypoplasia or lack of olfactory bulbs and sulci olfactorius was demonstrated on brain MRI in all cases, supporting a diagnosis of congenital anosmia. MRI was useful for the diagnosis of congenital anosmia without hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
稲村 和俊 川合 正和 青柳 優
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.4, pp.431-436, 1997-04-01
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Surgical treatments for postoperative maxillary cysts include the peroral method (trans-maxillary sinus method) in which the cyst wall is totally removed or conserved, and opened to the nasal cavity by incising from the gingiva, and the endonasal method in which the cyst wall is opened to the nasal cavity by the nasal approach. Recently, the endonasal method is more widely used because CT and endoscopy can be applied. Forty-two patients (56 sides) who underwent surgery for postoperative maxillary cysts in Nanyo City Hospital over the last four years were reviewed. Preoperative CT findings, surgical methods, operative findings and prognosis were analyzed. Forty-one sides were monocystic and 15 sides were multicystic. Forty-two sides were of the medial type, 4 sides were of the lateral type and 10 sides were of the mixed type. Twenty sides (35.7%), which were both monocystic and medial, were operated on by the endonasal method, while the transmaxillay sinus method was used for the remaining sicks. Though one of endonasal patients experienced a relapse of the maxillary cyst, the endonasal method was associated with less suffering and a shorter operative time than the trans-maxillary sinus method. Therefore, the endonasal method is recommended, if the postoperative maxillary cyst is both monocystic and medial.
河田 了 四ノ宮 隆 安田 範夫 久 育男 村上 泰
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.89, no.1, pp.57-61, 1996-01-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

One hundred two patients with parotid tumor were treated in the ENT Department, Kyoto Pref ectural University of Medicine between 1989 and 1994. Twenty-four of the 102 parotid tumors were Warthin's tumor (adenolymphoma). This incidence of Warthin's tumor was higher than that in any previous reports. This and other recent reports show that the incidence of Warthin's tumor has tended to increase recently, but the reason for this increase is not clear. In general, it is said that Warthin's tumor is found much more frequntly in males than in females, so we reviewed and analyzed 9 clinical cases of Warthin's tumor found in women. The average age of these women was approximately 10 years younger than that of male patients. No substantial differences were seen between male and female cases of Warthin's tumor on CT and Echo findings.
山下 勝 篠原 かおる 辻 智子 岸本 正直 大森 孝一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.7, pp.673-677, 2002-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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We treated 265 patients (270 ears) with idiopathic sudden deafness by intravenous corticosteroid hormone administration. Complete recovery occurred in 31% of patients, definite improvement in 17%, slight improvement in 19%, and no improvement in 33%. Prognostic factors for better hearing were as follows: younger age, absence of vestibular symptoms, hearing loss configuration without high tone impairment, mild initial hearing loss, and early initial treatment after onset. In the past 10 years, only three reports analyzing more than 200 patients were found in the Japanese literature. All papers reported complete recovery in approximately 30%.
向井 將 向井 千珈子 浅岡 一之
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.84, no.12, pp.1753-1762, 1991-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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We have treated 38 adults with ankyloglossia with deviation of the epiglottis and larynx.1) The patients had type III occlusion of Angle's and had irregular teeth in the upper jaw.2) The patients' chief complaints were shoulder stiffness, cold extremities, feeling of obstruction in the throat, insomnia, fatigue, snoring, irritated, dry skin, incorrect articulation and muscle cramps during physical activity, pregnancy and/or sleep.3) Correction of the ankyloglossia and deviation of the epiglottis and larynx resulted in great relief of their chief complaints as well as their respiratory function.4) In addition, patients said that they breathed more easily, could bite well, and that their joints could bend better. They also remarked that they were less angry.However there were no significant changes in their incorrect articulations.
森本 賢治 久々湊 靖 朝倉 光司 形浦 昭克
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.82, no.8, pp.1087-1094, 1989-08-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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The authors present five cases of mucormycosis of maxillary sinuses treated at Ebetsu City Hospital from May 1987 to November 1988, including a very rare case bilateral maxillary sinus involvement.The patients were treated surgically, the prognosis appeared to be good. The pertinent literature is reviewed.
小林 泰輔 暁 清文 柳原 尚明 松本 康 町田 敏之 堀内 譲治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.3, pp.321-327, 1993-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Case 1: a 59-year-old male with a one-year history of diabetes mellitus complained of right sudden deafness with vertigo. Otoneurological examinations showed sensorineural hearing loss of the right ear and bidirectional horizontal gaze nystagmus. MRI revealed infarction of the right cerebellar hemisphere indicating occlusion of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). With conservative treatment his hearing returned to the contralateral ear level. Case 2: a 49-year-old female who complained of right sudden deafness with vertigo and ipsilateral facial palsy. Audiometric studies showed total deafness on the right. Bidirectional horizontal gaze nystagmus, together with V, VII, IX and X cranial nerve palsies were recognized. CT and MRI proved infarction of the right cerebellum and pons. Her hearing improved only partially. Other neurological signs disappeared within eight months. Case 3: a 54-year-old male with a history of hypertension and angina pectoris complained of right sudden deafness with dizziness. Right sensorineural hearing loss and spontaneous nystagmus toward the left were noted. His hearing improved on the next day. Two days later, however, he lost consciousness. CT showed no abnormality, but angiography revealed occlusion of the basilar artery.These three cases showed the importance of differential diagnosis between acute hearing loss due to cerebral infarction and idiopathic sudden deafness. We emphasize the diagnostic importance of risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus and the sign of vertigo with nystagmus of central origin in cases of cerebral infarction.
宮崎 純二 松下 英友 山田 昇一郎 井之口 昭
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.97, no.8, pp.697-705, 2004-08-01 (Released:2011-10-07)
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In order to obtain a sufficient effect when instilling steroid nasal drops in patients with olfactory dysfunction, the medication must reach and be deposited into the olfactory cleft. Some head positions, such as head-down-and-backwards position, are recommended to instill drops. These positions are, however, known to be uncomfortable and can lead to poor patient compliance. Moreover, there is no clear evidence showing that nasal drops can be delivered into the olfactory cleft in these positions.In this study, we reviewed these positions by utilizing a cadaver head and performing a gravitational flow study using colored nasal drops. The results showed that when using these positions, instilled nasal drops did not reach the olfactory cleft except in limited trials. With the above-mentioned negative points in mind, we devised a new head position, on the side, head down, and found it to be both effective and comfortable for delivering nasal drops into the olfactory cleft.
熊沢 忠躬 本田 啓二
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.75, no.9, pp.1755-1766, 1982-09-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

An honorable presentation entitled “Clinical and Fundamental Studies on the Eustachian Tube” was reported at the annual meeting of Japan Society of Otolaryngology in 1980. In this presentation, the function of the Eustachian tube was discussed fundamentally and clinically, although we found that various clinical problems still remain in our practice on this tube.The following points should be considered;1) Are Eustachian tube problems functional or organic?2) The location of the lesion.3) Patency.4) Reversibility of dysfunction.5) Clearance function of fluid and air through the tube.6) Relationship between this tube and peritubal lesion in the pharyngeal ostium, tympanal ostium, parotid gland and submaxillar joint.7) Choice of therapeutic methods and evaluation of the result.When these problems are solved, the diagnosis of the Eustachian tube function will be made clearly. Tubo-tympanoaerodynamic graphy, tympanometry, cndoscopic and electromyographic findings will be useful for this purpose. Physical and anatomical research should also be performed.
桧 学 中西 和仁 岸本 誠司 牛尾 信也 北村 溥之 東辻 英郎 林 正彦 玉城 進 上原 範子 松浦 健次郎 西条 秀明
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.74, no.4special, pp.537-563, 1981 (Released:2011-11-04)

におい刺激でおこるめまいの機序を明かにし, その診断法, 治療法を開発する目的で一連の検査が行われ, 次の成果がえられた.(1) におい負荷平衡試験を考案した. この検査では, アリナミン (Diallyl sulfide) 溶液2ml (10mg) のアンプルより1mlをとり出し, それをしみこませた綿花 (1cm3) を被検者の鼻孔前1cmの箇所におき, 口を軽くとぢ, 安静呼吸で60秒間鼻呼吸を命ずる. 刺激中止後10分で愁訴, とくにめまいの変動を問診で確かめ, 各種平衡機能検査で客観化する.(2) (1) で述べた検査を正常成人に実施したがめまいの誘発や平衡失調の出現はなかった. しかし, 頭頸部外傷によるめまい例に施行すると, 次の成績がえられた.1) 受傷後, ある種のにおい物質に過敏となり, それを嗅ぐとめまいをおこした経験のあるものにのみ上述の平衡試験は陽性所見を示した.2) におい負荷平衡試験が陽性所見を示したものはすべて“アドレナリン負荷平衡試験; 桧, 他”が陽性所見を示した. この際, 両者の平衡試験で誘発される平衡失調は, その潜時, その形において相似する傾向を示し, 何れも delayed response を示す傾向が強かった.3) におい刺激で誘発される平衡失調型は病巣の局在と密接に相関した.4) 上肢小脳症状検査で陽性所見を示したものはにおい負荷平衡試験が陽性であることが多く, かつ前者の症状がつよいものほど後者の試験の陽性頻度が高かった.5) 我々が発表した“心因性めまい検出を意図した平衡試験”でA型平衡失調 (心身症型) を示すものは, におい負荷平衡試験で陽性所見をうることが多かった. しかし, A型平衡失調を示すものでも後者の平衡試験が陰性のものもあり, B型平衡失調 (非心身症型) を呈するものでも後者の平衡試験が陽性であることが少なくなかった.6) におい刺激で誘発されるめまい. 平衡失調の治療には cloxazolam (Benzodiazepime 系 minor tranquilizer) は効果がある. しかし, 小脳機能異常を有する例ではその効果を期待しがたい.以上の成績とこれまでにえた動物実験の成績より次の結論をのべた.(1) におい刺激でめまいが誘発される機序のうち, 大脳辺縁系 (とくに扁桃核) 中にふくまれる交感成分の活動性亢進は重要な因子である.(2) におい刺激で誘発されるめまいの機序のうち, 小脳は primary neural element ではない. しかし, その何れかの神経要素に作用し, 機能異常を助長して, におい刺激によるめまい・平衡失調の出現に促進的役割を果す.(3) 心身症によるめまいの機序とにおい刺激で誘発されるめまいの機序は overlap し, 相互に影響を与える可能性はあるが, それぞれの機序が独立した面をもつことを肯定すべきである.(4) 中枢神経系の交感神経成分の活動性抑制を目的とする操作はこの種めまい. 平衡失調の治療法として有用性がある.
大川 正直 一色 信彦
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.93, no.10, pp.867-878, 2000-10-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The glottal flow efficiency (GFE), defined as alternating current component/direct current component of glottal air flow, or AC/DC by Isshiki, and the glottal power efficiency (GPE), defined as acoutic glottal power/aerodynamic glottal power by van den Berg were studied to compare the flow rate, vocal intensity, subglottal pressure, and glottal area.The GFE was found to be a good indicator of the glottal area and vocal fold stiffness, while the GPE was not a good indicator because the noise produced at the glottic also contained acoustic energy.The drawback of the GFE was its inability to correctly reflect the glottal condition, when the air flow provided for phonation was at an unusually low rate or the vocal intensity was at an extremely low level.The critical GFE value indicating a complete glottal closure was estimated at around 50.

1 0 0 0 OA 構音障害

相野田 紀子
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.80, no.11, pp.1643-1645, 1987-11-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
平田 智也 石永 一 竹内 万彦
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.113, no.12, pp.775-780, 2020

<p>Inflammatory pseudotumor is a benign disease that is histopathologically characterized by the presence of non-specific chronic inflammatory cells. Clinically, these tumors often show neoplastic growth, and it is difficult to differentiate them from neoplastic lesions by imaging findings alone. Inflammatory pseudotumors have been found to occur at various sites, but are rarely found in the head and neck region. Although surgical excision and steroid therapy are effective, no evidence has been established yet. We report a case of an inflammatory pseudotumor that occurred in the cheeks.</p><p>A 51-year-old man with right cheek swelling and pain had visited a local physician a month earlier and antibiotics had been prescribed. Since the symptoms did not improve, CT was performed as an aid to diagnosis, and an abscess or neoplastic lesion was suspected in the cheek. Cytologic examination revealed many neutrophils and histiocytes, but no evidence of malignancy. MRI showed an abscess in the masseter muscle with spread of the inflammation to the surrounding tissues. Antibiotics and steroid therapy were initiated and the swelling diminished in size. When the steroid was withdrawn, the swelling enlarged again. Therefore, inflammatory pseudotumor, non-epithelial tumor, and malignant lymphoma were considered in the differential diagnosis. An excisional biopsy was performed and the diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumor was established. A subset of the cells was positive for IgG4, but there was no definitive evidence of IgG4-related diseases.</p><p>Treatment of inflammatory pseudotumors includes surgical resection, steroid therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy; the efficacy of steroid therapy has been reported for inflammatory pseudotumors in the head and neck region. Although evidence has still not been established, steroid maintenance therapy is effective for preventing recurrence. The patient is currently receiving steroid maintenance therapy on an outpatient basis, and has shown no evidence of recurrence of the inflammatory pseudotumor.</p>
高木 繁 中村 善久 鈴木 元彦 伊藤 博隆 村上 信五 西村 穣 植田 恭弘
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.93, no.10, pp.879-885, 2000-10-01
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The clinical effect of cetirizine hydrochloride on Japanese cedar pollen allergy patients was analyzed by compairing treatment before the start of the pollen season and treatment after the pollen had been scattered.<br>1. Based on the symptom-medication score method, treatment before the pollen season shows a significantly lower value than that of treatment within one or two weeks after the pollen had been scattered.<br>2. Analysis also revealed that this medication relieved nasal symptoms, even in cases, occurring after the season had started.<br>3. Cetirizine hydrochloride was an effective initial treatment for the clinical effects of Japanese cedar pollen allergic reactions.<br>These results suggest that cetirizine hydrochloride is useful for the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis.
石丸 正 作本 真 長山 郁生 古川 仭
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.11, pp.1489-1494, 1994-11-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

We usually use 6 frequencies, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz, in conventional pure tone audiometry. When these 6 points do not show hearing loss, our clinical diagnosis is no hearing loss. If the hearing loss is not located in the clinical 6 frequencies, we cannot detect it.The authors diagnosed 6000 Hz-dip type acute hearing loss in a 43-year-old male with tinnitus. We measured the hearing levels at 6 frequencies and found no hearing loss. The pitch of his tinnitus was 6000 Hz, so we measured the hearing levels at 4 other frequencies (800, 1500, 3000 and 6000 Hz) and detected a 6000 Hz-dip.Steroid treatment cured both the tinnitus and the 6000 Hz-dip hearing loss.When hearing loss occurs at a frequency other than the conventional pure tone audiometric frequencies, a mistaken diagnosis of no hearing loss is made. If the patient complains of tinnitus, the clinician should investigate the pitch and measure the hearing level near the frequency of the tinnitus. This is a useful method of discovering narrow diptype acute hearing loss.
大森 孝一 藤村 真太郎 水野 佳世子
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.114, no.1, pp.1-10, 2021 (Released:2021-01-01)

Digital transformation (DX) was a term proposed by Stolterman et al., who stated that the ongoing development of information technology could be of service to better people’s lives. DX is reshaping interactions between health professionals and patients, decisions about treatment plans, and medical outcomes. Based on key trends from big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and next-generation communication, DX offers the hope for better medical care of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and welfare for patients. Big data aggregates information about electronic medical records, insurance receipts, patients’ registries, genome/omics, and biological information from wearable devices. AI health programs enable automatic analysis of endoscopic images, CT images, MR images, and voice data to enable diseases to be diagnosed by machine learning of the inputs gathered from thousands of data sets. Next-generation 5G communication is expected to enable smooth telemedicine with little delay, such as for hearing aid fitting and cochlear implant mapping. Telerobotic surgery has also been reported. Emerging digital technologies will change the face of otolaryngological medical care.
下郡 博明
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.114, no.1, pp.65-69, 2021 (Released:2021-01-01)

This study was performed to analyze the characteristics of patients with a definitive diagnosis of mumps outside the sentinel surveillance population. Patients aged 15 years or older who visited the otolaryngology department of Yamaguchi Rosai Hospital between October 2015 and April 2017 were included. A definitive diagnosis of mumps was obtained in 8 patients, based on the detection of mumps-specific IgM antibody in the blood. There were 4 male and 4 female patients, ranging in age from 16 to 44 years, with a mean age of 31.4 years. None of the 8 patients had received mumps vaccination. In regard to the swelling of the salivary glands, a single swelling was observed in 4 patients and multiple swellings in the remaining 4 patients. The most commonly affected salivary gland was the left parotid gland (7/8 patients; 87.5%). The complications included hearing loss in 2 of 8 patients, and vertigo and orchitis in one patient each. There were no significant differences in the peripheral blood white blood cell count, serum CRP level, or antibody index between the patients with and without complications. However, the serum amylase level was statistically significantly higher in patients with complications than in those without complications, suggesting the possibility that elevated serum amylase may be marker of the development of complications.
内藤 健晴 堀部 智子 堀部 晴司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.100, no.4, pp.241-250, 2007-04-01 (Released:2011-10-07)

Pharyngeal flap construction surgery is a treatment for velopharyngeal incompetence in cleft palate children. Velopharyngeal incompetence is a major cause of dysphemia. In our department, we assessed velopharyngeal competence in 382 cases from 1992 to 2006 by inspection of the soft palate length or movement, lateral view of X-ray, aerodynamic study, nasometry and naso-pharyngeal fiberscopic examination, and evaluated incompetence in 88 cases. In 22 of the 88, we perfomed pharyngeal flap construction because of failed speech therapy. Usually, palatal re-push back was combined with pharyngeal flap construction and we had a satisfactory postoperative course. We should pay attention to the conceivable complications of the operation, such as mouth breathing, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, underdevelopment and otitis media with effusion. Speech therapy has to be still required although these patients have received surgery for velopharyngeal incompetence.