佐井 至道 Shido SAI
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.23, no.2, pp.104-121, 1996-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

In practical sample surveys, stratified sampling is widely used to estimate population parameters with high precision. Although point estimation for a population mean was investigated from all viewpoints, interval estimation has not been sufficiently studied. This paper is concerned with several kinds of confidence intervals based on stratified random samples. Firstly we propose a confidence interval procedure for the population mean that uses Student's t-distribution, and also show that t-statistic can be constructed from stratified random sample when the objective variable is normal distributed in each stratum and the sample is drawn with Neyman allocation(the optimum allocation). If this sample allocation method is not used, the confidence interval is improved using Satterthwaite approximation for the distribution of the statistic unless the strata are terribly skew. In the difficult situation, we obtain the aid of the nonparametric bootstrap method. The coverage probabilities and some other properties for all methods considered in this paper are investigated through the simulation study for some theoritical distributions and actualdata.
金原 進
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.15, no.1, pp.60-70, 1987-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

This paper is a report on the history of entrance examinations for national public service, from 1949 to the present. Examinations for public service in Japan are aimed at appointing new graduates in the given year. An examination consists of a written test and an oral interview which is designed to evaluate whether applicants have the appropriate quality. The competency of the applicants are also evaluated in terms of the potentiality of their career promotion.The method of the written examinations is considered to be adequate, although the method for administering the oral interview needs some inprovement.
平間 一樹 横田 賀英子 大塚 祐輔 藤村 光 渡邉 和美 和智 妙子
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.1, pp.1-15, 2021 (Released:2021-11-10)

Many studies have indicated that most crimes occur close to an offender's home. However, recent studies demonstrated that substantial Journey-to-crime Distance (JtcD) variation was observed at the inter-offender level. This study aimed to examine whether the relationship between a central point calculated from a distribution of crime sites (Center of Minimum Distance: CMD) and each crime site and the crime scene characteristics (students vs. other victims and indoor vs. outdoor settings) could explain the variation in JtcD at the inter- and intra-offender level. The data comprised 222 serial sexual offenders who committed seven or more offenses from 2003 to 2015 in Japan. The analyses of generalized linear mixed modeling showed that the CMD model constructed from the relationship between CMD and each crime site accounted for 47.9% of intra-offender variance in JtcD compared to the random intercept model. Additionally, when crime scene characteristics are included in the CMD model, the model accounted for 35.6% inter-offender variance in JtcD compared to the random intercept model. These findings indicated that the substantial variation in JtcD was explained by the relationship between CMD and each crime site and the crime scene characteristics, but the extent of this influence varied between offenders.
宮原 英夫 清水 和彦
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.2, pp.121-126, 2018 (Released:2019-04-26)

Chikio Hayashi has conducted a variety of medical research throughout the wholecourse of his life and made many remarkable achievements in the field of medicine. Dur-ing his long carrier, he always noticed: “In clinical medicine we, the researchers, have tokeep in mind that we are not merely dealing with numbers or things, but we are dealingwith human life which is a part of society. They are people, patients who suffer fromdiseases. Therefore, in statistical analysis of clinical data, researchers have to considerthat these data were taken from human life.” In this paper, we have tried to followDr. Hayashi’s footprints and focus on his initial interest in clinical medical researchin the early 1950’s to the establishment of his methodology, “data science” in the late20th century. First, we reviewed the times he engaged in medical studies along withother specialists of medicine. Secondly, we reviewed the times he rebuilt the concepts of“risk factors” which has been used traditionally in clinical medicine from the patients’point of view. Lastly, we shed light on how Dr. Hayashi’s methodology, “data science”is suitable for dealing with complex problems in clinical medicine.
飽戸 弘
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.2, pp.75-84, 2018 (Released:2019-04-26)

Last year, in 2017, The Behaviormetric Society conducted a symposium entitled “Behaviormetrika and Dr.Chikio Hayashi—Celebrating his 100 years from his birthday—.” This essay was revised and enlarged edition of my lecture at that symposium. In this essay, I tried to describe and analyze why Dr.Hayashi's methods, including “Idea of Quantification” and “Quantification theories” were so widely accepted and highly evaluated in many fields of academic societies, and influenced many areas of human societies. On group of “Quantification Theories”, the author has opinions that “Quantification Theory Family Ⅳ and Family Ⅵ” are specially unique and superb, hence contribute to policy decisions and social life in many ways. So, the author discussed on these two models, introducing several interesting research examples. On the naming for “Quantification theories” by myself, Use and Up-use of naming were discussed, which made clear Dr.Hayashi's intentions of developing his theories and methods. Finally, the author picking up especially MDA-OR and MDA-UO by Dr.Hayashi, tried to discuss the unique and useful models of MDS, Multi-Dimensional-Scaling.
大沢 武志
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.15, no.1, pp.53-59, 1987-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

“To hire or not to hire” To answer this question depends on the applicants' aptitude, or the quality as a member of a Japanese family-like business corporation. In the employee selection, psychological tests help for the understanding of the applicants' personalities. Psychological tests are not expected to be the tools for estimation of the aptitude for a specific job, such as clerical work, sales engineering, etc. Rather, they are used for better understanding of the applicants'total quality as a business person or an engineer. As a selection tool, psychological tests should be well constructed so as to make applicants feel that they are fairly treated. Psychological tests have been considered as more fair and efficient than other methods like oral examination or interview. And thus, they have taken a dominant role in the employee selection in Japanese business industry.
佐野 孝 國土 将平
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.173-185, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

The aim of this study was to understand the movement difficulty in squat vault to examine the order and content of instructions given for the technique. Participants comprised of 241 children (116 boys and 125 girls) from 5th and 6th grades. Each participant performed squat vaults while their movements were observed and recorded from the left and front side. The movements were assessed using the observation criterion while the difficulty parameters and ability estimates were obtained by applying the partial credit model of Item Response Theory. From this data, the relation between ability estimation value and achievement of the technique, and order of the instruction contents were examined. The research conclusions were as follows:1) The evaluation based on the observational evaluation criteria reflects the difference in the degree of achievement of the skill.2) Considering the movement difficulty in squat vault, we can teach the skill in the following order: “weight transfer by arm support,”“hip rise by bouncing crossing,” “throwing arms forward and crouching forward,” “majestic jumping and stable landing,” and “turning back to backward rotation.”
石橋 敬介 伴 正隆 尾崎 幸謙
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.89-97, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

We propose a model that consider the stage of purchase decision making by dividing it into deciding whether to purchase and deciding how many products to purchase. For this purpose, we used a hurdle model that combines a binomial logit model and a Poisson regression model. The hurdle model is suitable for analyzing zero-inflated data. In our analysis, we incorporated marketing variables in each model and compared which stage the marketing variables affect more. We compare several models using WAIC and show that the proposed model is superior. Results from the proposed model can be used for sales promotion activities targeted at individual consumers.
丹 亮人 岡田 謙介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.211-225, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

Cognitive diagnostic models (CDMs) are a class of statistical models that diagnose the mastery of respondents' cognitive traits, which are called attributes or skills. In the typical applications of CDMs, the Q-matrix, which represents which attributes are measured by each item, is specified by domain experts. In the case of dichotomous attributes, the impacts of Q-matrix misspecification on the classification accuracy have recently been studied; however, the case of polytomous attributes has not been reported. Therefore, in the present study, we examined how the difference between true and misspecified Q-matrix elements affects classification accuracy under four forms of attribute hierarchies. It was revealed that, in most conditions, larger difference between true and misspecified values resulted in lower classification accuracy. The impact of misspecification was the largest under the linear form of attribute hierarchy, which could be due to its smaller number of items that measure attribute levels. These results suggest that the number of items assigned to each attribute levels can be a key factor that affects the classification accuracy, especially when the degree of misspecification is large.
福地 幸文
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.77-88, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

This empirical study examines the changes in life insurance buying behavior caused by the Spanish influenza pandemic in Japan. We use panel data from the 47 Japanese prefectures during the years 1914-1922 to perform a regression analysis. By employing dummy variables, we demonstrate, that the Spanish influenza outbreak prompted life insurance buying behavior in 1919. In addition, a separate regression analysis using differences in mortality rates provides a glimpse at how social stability is the foundation of the life insurance business.
岡田 陽介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.1, pp.17-25, 2017

<p>This study sheds light on the effect of non-verbal information on impression for politician, and tested whether voice pitch influenced perceptions of politicians. In the experiment, we manipulated voice pitch of recordings of the debate by nine political party leaders and asked participants their impressions (favorableness and trustworthiness). We found that while lower-pitched voices increase favorableness and trustworthiness in politicians' image, higher-pitched voices negatively effect on these images, particularly on trustworthiness. </p>
椿 広計
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.1, pp.37-39, 2017 (Released:2017-12-01)

The author generally agrees with the comments by Professor Shigemasu from statistical viewpoints, however, he also wants concrete bridging approaches between statistics and soft computing by using ordered categorical statistical models, subjective transformation of multi-variate probability measures for decision with multi-stakeholders, statistical decision methods with robustness against the deviation from the current probability distribution in future and so on.
林 文 田中 愛治
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.23, no.1, pp.10-19, 1996

In this article, we are examining the data of5different sets of interview and telephone surveys, which were conducted by Yomiuri Newspaper from May 1994 through January 1995. In each sets, both telephone and interview survey data were collected with the identical sampling design, on the same interviewing dates and at the same interview points. According to our comparative examination, demographic distribution of the samples did not differ significantly from telephone surveys to interview surveys, but the response pattern were clearly different on some questions. Therefore, it can tentatively be concluded that the different response patterns between the two interview methods are most likely due to the interview environment created by telephones as media of interview. As these findings could only be obtained through an empirical examination, we need to continue our empirical examination and comparison of this new survey method.
三浦 麻子 小林 哲郎
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018

<p>This study investigated the influence of satisficing on response behavior in online surveys. We compared online response data to psychological scales and logical thinking tasks conducted by an online survey company and a crowd sourcing service. In previous studies, satisficing was found to be more likely to occur among online survey monitors than among crowd sourcing service contributors. Results of the present study replicated it and showed that satisficing in terms of inattentively reading items significantly damages the integrity of psychological scales. On the other hand, it was also found that the influence of satisficing in terms of inattentively reading instructions carefully can be reduced by raising respondents' awareness. Those conducting online surveys should discuss taking active measures to minimize satisficing. </p>
末廣 徹 武田 浩一 神津 多可思 竹村 敏彦
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.45, no.1, pp.49-58, 2018 (Released:2018-11-03)

In this paper, we analyze the current inflation perceptions, the formation mechanism of the 5-year inflation expectations, and their heterogeneity by gender and age with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on “Survey on consciousness of individual investors” conducted in February 2016. We find that 1) if the current anxiety, which is a latent variable related to anxiety about the current Japanese economy and the state of household, is higher, the current inflation perceptions become higher; 2) the current inflation perceptions also affect the 5- year inflation expectations; and 3) “future anxiety” doesn't directly affect inflation expectations. 4) If the “future anxiety” become stronger, the inflation expectations are boosted through “current anxiety” and inflation perceptions. 5) Young people and elderly people have higher inflation perceptions. This U-shaped tendency could be explained by their strong “current anxiety.” 6) Inflation expectations tend to be higher in the 50s and 60s regardless of their strong future and current anxiety. 7) Male's inflation perceptions tend to be low, but another analysis shows that there is no gender difference in inflation expectations.
岩崎 学
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.24, no.2, pp.161-189, 1997-09-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

We are now observing quick and vast development of new non-linear methods for data analysis such as chaos and neural network in various scientific research fields. Those methods are also regarded as basic tools for the analysis in a still vaguely-defined research area called“complexity”It can be said that the development of such non-linear methodologies is no doubt inspired by recent rapid progress of high-speed computing facilities and graphical representation devices. The aim of the present article is two-fold. The first is to give a review of some recent development of chaos and artificial neural network(ANN)from a statistical viewpoint. Fundamental ideas and main features of chaos and ANN are shown with some illustrations of computer simulation. The second thing is, on the basis of past development of such methodologies, to mention some research topics which would be carried out near future in behaviormetrics and also in statistics, although such collection is of the author's personal view. In bibliography given at the end of the present article, research articles and review papers concerning non-linear methods appeared in main statistical journals after 1990 were collected and shown with short comments. Publications upon“complexity”for academic as well as for general readers are also listed. The list would be helpful for the reader to understand the basic idea of complexity and also to proceed his/her own research as well.
光永 悠彦 柳井 晴夫 西川 浩昭 佐伯 圭一郎 亀井 智子 松谷 美和子 奥 裕美 村木 英治
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.41, no.1, pp.17-34, 2014 (Released:2015-03-10)

Background: As Japanese nursing colleges increasingly require common criteria for assessing practical nursing ability prior to entering clinical hospital practice, it is important to construct a test item bank that can facilitate the evaluation of multiple domains. However, ordinal IRT models, such as the 2 parameter logistic model (2PL), operate under the assumption of unidimensionality, preventing application to comprehensive testing of multiple domains. Method: We conducted a computer-based test with items from 20 domains, classified into three areas: (1) basic medicine, (2) basic nursing, and (3) clinical nursing. About 780 students answered items, which were applied to common-item design and calibrated item parameters using two strategies; the first strategy assumed one-factor model for each area, the second strategy assumed unidimensionality by domain. Conclusion: For constructing an item bank, estimating item parameters by domain results in larger test information and more appropriate parameter estimates than estimating parameters by area.
西山 悦子
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.28, no.2, pp.44-49, 2001 (Released:2009-04-07)

Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) shows a rapid spread in Medicine and its related fields. The basic view of EBM is being proliferated not only in medicine but also in the field of nursing as well as other medically-related fields. In fact, it is fast becoming the big pillar of medical science.In the present paper, Evidence-based Nursing in Nursing Science is introduced, and the relation between nursing and EBM, the concept of EBN, the Practice of EBN, and the present and future of EBN are discussed through a practice example.
高橋 正樹
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.31, no.2, pp.107-124, 2004-09-30
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林知己夫氏の御存命中, 1990年代より「木曜会」と称する勉強会が開かれていた。初めは渋谷の桜ヶ丘にあった林事務所, 後に参加メンバーが増えると統計数理研究所で, 月一回程度のペースで数名から十数名が集まって, 林氏の数々の研究を若手が勉強したり, 逆に若手の研究発表を林氏を中心に皆で自由にコメントしあったりする会合であった. 本記事は, その中で開かれた公開のインタビューのひとつを採録したものである。特に, 高橋正樹氏(当時, 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程在学)の発案と司会により, 2001年4月7日に統計数理研究所内で実施したのであるが, この会合では前後全部で3回の公開インタビューを行っている. このインタビューでは, あらかじめ林氏にいくつかの質間事項を提示しておき, それを基に戦後日本の社会調査や統計学の様相とともに, 林氏自身の統計および科学に対する哲学を語っていただいた. なお, このインタビューでのテープを高橋氏が文章に起こしものを, 林氏自身が目を通し, テープの余白部分の追加, 加筆, 録音時に不明だった点や表現, 人名の確認などといった修正, 補足をされている. 今回の採録にあたり, 読者の便宜を図って, 高橋氏が文章化に必要な修正, 補足と小見出しや注釈を付した. さらにその原稿に吉野が目を通して, 必要最低限の修正を加えた. 注釈については, 語られたことの背景事情などを高橋氏が調べたものである. 全体を通して, 本誌の編集委員として吉野が目を通しているが, 不適切もしくは不十分な表現などが見られるとすれば, ご容赦いただきたい.