千成 俊夫
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.34, no.1, pp.125-143, 1985-11-25

The National Executive Board of Music Educators National Conference adopted the following goals for MENC at its July meeting in 1984. 1. By 1990, every student, K-12, shall have access to music instruction in school. 2. By 1990, every high school require at least one Carnegie unit of credit in the arts for graduation. 3. By 1990, every college and University shall require at least one Carnegie unit of credit in the arts for admission. MENC President Paul R. Lehman commented that, "I believed that these goals are reasonable and, in most schools, achievable." He called the first goal "the essence of MENC's agenda" and vowed that MENC would pursue that objective vigorously and persitently. "We can take advantage of the nations current enthusiasm for excellence to make dramatic progress toward these goals," he said, but warned that the goals impose special responsibilities on music educators. As is generally known, the Crisis in Music Education in the United States happened in 1981. For the sake of the federal government budget cuts signed into law by President Regan in the August, hundreds of music education position have been eliminated. The cuts affected school budgets and when school budgets are cut, music program and personnel used to be often one of the first to be proposed for curtailment or elimination. In the preceding treatise, an overview of the music curricula innovation movements of the United States was presented. As the conclusion of the study, writer could condense the basic idea of the music curricula innovation movements to such slogan "Music for every child, every child for music." In this treatise, concerning the realization of the slogan, this writer tried to explain the American music educators activities and endeavors under the previously stated crisis in music education. Second, in addition, the ideas and methods which have been supporting American music educators were examined. To put it concretely, the ideas and methods are embodied in the so-called Comprehensive music program and General music program. We can say the both, CMP and GMP, are the products of the Curriculum Innovations of Music Education in the United States of America.
川那部 和恵
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.57, no.1, pp.191-198, 2008-10

Nous conservons quelques centaines de textes du theatre profane qui ont ete ecrits et joues en France a la fin du Moyen Age et au deut de la Renaissance. Un si grand nombre de survivances erites peuvent teoigner que ce genre etait alors tres florissant et qu'il convenait fort aux exigences de son epoque. Mais comme c'est souvent le cas dans l'histoire, un genre qui a connu une grande vogue sociale perd sa raison d'etre, une fois son temps passe. Et de fait, depuis le milieu du XVIe siecle, la representation du theatre profane comme sa redaction commencent a devenir de moins en moins actives et ne tardent pas a disparaltre du devant de la scene historique. Il n'a pu suivre les courants du temps nouveau qui allait se modernisant, en pleine Renaissance; ce qui est a l'origine de sa disparition. C'est ainsi une tache importante de replacer ce genre dans le contexte historique pour mettre en lumiere la situation concrete dans laquelle il etait en pleine prosperite. Dans cet article, nous allons donner une vue d'ensemble des circonstances de representation, a cette epoque, du theatre profane, en faisant le point respectivement de l'occasion et du lieu de representation, de l'acteur, de l'auteur et du public, apres avoir passe l'etat actuel des etudes.
川那部 和恵
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.97-106, 2004-10-29

On voit dans la fleur de la nature des aspects contradictoires : sa vie est ephemere, mais en même temps eterneile car, avec le retour du printemps, elle bourgeonne et eclore chaque annee pour toujours. Liee au monde naturel par sa fragilite, et au surnaturel par son eternite, I'image de Ia fleur concerne deux espaces radicalement opposes, l'un profane et l'autre sacre. Arnoul Greban et Zeami, pour l'un Ia fleur s'identifie a l'amour de Dieu(espace sacre), et pour l'autre, a la beaute artistique de l'acteur (space profane), ont tous deux essaye, chacun renvoyant son regard vers l'autre espace, d'etablir les relations paisibles et harmonieuses entre ces deux espaces, evoques dans leurs fleurs respectives. Dans le Mvstere de la Fassion, la fleur designant la Sainte Famille- Dieu Ie Pere, Marie et Jesus- est situee dans la Nativite. L'Incarnation suggere le mariage de Dieu avec la femme humaine ainsi que l'idee de "Dieu et homme" de leur Fils, dont la mission est de reconcilier Dieu avec l'homme par sa Redemption. Tout ceci concourt a representer l'image unificatrice entre Ie Ciel et la Terre. La fieur des Traites, a laquelle doit viser l'acteur, peut se traduire par trois phases variees suivant les periodes de la redaction. A la premiere periode, la fleur tient a la beaute exterieure dependant de l'art corporel, tandis qu'elle cherche a s'eiever a la seconde periode a un milieu transcendant de vide par l'interiorisation du mouvement, On y observe donc le passage du profane au sacre. Mais a la derniere periode, au bout du depassement, cette fleur revient a sa premiere etape. Ainsi revolue, la fleur de Zeami, ou se rejoignent maintenant le sacre et 1e profane, finit par rencontrer celle de Greban. Malgre la difference de processus, les deux auteurs, fondes sur le même regard extra-frontiere, ont une même vision d'harmoniser ies deux mondes opposes, et l'ont realisee dans l'image ambivalente de la fleur, soit par l'intervention de Ia grace divine, soit par la quate de la beaute artistique.
高野 真澄
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.25, no.1, pp.p79-100, 1976-12

2゜Le developpement des partis politiques. III Les formes des deviations -La democratisation du regime representatif- 1゜《 Le gouvernement semi - representatif 》dans la vie politique 2゜ Le gouvernement representatif dualiste. La reforme du 6 novembre 1962 -L'election du President par le suffrage universel direct 3゜ Le gouvernement semi - direct La nation institue des representants, il y a donc des assemblees, mais sur les questions les plus importantes, et notamment en matiere legislative, le peuple se reserve le pouvoir de decision. Applications du referendum: (1) Le referendum constitutionnel (2) En matiere de lois ordinaires. Conclusion
高野 真澄
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.24, no.1, pp.p77-97, 1975-11

Introduction: Avant 1875, la France n' avait connu que le regime representatif cree en l789, exprime par la constitution de 1791 aussi bien que par la constitution cle I'an VIII. I Les principes constitutionnels du regime representatif depuis la IIIe Republique' 1 ゜La constitution de 1875 et le regime representatif. 2 ゜Les constitutions de 1946, 1958 et le regime representatif. La theorie formulee par la Constituante revolutionnaire n'a pas ete expressemerrt abandonnee, comme en temoigne, par exemple, la prohibition du mandat imperatif. II La democratie representative moderne 1 ゜Le developpement de la democratie et le jeu du suffrage universel ont conduit le peuple a revendiquer un role plus decisif que celui qui etait le sien dans la representation du type classique. La pratique politique moclerne tend a donner au corps des citoyens une influence determinante sur les decisions cles assemblees representatives, notamment dans le role du peuple, le sens de l'operation electorale.
杉村 健 多喜 裕美
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.39, no.1, pp.p123-136, 1990-11

The purpose of this study was to examine developmental changes in the hierarchical relations of natural concepts. A total of 24 questions such as "Is a X a kind of Ys? were provided for the higher-middle, the middle-lower, and the higher-lower relations in the two natural concepts: living thing/fish and bird/gold fish and pigeon, and food/fruit and vegetable/banana and cabbage. Half the questions represented correct inclusion relations such as "Is a bird a kind of living things?" and the remaining ones represented incorrect inclusion relations such as "Is a living thing a kind of birds?" Forty-seven kindergartners, 85 second-, 99 forth- and 123 sixth-graders were required to answer the 24 questions by "Yes" or "No". Correct scores. (1) The scores were about the same for the kindergartners and the second graders, and increased from the forth to sixth graders. (2) The scores of correct questions were high even in the kindergartners and did not change with grades by the forth graders, whereas those of incorrect questions were low in the kindergartners and increased with grades. (3) The scores of foods were higher than those of living things for the forth and the sixth graders but for the kindergartners and the second graders the two scores did not significantly differ. (4) The scores of correct questions were significantly higher than those of incorrect questions in the middle-lower relations, but the two scores were about the same in the higher-middle and the higher-lower relations. Response patterns. (1) For the correct questions the percentages of the subjects who showed the correct answers in the three relations (○○○ pattern) were larger for the foods than for the living things, whereas the reverse was true for the incorrect questions. (2) The percentages of the subjects who showed the ○○○ pattern both in the correct and incorrect questions were very small in the kindergartners and the lower graders. Even for the sixth garders the percentages were 44.7 for the foods and 35.0 for the living things.
牧野 英三
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.18, no.1, pp.89-108, 1969-11

Jukai (ceremony for giving commandments of Buddhism) is held twice during" the whole Shunie function-about two o'clock in the morning on the 1st of March, and right before Jikjddsaho (rite performed at the dining hall) observed on the 8th of'March. Nearly the same thing is done on these two occasions. Wajo receives commandments from Binzurusonja in a most solemn manner and the other members are likewise given by Wajo commandments to be followed till the end of the Shunie function. While these rites are being performed, varius Shomyo (pl.) are recited, Wajo acting as leader. Most of these Shomyo are Hyohakumon whose contents are derived from the aforesaid commandments. The compass of voice applied is small, and the melody taken up is almost akin to that usually adopted for narration. Jikidosaho is the rite held at the Jikido (dining hall) before and after the meal which begins at about half past eleven o'clock every day. In this rite, Daidoshi and Dotsukasa taking the lead, various Shomyo (pl.) are recited. The nuclear parts of these Shomyo consist of Jinbun and Kaku, and are similar to the "Daidoshi-no-Inori" (prayers by Daidoshi) offered during the Goya period. It is to be noted, however, that here in this Kaku, Daidoshi and Dotsukasa alternately give their recitation. For about thirty minutes do these leaders offer their supplications, and thereafter the meal is eaten. These prayers are said for the sake of every citizen of Japan-from the Emperors down to the masses--of all ages, for the welfare of the whole country, for the comfortable life of all the people, for everybody's peaceful death and admission into paradice, and so forth. The melody" adopted here is very much like that taken up in the case of Jukai.
桜井 茂男
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.37, no.1, pp.149-154, 1988-11-25

The purpose of this study was to construct a Japanese edition of the multidimensional scale of empathy developed by Davis (1983) and to investigate the relationship between empathy and helping behavior. The multidimensional scale of empathy consisting of four subscales, i.e. perspective-taking, fantasy, empathic concern, and personal distress, was translated into Japanese and it was adminstrated to 87 college students. The validity of this scale was ensured by the relation to the emotional empathy scale developed by Kato and Takagi (1980). Helping behavior was measured by taking part in psychological experiment. No relations between them were significant and is was discussed mainly from the point of "diffusion of responsibility.
上村 盛人
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.35, no.1, pp.p29-42, 1986-11

When Swinburne published his Poems and Ballads, Second Series in 1878, this new book of poems was received warmly with high estimation. Critics have for long regarded this book as 'the finest of his volumes of poems.' Most of the poems it contains had been composed and published previously, but Swinburne spent time on 'arranging them in proper order' and tried to give consistency to his new book of collected poems. "The Last Oracle," the first poem in the volume, is important because in this poem the poet states the idea of immortality of art. And Swinburne tries to express this idea throughout the whole volume. In the second poem, "In the Bay," the poet sings mainly about Marlowe and Shelley who `first clove the thought-unsounded sea' and joined and became the shining star that gives immortal light of art for the people to come. The whole theme, however, of the next poem, "A Forsaken Garden," is the mutability of human affections, the erosion of time and the destructive force of death. At this point, we know the two main themes of this volume, that is, immortality of Art (Poetry) and all-conquering Death (Time). Swinburne writes about Art (Poetry) and Death (Time) in the poems that follow, that is, "Relics," "At a Month's End," "Sestina," "The Year of the Rose," "A Wasted Vigil," "The Complaint of Lisa" and "For the Feast of Giordano Bruno." In "Ave atque Vale," an elegy for Charles Baudelaire, Swinburne contemplates the relation between Art and Death and recognizes that immortal Art survives Death and he reaches the understanding that though 'death cancels his (i. e., Baudelaire's) life for ever,... he is glorified in those that follow, and Apollo, the lord of all light and source of all lights (i.e., poets), lives only if men live.' A specific feature of the second series of Poems and Ballads is Swinburne's interest in Francois Villon. Swinburne found in this 'Poet, Pickpurse and Pimp' as well as 'Master Thief' 'the greatest singer' who sang a new immortal song emitting Apollo's shining light in the dark. To Swinburne, Villon was as great a tragic singer as Sappho. Poems and Ballads, Second Series contains many excellent poems in which Swinburne states dexterously his theory of l'art pour i'art.
川本 崇雄
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.24, no.1, pp.p1-16, 1975-11

Some of the most interesting etymologies in this part may be the following: kaka IV kaQ '(fly) into a rage', kaQkaQ, kaNkaN'(of the sun) exceedingly bright, (of a person) in a rage, (of charcoal) red-hot', hoka-hoka, poka-poka 'pleasantly warm', maQka, maQkaQka 'bright red', aka 'red' ; OJp. kaka-yaku 'to shine brightly' : -PJp. (k)AKA 'red-hot' PEOka, kaka, pukaka'red-not' : Ma. ka 'to burn, to take fire', kaka 'red-hot', Fu. kaka 'to shine', Mar.kaka 'yellow, red', To. kakaha 'to glow with heat,to be red-hot, (of anger) to flare up', Sa., Ma. pukaka, pokaka 'hot' pai pai-pai, oQpai 'the breast', OJp. FaFa 'mother' < *papai : PJp. PAYL 'motherhood' PAN bayi 'Mutter' : Tg. babayi 'Frau, Weiblichsein' ; Ja. bayi 'Saugling' sio sio-sio (OJp. siFo-siFo) 'in low spirits, sadly', siQpori 'pleasantly wet', siwo-reru, sibo-mu 'to wither', OJp. niFo-dori'grebe (=a diving bird)', simo 'lower part ', nisi 'west'(prena salized) *sisi(po) : -PJp. SI(M)PO, SIMO, NIPO, NISI 'down into water' PEO (n)sipo, sisipo 'down, to bow down, (of the sun) to set,to go into the water, west, unfortunate'. [N.B. PJp. saku 'to bloom', sakayu 'to prosper', sakari 'the prime' , saki 'happiness' and PJp. agu 'to lift, to get out of water', Okinawa agari 'east' correspond to PEO (n)sake 'up, to lift, to go up from the sea, (of the sun) to rise, to elevate in rank of power or dignity, east'. ]
瓜生 淑子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.57-67, 2012-11

The practice of bilingual deaf education in Northern Europe and America has pushed the introduction of Japanese Sign Language (JSL) for communication aids into Japanese public deaf schools since the 1990s. This study examined this new trend and discussed the possibility of the combined method of JSL and oral Japanese for young deaf children to promote their meta-linguistic abilities and to provide them clues to written Japanese language.
豊田 弘司
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.41, no.1, pp.p143-151, 1992-11

The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of number of the encoded attributes of autobiographical information on incidental memory of Kanii words. In an incidental memory task, the sujects were presented each word and asked to rate the personal experiences on each word. Three types of rating scales were used : the quantity, the pleasantness and the vividness scales. Two rating conditions involved processing on one scale (1 rating group) and three scales (3 rating group). Recall performance of each subject was tested in the immediate and the one-week delayed tests. Performance differences between two groups were not observed in both tests. This result showed that there was no effect of the number of the encoded attributes on incidental memory in autobiographical elaboration. Immediate and delayed recall performances varied as a function of quantity, pleasantness and vividness rated by subjects. Recall performances in 3 categories (low, medium, high) ×3 scales (quantity, pleasantness, vividness) combinations were compared. Performances in 4 combinations with high category of vividness scale were higher than those in the other ones. This result showed that the vividness of personal experiences was critical for the effectiveness of autobiographical elaboration.
福田 清美
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.59-74, 2001-10

Whether French vocal music is sung successfully or not depends on how precisely the vocalist can pronounce the French lyrics. For the benefit of such vocalists, in this essay, based on Camille Maurane's report, "Advice for Japanese Vocalists Who Sing French Vocal Music." I examine (1) the similarity and difference between French and Japanese pronunciation and (2) an effectivc way to pronounce French for Japanese vocalists. When French vocal music is sung, it is very important for the vocalists not only to grasp the dynamism of the music as a whole but also to understand the intonation, accent and rhyme of the lyrics. This is the reason I quote from dictionaries. music scores and, in order to refer to the liaison and movement of intonation, French conversation. Based on these factors, first I look into lyrics as separate from the music. Through this process, we might be able to know how the conrposer listened to and felt about the lyrics. Then. we can find out how the lyrics' rhyme and intonation go together with their accompaniment and, at the sarne time, we can understand the lyrics more profoundly than before. The problem for Japanese is that it is difficult to get instructive materials on French "sound," while we have a lot of literary works like translations and researches on French literature, It is necessary for vocalists to acquire knowledge of the language in which the music is sung. Japanese people generally are not good at recognizing and pronouncing French sounds, but once they get familiar with them. they can have the confidence to sing in French. I write this essay because I think we need, along with the interpretation of the music itself a guideline for the rules of pronunciation when vocalists sing French vocal music.
根田 克彦 伊藤 悟
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.149-163, 2004-10-29

The purpose of this study is to examine the development of shopping centers and retail land use in the Downtown area of Boston. This research focused on retail land use in the central shopping district, Back Bay and Beacon Hill In the Boston metropolitan area, there are nine super-regional shopping centers but they were not located in the City of Boston in 2002. However, there were two exclusive regional shopping centers and a festival marketplace in Downtown Boston. In the central shopping district, historical buildings are preserved and retail businesses are located on ground levels primarily as Boston Zoning Code regulate. In Back Bay and Beacon Hill, exterior architectural features are preserved within historic districts. Newbury Street is a main shopping street in Back Bay. Many exclusive speciality retail stores stand close together along both sides of this street and there are famous exclusive hotels in Back Bay. Charles Street, which is the main shopping street in Beacon Hills, has the characteristics of a neighborhood shopping street. Many high-income households have been situated in Back Bay and Beacon Hill from the nineteenth century. Shopping streets in Back Bay and Beacon Hill have been supported by these high-income households and tourists. The retail stores in Downtown Boston attract many people because the historical landscape and retail businesses are preserved by Boston Zoning Code.
玉瀬 耕治 脇本 真希子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.52, no.1, pp.209-219, 2003-10-31

According to Doi (1971), AMAE (hopeful expectation of someone's indulgence and favor) is a concept that represents a typical cultural tendency in Japanese interpersonal relationship. The purpose of this study was to develop an AMAE scale for college students. In study 1, items that describe AMAE states in various ordinary inter-personal situations for college students were collected from reviewing previous studies on this topic and AMAERARE (acceptance of AMAE from others) items were also derived from the AMAE items. One hundred and twenty-two college students were asked to rate the AMAE and AMAERARE items on a 4-point rating scale. The factor analyses revealed that there were two factors for the AMAE subscale, that is, 7 items as TATE (vertical relationship) factor and 6 items as YOKO (horizontal relationship) factor. On the basis of the results of AMAE subscale, the AMAERARE subscale items were selected, that is, 7 TATE items and 4 YOKO items. Finally the AMAE full scale consisted of the AMAE subscale and the AMAERARE subscale. Cronbach's as for these scales were in between .80 and .87. The AMAE scale has no significant relationship with an assertion scale for adolescents (Tamase et al., 2001). In study 2, the relationship between AMAE and self-consciousness was examined using 196 different students from study 1 as raters. A self-consciousness rating scale (Sugawara, 1984) was used in this study. The results showed that there were low significant relationships between AMAE and public self-consciousness (r=.32) and between AMAERARE and private self-consciousness (r=.28). These results were discussed in terms of future use of the scale for multicultural study.