水上 雅博 杉山 弘晃 有本 庸浩 東中 竜一郎 光田 航 小林 哲生
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.38, no.3, pp.B-MA2_1-14, 2023-05-01 (Released:2023-05-01)

Local governments have high expectations for dialogue systems that provide residents and visitors with dialogue on multiple tasks, such as tourist information, town office information, and daily life information. In addition, there is also an expectation for such dialogue systems to be given the personalities of characters possessed by local governments and to provide chat dialogues for residents. However, to give the personality of a character to the dialogue system, task dialogue data and dialogue manager that reflect the personality are essential. Based on the study of role play-based question-answering dialogue systems that reproduce characters, we propose a method for collecting dialogue data that enables task dialogue and a method of dialogue manager and response selection that facilitates task dialogue. We constructed a dialogue system that imitated a certain local government character using the proposed method and evaluated its effectiveness through a laboratory experiment and demonstration experiment. The results showed that our dialogue system had statistically better performance in both task-oriented dialogue and chat oriented one.
松本 慎平 川口 大貴 鳥海 不二夫
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.393-402, 2015-01-01 (Released:2015-01-15)

At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, many Tweets of the disaster had been posted and Twitter had been effectively-utilized as an infrastructure for sharing disaster information and confirming safety. However in Twitter, there have been various kinds of information and also the volume is extremely huge, so a technology to effectively obtain the information on disaster or to filter users depending on their purpose of use are considered essential in order for Twitter to be effective at the time of disaster. Especially some kind of filtering mechanism to easily catch real humans' voices is assumed to be important for getting better performance out of Twitter at the time of disaster. The aim of this study is to numerically-express the characteristics of Twitter users by using the concept of entropy in response to each user's tweeting, replying, and retweeting activities, which are assumed to be the source of Twitter's real time feature, to show the details of Twitter users activities at the time of disaster, and to verify the possibility of this method for automatic user filtering. The real Twitter data distributed around the time of the earthquake is used to analyze, and especially in this paper, the difference of user attributes mainly between bot, cyborg and human is examined by using this data. From the experimental results, the characteristics of Twitter users were clarified with multidimensional quantitative values. The experimental results also showed the possibility for automatic user filtering.
廣中 詩織 吉田 光男 岡部 正幸 梅村 恭司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.1, pp.WII-M_1-11, 2017-01-06 (Released:2017-01-20)

The home locations of Twitter users can be estimated using a social network, which is generated by various relationships between users. There are many network-based location estimation methods with user relationships. However, the estimation accuracy of various methods and relationships is unclear. In this study, we estimate the users’home locations using four network-based location estimation methods on four types of social networks in Japan. We have obtained two results. (1) In the location estimation methods, the method that selects the most frequent location among the friends of the user shows the highest precision and recall. (2) In the four types of social networks, the relationship of follower has the highest precision and recall.
小林 潤平 関口 隆 新堀 英二 川嶋 稔夫
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.A-AI30_1-24, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

We propose bunsetsu-based layouts to improve the efficiency of eye movements in reading Japanese text. When reading text, people tend to direct their gaze toward the center of a word. This is called the optimal viewing position. The optimal viewing position results in the shortest gaze durations and fewest re-fixations. In the case of Japanese text, the eyes tend to fixate on each characteristic Japanese linguistic unit (bunsetsu). An electronic Japanese text reader that facilitates accurate control of eye movements to bunsetsu segments could increase the reading rateand result in more efficient eye movements. In this study, we develop new techniques to decrease inefficient eye movements when reading Japanese text. In Experiment I, we investigate the effectiveness of the layout with bunsetsu-based line breaking. A bunsetsubased linefeed layout breaks a line between bunsetsu segments, i.e., splitting a bunsetsu segment is prohibited. The reading speed for the bunsetsu-based linefeed layout was faster compared to the conventional text layout with line lengths of 5–40 characters per line. The improvements in reading speed were likely due to the optimization of eye movements near the edge of a line. In the case of 5–11 characters per line, the improvements in reading speed were likely due to an increase in the number of lines that can be recognized by a single fixation. These results indicate that the bunsetsu-based linefeed layout is an effective technique to improve reading efficiency. In Experiment II, we develop a new micro-vibration text reader with bunsetsu-based segmentation. The new reader vibrates each bunsetsu segment in a different phase to enhance boundary information for eye guidance. The reading speed for the micro-vibration text was approximately 7%–12% faster compared to the stable text with line lengths of approximately 11–29 characters per line. The improvements in reading speed were likely due to a reduction in re-fixations within a bunsetsu segment and an increase in the number of lines that can be recognized by a single fixation without horizontal saccades. Moreover, 76% of the participants did not experience illegibility or incongruousness with the micro-vibration text reader. These results indicate that micro-vibration is an effective technique to improve the efficiency of reading text with line lengths of 11–29 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or a decrease in comprehension. In Experiment III, we develop a new stepwise incremental indent layout with bunsetsu-based segmentation and a vertical scrolling operation. The reading speed obtained by the proposed layout of 4.4 characters per line was comparable to the fixed-line length layout of 29 characters per line. This improvement is primarily achieved by a reduction in the number of fixations. Moreover, 85% of the participants did not experience illegibility or incongruousness with the stepwise incremental indent layout reading. These results indicate that this layout is an effective technique to improve the efficiency of reading text with line lengths of 5 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or a decrease in comprehension. These experimental results indicate that the Japanese electronic text reader with these proposed techniques can improve the reading speed of text with line lengths of 5–40 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or decrease in comprehension.
石川 葉子 水上 雅博 吉野 幸一郎 Sakti Sakriani 鈴木 優 中村 哲
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.33, no.1, pp.DSH-B_1-9, 2018-01-01 (Released:2018-01-31)

Using emotional expressions in a conversation is an efficient way to convey one’s thoughts. Emotional expressions of the persuader have a strong impact to the recipient’s attitude in a negotiation. Studies for a persuasive dialog system, which tries to lead users to the system’s specific goals, show that incorporating users’ emotional factors can enhance the system to persuade users. However, in a human-human negotiation, the persuader can have better outcomes not only through considering the emotion of the other person but also through expressing his or her own emotions. In this paper, we propose an example-based persuasive dialog system with expressive emotion capability. The proposed dialog system is trained by newly collected corpus with statistical learning. Emotional states and the user’s acceptance rate of the persuasion are annotated. Experimental results through crowdsourcing suggested that the system using emotional expressions has a potential to persuade some users who prefer to be used emotional expressions, effectively.
平田 佐智子 中村 聡史 小松 孝徳 秋田 喜美
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.274-281, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

Japanese “onomatopoeic” words (also called mimetics and ideophones) are more frequent in spoken discourse, especially in informal daily conversations, than in writing. It is a common belief that onomatopoeia is particularly frequent in some areas, such as the Kinki region. To examine the plausibility of this folk dialectology, we investigated the frequency of onomatopoeia in the Minutes of the Diet as a corpus of spoken Japanese. We examined whether there is really a difference in the use of onomatopoeia among the eleven major regions of Japan. We analyzed the conversation data (limited to the last two decades) according to the hometowns of the speakers. The results revealed that there is no cross-regional difference in the overall frequency of onomatopoeia and non-onomatopoeic adverbs. However, a particular morphological type of onomatopoeia?i.e., “emphatic” onomatopoeia, such as hakkiri ‘clearly’?did show a regional variation in frequency. The results suggest that different types of onomatopoeia have different functions. The present study introduced a “macro-viewpoint” method that is based on a large-scale database. Further investigations into the functional aspect of onomatopoeia will also benefit from a dialectological method that adopts a “micro-viewpoint” on the detailed descriptions of a small number of speakers from each region. We hope that the present quantitative approach to the sociolinguistics of onomatopoeia will offer a new perspective on dialectology and on the effective utilization of onomatopoeia in the field of information science.
稲本 万里子 加藤 拓也 小長谷 明彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.6, pp.F-L12_1-16, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

”Phantom Genji Scrolls ”are one of the most debatable artifacts whose painter school is still unknown in the history of art. In this study, the authors have reached a conclusion that the Phantom Genji Scrolls would have been painted by the painters who studied Kyoto-Kano and Tosa painter schools but not Edo-Kano painter school.As a learning data set, more than 1500 face images are extracted from well-known the Tale of Genji pictures painted from Heian (12 Century) to Edo (17 Century) periods whose painter schools are all established in the history of art. The face images are written in typical old painting style so called“line-eye and hook nose (hikime-kagihana)” which often represents the characteristics of the painter schools.The authors not only identified the painter school of the Phantom Genji Scrolls but also discovered the inconsistency in Iwasa painter school by means of artifact-based painter school learning model. The t-SNE scatter plots clearly indicated that the 266 face images extracted from the Phantom Genji Scrolls were surrounded by the Kyoto- Kano painter school learning data sets. It should be also noted that the 266 face images were far from the learning data set of Ujinobu Kano, one of the typical Edo-Kano painter. Interestingly, the Phantom Genji Scrolls and Ujinobu Kano were intercepted by Mitsuyoshi Tosa, one of the typical Tosa painter in scatter plot. This suggests that the painters of the Phantom Genji Scrolls may have been affected by both Kyoto-Kano and Tosa painter schools, instead of Edo-Kano painter school.As for the Iwasa painter school, the authors came across strange behavior that the artifacts of Katsutomo Iwasa were identified as the Tosa painter school, even if the validation data of Katsutomo Iwasa were all included in the learning data set of Iwasa painter school, mostly constituted by Katsutomo Iwasa (244 face images). After careful observation and discussion, the authors have concluded that Matabei Iwasa and Kastutomo Iwasa may be too different to be categorized into the same Iwasa painter school with regards to face characteristics.
清水 祐一郎 土斐崎 龍一 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.41-52, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)
13 6

In Japanese, onomatopoeia (i.e., imitative or mimetic words) is frequently used in daily life conversation to express one's intuitive and sensitive feelings. Many onomatopoeic expressions are very similar to each other and their meanings seem to be vague and ambiguous so that it is hard to catch minute semantic differences among onomatopoeic expressions. However, we use onomatopoeia, even novel onomatopoeia, to express our subjective, intuitive and sensitive feelings in daily language use. Therefore, estimating information conveyed by onomatopoeia is inevitable in constructing a human-like intelligent communication system. In this study, we propose a system to estimate information conveyed by onomatopoeia based on Japanese sound symbolism. The existence of synesthetic associations between sounds and sensory experiences (sound symbolism) has been demonstrated over the decades. It is also known that the sensory-sound correspondence can be found not only in words referring to visual shapes, but also in those referring to tactile sensations. So our system quantifies images of inputted onomatopoeia using 43 adjective pair scales related to visual and tactile sensations. Our method hypothesizes that the impression created by an onomatopoeic expression could be predicted by the phonological characteristics of its constituent phonemes. To collect phonemic image data, we conducted a psychological experiment where 78 participants were asked to evaluate the impressions of 312 onomatopoeic expressions, which cover all kinds of Japanese phonemes, against 43 pairs of adjectives in seven-points SD scales. We applied the phonemic image data to our model, and calculated the impression values of each phoneme by making use of a mathematical quantification theory class I. This system estimates rich information conveyed by not only conventional but also newly created onomatopoeic expressions and differentiates among a variety of onomatopoeic expressions, which are frequently similar to each other. We conducted another psychological experiment in order to confirm the effectiveness of our system. Results showed that our system succeeded in evaluating information conveyed by onomatopoeia.
田村 浩一郎 松尾 豊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.6, pp.A-K61_1-11, 2020-11-01 (Released:2020-11-01)

The data of social media has received much attention to observe and predict real-world events. For example, It is used to predict financial markets, products demand, and voter turnout. While these works regards social media as a sensor of real world, as social media become more popular, it become more natural to think social media significantly effects on real worlds events. The canonical example might be cryptocurrencies, where supply and demand are more susceptible to investor sentiment and therefore interactions within social media cause significant effects on the price of them. On the hypothesis that social media actuate real-world events, we propose a neural network based model to predict the price fluctuations of financial assets, including cryptocurrencies. We model the effect of social media which cannot be directly observed, using an end-to-end neural network, Recurrent Neural Network. By simulating the effect within the social media, we show that the method that models the effect of social media on financial markets can observe and predict the price fluctuations of cryptocurrencies more precisely and stably. By analyzing the model, we suggest that networks within social media can be influential relationships throughout time, even if they are not directly connected, and that the intensity of the influence from social media on financial markets varies depending on the nature of the financial assets.
横井 創磨 佐藤 一誠 中川 裕志
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.6, pp.AI30-C_1-9, 2016-11-01 (Released:2016-11-02)

Topic models are generative models of documents, automatically clustering frequently co-occurring words (topics) from corpora. Topics can be used as stable features that represent the substances of documents, so that topic models have been extensively studied as technology for extracting latent information behind large data. Unfortunately, the typical time complexity of topic model computation is the product of the data size and the number of topics, therefore the traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method cannot estimate many topics on large corpora within a realistic time. The data size is a common concern in Bayesian learning and there are general approaches to avoid it, such as variational Bayes and stochastic gradient MCMC. On the other hand, the number of topics is a specific problem to topic models and most solutions are proposed to the traditional Gibbs sampler. However, it is natural to solve these problems at once, because as the data size grows, so does the number of topics in corpora. Accordingly, we propose new methods coping with both data and topic scalability, by using fast computing techniques of the Gibbs sampler on stochastic gradient MCMC. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art of traditional MCMC in mini-batch setting, showing a better mixing rate and faster updating.
浅野 優 小出 誠二 岩山 真 加藤 文彦 小林 厳生 美馬 正司 大向 一輝 武田 英明
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
pp.LOD-27, (Released:2017-01-31)

We describe a procedure for constructing a website for publishing open data by focusing on the case of Open DATA METI, a website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. We developed two sites for publishing open data: a data catalog site and one for searching linked open data (LOD). The former allows users to find relevant data they want to use, and the latter allows them to utilize the found data by connecting them. To implement the data catalog site, we constructed a site tailored to the needs of the organization. Then we extracted a large amount of metadata from the individual open data and put it on the site. These activities would have taken a lot of time if we had used the existing methods, so we devised our own solutions for them. To implement the LOD searching site, we converted the data into LOD form in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). We focused on converting statistical data into tables, which are widely used. Regarding the conversion, there were several kinds of missing information that we needed to associate with the data in the tables. We created a template for incorporating the necessary information for LOD in the original table. The conversion into LOD was automatically done using the template.
Nurul Lubis Sakriani Sakti Koichiro Yoshino Satoshi Nakamura
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.33, no.1, pp.DSH-D_1-10, 2018-01-01 (Released:2018-01-31)

To completely mimic the naturalness of human interaction in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), emotion is an essential aspect that should not be overlooked. Emotion allows for a rich and meaningful human interaction. In communicating, not only we express our emotional state, but we are also affected by our conversational counterpart. However, existing works have largely focused only on occurrences of emotion through recognition and simulation. The relationship between an utterance of a speaker and the resulting emotional response that it triggers is not yet closely examined. Observation and incorporation of the underlying process that causes change of emotion can provide useful information for dialogue systems in making a more emotionally intelligent decision, such as being able to take proper action with regard to user’s emotion, and to be aware of the emotional implication of their response. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we tackle three main tasks: 1) recognition of emotional states, 2) analysis of social-affective events in spontaneous conversational data, to capture the relationship between actions taken in discourse and the emotional response that follows, and 3) prediction of emotional triggers and responses in a conversational context. The proposed study differs from existing works in that it focuses on the change of emotion (emotional response) and its cause (emotional triggers) on top of the occurrence of emotion itself. The analysis and experimental results are reported in detail in this paper, showing promising initial results for future works and development.
鈴木 宏昭 大西 仁 竹葉 千恵
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.23, no.3, pp.86-95, 2008 (Released:2008-02-21)

Many studies on skill acquisition have claimed that improvements in performance follow the power law of practice. However, it is also well-known that during long-term practice there are fluctuations such as plateaus, regressions, and spurts. In order to objectively examine the fluctuations in learning process, we analyzed a long-term learning process in a simple assembly task. We applied a time-series analysis based on the state space method to the task completion time. The analysis revealed that the power law of practice provided only a first approximation, and that fluctuations around the power law line reflected long-term trends. Next, we focused on one of the fluctuations, and carried out cognitive analysis to find what produced the fluctuation. We found that, contrary to the dominant skill acquisition model, the slump was attributable to the mismatch between the level of skills and the environment that the skills are demonstrated in. This analysis suggests that, in order to fully elucidate the processes and mechanisms of skill acquisition, attention should be paid not only to the internal mechanisms, but also to the external environment that the skills are demonstrated in. We discussed the above results in terms of the essential role of fluctuations and environment in skill learning as well as the nature of the data obtained from a single subject.
井上 昂治 ラーラー ディベッシュ 山本 賢太 中村 静 高梨 克也 河原 達也
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.36, no.5, pp.H-L51_1-12, 2021-09-01 (Released:2021-09-01)

An attentive listening system for autonomous android ERICA is presented. Our goal is to realize a humanlike natural attentive listener for elderly people. The proposed system generates listener responses: backchannels, repeats, elaborating questions, assessments, and generic responses. The system incorporates speech processing using a microphone array and real-time dialogue processing including continuous backchannel prediction and turn-taking prediction. In this study, we conducted a dialogue experiment with elderly people. The system was compared with a WOZ system where a human operator played the listener role behind the robot. As a result, the system showed comparable scores in basic skills of attentive listening, such as easy to talk, seriously listening, focused on the talk, and actively listening. It was also found that there is still a gap between the system and the human (WOZ) for high-level attentive listening skills such as dialogue understanding, showing interest, and empathy towards the user.
稲葉 通将 神園 彩香 高橋 健一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.21-31, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)
5 9

Recently, computerized dialogue systems are studied actively. Non-task-oriented dialogue systems that handle domain-free dialogues like chats are expected be applied in various fields, but many challenges still exist in developing them. This paper addresses the problem of utterance generation for non-task-oriented dialogue systems. We search twitter data by topic words and acquire sentences. The sentences are filtered by rules and scored on the basis of training data. We acquire the sentences which have a high score as utterances. The results of an experiment demonstrate that the proposed method can generate appropriate utterances with a high degree of accuracy.
山本 修身 佐藤根 寛
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.2, pp.419-426, 2011 (Released:2011-02-22)

The fifteen puzzle is a sliding puzzle which has fifteen pieces on which numbers from 1 to 15 are printed. Using the IDA* algorithm with an admissible evaluation function, we can obtain an optimal solution of the puzzle. The performance of the algorithm depends on the evaluation function. The most simple evaluation function is the Manhattan evaluation function, whose value is the sum of the Manhattan distances from the positions of the corresponding pieces in the goal configuration. In this paper, we propose an evaluation function whose values are greater than or equal to that of the Manhattan evaluation function. Our evaluation function refers an approximated database of the gap-2n set. The database is computed beforehand like pattern databases, but it is completely different from pattern databases. The belongingness of a configuration of pieces to the set has to be checked by the database. Using an evaluation function based on the gap-8 set, we were able to reduce the number of search nodes to about 2.5×10-4 times in average with the IDA* algorithm compared with the Manhattan evaluation function. We also show that combining an evaluation function by gap-8 set and an evaluation function by additive pattern databases of disjoint seven and eight pieces, we were able to reduce the number of search nodes by about 53 compared with the evaluation function only by the additive pattern databases.
金川 絵利子 岡留 剛
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.3, pp.F-G94_1-14, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-05-01)

The subtree kernel and the information tree kernel defined here permit us to measure the syntactic characteristics and similarity of sentences. The subtree kernel is the total number of the common subtrees in two trees and the information tree kernel is defined as the total Shannon information contents contained in the common subtrees. The information tree kernel enables us to capture such structural characteristics peculiar to the styles of writers. The analyses using by these kernels reveal some syntactic characteristics and similarities of the Japanese 31 authors’ writing styles. In particular, the results of the analyses for the great five authors, Soseki Natume, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Nankiti Niimi, and Kenzi Miyazawa, show that, for example, (1) Natume more often writes a sentence of the dependency structure in which the same subtree structure occurs multiple times in the sentence. (2) Akutagawa more often uses the dependency structures for extra or detailed expressions that modifies a noun phrase than the others do. (3) Dazai often uses the dependency structures that consist of many shallow subtrees arranged in parallel, but the others seldom write sentences of the parallel subtree structures. (4) Niimi uses simpler dependency structures than Miyazawa does and Miyazawa writes short sentences in more various dependency structures.
西田 遼 重中 秀介 加藤 優作 大西 正輝
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.37, no.2, pp.J-LB1_1-16, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

Crowd congestion causes accidents and sometimes leads to hundreds of injuries and deaths. To mitigate crowd congestion, we could design a space where the pedestrians can move smoothly, or intervene and control the crowd movement. Recently, computer simulation is often used to determine optimal spatial design and crowd control. The simulation methods of crowd movement are well organized because it has been an active area of research since the 1990s to understand crowd dynamics. On the other hand, methods and knowledge of spatial design and crowd control are not well organized, because research topics have recently become more active, and the knowledge is distributed among artificial intelligence, information processing, traffic engineering, civil engineering, architecture, physics, and more. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the research trends in spatial design and crowd control from the viewpoint of crowd simulation and optimization, which are often discussed in the field of artificial intelligence. We first introduce the evaluation indices of crowd movement in terms of efficiency and safety. Then, we explain the current findings on spatial design and categorize the methods of crowd control, ordered by the level of pedestrian behavior. In the end, the challenges and approaches are discussed based on the previous research.
三宅 泰亮 山地 雄土 大島 直樹 デシルバ ラビンドラ 岡田 美智男
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.28, no.2, pp.197-209, 2013 (Released:2013-02-01)
1 2

We developed a Sociable Trash Box (STB) as a children-assisted robot that able to establish asynchronous child assistance with a social rapport network for the purpose of collecting trash from a public space. In this study, we explore the interactive pattern of children, optimum interpersonal spheres, and sociopetal space by considering the dynamic interaction of children (interactive time, distance between child-robot, and interactive angle according to the STB's perspective). An experiment was conducted in a Developmental Center for Children to evaluate the validity and effectiveness of our approach through five action scenarios: move toward trash (MT-I), communicate (electronically) with other STBs to move and create a distance (MT-G), move to a crowded space without communicating with other STBs (MC-I), move to a crowded space to communicate with other STBs (MC-G), and STBs do not move and behave (NMB-I, NMB-G). We apply a model-based unsupervised Mixture Gaussian to extract the optimum spaces when the children interacted with an individual social trash box (STB) and a group of STBs.
保住 純 飯塚 修平 中山 浩太朗 高須 正和 嶋田 絵理子 須賀 千鶴 西山 圭太 松尾 豊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.5, pp.449-459, 2014-09-01 (Released:2014-07-30)

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the corporate world in Japan have recently embraced the ‘Cool Japan’ policy. They have assisted Japanese content industries in exporting Japanese media contents, such as manga (comics), to foreign countries, especially in Asia. However, this overseas expansion has not been successful in producing profits to the expected degree. The main reason for this shortfall is that companies are unable to perceive local consumer consumption trends in those countries easily and at low cost. Consequently, they are unable to select media contents that might be popular in such areas in the future. Herein, we design a consumption trend calculating system that incorporates web mining. It is readily applicable to many countries and contents. Specifically, we use web mining of data elicited from search counts on search engines, tweet counts from Twitter, and article data from Wikipedia to calculate consumption trends based on weekly manga sales data in Japan. Results show that this model can predict consumption trends for six months with high accuracy and that it can be adapted to calculate consumption trends of other contents effectively, such as anime (animation) in Japan and manga in France. Moreover, we establish the ASIA TREND MAP web service to inform industries about these calculated consumption trends for Asian countries.