高正 晴子 江後 迪子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.8, pp.835-844, 1999-08

The characteristics and types of food served at wedding ceremonies of the Shimazu household in Kyushu are described.<BR>Shimazu wedding ceremonies were different from those of other major households. Food was served after exchanging <I>sake</I> cups. <I>Zoni</I> (a kind of mochi soup) and five kinds of <I>kezurimono</I> were included on the wedding menu. <I>Jinchu</I> (five-color rice), and <I>tegake</I> (a kind of <I>kezurimono</I>) and <I>tokokazari</I> (an alcove ornament) cannot be found at the wedding ceremonies of other important feudal lords. Thus, the Shimazu ceremonies were clearly different, although they were simplified over the years.
岡野 雅子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.5, pp.435-444, 1996-05-15

The purpose of this study is to discuss how children perceive their families and home lives, where they were born and where they have been brought up Observations of their make-believe plays were made: 1) Mother's role was the main one while they played house in the day nursery, while father's role was supplementary. Mother in their play prepared meals, took care of baby and did shopping. In other words, the family and home life portrayed were not largely different from those conventionally portrayed in the past. 2)Children in the children's home I observed interacted less with each other, only few playing house. Each child's symbolic play portrayed the acts of eating, sleeping and taking care of baby. I heard little references to their family relations. 3) It is easy for children to recognize the acts of eating, sleeping and taking care of baby in their daily life. However, the child's view differs between those children in the day nursery and those in the children's home. The former enact family and human relations while the latter portray independent acts not related to one another. 4) Children in the children's home seem not to have developed the abstract images The family and home life are important in developing a child's abstract concepts, which, in turn, influence him/her in forming good relationships with others.
蟻川 トモ子 大島 さゆり
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.7, pp.635-640, 1995-07-15

Changes in sugar components, acidity, pH and coloration during aging of Ume (Japanese apricot, Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) liqueur stored at 30℃ or room temperature were followed for 1 year, and results described below were obtained. 1) Only the dissolution of solid sucrose took place until 4 days after mixing of fruit, candy sugar and Shochu, leading a rapid increase in total sugar content in liquid phase, and no inversion of sucrose was recognized. 2) The inversion of sucrose began 4 days after mixing owing to the increase in acidity, which was caused by the extraction of citric acid from the fruit. The inversion proceeded rapidly from 10 to 90 days after mixing, and proceeded slowly thereafter to reach completion after about 200 days. 3) The acidity (expressed in ml of 0.1 N NaOH required to neutralize 10 ml liqueur) was 6.1 and 4.4 immediately after mixing in samples stored at 30℃ and room temperature, respectively, and increased rapidly to reach 20.0 and 19.6, respectively, after 30 days. The values increased slowly thereafter to reach 25.4 and 21.6, respectively, after 365 days. 4) The pH of the liquid was about 3.2 at first, which was dropped to 3.0 after 4 days, and no appreciable change was observed at the later stage of aging. 5) The coloration of the liquid increased linearly with time even after the completion of sucrose inversion, probably due to amino-carbonyl reaction between sugars and amino compounds extracted from the fruit. The course of aging of Ume (Japanese apricot) liqueur was discussed on the basis of above results.
丸山 義皓 園田 正
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.4, pp.341-351, 1998-04-15

A long history of casual observations has asserted that households tend stabilize aggregate fluctuations both in terms of employment and of demands for goods and services. This paper tries to rigorously test the possibilety of their stabilezing effects by the standard statistica methods againt aggregate data of Japanese economy. In representing secular trends by means of growth functions, the short-term fluctuations in these data are estimated by the deviations from their growth functions. Their stabilizing effects are analyzed for possibility by means of covariances among these deviations. The estimated results exhibit that the stabilizing effects of household expenditures for services and nondurables exceed the similar effects of government expenditures and government capital formations on the fluctuation of GDE supposedly generated by those in business capital formations, and that the stabilizing effects of persons not in labor force, self-employed and unpaid family workers far exceed the similar effects of the unemployed on the fluctuations of employees.
ガンガ 伸子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.3, pp.143-149, 2006-03-15

The objective of this paper is to analyze the Japanese household consumption patterns during 1990-2003, after the bubble economy burst, by estimating a Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LAIDS) model. The author used the quarterly workers' household data compiled in Annual Report on the Family Income and Expenditure Survey. Empirical results show that the items such as "Food," "Fuel, light and water charge," "Medical care" and "Reading and recreation" were necessities, and "Housing," "Furniture and household utensils," "Clothes and footwear," "Transportation and communication," and "Education" were luxuries. While the luxury items strongly responded to own-price change, the necessity items showed weak response. A lot of necessity items were independent of other items, but luxury items such as "Clothes and footwear," "Education," "Reading and recreation" and "Other living expenditure," were notably substitutional or complementary for other items. "Education" was substitutional not only with luxuries but also with some necessity items. It proves that Japanese household has struggled to maintain the high educational expenses until reducing the necessity in the long period of recession following the bubble economy burst, because "Education" is an important item of life cycle planning.
小西 史子 黒川 衣代
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.4, pp.273-286, 2000-04-15

The effect of parent-child communication on the mental health condition was examined by questionnaire response from 758 junior high school students. The scores indicating communication with the father were significantly lower than those for communication with the mother. Low scores were seen in the answers to the questions "I think I can tell my father how I really feel about something, " "If I were in trouble, I could tell my father, " and "I openly show affection to my father." The scores for communication with the father were significantly correlated with the mental health condition of the students, with high correlation being found for the questions "I think I can tell my father how I really feel about something, " "If I were in trouble, I could tell my father, " and "When I ask questions, I get honest answers from my father." Communication discrepancy, in the case of a student giving a negative answer and the father giving a positive answer to the same question, affected the mental health condition. Communication consistency, in the case of both a student and father giving a negative answer to the same question gave the lowest scores for the mental health condition. Communication discrepancy, in the case of a student giving a negative answer and the mother giving a positive answer to the same question, also affected the mental health condition ; however the number of cases of this type of discrepancy with the mother was less than that discrepancy with the father.
岡本 洋子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.8, pp.617-622, 2004-08-15

味変容物質のひとつであるギムネマ・シルベスタ(Gymnema sylvestre, R. Br.)抽出物を用いて,甘味物質に対する感受性について,その抽出液を味わった前と後を比べ,どのような相異がみられるのか調べた.その抽出液の濃度は被験者が受け入れ可能な濃度とした.甘味物質として,単糖・二糖類,オリゴ糖,糖アルコール,ペプチド等に分類される27種類を用いて,味感受性検査を行った.同様の味感受性検査を,酸,塩,苦,うま味物質についても行った.味感受性検査は,18~20歳の健康な女子学生28名を被験者として,全口腔法・下降系列極限法によって行われた.全被験者のうち, 50%の人が識別できる濃度をプロビット法によって求めて味感受最小濃度(閾値)とした.甘味物質27種類について,ギムネマ・シルベスタ抽出液を味わった後の甘味感受最小濃度は,抽出液を味わう前に比べ,2~13倍もの高い値であることが示された.従来から使用されている甘味物質だけでなく,近年開発された甘味物質についても,ギムネマ・シルベスタ抽出液を味わった後の甘味感受最小濃度は味わう前に比べ,著しく上昇することが明らかにされた.しかしながら,酸,塩,苦味物質各1種類,うま味物質3種類では,ギムネマ・シルベスタ抽出漁を味わう前後の味感受最小濃度の間には,ほとんど差が認められなかった.ギムネマ・シルベスタ抽出液を味わった後の甘味感受については,ある限度以下の濃度では,これまでの研究者が述べているように,あたかも純水を飲んでいるかのように感じたが,ある限度を超えた濃度では,甘味を感じることを認めた.一方,ギムネマ・シルベスタ抽出液を味わった後,酸,塩,苦,うま味の感受については変化を認めなかった.
香川 実恵子 松本 美鈴 畑江 敬子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.8, pp.699-708, 2000-08-15

アオリイカ, スルメイカ, ヤリイカの生, 加熱肉を即殺後5日間貯蔵し, 官能検査, 物性分析を行った.生アオリイカは, ねっとり感が強く, 嗜好的にも好まれた.しかし, 加熱により伸び率が大きくなり, 歯切れが悪くなった.生スルメイカは, 最も硬く, ねっとり感が乏しく, 嗜好的にも好まれなかったが, 加熱すると, 歯切れが良くなり, 他のイカとの嗜好的な違いがみられなくなった.貯蔵による物性変化は生イカにおいて顕著であり, いずれのイカでも引っ張り強度が低下し, 付着性が増加し, 硬さが減少し, 貯蔵1日でイカ肉が軟化した.クラスター分析を行った結果, 生イカでは貯蔵の有無により, 加熱イカでは種類により, イカ肉のテクスチャーが大きく異なることが明確になった.
阿部 芳子 市川 朝子 下村 道子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.7, pp.461-467, 2006-07-15

中華麺の独特のテクスチャー発現に対する, かん水の作用を調べるために, 強力粉に1%の粉末かん水を含む45%のかん水を加えて麺を作製し, かん水を加えない水麺と比較して, 次の結果を得た.<br>1) かん水麺と水麺では, ゆで加熱中の水分量および重量には, ほとんど差がみられなかったが, 食味評価ではかん水麺は水麺よりも硬く, 外観 (麺表面) がなめらかでないと判断された. また, 破断強度解析において, 加熱7分間まで, かん水麺は水麺より破断強度の最大荷重値が高く, 破断応力曲線の解析では破断開始値および歪率60%までの応力変化率が高かったことから表面近くが硬い麺であると判断された.<br>2) 糊化度はかん水麺, 水麺ともに内部より外部で高値を示した. かん水麺の糊化度は外部, 内部ともに水麺より低値を示した.<br>3) 異なるpHの緩衝液で湿麩を撹拌するとpH2からpH3, pH9からpH11でたんぱく質が溶出することが示され, また, かん水中では高い溶出率を示した麺の組織観察において, 水麺のグルテンが線状にみえるのに対し, かん水麺のグルテンは薄く広がっているのがPAS染色で確認できた.
富岡 典子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.10, pp.933-942, 2000-10-15

In order to clarify the formation of tranditional food on the offering dishes, a field survey was conducted on the edible burdock dishes handed down as the offering dishes of the festival in Nara Prefecture Sakurai City Area. The results were as follows: 1)Edible burdock was used as an offering of the New Year's Festival because of its nutritional and medicinal effect. 2)From the standpoint of folklore, it was thought that what was connected with "OX" was offered as the offering dishes for praying an abundant harvest. 3)The offering dishes of edible burdock were cooked with salt and soybean, which had the meaning of worship of ancestor souls and wish for longevity. It can be guessed that the offering dishes of edible burdock gradually changed to the cookery using miso and soy sauce from salt and soybean.
勝田 啓子 高橋 洋子 佐藤 恵美子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.5, pp.431-437, 1995-05-15

The creep behaviors for "Dangos," which were prepared with various particle sizes of non-glutinous rice powder and were stored at 0 and 25℃ for 1 and 24h, were measured in the temperature range of 10 to 55℃. The apparent activation energies, ΔH_a, and fractional free volumes, f_0, were calculated, then these parameters were compared with those obtained from glutinous one. The values of ΔH_a for "Dangos" prepared with non-glutinous rice powders were smaller and the values of f_0 were larger than those with glutinous rice powders with any particle size. "Dango" prepared with 150-200 mesh of non-glutinous rice powder possessed the maximal ΔH_a and minimal f_0 ,it was independent of storage temperature (0℃, 25℃) and storage time (1h, 24h), as same as glutinous one stored at 0℃. These results suggested that "Dango" prepared with coarse powder possessed the porous structure resulted in the presence of clump of particulated aggregates. While, "Dango" prepared with 150-200 mesh powder had a fine packed structure. The structure of "Dango" prepared with glutinous rice powders was finer than that with non-glutinous one.
難波 敦子 成 暁 宮川 金二郎
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.2, pp.193-197, 1998-02-01

A search for the correlation between Japanese and Chinese food cultures identified the production of natto, a non-salted and fermented soybean product, in China. Natto is prepared by Jingpo-zu in Dehong Thai-zu Jingpo-zu Province of Yunnan in China. Boiled soybean covered with bamboo grass, straw or loquat leaves is left to ferment in a bamboo basket. After fermentation, it is eaten with pepper, or salt and pepper is added to produce a seasoning like Japanese miso. Salted natto is also dried for storage as drynatto, and some natto is used to prepare Shui-douchi a kind of supplementary food. Our search indicates that the nattoline from Nepal via Bhutan and Myanmar that has been presented by Sasaki can be extended to Yunnan in China.
山本 寿 粟飯原 菜美 伊庭 なつき 西嶋 三香子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.8, pp.513-521, 2006-08-10

Noodles were prepared from sawa, tapioca and Chinese yam flour, using water added at various temperatures, and different weight percentages of yam flour, weight ratios of sawa/tapioca flour and boiling time for the noodles. The stress-strain characteristics of these noodles were compared with those of wheat noodles. All the characteristic values for the sawa mixed noodles were greatest with water added at 70℃. The stiffness increased linearly with increasing percentage of yam flour. Increasing the sawa/tapioca ratio reduced the stiffness and led to a progressively increasing reduction in the breaking stress and energy. All characteristics of the sawa mixed noodles prepared with water added at 70℃, 20% yam flour and sawa/tapioca flour in a weight ratio 5/5 boiled for 10 min showed no significant differences from those of wheat noodles. A sensory evaluation was carried out with a 7-point scoring scale to compare these sawa mixed noodles and wheat noodles. The wheat noodles were evaluated higher in color and external appearance, while the sawa mixed noodles were evaluated higher in hardness.
寺本 あい 小川 典子 渕上 倫子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.1, pp.11-18, 1999-01-15

To compare the effects of storage and thawing methods on the quality of high-pressure-frozen tofu, momen-tofu (soybean curd) was frozen at ca. -20℃ under 100, 200, 340, 400, 500 or 600 MPa of pressure and then thawed at atmospheric pressure (A, 90 min frozen; B, 90 min frozen and then stored 2 days at -30℃, C, 160 min frozen) or thawed at a high pressure (D, 90 min frozen). The texture and structure (cryo-SEM observations) of the tofu were investigated under each condition. The rupture stress, strain and pore size of A-D frozen at 100 or 600 MPa all increased. However, the textural quality of tofu frozen at 200-400 MPa was better than of tofu frozen at 100 or 600 MPa regardless of the thawing method used. When tofu was frozen at 200-500 MPa, the ice crystal size was (largest to smallest) B<A and C<D; the pore size and texture of D were the same as those of untreated tofu. These results show that ice crystals did not grow when tofu was frozen at 200-500 MPa. However, ice crystal growth under reduced pressure at ca. -20℃ and growth while thawing at atmospheric pressure due to phase transition were noted.
花城 梨枝子
日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.5, pp.443-453, 1999-05-15

The purpose of this study is to clarify the socio-economic background of over-indebted people in Okinawa. What was clarified was compared with that in 46 prefectures of Japan. The findings of this study are : 1) The rate of bankruptcy has been increasing in Japan, and the average rate of bankruptcy in 1996 was 7 times greater than in 1989. In Okinawa, however, bankruptcy rate increased 21.4 times during the same period. As for the number of cases resulting in court mediation, the increase was 43.9 times greater. 2) The choice of bankruptcy does not seem an easy wayout for all over-indebted people ; once they go legally bankrupt, their debt is automatically transferred to their surety, who are in most cases their next of kins such as aged parents or children. It is also found, on the other hand, the blood tie, the easier it is to find surety, i. e, more likely it is for the amount of debt to increase. 3) The increase of bankruptcy or court mediation in Okinawa may be attributed to the high unemployment rate (highest in Japan), the average income (lowest in Japan), and the large number of financing companies.