多部 田修 高井 徹
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.41, no.2, pp.137-145, 1975
4 13

Fifty-two specimens of leptocephalus were collected in the waters south of the Okinawa Islands by the R/V Hakuho-maru, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, during November and December, 1973. These larvae are characterized by an olive leaf shape, a vent at three-fourths of total length (developing larva), straight intestine, 113-119 total myomeres, 6-13 ano-dorsal myomeres, major vertical blood vessels usually lying at segments 16, 38 and 44, large pectoral fin, and no pigment except for the chorioid of the eye. The authors conclude that these larvae are those of <i>Anguilla japonica</i> T. et S., demonstrating that too much confidence should not be placed on the number of ano-dorsal myomeres in identifying anguillid leptocephali to the species level.
菅野 利助
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.2, no.5, pp.217-228, 1934-01-05 (Released:2008-02-29)
2 2

1. The filamentous fronds of the algae of the genus Aegagropila often form spherical tballi or hollow balls mostly due to rolling about on the bottom when they are at the mercy of waves and currents. The ball of each species and variety differs in shape and appearance in accordance with the nature of the filaments, viz., their height, type of branching, firmness, etc. 2. The ball of Aegagropila Sauteri from Lake Akan, Hokkaido, is rather compact in texture, composed of comparatively firm filaments radially arranged, and the cells at the peripheral layers of the ball are often worn off, being rubbed against the gravels on the bed of the lake. The cells of the underlying layers gradually grow until they come out from the surface to undergo the rubbing again. Where such trimming repeats effectively we find well-finished, velvety balls. 3. In A. Lagerheimii from Lake Toba, Prov. Tonnai, Saghalien, the ball is rather flexible, consisting of soft and delicate filaments, and consequently under a less effect of friction. Thus the ball doesnot assume a spherical shape, its surface being dishevelled with decumbent filaments. 4. In two small marshes near Lake Akan, i.e., Lake Toro and Lake Chimikeppu, where the rotatory movement of water near the shore is by no means active, we do not find A. Sauteri in its normal shape, but in the forms of irregular masses which are referable to forma profunda and var. Borgeana respectively. It is hoped that we can decide the relation between those va-rietal forms and the typical one by an experiment of transplantation. 5. The ball of A. Sauteri var. Borgeana from Lake Naiho, Etorofu Isl., Kuriles, is provided often with one or more pebbles in its hollow cavity. The wall of the ball consists of one to three layers of entangled filaments. Each layer is about 5mm in thickness, woolen cloth-like in texture. 6. Above mentioned pebbles in the hollow cavity of the ball are considered to beprimarily a part of substrata on the bottom of the lake on which this alga is found to attach forming compact cushions. A small part of this decumbent cushion sometimes becomes free from the substratum through the death of many of the basal cells, while smaller pebbles often do not detach from the under-surface of the free cushion and later on are enclosed by the latter. 7. Those cushion-like fronds detached from the substrata after having rolled near the shore first become hollow spindle in shape enclosing pebbles, if they attach, and then gradually become spherical by their further tumbling. 8. When the wall of a ball is composed of two or three distinct layers, they have no cellular connection between them and are separated without difficulty, though they closely contact with each other. The inner surface of each layer is occupied by dead cells which we take as the remains of the holdfasts of the primary frond of sedentary habit. The outer of surface the inner balls is vivid green in colour, as fresh as that of the outermost. 9. In other words, we have sometimes compound balls, so to speak, composed of two or three concentric balls of different origins. The primary or innermost ball has been enclosed by the secondary one transformed de noco from a free-floationg cushion newly detached from the substratum. As a result, there is no sign of cellular connection between these two hall; showing the growth of the outer ball from the filaments at the inner. In general, the compound balls are of large diameter, being more than 5cm.
丸山 俊朗 鈴木 祥広 佐藤 大輔 神田 猛 道下 保
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.65, no.5, pp.818-825, 1999-09-15
14 15

閉鎖循環式の泡沫分離・硝化システムと従来の流水式システムでヒラメを飼育し, 閉鎖循環式養殖の可能性を検討した。本閉鎖循環式システムは, 飼育水槽, 空気自吸式エアーレーターを設置した気液接触・泡沫分離槽, 硝化・固液分離槽, およびpH・水温調整槽からなる。ヒラメ幼魚200尾を収容(初期収容率2.8%)し, 90日間の飼育実験(実験終了時収容率5.0%)を行った。本閉鎖循環式システムと流水式システムを比較すると, 生残率はそれぞれ93.5%と98%であり, また, 飼料効率は, それぞれ117%と110%であった。本閉鎖循環式システムによって, 飼育水をほぼ完全に排水することなしに, 高密度飼育することができた。
阿部 晃治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.48, no.2, pp.157-163, 1982-02-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
6 5

This paper deals with the number of times of molting and the mean carapace length in instars estimated from the frequency distribution of carapace length of the edible horse crab Erimacrus isenbeckii collected in the coastal sea area of Eastern-Hokkaido, and with the experimental data of increase at molting. From size frequencies of female and male of 1091 individuals, under 50 millimeters, nine groups are recognized. The mean carapace length for each group being 5.2, 7.0, 8.7, 12.5, 15.6, 20.4, 27.4, 33.5 and 46.4mm. From 5572 male individuals, ranging from 50 to 124mm, five groups are recognized. The mean carapace length for each group being 59.1, 73.3, 88.2, 103.5 and 117.5mm. From 3884 female individuals, range 50-88mm, four groups are recognized. The mean carapace length for each group being 55.9, 65.8, 74.1 and 84.0mm. Applying these mean sizes to Hiatt's graphic method in which the post-exuvial lengths (Ln+1) were plotted against the initial lengths (Ln), the following formulas are obtained: male and female under 50 millimeters, Ln+1=1.336Ln-0.40; mature female, Ln+1=0.998 Ln+9.49; mature male, Ln+1=1.036Ln+11.68. Growth of the carapace length in instars fits the growth equation as follows: male, lt=177/(1+e3.765-0.269t-0.0035t2); female, lt=125/(1+e3.451-0.293t-0.0017t2).
米倉 竜次 苅谷 哲治 藤井 亮吏 熊崎 博 斉藤 薫 熊崎 隆夫 桑田 知宣 原 徹 徳原 哲也 景山 哲史
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.73, no.5, pp.839-843, 2007 (Released:2007-10-03)
4 5

岐阜県の椛の湖に定着した外来魚ブルーギルの生息個体数が,釣りによる駆除により抑制されるかを検討した。調査期間中,総計 15966 個体を駆除した。標識再捕法による個体数推定の結果,ブルーギルの生息数は 24231 個体から 10092 個体まで減少した。また,体サイズ分布の変化から,繁殖に寄与するであろう大型個体が減少することや新規加入が抑制されていることが示唆された。これらの結果から,釣りによる駆除はブルーギルの個体群を抑制するうえで有効であると考えられた。
小山 一
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.16, no.4, pp.119-126, 1950-09-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
5 7

Cottus pollux Günther cannot live in some parts of Chikuma River on account of the polluted water or lack of the water caused by power plants. Its breeding in this river occurs from early February to the middle May, and the temperature of water during the season stands 4.0-10.5°C at 10 a. m. The eggs are laid under the flat stones in the rapid stream. The number of the eggs one fish contains is in proportion to the body length, and the breeding is done about 3 times during the season. When the body is 10.5 c.m. long on the aw average, it breeds about 300 eggs a time, and the diameter of the eggs laid under the stone is 2.9-3.3 m.m. The color of the eggs is mostly light orange.
浜田 啓吉
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.19, no.2, pp.79-82, 1953-06-25 (Released:2008-02-29)

The pond smelt, Hypormesus olidus (PALLAS), migrates inherently into the sea and ascends for spawning to streams, but the land-locked form also occurs commonly in lakes and pond in Japan. The studies on the land locked-form of Main Land of Japan have been carried out by F. MATSUZAKI, ('36) and T. FUJITA, & S. KOKUBO, ('26), I AMEMITA & Y. HIYAMA, ('31), H. KOBAYASHI ('36) and K. MATSUBARA, ('46). However, nothing has been studied on the fish which ascends in fresh water from the sea. Of the fishes of the River Ishikari, the school of the present waterway which ascends from the sea differs from the fish of the old waterway in the morphological characters such as the body length, the scale structure and the number of vertebrae. Consequently, each school of both waterways is independent ecologically with each other, The fish of the present waterway migrates into the sea, while the school of the old waterway stays through the life in fresh water, in spite of the presence of passage to the sea.
山本 孝治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.13, no.4, pp.150-152, 1948-03-10 (Released:2008-02-29)

The relation of the number of ripe ovarian eggs of the pond smelt (N) to the total length of body (L) and to the body weight (W) may be expressed by the formula N=aLb and N=a'Wb' respectively, where a, b, a', b' are constants specific to the kind of fish. The value of these constants calculated in the present species are a= 58.83×10-5, b=3.52 and a'=1.000, b'= 0.967.
佐々木 剛 猿渡 敏郎 渡邊 精一
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.5, pp.924-926, 2006 (Released:2006-09-22)
1 1

遡河回遊型ワカサギの回遊履歴を解明するため,耳石核から縁辺部まで Sr, Ca の X 線強度の線分析を行い,Sr:Ca 比を求めた。耳石の形成時期と Sr:Ca 比の変化から,淡水域と海水域を交互に回遊することが示唆された。すなわち,ふ化直後から 5~7 月まで淡水域から海水域へ移動する「海水移動期」,5~8 月まで淡水域に移動する「淡水移動期」,7~9 月から産卵遡上時まで「海水移動期」となる。2 年魚は,海水域から淡水域へ移動する「淡水移動期」,その後海水域へ移動する「海水移動期」となる。
浜田 啓吉
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.19, no.2, pp.75-78, 1953-06-25 (Released:2008-02-29)

The scale of pond smelt, Hypomesus olidus (PALLAS), shows no definite annual-ring in such a manner as the scale of salmon or herring. Two different zones, one of which grows in summer and the other in winter, are recognized on the scale of the fish in Lake Kasumigaura by F. MATSUZAKI (1916), while, according to H. KOBAYASHI (1936), the fish of Lake Shironuma shows the spawning mark which may probably be formed by the spawning. The present study aims to find the local difference of scale structures of pond smelts. The fishes of three localities of Hokkaido, the anadromous type of the river Ishikari, the land-locked-form Lake Junsai and the fishes of Lake Abashiri connecting with the sea, were taken up as the materials under three different ecological conditions. The marks on the scales of pond smelt from Lake Abashiri (Fig. 3) ought to be thought as the spawning mark, but those of the fishes of Lake Junsai (Fig. 5) are the interstitial mark bet-ween the winter and summer zones, and the material from the River Ishikari (Fig. 1) lacks these marks. There, the scales of pond smelts differ with their localities and appear the different cha-racteristic structure.
佐藤 健司 吉中 禮二 佐藤 守 志水 寛
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.52, no.9, pp.1595-1600, 1986
29 153

The contents of acid-soluble and insoluble collagens in the ordinary muscle of twenty-two species of fishes was determined. In addition, the contribution of muscle collagen to the swimm-ing movement of fish and to the texture of the sliced raw meat was examined.<br> The total collagen content varied with species in the ranges from 0.34 to 2.19% of wet tissue and from 1.6 to 12.4% of crude protein. The solubility of muscle collagen of fishes was generally much higner than that reported for muscle collagen of mammals. As for the swimming movement, the results indicated that the musculature of the fish with flexible body comprises a high proportion of collagen. As for the textural properties, the results indicated that the muscle collagen con-tributes to the toughness of the sliced raw meat.
猪野 峻
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.19, no.4, pp.410-414, 1953

As shown in Fig. 1, the spines on the dorsal surface of the Japanese topshell, <i>Turbo cornutus</i>, a-e usually divided into four types according to their position. In June 1949 the writer liberated 258 topshells into an artificial pool 15m×7m wide in Kominato Marine Biological Laboratory, Chiba prefecture. Here the environment, from the standpoint of salinity, current, bottom. character and available food, was not as suitable for this species as was its natural habitat. In June 1950, 58 specimens were recollected from the pool. Observing their spines, it was found that peculiar changes had occurred during the year of transplantation into the artificial pool, asshown in Tables I and 2. The groups produced shell spines that lower in position (A→B, A→C. and O→C) are proved to be superior in increased weight and length of shell (Tables 3 and 4). nes, the upper spine being related to excurrent action, the lower to incurrent action. Anatomical observations on this snail (Fig. 2) and on the parasitic gastropod, <i>Amalthea conica</i> (Table 5). bear out this conclusion.
青海 忠久 木下 泉 田中 克
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.59, no.2, pp.321-326, 1993
12 45

The predator-prey relationship of crangonid shrimp <i>Crangon affinis</i> and juvenile Japanese flounder <i>Paralichthys olivaceus</i> was examined under laboratory conditions.<br> Visual observation and the carcasses of the juvenile flounder provided an insight to the predatory process. The shrimp hooked the juvenile flounder with their movable chcla, and devoured in the order of the abdomen, tail, trunk, eyes, and head.<br> Predation rates: the percentage of flounder lethally attacked by the shrimp per container and numbers of lethally attacked flounder juveniles per shrimp decreased as the size of the flounder increased. These values were greater during dark periods than during light periods. This fact indicates that shrimp are more active and effective predators at night. The daily ration of shrimp was roughly estimated to be 20-25% of their body weight, based on the mean weight of prey consumed daily per 1g of the predator. The maximum size of flounder susceptible to shrimp predation was expected to be larger than 25mm SL. These results suggest that predation pressured by shrimp is considerably heavy on newly-settled Japanese flounder, especially at night.
田子 泰彦
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.68, no.2, pp.144-150, 2002-03-15
14 8

松村 清治
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.73, no.2, pp.250-255, 2007-03-15
1 1

林田 文郎
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.66, no.2, pp.212-220, 2000-03-15
5 3

岩地湾のアマモは, 水深3&acd;11mの範囲に生育し, 生育下限の水深12mでの相対照度は11%であった。現存量および葉面積指数は, 7月に最大となり, それぞれ888g。生重量/m^2(水深7m), 約3(水深10m)を示した。生殖株の出現率は6月で最も高く, 水深7mでは36%であった。岩地湾のアマモは, 7&acd;10mの深所で生育が良く, その主な理由としては, 透明度が極めて高く, また日照時間と日射量のいずれも, 他府県とくらべて高い値を示すという, 自然環境特性によるものと推察される。