庄司 吏香 三ツ口 千代菊 早瀬 須美子 熊谷 佳子 徳留 裕子 山中 克己 早川 弘子 淡路 比呂代 野中 千秋 河合 光久 藤木 理代
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.4, pp.249-257, 2017 (Released:2017-04-27)
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This study aimed to clarify the influence of dietary habits and the daily intake of fermented milk product containing Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult, 1.0 × 1010 cfu/100 mL/day on bowel habits in healthy young Japanese women. To clarify the interaction of a fermented milk product containing Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult, 1.0 × 1010 cfu/100 mL/day, and food intake on bowel habits in healthy young Japanese women. A total of 150 female university students participated in this study. They recorded the amount of food intake using a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) during the pre-experiment period and bowel habits in a diary during the study. After the exclusion of 30 subjects who defecated every day, 120 subjects were randomly divided two groups.Pre experiment they recorded the amount of food intake using food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and bowel habits. After excluded 30 subjects who defecated every day, we divided two groups. We conducted an open cross-over ,study, which was composed of a non-intake period (4 weeks), a washout period (2 weeks), and an intake period (4 weeks). Sixty-two subjects, who completed the study and fully recorded in a diary, were included in the analysis. We conducted an open cross-over study. The study period was 10 weeks including a non-intake period, washout period, and an intake period. During the intake period the defecation frequency was increased from 72.2 ± 18.6 to 77.7 ± 18.8% (p < 0.01). The Bristol Stool Scale was increased from 3.2 ± 0.8 to 3.4 ± 0.9(p < 0.01). As assessed by a 5-point Likert scale, the average scores of straining and feeling of incomplete evacuation was decreased from 2.0 ± 0.8 to 1.7 ± 0.7 (p < 0.01). As assessed by a visual analog 10-point scale, the average scores of constipation awareness was decreased from 4.1 ± 2.0 to 3.3 ± 1.9 (p < 0.01). In contrast, tThe amount of calorie intake was remarkably smaller than that in recommended value (1532 ± 314 v.s.1950 kcal). Especially the consumption of potato, beans, vegetable, and fruits were smaller than recommended value. The defecation frequency during the intake period was positively correlated with each amount of calorie intake and carbohydrate intake(each p < 0.05)but not with the amount of dietary fiber intake. These findings suggest that a daily intake of fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium and an adequate food intake might provide benefits improving the bowel habit in healthy young Japanese women.
上田 玲子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.5, no.3, pp.19-23, 1995-03-30 (Released:2011-01-31)
奥田 真子 加藤 史香 川井 友貴 加賀谷 みえ子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.28, no.2, pp.109-117, 2017 (Released:2017-10-31)

The breath hydrogen (H2) excretion and subjective symptoms were measured during expiration for eight hours after a meal intake (used four kinds of examination meals) by healthy humans for the purpose of clarifying the effectiveness of the dietary fiber meal. The subjects of the breath H2 analysis were five or seven young healthy women.The examination meals B and D had a greater intake and quantity of dietary fiber than the A and C test meals, and the breath H2 quantity was significantly higher (p<0.05, p<0.01). The max breath H2 quantity for B was 40.6±17.8ppm (p<0.05), and for D were 38.8±28.3ppm (p<0.01) which were significantly higher than A and C. Each total breath H2 of A, B, C and D was 5463, 7221, 2337 and 6955ppm×min, respectively. The small intestine transit time of A, B, C and D was 334±25, 285±14, 273±32min and 273±26min, respectively. No significant difference was seen between A and B, and C and D. The blood sugar was not influenced by the meals. The cross point of time of while feeling hunger and the feeling of a full stomach of A and B was both of 210min, C was 255min, and D was 255min. The meal with more carbohydrates, like D, was able to provide a feeling of a full stomach that lasted for a long time. The D food consisting of more dietary fiber produced more H2, and it is thought that H2 is involved in the removal of the active oxygen. The dietary fiber rich meal is regarded as an effective meal for increasing the breath H2 production.
茂木 孝也
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.9, no.4, pp.11-18, 1999-03-31 (Released:2011-01-31)
加藤 征江
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.1, pp.47-54, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-07-23)

揚げ物調理において, 食材, 揚げ方法の条件が揚げ油の劣化に如何に影響するかを, 過酸化物価 (POV) と酸価 (AV) により経時的に調べた。更に, 揚げ油としてはサラダ油と大豆胚芽油とを用いて, 揚げ油の劣化の経時的な変化とその揚げ物 (鶏から揚げ) に対する嗜好を官能評価により比較した。1) 食材としては, 薄切りじゃがいも50gの素揚げ用試料を500gのサラダ油で170℃, 3分間揚げを, 10回繰り返し30分間行い, じゃがいもの総重量500gを1セットと数えた。同様に, 鶏肉のから揚げ試料の場合もまた, 100gの試料を500gのサラダ油で165℃, 6分間揚げを5回繰り返し30分間行い, 鶏肉の総重量500gを1セットとした。いずれの試料もこの操作を繰り返し連続6セット行い1セット毎にPOVとAVとを求めた。  POVでは, 2種類の食材を用いた試料間に違いがあり, じゃがいもの試料ではPOVは高低の変動を示したが, 鶏肉の試料では高くなるのみであった。統計的には, 食材からの試料間に5%の危険率で有意差があり, 鶏肉試料の揚げ油の方は高いPOVであった。  一方, AVでは, 食材からの試料間に有意差はなかったが, 揚げ油使用時間の長さには有意差があった。2) 揚げ方法については, 鶏肉の試料をサラダ油により, 6セットの連続揚げと間歇揚げを行い, それらを比較した。その結果は間歇揚げの方がPOVとAVともに, やや高い値の傾向を示したが, 2つの揚げ方法の間には有意差は見られなかった。3) サラダ油と大豆胚芽油を揚げ油として, 鶏肉の試料を間歇揚げの方法で揚げた時, POVでは, 2種類の揚げ油間に5%の危険率で有意差があり, サラダ油は大豆胚芽油よりもその値は高かった。しかし, AVでは, 2種類の揚げ油間には有意差が見られなかった。一方, サラダ油と大豆胚芽油で揚げた鶏から揚げの官能評価において, 各セットにおける2種類の揚げ物間の比較では, 揚げ色, ジューシー, おいしさの項目ではほとんど同じ評価であった。しかし, 油っぽさの項目のみ, 揚げ時間が長くなるに従い, POVの低かった大豆胚芽油による揚げ物の方がサラダ油による揚げ物よりも油っぽくないと評価された。4) じゃがいもと鶏肉とを通常用いられるサラダ油で連続揚げ, 又は間歇揚げした時, 6セット180分間の揚げ操作でも, その揚げ油はPOVおよびAVにおいて食の安全を保ち, またその鶏から揚げの官能評価では適度な品質を保持していた。
菅原 里枝 新井 猛浩 大村 一史 楠本 健二
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.3, pp.222-231, 2010-12-30 (Released:2011-01-24)

The purpose of the present investigation is to determine how one′s nutritional status affects an unsettled state of mind, especially the impulsivity trait, in university students. Three hundred twenty-four university students completed a self-rating questionnaire. They were assessed using a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ), the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (11th version; BIS-11), and the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II). Based on BDHQ scores, the participants were classified into three groups according to their nutrient intake: low-energy density nutrient intake, moderate-energy density nutrient intake, and high-energy density nutrient intake. A one-way analysis of variance revealed significantly higher BIS-11 scores in the case of low-energy protein intake and low dietary intake of the soy and soy food groups. The vitamin and mineral deficiencies influenced the impulsivity trait, and the n-6 fatty acid deficiency possibly led to an increase in the impulsivity level. The results suggest that an unbalanced nutritional status is a risk factor for a higher impulsiveness in university students.
上岡 美保
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.3, pp.173-178, 2010

&nbsp;&nbsp;In our eating habits, independent eating habits are being lost in all meanings today. For example, in the home, the opportunity of the meal made at home decreases and the domestic taste is disappearing. In the local area, succession of gastronomic culture is difficult. Moreover, the agricultural products are also no longer consumed in the area. As a result, the food self-sufficiency ratio of our country is a fall tendency.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;The decline in a food self-sufficiency ratio has the strong relation not only with food problems but environmental problems and agricultural problems. Therefore, regaining independent eating habits means that many of those problems are solved.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Now, in order to raise a food self-sufficiency ratio, there are only two methods. For that purpose, consumers&prime; efforts are required. One method should make a denominator small. That is, it is important to lose useless consumption (food loss). Another method is making a numerator expand. Specifically, the agricultural products are consumed in the area. And it activates Japanese agriculture. For that purpose, food education is an important means. The food education can perform consumers&prime; consciousness reform. Furthermore, it can expect to solve many problems, such as a food self-sufficiency ratio.
児玉 ひろみ 小川 久恵
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.14, no.2, pp.126-133, 2003-09-30 (Released:2011-01-31)
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In the past, when boiling spinach, it is suggested that one should use boiling water. It is said that this removes the oxalic acid ingredient and other ingredients with a non-taste, and improves the color. In this study the temperature of the boiling water and the influence of the boiling time were evaluated.1) The oxalic acid content decreased when the temperature of the boiling water was high and when the boiling time was long.2) There was no difference in the color of the boiled spinach.3) Even if the boiling time was long at 60 and 70°C, the oxalic acid content and the change in its strength were low and the heating was insufficient.4) At 80°C with a sufficient boiling time, a moderate condition was attained. For the oxalic acid content and softness evaluation, heating was from 2 to 3 minutes at 100°C which was considered moderate in the past.5) At 100°C, the range in the boiling time which can make spinach have a moderate condition was short. From 80 to 90°C, the time period was long. When boiling spinach is always kept in the hot water, boiling is not necessary and it is possible to say that the heating power should be maintained to provide an 80°C temperature or higher.
野嶽 勇一
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.2, pp.65-69, 2012-09-30 (Released:2012-10-30)

PS-B1 is fermented products cultivated from soybean milk using indigenous lactic acid bacteria which are of human intestinal-bacteria origin. We have studied the bioactivities of PS-B1 in order to understand its ability as a “biogenic food”. In this study, we found: (1) that PS-B1 inhibited the growth of several cancer cells; (2) that PS-B1 protected liver from the damage induced by alcohol, virus, and drugs; and (3) that PS-B1 improved the lipid metabolism.
大野 智
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.1, pp.3-6, 2016 (Released:2016-07-28)

Recent surveys demonstrate that many patients with cancer use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies at some point after their diagnosis. Therefore, CAM has increasingly been the focus of international research. However, due to insufficient evidence and/or insufficient good quality evidence, this has mostly not translated to practice recommendations. In these circumstances, medical practitioners need to be aware of the importance of this issue and of the rationale used to promote CAM. A great need for public and professional education regarding this subject is evident.
長岡 功
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.19, no.1, pp.3-8, 2008-06-30 (Released:2008-09-02)

Glucosamine, a naturally occurring amino monosaccharide, has been widely used to treat osteoarthritis in humans. Several clinical trials have shown the significant symptom-modifying effect of glucosamine on osteoarthritis. Administration of glucosamine normalizes cartilage metabolism, so as to inhibit the degradation and stimulate the synthesis of proteoglycans, and to restore the articular function. In addition to the chondroprotective action, glucosamine is expected to exhibit anti-inflammatory actions by suppressing neutrophil functions such as superoxide generation, phagocytosis, granule enzyme release and chemotaxis. Moreover, glucosamine has been demonstrated to suppress the progression of adjuvant arthritis (a model of rheumatoid arthritis) possibly by inhibiting synovial cell activation and production of inflammatory mediators (such as prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide). Finally, glucosamine can suppress platelet aggregation, release of granule constituents, thromboxane A2 production, calcium mobilization and phosphorylation of Syk possibly via the inhibition of ADP-binding to the receptors. Thus, glucosamine could be expected as a novel anti-platelet agent for thrombotic disorders due to its suppressive actions on platelets.
樋口 才二 小山 清人
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.4, pp.298-306, 2011-03-30 (Released:2011-04-27)
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For the rice powder breads added to pectin or guargum were made, the particulate distributions of rice powders, composition of rice powder breads, sensory evaluation and textures of the rice powder breads were examined. (1)The particulate distribution of rice powders was 10-200 μm. (2)The productive methods of rice powder breads were put 300 g at water and 300 g at rice powders in a pan cakes. The methods were put 4 g at salt, 9 g at guargum, 18 g at sucrose, 30 g at trehalose, 9 g at skin milk, 30 g at margarine and 3 g at dry yeast in pan case. (3)The rice powder bread at this productive method was good optimum ratio of material composition. (4)The hardness stress of texture of rice powder breads decreased that the ratios of material composition of sugar and trehalose increased. (5)The cohesiveness stress almost did not change that the ratio powder compositions of sugar and trehalose increased.
渡辺 雄二 隅田 衣江 太田 徹
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.25, no.1, pp.26-31, 2014 (Released:2014-07-25)

A relationship between eating behavior and attitude to uncleanness of daily life in female college students and female high school students was statistically studied by method of questionnaire. Following results were obtained;1)  The fundamental factor of attitude to uncleanness on daily life was “hating to make use of goods placed public utility”.2)  274 subjects were classified into three groups by using their principal component scores.3)  In attitude to uncleanness, 44 subjects who showed over minus 0.9 score were liable to hate hanging on to straps of trains and buses, touching door knobs and keyboards of personal computers, using toilet seats, sofas and mules in public utility. On the other hand, 41 subjects who showed over plus 0.9 score were not.4)  In eating behavior, they who showed over minus 0.9 score were liable to pay attention to the dirt of tablewares and tables at the time of eating out. But they who showed over plus 0.9 score were not.  From above results, it was speculated their attitude to uncleanness on daily life closely related eating behavior of female college students and female high school students.
小林 麻里子 奥脇 義行 川井 英雄
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.3, pp.211-216, 2006 (Released:2007-01-30)
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Staphylococcus属菌及びStreptococcus属菌はPETボトル入り清涼飲料水中でも長時間の生存が可能な場合がある。そこで,これらの中で口腔内に常在していることの多いS.aureusとS.pyogenesの一定濃度の菌液を調製し, 菌数の変動を検討した。(1) S.aureusとS.pyogenesを接種した実験において, スポーツ飲料と乳酸菌飲料ではS.aureusでは菌数の変化が見られなかったが, S.pyogenesは5時間後までに死滅した。(2) むぎ茶飲料ではS.aureusは増加し, S.pyogenesはわずかな減少を示した。(3) 紅茶飲料 (ミルクティ) は両菌種ともに増加した。(4) スポーツ飲料と乳酸菌飲料はpH3, むぎ茶飲料と紅茶飲料 (ミルクティ) はpH6程度であるため, 細菌の生存には成分も影響するが, pHの方がより強く影響することが示唆された。(5) むぎ茶飲料と紅茶飲料 (ミルクティ) との比較では, むぎ茶飲料はタンパク質, 脂質, 炭水化物を全く含まず, 原材料が麦の浸出液のみである。これに対し, 紅茶飲料 (ミルクティ) は乳成分 (牛乳, 脱脂粉乳など) や砂糖を含むため, 細菌の増殖に適した条件であると言える。(6) 黄色ブドウ球菌食中毒が発症するエンテロトキシン量は平均100~200ngとされる。これは, 食品中におけるS.aureusが106cfu/g以上と同レベルの増殖である。本研究の紅茶飲料 (ミルクティ) では, 接種24時間後でもっとも増殖した試料でも104cfu/mL程度である。このためエンテロトキシンが産生される条件に満たなかったと考えられた。
山田 哲雄 倉沢 新一 笠原 久弥 林 淳三
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.6, no.3, pp.23-33, 1996-03-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

本研究は, エネルギー1, 000kca1当たりの栄養素摂取量を維持する食事条件下での5日間の運動 (1時間または2時間/日) 時におけるナトリウム (Na), カリウム (K), カルシウム (Ca), マグネシウム (Mg) およびリン (P) 出納の変動を検討するために行われた.健康な男性5名が被験者となった. 実験は6日間の安静期に続くおのおの5日間の第1運動期および第2運動期から構成された.運動期には, 60%V02maxを目標強度とした自転車エルゴメーターによる60分間 (第1運動期) または120分間 (第2運動期) の運動が負荷された.付加エネルギー摂取量は, 付加運動によるエネルギー消費量に応じて計算された.安静期のレベルを上回るNa, K, CaおよびMgの汗中排泄量の増加分は, これらの摂取量の増加分を下回った. 尿中排泄量の減少によるNaとPの体内保留が観察されたが, K, CaおよびMgの出納は変化しなかった. 尿中アルドステロン排泄量と血清副甲状腺ホルモン (PTH44-68) は, わずかに増大した. 以上のことから, 運動時におけるエネルギー1, 000kca1当たりの栄養素摂取量を維持する食事方法がこれらの無機質については理にかなっていることが示唆された.
吉田 充
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.26, no.2, pp.55-58, 2015

Acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen, is found in a wide range of high-temperature processed and/or cooked foods. Acrylamide is formed mainly from asparagine in Maillard reaction in the presence of reducing sugar such as fructose and glucose. While this compound can be metabolized to glutathione conjugates, it is also oxidized to glycidamide, a genotoxic compound. Glycidamide forms DNA adducts. Acrylamide is also known to have genotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and reproductive and developmental toxicity. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) evaluated health risk of acrylamide in food. The major contributing foods to total intake of acrylamide were found to be French fries, potato chips, coffee, pastry and sweet biscuits, and bread and rolls/toasts. The committee concluded based on national estimates that an intake of 1μg/kg bw per day of acrylamide could be taken to represent the average for the general population. The Committee selected 0.18mg/kg body weight per day as the most sensitive carcinogenicity estimate from animal study data. The margin of exposure (MOE) for the general population was thus calculated to be ca. 200, which is low for carcinogen and indicates human health concern. The Code of Practice for the Reduction of Acrylamide in Foods was published by Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2009 based on scientific analytical data obtained worldwide. Although acrylamide level in foods is decreasing owing to mitigation measures taken by food industry, the MOE is considered to be still staying less than 1000.
鎌田 尚子
vol.13, no.1, pp.22-26, 2002

Nursing is art and science.<BR>The stand point of the nursing makes heart and body to be a one body, and it catches the client in the society who falls ill for the pain.The nursing does the client with the human, and it improves quality of life from the frame of the existence with the dignity. The nursing is the art woven in proportion to the environmental condition, (T. P. 0) between both personality of nursing human and personality of the client. The assessment of the nursing diagnosis is done as nutrition and pattern of the metabolism, and it has classified the nutritional state into three parts: more than body requirements, less than body requirements, risk for more than body requirements.(by NANDA Nursing Diagnoses)<BR>At quality and quantity on the modulation of body condition, there is an individual difference, the daily rate, the sexual specificity, and it is the multi factor structure.Nightingale described it as following, &ldquo;The food is next an important thing in breathing air.In adjusting the meal in the body condition of the client, it is cooked, time is taken even in the midnight it, when it is eaten.&rdquo; Disease and viability of the client should be securely observed, and in addition, tune and appetite of the stomach eat it to the sick person.<BR>The nutrition art is just in this point.<BR>The memory between eating life and family and friend who the individual has lived is done important.The improvement of cure-meal and quality of life is that it is cooked and serves the meal which is suitable for the level of body condition and health status, feeling, present condition and preference and appetite of eating human.<BR>Then, I want to propose the nutrition science what sends from eating human.It is necessary to ask from ideal way, quality of life, QOL of recognition for the individual diet again. The nutritional art is to offer the world where the individual lived to the meal with his memory.It wants to make popularization and research of taste making of my real motive what cures my spirits to be a renaissance of the diet.It is necessary that they participate in nutrition science, as citizen and family have the language of thanks of &ldquo;It is received, &rdquo; &ldquo;Thank you, &rdquo; &ldquo;Wonderful entertainment, it is deliciously, &rdquo; &ldquo;I was satisfied, &rdquo; in order to create the nutritional art.(Participation Action Research)
添田 孝彦 山崎 勝利
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.12, no.4, pp.354-360, 2002

沖縄および関東地方の市販木綿豆腐に関する商品調査, 聞き取り調査および物性評価を中心におこなった.<BR>(1) 原材料について, 凝固剤はすまし粉からニガリへ, 大豆は輸入大豆から国産大豆への切り替えが, 特に関東地方において顕著で, 近年の潮流であることが示された. 消泡剤は沖縄地方では使用されず, 関東地方でも約半分以上が不使用となっていた.<BR>(2) 製法について, 沖縄地方では現在でも約70%が生絞り法を採用していたが, 関東地方はすべて煮とり法となっていた.<BR>(3) 沖縄地方の豆腐料理を豆腐の前処理法と調理法の二つの軸を用いて整理した. 調理耐性をもった豆腐が沖縄地方の豆腐の存続の要因と推察された.<BR>(4) 成分的にはMg含量は上昇し, 逆にCa含量は低下していた. これは商品調査から約80%がニガリ使用であるという結果と併せると, 凝固剤はすまし粉からニガリへの切り替えを裏付けるものであり, 現時点で既に5訂日本食品標準成分表記載のMgおよびCa値と大きな差異がみられた.<BR>(5) 豆腐のかたさについては沖縄地方と関東地方間で大きく異なった. 関東地方の豆腐に比べて, 沖縄地方の豆腐のかたさは1.7倍を有し, 豆腐物性の地域間での客観的比較が可能となった. 将来, 大豆をより多く摂取するための手段として, 沖縄料理的な豆腐料理を各地に提供していく意義は大きいと感じる.