三宅 妙子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.3, pp.243-253, 2010-12-30 (Released:2011-01-24)
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岡山県栄養士会は, 岡山県下の福祉・保健・医療, それぞれの施設から副食の食事形態を共通理解するためのツール作成を求められている。  そこで, 副食の食事形態の名称統一を目的に, 岡山県栄養士会, 岡山県栄養士会福祉栄養士協議会, 岡山県老人保健施設協会の学術委員会栄養士部会, ならびに岡山県病院栄養士協議会の協力により, 食事形態などに関するアンケート調査を実施し, 副食の食事形態を共通理解するための基準案の提唱を試みた。  副食の食事形態の名称の総数は, 福祉施設 (112施設) では171, 保健施設 (65施設) では102, 医療施設 (153施設) では327にも及んだ。しかし, 副食の名称統一に向けての基準案 (7名称) : 1普通食, 2一口大, 3きざみ食, 4ソフト食, 5やわらか固形食, 6ペースト食, 7嚥下訓練食にしたがって分類・整理することができた。  このたび提案した副食の食事形態基準案は, 形状の解釈を標準化することで, 管理栄養士間だけでなく, 多職種との共通認識のためにも活用が期待される。  管理栄養士が, 栄養管理された, 安全で, 享受できる食事を提供することは, 当然のことである。  今後は, 喫食者の視覚や味覚を良好に刺激できる外観, 美味しさ, さらに, 咀嚼・嚥下機能の維持に繋がる食事の提供のためにも, 試行を重ねたい。
今野 暁子 大出 京子 佐藤 玲子 佐々木 ルリ子 松本 まりこ 佐藤 真美 青柳 公大
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.1, pp.48-53, 2012

&nbsp;&nbsp;To investigate the optimum reheating conditions, we carried out physical measurements and a sensory analysis of the flavor characteristics and quality changes that occur during reheating of grilled miso-marinated chicken.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Compared with an ordinary oven, the loss of mass (weight loss) was reduced when reheating was carried out in a convection oven. The chicken meat was significantly tougher when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C than when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The toughness of the meat was the same when reheated in a convection oven at 130&deg;C and 150&deg;C as when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The meat exhibited less chewiness when reheated in a convection oven compared with an ordinary oven.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;The sensory analysis revealed that when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C, the color of the chicken meat was significantly browner. The meat was considerably tenderer when the Cook-Serve system was used, and less tender when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C. When reheated using the Cook-Serve system, the chicken was significantly juicier. The Cook-Serve system resulted in a notably high overall evaluation.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;In conclusion, reheating in a convection oven required less time and resulted in reduced loss of mass (weight loss) in comparison with reheating in an ordinary oven. When using a convection oven, a temperature of 150&deg;C resulted in a shorter reheating time compared with 130&deg;C and reduced loss of mass. Thus, reheating grilled miso-marinated chicken in a convection oven at 150&deg;C is the optimum method of reheating.
樋口 恭子 石川 哲也 庄司 崇 山本 祐司 田所 忠弘 三輪 睿太郎
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.2, pp.156-158, 2010-09-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

Recently, new types of ferrous fertilizers that release soluble Fe have been developed for use in Fe-sufficient soils. We applied ferrous chloride (FeCl2) to leaves of young eggplant (Solanum melongena) grown in Fe-sufficient soil. Foliar application of FeCl2 brought about an increase in the number of axillary shoots and fresh weight of whole shoot. Moreover, concentrations of Ca and Mn of leaves were increased though the treatment solution did not contain Ca or Mn. Foliar application of FeCl2 could increase not only Fe concentration but also Ca concentration in leaves of leaf vegetables.
江間 三恵子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.1, pp.68-76, 2006 (Released:2006-07-28)

Recently, the demand for Japanese eggs and meat with higher moisture contents for better eating habits has increased. Their protein values are excellent. An egg is a nourishing food, and when dry, becomes available for every food material. It is said that dried meat is a good nourishment tonic. This investigation will clarity the transition concerning age, and develop a patent. We then examined the relations of these dehydrated foods and associated eating habits.  As a result of the investigation, it was shown that their quality changes with age as well as the ways to use dehydrated eggs and dried meat.
木下 明美 山本 公平
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.2, pp.117-120, 2012-09-30 (Released:2012-10-30)

At present, the carbohydrate source in a staple Japanese diet is mostly polished rice. Brown rice polishing mainly enhances its appearance and gives it a soft texture. Unfortunately, brown rice polishing causes the loss of valuable nutrients. In recent years, the Japanese are concerned with healthy foods as a precaution against life-style related diseases and metabolic syndrome. Unpolishing rice could be a healthy option. What is improved for the ease of consuming tasteless brown rice is germinated brown rice. Thus, germinated brown rice has recently appeared in the commercial market. In addition, rice cookers with a setting for germinated brown rice are now available.  Rice bran oil is commonly consumed as vegetable oil. In this study, the fatty acids composition of brown rice was analyzed.  It was expected that the fatty acids in the lipids of germinated and ungerminated brown rice were changed by the germination or the boiling. However, there were no effects on the fatty acid contents, and the germinated brown rice is a safe food to eat, and its high consumption will improve dietary quality, and the useful dietary education of young children.
日笠 志津 根岸 由紀子 奥崎 政美 成田 国寛 辻村 卓
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.1, pp.26-32, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-08-01)
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Consumers of organically-grown vegetables often believe that these products are healthful and taste better than conventionally-grown vegetables. However, nutrient content and organoleptic characteristics vary from farm and year to year. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of agricultural technique on the production of high quality vegetables each year, for 3 years. Nutrient component analysis and a sensory test (of quality, as indicated by appearance, texture and taste) of spinach and komatsuna were carried out on produce from an organic farm and a conventional farm in Mie prefecture. Cultivation practices were the responsibility of each farmer, who had been selected (from our previous studies) because they had cultivated organically-grown spinach or conventionally-grown komatsuna that had scored highly in the sensory test.  The amount of nutrients of komatsuna was no significant differences. The appearance and texture of organically-grown komatsuna were preferred but preference based on taste was different between each years. The water, manganese and total of free amino acid contents of organically-grown spinach were lower, and the sodium and oxalic acid contents were higher than those of conventionally-grown spinach. For each of the 3 years, the organically-grown spinach scored highly in almost every parameter of the sensory test. The spinach might be more susceptible to the effect of organic manure than komatsuna. The results suggest that cultivation technique is likely to contribute vegetable quality. Future study is needed to determine the influence of agricultural practices on nutrient content, taste and the eating quality of vegetables after cooking.
加藤 みわ子 伊藤 康宏 永 忍夫 清水 遵
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.18, no.2, pp.140-144, 2007 (Released:2007-11-07)
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本研究では, 蓄積的疲労感が味覚に影響を与えるかを味覚試験を行って実験的に検討したところ,  &nbsp1) 蓄積的疲労感の高い人は塩味の閾値が低かった &nbsp2) 塩味閾値が低い人は抑うつ気分が高かった 3) 塩味閾値の低い人ほど呈味直後の快適感が減少していたの結果を得た。そして, 疲労感の蓄積が味覚に影響を与える大きな要因のひとつであること, 肉体疲労のみならず精神的な疲労感やストレスを緩和することが健康で良好な食生活の実現, 惹いては生活習慣病予防に大切であることが示唆された。
加藤 みわ子 伊藤 康宏
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.3, pp.185-192, 2016 (Released:2017-02-03)

Previous research has suggested a possible relationship between stress and the taste threshold. For example, it has been reported that chronic mental fatigue accompanied by dejection, or discomfort, greatly affected the threshold for salt taste. However, there are only a few studies on the effects of acute stress on taste. Therefore, the present study examined the influence of acute mental stress on the threshold for tasting saltiness. Participants in the study were healthy female university students (N = 57, Mean age: 21.8 ± 0.8 years). They were randomly separated into a stress group and a control group. Then, stress was induced in the stress group by an irregular training experience. Following stress induction, participants sat for 20 minutes and rested. Following this the taste for saltiness was compared in the two groups. All the participants were also assessed for feelings of anxiety and feelings of Pleasantness. Results indicated that the stress group had a significantly higher saltiness score than the control group. In addition, the stress group had less pleasant feeling after stress stimulation, indicating that acute mental stress was successfully induced in the stress group. These results suggest that the threshold for saltiness is reduced under conditions of acute mental stress.
鳥居 邦夫
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.9, no.3, pp.8-12, 1998-12-31 (Released:2011-01-31)
男澤 嶺 松田 寛子 熊崎 広大 田中 麻美子 宇田川 瑛里 西田 毅 白井 隆明
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.4, pp.237-242, 2017 (Released:2017-04-27)
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The postprandial increase in blood triglyceride levels is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease and a large number of studies has shown that a diet rich in vegetables may provide protection against many chronic diseases. Leaf vegetables generally contain β-carotene, zeaxanthin and chlorophyll including thylakoids. In this study, we investigated the bile acid-binding capacities of thylakoids in vitro and the suppressive effects of it before the administration of a lipid meal on postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in rats using oral fat tolerance/loading tests (OFTT). Consequently, thylakoids bound bile acids in a dose-dependent manner. Following the administration of the lipid meals, increases in the serum triglycerides levels were significantly reduced in rats fed 300 mg/kg bw of thylakoids just before lipid meals. Additionally, the area under the curve showed that a high-dose thylakoids significantly inhibited the absorption of dietary fat. Moreover, the level of fecal bile acid was significantly increased although there were no significant differences in the fecal volume and fecal total lipid levels. These results suggest that thylakoid intake before eating a lipid diet induces a suppressive effect of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia to defecate bile acid and confirmed the results of the health-promoting potential dietary thylakoids. This health benefit of thylakoids could be achieved by substantially increasing the consumption of vegetables.
難波 文男
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.28, no.4, pp.225-229, 2018 (Released:2018-04-28)

A part of the bone is always dissolved and absorbed by osteoclast (bone resorption). And osteoblasts form a new bone (osteoplasty). When this balance collapses, it leads to the disease called the bone metabolism abnormality symptom, and the most common example is osteoporosis. In male and female, the bone mass reaches maximum in mid-30 years old and decreases gradually with aging afterward. It is revealed that estrogen greatly participates in maintaining a bone mass. Because in the women in particular, the sudden decrease in bone mass happens for postmenopausal 5-10 years, and there is knowledge such as there being fewer losses of the bone mass than the woman who is irregular in the women who are stable in their menstrual cycle. It is known that the soy isoflavone has weak estrogen-like activity. The effects of isoflavones on bone are confirmed not only in vitro examination but also in animal experiment and a clinical trial. It is thought that these effects act by mechanism same as bone resorption restraint action of estrogen. Black soybean, a type of soybean with a black seed coat, has been widely used as a nutritionally rich food in Asia. Black soybean has been utilized as a traditional Chinese medicine for preventing of cardiovascular diseases, improving aging liver and kidney functions, and for accelerating diuretic action. Black soybean seed coat contains numerous bioactive compounds including proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins. These compounds have activity as radical scavengers, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory agents, and for improving the fluidity of blood. These multiple activities may have some effects on endothelial function.
松尾 眞砂子 人見 英里
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.18, no.4, pp.330-334, 2008-03-30 (Released:2008-05-09)

本研究は, 味噌の摂取により健康を維持増進する研究の一環として, ニンニク, ダイコン, ゴボウ, タマネギ, 白ネギ, 葉ネギ, チンゲンサイ, ブロッコリー, ナスとピーマンを用い, 野菜が味噌の抗酸化力に及ぼす影響をin vitro系とex vivo系で調べた。in vitro系では, 野菜の味噌煮液がSOSAに及ぼす影響を調べた。ex vivo系では, ラットの摘出肺のホモジネート抽出液に野菜の味噌煮液を加え, SOD様活性, GSH-Px様活性への影響を調べた。また, 還元力を確認する他の方法として肺ホモジネートに野菜の味噌煮液を添加し, 12-HETEの生成量への影響を調べた。  ニンニク, 葉ネギ, チンゲンサイとブロッコリーの味噌煮液は味噌のSOSAを増大した。しかし, このin vitro系におけるSOSAへの影響は必ずしもex vivo系におけるSOD様活性への影響と一致しなかった。ex vivo系のデータを重視すると,実験結果から次のことが示唆された。ニンニク, 白ネギ, 葉ネギ, チンゲンサイやピーマンの味噌煮液は活性酸素消去力と過酸化物還元力の両方を増強し, タマネギの味噌煮液は活性酸素消去力を増強し, ダイコン, ゴボウやナスの味噌煮液は過酸化物還元力を増強することによって味噌の生体内抗酸化作用を増強するであろう。したがって, 上記野菜類を味噌汁の具に活用すると, 味噌の生体内抗酸化力は増強される可能性があると推測される。
水野 時子 山田 幸二
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.4, pp.329-335, 2007 (Released:2007-05-02)
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大豆もやし生育過程における, 呈味成分や機能性成分としてのγ-アミノ酪酸および遊離アミノ酸組成, 併せて一般成分, 脂質中の脂肪酸組成の変動を検討した。  1. 大豆もやし生育過程において, タンパク質含量, 脂質含量は減少したが, 出荷当日の大豆もやし乾物100g当たりのタンパク質含量は45.2~47.7%, 脂質は12.5~16.8%であった。  2. 大豆もやし生育過程において, 甘味系のアミノ酸 (スレオニン, セリン, グリシン, アラニン, プロリン, バリン), 苦味系のアミノ酸 (バリン, メチオニン, イソロイシン, ロイシン, チロシン, フェニルアラニン, ヒスチジン, アルギニン) は増加した。  3. 大豆もやし生育過程において, 機能性アミノ酸であるγ-アミノ酪酸, アルギニン, 分枝鎖アミノ酸 (バリン・ロイシン・イソロイシン) は増加し, 特に国産大豆子実を用いた大豆もやしで高値を示した。  以上の結果, 大豆もやしは栄養価の高い食品であることが示唆された。また, 機能性アミノ酸であるγ-アミノ酪酸, アルギニン, 分枝鎖アミノ酸 (バリン, ロイシン, イソロイシン) が増加したことから, 大豆もやし摂取でγ-アミノ酪酸, アルギニンによる血圧降下作用, 分枝鎖アミノ酸によるエネルギー活性化等の機能性が期待できる。
古林 万木夫
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.4, pp.304-309, 2007 (Released:2007-05-02)
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Soy sauce is a traditional fermented seasoning of East Asian countries and is available throughout the world. In Japanese soy sauce (shoyu), soybeans and wheat are the two main raw materials, used in almost the same quantity. Proteins of the raw materials are completely degraded into peptides and amino acids by microbial proteolytic enzymes after fermentation, and no allergens of the raw materials are present in soy sauce. In contrast, polysaccharides originating from the cell wall of soybeans are resistant to enzymatic hydrolyses. These polysaccharides are present in soy sauce even after fermentation and termed shoyu polysaccharides (SPS). Soy sauce generally contains about 1% (w/v) SPS and SPS exhibit potent antiallergic activities in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, an oral supplementation of SPS is an effective intervention for patients with allergic rhinitis in two double-blind placebo-controlled clinical studies. In conclusion, soy sauce would be a potentially promising seasoning for the treatment of allergic diseases through food because of its hypoallergenicity and antiallergic activity.
坂田 由紀子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.6, no.1, pp.38-51, 1995-07-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

目的: カナダBC州のバンクーバー, スティーブストン, フレーザーバリー在住の日系人の食生活における日本人としてのアイデンティティーの検索調査時期及び調査対象: 調査時期は1992年9-10月であり, 対象は27-90歳の日系二世および三世225名 (男子19名, 女子206名) である.結果: 1. 行事は, 西洋の行事 (クリスマス, ハローイン, イースター) と日本の行事 (正月, お盆, 雛祭り, 大晦日) が並列に行われており, 行事食は伝統的な形のものが残っていた. 日本の行事食として定着しているのは, 赤飯, 寿司, 煮しめ, 饅頭であった. こんにゃくは, 現在でも手作りされている.2. 正月料理の雑煮は, 丸餅を焼かずに煮込む白味噌または澄まし仕立てであり, 西日本の食文化が主流である.3. カナダでアレンジされた料理には, BCロールがあり, カリフォルニアロールと一緒にレストラン料理として定着している.4. 日系人独特の行事食としてチャーメンが定着していた.
佐藤 吉朗
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.3, pp.143-145, 2016 (Released:2017-02-03)
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We Japanese people can get many foods whenever we would like to have some foods. But we have distrust of food safety. When we feel some abnormal flavor from foods, we doubt food safety in case of no problem. We comprehend this flavor the important problem in food business. Such a flavor is called off-flavor in foods. We introduce some cases of off-flavor in foods and the methods of solution these problems. There are three types of off-flavor generating factor. ①off-flavor at the time of food production ②off-flavor at the time of food distribution ③off-flavor at the time of food preservation Off-flavor problem comes to the surface when the consumer appeals the abnormal flavor in food. So food supplier should conclude the origin of this off-flavor precisely. After they have organoleptic evaluation for this off-flavor, analysis of this flavor should be carried out with GC-MS method. Case by case food supplier need to decide food sale discontinuance or food collection. Such an off-flavor problem should be discussed on common ground, because food quality control is not secret different from food development. We established Food Off-flavor Study Group in 2012. We expect many people joining this party.
坂元 明子 山本 信子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.11, no.2, pp.179-188, 2000-09-30 (Released:2011-01-31)

It seems tha when people have a meal, their wil gives priority to the traditiona food culture, which is likely to be declining. This is because now is the time when food is so abundant. Therfore, we wanted to know the statusquo in menus, Haizen and arrangement, ment, and examine meals in general. So we conducted a factfinding survey by taking pictures of dinne tables for three days. The research wa given to students of Fukuoka Jogakuin Junior College in Fukuoka area, students of Mukogawa Joshi Junior College in Hyogo area and their families 622. and 606We analyzed the data and got the following results. 84.7% of the staple food for dinner is rice. The position of the rice bowl on the table is traditionally recognized to be in the front on the left, and 74.2% of the dinner tables have the right position. There are more main dishes and side dishes than we expected. The more main dishes and side dishes they have, the more diversity and disorder of the table setting they have. When they have soup in their menu, many of them put the rice bowl at the given position, which is in the front on the lefe, and the main dish in the back on the right, which is the given position.
加藤 征江 山路 恵子 小谷 スミ子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.11, no.2, pp.165-177, 2000-09-30 (Released:2011-01-31)

In order to investigate how the sweetness preference affects the situation and consciousness of dietary life among the younger generation, we surveyed male and female students (300 males, 298 females) using a questionaire. The results were as follows.1) As for the sweetness preference, “the intake frequency of sweet confectionery” was strongly correlated with each of the intake frequencies for six kinds of confectioneries. Also, the “favorite concentration of sweet drink” was strongly correlated with each preference degree for two kinds of sweet drinks.2) The at-home group showed a rather higher intake frequency for sweet confectionery, compared with the group living out of the house for both the male and female students. The sport activity group had a higher intake frequency for sweet drinks than the other groups, especially for the males.3) The “intake frequency of breakfast” was the lowest of the three meals. Especially, 41.3 % of the male students always skipped breakfast. Also for the males, the group that skipped breakfast had a lower intake frequency for sweet confectioneries and sweet drinks in addition to the meal than the group taking it every day.4) For the famales, it was significantly noted that the groups doing biased dieting had a lower intake frequency for sweet drinks and also that the groups thinking of a nutritional balance liked the thinner taste for sweet drinks.5) Based on an analysis using Hayashi's Quantification Method 1, the degree which the sweetness preference concerns the “degree of satisfaction of dietary life” wasn't as strong as much the “intake frequency of breakfast” and “nutritional balance” . The groups with a higher intake frequency for sweet confectionery had, if anything a lower degree for satisfaction for dietary life. Also, for the males, groups liking a thicker taste for sweet drinks and for the female, groups liking a rather thinner taste for sweet drinks had a higher degree for satisfaction for dietary life.
上野 和行 福本 恭子 三星 知 本田 裕加 五十嵐 幸子 長井 一彦 岡島 英雄
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.25, no.2, pp.101-104, 2014 (Released:2014-10-30)
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The Effects of a brown rice diet on clinical laborator y data in cholesterolemia patients (n=20, 2 men and 18 women) were studied. They had been diagnosed with cholesterolemia having over a 180 mg/dL total cholesterol level and received HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for treatment of their cholesterolemia. All of the patients usually ingested a polished rice diet. They ingested a brown rice diet instead of a polished one 2 out of 3 meals ( breakfast, lunch and dinner ) for 3 months. The mean levels of the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol after the study had significantly decreased more than those before the stud y. There was a tendency that the triglyceride after the study had decreased. Also, the mean levels of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen after the study had significantly decreased more than those before the study. These results suggested that the ingestion of a brown rice diet suppor ts health care by improving lipidsis in cholesterolemia.
殿塚 婦美子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.13, no.4, pp.232-244, 2003-03-31 (Released:2011-01-31)
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