石黒 千晶 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.90-111, 2013-03-01

The creation of a work of art is indicated to result from <i>expressive awareness</i>,achieved<br> as the artist matches images and methods. This study examined how novices, who tend<br> to produce artistic expressions reproductively, acquire such <i>expressive awareness </i>over<br> several weeks of practice of photography. We conducted case studies with two con-<br>ditions: 1) one participant took photographs and reflected on her own work; 2) one<br> participant imitated eminent works of creative expression in the domain and reflected<br> on her own work. The results showed that the participants acquired <i>expressive aware-<br>ness </i>in both conditions, but the scope of the <i>expressive awareness </i>was different. The<br> participant who practiced only reflection on her own work started to focus on precise<br> methods of expression, while the participant who practiced imitation as well as reflec-<br>tion started to produce creative expressions and tried consciously to control her creative<br> processes. The findings of this study are potentially useful for developing educational<br> practice in art schools.
田窪 行則 金水 敏
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.3, no.3, pp.59-74, 1996-08-31

In this paper we attempt to construct a dynamic model of discourse management, a version of Mental Space Theory, modified to accommodate dialogic discourse by incorporating a memory management system. We posit a cognitive interface between linguistic expression and knowledge-base. This interface contains pointers or indices linked to addresses in the knowledge base, controlling access paths to the data in the base. Utterances in a dialogue exchange can be redefined as input-output operations via this interface: registering, searching, editing, etc. The main theses of our approach to discourse management are as follows:<br>The operations coded in the various forms are to be defined as performing input-output operations on the database of the speaker and not that of the hearer's model in the speaker. It is argued that the hearer's model in the speaker is not only unnecessary but also harmful in the description of sentence forms. We divide the interface into two components, I-domain and D-domain. The former is linked to temporary memory, houses the assumptions and propositions newly introduced to the discourse yet to be incorporated into the database and can be accessed only indirectly by inferences, logical reasoning, hearsay, and data search. The latter is linked to the permanent memory, houses information already incorporated in the database and can be directly accessible by simple memory search like pointing to an index. New information passes through only via I-domain. We will demonstrate that our approach solves problems in mutual knowledge but also provides a powerful tool in the description of some of the most recalcitrant phenomena in natural language.
小山 義徳
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.4, pp.559-568, 2011-12-01

This study examined relation between English listening, working memory capacity and serial information processing skill. English passages were presented word by word to Japanese university students (<I>N</I>=22) to measure serial information processing skill, and to examine its role in English listening comprehension in relation to working memory capacity. The result of this study showed that even learners with high capacity of working memory perform poorly on listening comprehension test, if they have low serial information processing skill. Working memory capacity measured by the reading span test is not a good predictor of L2 listening comprehension, and found that the participants' serial information processing skill is a possible variable that influences L2 listening comprehension. This study showed the need for continued investigation on L2 listening comprehension from the perspective of serial information processing.
福田 玄明 植田 一博
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.64-78, 2011-03-01

It is thought that we can discriminate between animate and inanimate things. This ability is called animacy perception. Our discrimination between animate and inanimate things is considered to be an important ability for our social cognition, because animacy perception is assumed to serve as a foundation for considering objects as others that have their own goals, intentions and&frasl;or emotions. We investigated neural mechanism underlying animacy perception using a real animate thing (turtle) and an inanimate thing (robot) in this study. As far as we know, brain activity related to animacy perception in the course of approaching a real animate thing has not been investigated. In experiment 1, we compared Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) when participants performed reaching actions for the animate thing (animate condition) with those when they performed reaching actions for the inanimate thing (inanimate condition). We found that the amplitude of ERPs in left infero-frontal region, which is said to correspond to mirror system, was significantly higher in the animate condition than in the inanimate condition. Moreover, we found more significant mu suppression in the animate condition than in the inanimate condition, which is said to be an evidence of the activation of mirror system. These results suggest that mirror system is related to animacy perception. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to observe an object, either of the animate thing or the inanimate thing, which was covered in a box so that they could not judge by appearance what it was and to answer whether they felt it as animate or inanimate. We compared ERPs when they performed reaching actions for the objects that they felt as animate with those when they performed reaching actions for the objects that they felt as inanimate. As well as in Experiment 1, we found that the amplitude of ERPs in left infero-frontal region was significantly higher in the former condition than in the latter one. In conjunction with the results in Experiment 1, this result suggests that the activation of mirror system takes a role in subjective attribution of animacy to objects.
吉岡 有文
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.415-432, 2009-09-01

In this paper, I focused on examining how innovation of school education should be from the viewpoint of situated theory, and focused on how cognitive science should be in the future. Concretely, in one case, I critically examined how Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education has been changing their schools in a top-down style. As a result, I discovered some bad effects. Firstly, writing plans for managing lesson are trivialized as a mere procedure. Secondly, documents for administrating teachers are made meaningless, or changed to something other their original expectation. Thirdly, leaders who promote collaboration with teachers, and raise students, and are not managerial staffs are hard to foster. Fourthly, this change of the management style lessens the time that teachers and students communicate with each other. That time should have top priority. And Lastly, I insisted that it was necessary for innovation of school education to change from the Top-Down organization to the collaborative organization by everyone who is committed to school education.
永井 由佳里 田浦 俊春 向井 太志
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.2, pp.209-230, 2009-06-01

The aim of this study is to clarify the characteristics of creative concept generation process in design. The authors analyzed the characteristics of the concept generation process by comparing between the linguistic interpretation task and design task, from the viewpoints of the thought types (analogy, blending, and thematic relation) and recognition types (commonality, alignable difference and nonalignable difference). In our experiment, the subjects were required to interpret a novel noun-noun phrase, create a design concept from the same noun-noun phrase, and list the similarities and dissimilarities between the two nouns. The results reveal that blending and nonalignable difference are important factors of the creative concept generation process.