山崎 治 三輪 和久
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.1, pp.103-116, 2001-03-01

The purpose of this study is to explore changes of problem solving processes by diagrammatic externalizations. Eighteen undergraduate and graduate students attempted to solve a complicated arithmetic word problem (the 100 yen problem). Fourteen subjects were allowed to write down their own ideas, while other four subjects were prohibited from writing any idea. We stated the differences of their performance and the problem solving processes, comparing both experimental results of the two groups. The results indicated that (1) the subjects improved their performance for solving the 100 yen problem by externalizations, (2) integrating multiple propositions was facilitated by externalizations, (3) externalizing diagrams made the subjects effectively construct propositional networks that were relatively free from specific structures of the given problem.
眞嶋 良全
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.22-38, 2012-03-01

現代は科学技術が高度に発達し,科学技術の成果が広く応用されることで社会の発展が進むと同時に,科学技術の高度かつ専門的な細分化に伴って,特定の領域の専門家以外の公衆(他分野の科学者も含む)の理解が追いつかなくなっている.さらには,従来のように科学が真理の探究のみを目標としていた時代と異なり,価値判断や政策的意思決定などをも含む,科学だけでは解決できないが,一方で科学とは切り離せないような問題,あるいは"科学に問うことはできるが,科学だけでは答えられない"(トランスサイエンス)問題が生じている(小林, 2007; Weinberg, 1972).このような状況の中で,科学と社会とを繋ぐ科学技術コミュニケーションの重要性が指摘されるだけでなく,学校教育,あるいは生涯教育としての科学リテラシーの重要性も認識されるようになっている.リテラシーは,元来,言語による読み書き能力を指す言葉であるが,近年は,情報一般の活用力を指す情報リテラシー,健康や医療の面での情報活用力とそれに基づいた意思決定の能力を指すヘルスリテラシー,科学の成果とその方法論を理解し,批判的に評価する能力を指す科学リテラシーなどさまざまな能力を指す言葉として用いられている.科学リテラシーをどのように定義するか,あるいはどこからどこまでを科学リテラシーの範囲とするかについては未だに議論があるが1),いずれの定義においても,科学の諸分野における基本概念や科学の方法論を理解することと,科学的な主張を批判的に評価するためのスキルを獲得することが重視されている(川本・中山・西條, 2008; National Research Council,1996; OECD, 2007a).
金山 範明 大隅 尚広 大平 英樹 飯高 哲也 開 一夫
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.50-63, 2011-03-01

Intact face perception is an important function for individual identification in highly socialized human community. Recent studies revealed that there are hereditary individual differences on the cognitive skills related to face identification, named congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia. The investigation on the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia would advance our understanding of the face identification mechanism, however, has not been conducted with Japanese samples. The development of the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale is the first step of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia study in Japan. In this study, we attempted the translation of the original screening scale into Japanese, and also investigated the relationship between the score of scale and behavioral⁄physiological responses on face stimuli. As a result, we found highly internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale. Also we have revealed the score was related to some behavioral performances and ERP responses related to the self-face perception.
高橋 麻衣子 川口 英夫 牧 敦 嶺 竜治 平林 ルミ 中邑 賢龍
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.296-312, 2009-09-01

This study proposes a new framework for teaching programs, introducing the practice of “Reciprocal Observation of Thought”, and subsequently examines its effect on fostering children's practice of observing others' thought reciprocally, we used the “Digital Pen” system, an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system used to share information between all children in a classroom. Using this system, we conducted a five-day program for 35 fourth-graders. In each class, lectures about how to read and write critically were provided first; then, students worked independently on the given questions, presented their ideas to the others, and observed others' work using the Digital Pen system. After the program, it was found that the students who had evaluated others' ideas effectively during the program developed their skills to write essays with more objective and effective arguments, and also to make appropriate counterarguments against others' essay including problems of logical structure. These results were interpreted in terms of the function fo the meta-cognition framework.
西村 律子 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.4, pp.750-760, 2010-12-01

A Noh mask carved of wood is known to express various emotions as a result of slight changes in the vertical inclination of the mask during traditional Japanese Noh performances. In Noh, a face that looks up expresses happiness, whereas a face that looks down expresses sadness. We investigated whether pictures of a downward tilted Noh mask and body postures in various inclinations could be recognized as expressing sadness. Picture-frames were extracted every two seconds from a movie playing the stylized sad act of Noh drama, known as <I>Shiori</I>. Results indicated that the participants recognized pictures of masks with small inclinations (i.e., the initial movements in the action) as being sad, whereas the evaluation of sadness diminished in response to pictures with larger inclinations. These results were similar to those obtained for pictures of the complete body posture with small inclinations, which were recognized as being sad, whereas those with larger inclinations were recognized as being happy. The evaluation was significantly altered between two successive postures in which the actor's hand made a large movement. In Experiment 2, the actor's hand was concealed by an object used on the Noh stage, but the results were similar to Experiment 1. As expected, participants identified the emotions expressed by identical pictures showing just the Noh mask that was used in Experiment 1, as expressing emotions similar to those identified in Experiment 1. Pictures of the complete body posture were recognized as sad when they had a small inclination, whereas those with a larger inclination were recognized as being happy. These results suggest that emotions expressed by complete body postures during Noh dramas produce larger effects than those expressed by the Noh mask alone. Moreover, the initial movements of a stylized action determine the emotional label of the action.
岡田 猛 横地 早和子 難波 久美子 石橋 健太郎 植田 一博
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.303-321, 2007-09-01

The goal of this case study was to describe creation processes of contemporary artists from the perspective of Cognitive Science. We focused on the interaction among activities that affect long term processes of expertise and those that affect shorter term processes as the artist creates a series of work. We conducted retrospective interviews with two contemporary artists in their 40's using the portfolios of their past works so that they could recall their creation processes in detail. We found that the artists used an analogical modification process to produce a new series of artwork. Analogical modification is a cognitive process similar to analogical mapping, but modifies major features of the source structure while mapping it to the target. Artistic vision, which is formed through many years of creative activities and consists of main themes and goals for creation, plays an important role in guiding the usage of analogical modification. Analogical modification correspondingly appeared to deepen artistic vision.
野島 久雄 新垣 紀子
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.275-286, 2001-09-01

Donald A. Norman has been a prominent figure in the history of Cognitive Science in the latter half of the twentieth century. In this paper, we discussed how he influenced and formed major research trends in Cognitive Science and the related area by reviewing his works so far, and tried to considered the possible future development in his works and Cognitive Science research.
遠山 紗矢香
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-203, 2013-06-01

In order for students to constructively interact for rebuilding their own thoughts with<br> peers, they should hold initial understanding of a topic before starting a discussion. The<br> initial understanding should consist of both concrete evidence and abstract summaries<br> that can be re-related to each other in discussion. This paper analyzed the effect<br> of scaffolding for constructing initial understandings in university. "Question-Answer<br> Tool" (Q-A tool) was provided to help students to extract structural elements such<br> as theme, experiment procedure, results, implications, and assertions from research<br> findings about cognitive science for a collaborative learning called"Dynamic Jigsaw. "<br>Students explain research findings to each other and summarize multiple research find-<br>ings with their colleagues in the Dynamic Jigsaw. "ReCoNote" was also provided for<br> students. It imports the extracted elements into each student's concept map to support<br> making relations among the elements. We compared 19 students who were supported<br> by the Q-A tool and ReCoNote in 2004 and 17 students who were only supported by ReCoNote in 2003 using design experiment paradigms to measure the effect of the Q-A<br> tool. All the concept maps and three explanations about research findings per group<br> were analyzed. The Q-A tool-supported students could describe implications and asser-<br>tions with appropriate evidence in their concept maps. In contrast, the non-supported<br> students could refer to evidence but not implications or assertions. Furthermore, the Q-<br>A tool-supported students described their original advanced implications drawn from<br> the research findings through making relations between the structural elements and<br> their original thoughts, and prepared summaries using two of the research findings by<br> comparing and relating the two research findings' structural elements in constructive<br>interaction with peers.
白水 始 三宅 なほみ
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.3, pp.348-376, 2009-09-01

When one starts to learn a new discipline, it is essential to understand the terminology, to the point where one can use it comfortably across many situations. This study shows some effects of collaborative reflection on such learning, or transfer. We devised a two-year curriculum of teaching cognitive science to lower-division undergraduates, including the term of &ldquo;schema,&rdquo; and revised it along with our four-level model of collaborative conceptual change into enriching concrete, hands-on experiences and collaborative reflection. By comparing three sets of curricula, we found that ample experience with reflection yields durable understanding and promotes students' spontaneous use of &ldquo;schema&rdquo; in their end-term reports or conversations. Detailed analyses of five students' use over one-and-a-half years showed that one's understanding differed from that of others, but was highly correlated with her or his own preceding understanding. These results imply that ample experience provides a &ldquo;core&rdquo; to start one's learning and collaborative reflection makes the diversity of such cores explicit, which propels further constructive interactions that promote each one's deeper understanding and cross-situational learning.
瀧澤 純 山下 利之
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.3, pp.343-352, 2013-09-01

When people make inference about other's mental state, they refer as an anchor to<br> privileged information which they know and other doesn't know, thereafter they make<br> adjustment from the anchor to shared information which they know and other know.<br> When adjustment are insufficiently, they use more privileged information, and have<br> more egocentric biases. The purpose of the present study is to examine whether or not<br> considering an anchor could affect strength of egocentric biases. Participants read a<br> story about an e-mail sent from a person to another person and then the participants<br> were asked to infer mental state of recipient. In Experiment 1, participants were asked<br> to make a considering privileged information before making an inference. In Experi-<br>ment 2, cognitive load were operated, participants made an inference under a condition<br> prevented conscious cognitive process. These results showed that participants who con-<br>sidered privileged information had more egocentric biases. These results are discussed<br> cognitive processes controlling use of privileged information.
鈴川 由美 豊田 秀樹
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.202-222, 2011-03-01

When applying inference statistics, power analysis should be performed as a part of research plan, and in reporting the results, some measure of effect size is supposed to be included, as APA noted. However, they have been considered less serious indeed. Power analysis including estimation of effect size will be illustrated with sample effect size and sample statistical power calculated for the articles published in the <I>Cognitive Studies</I>.
伊藤 昭
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.6, no.1, pp.77-87, 1999-03-01

Recently, mindreading ability is the topic of intensive investigations, fired by the &ldquo;Theory of Mind&rdquo; research by Premack & Woodruff. Few researchers, however, tried to define &ldquo;mindreading&rdquo; algorithmically. We mindread other people everyday, and think we know what mindreading really is&mdash;e.g. to reproduce in ourselves the &ldquo;thought&rdquo; existing in other's mind. Unfortunately, this definition cannot be applied for machine systems. Even for human beings or animals we cannot examine the thought in other's mind directly, and there is no method to verify the coincidence. We propose a definition of &ldquo;mindreading&rdquo; independent of the inner representation (thought) of mindreaders and mindreads. Next, Multi-player Prisoner's Dilemma Game (MPD) is proposed as a task where mindreading is expected to be effective for the survival of the players. Computer simulation shows &ldquo;(by our definition) mindreading programs&rdquo; are actually acquired through evolution in the MPD society. Lastly the validity of our definition of mindreading, the implication of our definition, and condition for the emergence of mindreading are discussed.
縣 拓充 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies<br> have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in var<br>ious creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it<br> has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to par<br>ticipate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and<br> methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products?<br> In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who<br> professionally participate in creative activities, but also 'people with creative literacy'<br>who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their<br> daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people's understanding of and motivation<br> for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support<br> of such practices.
縣 拓充 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies<br> have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in var<br>ious creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it<br> has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to par<br>ticipate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and<br> methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products?<br> In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who<br> professionally participate in creative activities, but also 'people with creative literacy'<br>who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their<br> daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people's understanding of and motivation<br> for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support<br> of such practices.
関 博紀
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.204-223, 2013-06-01

This study attempted to describe detailed observations of the actual process of ar-<br>chitectural design, which have been performed by a professional architect in Japan.<br> The observations were made on the basis of two surveys: a document survey and an<br> interview survey. The following results were obtained.<br> First, a proposal was composed of multiple modifications that emerged simultane-<br>ously under the different constraints. Second, the emergence of one modification could<br> lead to another, which was called the 'linkage between modifications'. Third, the link-<br>age was observed not only at the level of the modifications, such as 'making the ceiling<br> form like steps' to the next modification 'changing the ceiling height', but also at the<br> level of proposals which were made at intervals of few days. The linkage at the proposal<br> level, which was called the 'coupling of the modifications', tended to include qualitative developments. <br> These results show that understanding the activities involved in architectural design<br> can be one method to pick-up and realise the potentialities of developing architectures<br> that are intrinsic to the building site and not merely a reflection of the architects '<br>aesthetics,self-centredness or calculating activities. This issue might be worth dis-<br>cussing in connection with the concept of 'dwelling perspective', which was presented<br> in anthropology with an ecological perspective by Tim Ingold (2001).