吉廣 尚大 冨田 隆志 橋本 佳浩
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.6, pp.445-452, 2016-06-10 (Released:2017-06-10)
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This study investigated whether the review of systems (ROS), an evaluation method that covers all organ systems, improves the quality of pharmaceutical care provided in intensive care units (ICUs). We retrospectively examined patients from the respiratory and emergency intensive care departments admitted to the ICU of our hospital in 2012 (before the introduction of ROS; non-ROS group, n = 93) and in 2014 (after the introduction of ROS; ROS group, n = 65). The number of pharmaceutical interventions and adverse drug events prevented by pharmacists per 1000 patient days were higher in the ROS group (265.7 and 57.8 for the ROS group and 190.8 and 39.9 for the non-ROS group). Pharmacists' proposals were accepted at a significantly higher rate in the ROS group than in the non-ROS group (89.5% vs 72.3%, P < 0.01), and the accepted proposals in the ROS group were implemented for a wider range of organ systems. These results indicate that the ROS was helpful in terms of identifying the patients' clinical manifestations and evaluating the adequacy and safety of medication administered in the ICU, which resulted in improved and precise proposals by pharmacists. Moreover, the ROS approach introduced in this study was considered to be suitable for pharmaceutical activities in the ICU and to contribute to improving the quality of pharmaceutical care.
冨田 隆太 阿部 今日子
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.27, no.67, pp.1303-1308, 2021-10-20 (Released:2021-10-20)

To prevent COVID-19, the apartment housing was filled with more people for a longer time while at home in Japan. These conditions are thought to have produced something close to the maximum noise load of the apartment housing. In order to better understand the reaction of the residents to this situation, we decided to conduct a questionnaire and collect data. As a result, compared to before stay home, the number of sounds that were heard and worrisome during stay home increased to 1.3 times. In addition, about 10% of the residents were involved in noise problems during stay home.
橋本 知幸 數間 亨 武藤 敦彦 皆川 恵子 永廣 香菜 當山 啓介 足立 雅也 池田 文明 駒形 修 冨田 隆史 森川 茂 澤邉 京子
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.66, no.1, pp.7-12, 2015-03-25 (Released:2015-09-25)
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A field evaluation of the acaricidal effect on ticks was conducted in Chiba Prefecture in 2014. Eleven formulations of organophosphates and pyrethroids, including emulsifiable concentrate (EC), flowable (FL), dust and CO2 gas formulation, were evaluated simultaneously. These formulations were respectively applied to zones 2 m wide by 17–60 m long with dosages between 0.05–0.25 g AI/m2, which are the recommended dosages for cockroach control in buildings. The numbers of ticks collected by the dragging method with flannels were compared between pre- and post-treatment. The genus Haemaphysalis and Amblyomma were captured during the test period. All the formulations drastically suppressed the tick density on day 1. High reduction rates of more than 90% were observed until day 4 in all formulations, and persistence for at least for 31 days was recognized in fenitrothion EC, FL and fenthion dust. Phenothrin CO2 gas formulation that flows in the air with little residue in the soil or on foliage also yielded a long suppression effect at a dosage of 0.05 g AI/m2. Tick infestation from outside the test plot seemed to be feeble after the treatment. These results suggested that all the formulations achieved superior suppression effect on the ticks.
冨田 隆志 佐伯 康之 鴫田 江理嘉 河田 麻美 木村 康浩 木平 健治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.4, pp.451-457, 2009 (Released:2009-04-01)
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We conducted a survey on the immunization requirements of the students in the fourth year of the 4-year-course departments of pharmacy in Japan by using a self-administered questionnaire, which was mailed to the directors of the institutes. Of the 61 departments invited, 54 responded. Program of seroprevalence examination or vaccination was not in place against measles, rubella, mumps and varicella, and hepatitis B in 31.5% (17/54), 53.7% (29/54), 57.4% (31/54), and 68.5% (37/54), respectively. Surveillance of the history of infection and vaccination was carried out in 21 departments, but only 5 departments insisted on documented evidence of immunity. Students who were proven to be susceptible to these diseases were required to receive immunization in most departments that performed seroprevalence examination. Seroprevalence examination was carried out in colleges in 83.3% (25/30), and the expenses were born by department in 70.0% (21/30). On the other hand, vaccination was carried out in colleges in 30.0% (9/30), and the expenses were born by department in 6.7% (2/30). Of the 54 departments, 29, 11, and 3 departments executed these programs in the 3rd year, 4th year, and at the time of admission, respectively. Influenza vaccination during the year of clinical clerkship and tuberculosis skin test was required in 20.4% (11/54) and 37.0% (20/54), respectively; these were carried out in the colleges in 8 and 19 departments and the expenses were born by department in 1 and 18 departments, respectively. Countermeasures against these infectious diseases were found to be insufficient in most departments of pharmacy.
松島 葵 冨田 隆志 鴫田 江理嘉 吉川 博 柳田 徳栄 髙松 花絵 松尾 裕彰
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.4, pp.206-210, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-04-07)

Objective: In the instructions for package inserts (PI) of prescription drugs revised in June 2017, the section “persons with reproductive potential” was established under “precautions concerning patients with specific backgrounds.” The description rules associated with contraceptive duration were modified in these. In this study, we investigated descriptions of contraceptive duration in PI that were prepared based on the revised instructions, interview forms (IF), and other proper use materials (PM).Methods: We collected PI, IF, and PM of prescription drugs containing a new active ingredient approved from April 2017 to March 2022 for which the PI were prepared based on the revised instructions and investigated descriptions of PI, contraceptive duration, and its evidence in each information material.Results: Of the 181 drugs studied, 43.1 and 12.7% required females and males to use contraception during the period of drug consumption, respectively. Among these, the ratio of drugs that had descriptions of contraceptive duration were 15.4 and 0% for females and males at PI, respectively; 51.3 and 39.1% for female sand males at IF, respectively. Anticancer drugstended to describe contraceptive duration in the PM rather than PI or IF. For some drugs, there was no description of contraceptive duration in any of the materials. Contraceptive durations ranged from the period of administration of that drug to over a year for females and approximately one week to six months for males. The reasons for these contraceptive durations were diverse.Conclusion: Contraceptive information in the PI based on revised instructions were not sufficient for use by healthcare workers, even when the IF and PM were confirmed. These results suggest that there is a need for standardizing the descriptions, types of materials to be described, and choice of evidence for contraceptive duration.
冨田 隆太 阿部 今日子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.86, no.790, pp.873-882, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-01)

The "floor" that is in constant contact with people is important for users to spend comfortably and safely in the architectural space. Improving floor performance (safety and comfort) is considered to be an important issue for all generations, including children, adults and the elderly. The purpose of this study is to be safe and comfortable for children and the elderly, and to solve the problem of floor impact sound. It is "Development of tatami with consideration for sound insulation performance and safety and formulation of design guidelines". In this paper, we first focused on tatami as a basic study. We examined heavy-weight floor impact sound, the hardness at the time of a fall collision, and the hardness at the time of walking. In addition to commercially available straw tatami and building material tatami, five types of tatami mats focusing on vibration isolation were prototyped and experimentally examined. For reference, we also examined light-weight floor impact sound. As a result of this paper, the following findings were obtained. 1) Straw tatami and building material tatami had no effect on the heavy-weight floor impact sound level reduction in the 63 Hz band, and were about 0 to -1 dB. In tatami mats that was prototyped in this paper, considering the vibration isolation, we were able to achieve a performance improvement of 3 dB by reducing the heavy-weight floor impact sound level in the 63 Hz band. 2) Regarding the hardness at the time of a fall collision, straw tatami and building material tatami were 50 to 53 G. The prototype tatami mats had a large impact mitigation effect of 20 to 31 G. 3) Of the prototype tatami mats that were able to realize (1) and (2), T4 and T5 were also good for walking. 4) Regarding the four types of performance related to floor hardness, the relationship of quantitative evaluation of each performance was clarified. It turns out that none of the performances correspond linearly. It was suggested that it is necessary to examine each layer in the floor cross section and the combination of each layer for each performance. As described above, in this paper, it was found that the prototype tatami mat does not impair the walking feeling, and the effect can be obtained by the amount of reduction in heavy-weight floor impact sound level and the hardness at the time of a fall collision. In addition, the effectiveness of introducing such a vibration-proof structure into tatami mats was suggested.
冨田 隆志
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.12, pp.1497-1504, 2017 (Released:2017-12-01)

Several issues concerning medicines remain unclear, including the availability of known, but not easily recognizable information. This review evaluates the mechanisms of side effects and the various risk indications included in package inserts. The results can be summarized as follows. 1) Short-term exposure to gatifloxacin significantly induced insulin secretion and increased the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of islet cells by augmenting extracellular Ca2+ influx and its release from the endoplasmic reticulum. Alternatively, there was a decline in the cellular insulin level and reactivity to sulfonylurea after prolonged exposure. The insulin depletion was greater than that produced by other fluoroquinolones. 2) The elution of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) from the infusion set could be associated with the solubilizers in the injection medicines. The package inserts of several products containing polysorbate or ethanol had no warning about DEHP. Although there was a slight correlation between polysorbate content and descriptions on package inserts, the use of DEHP-containing devices was prohibited for some products, even with limited amounts of polysorbate. Therefore, the package insert statements should be reviewed to reflect appropriately the extent of DEHP elution. 3) Risk management plan consists of strategies to minimize the potential risks of medicines. One approach could be to introduce reminders on package inserts; however, of 268 potential risks associated with 81 products, 56 were not mentioned in package inserts. Because most postmarketing pharmacovigilance plans depend on spontaneous reporting by healthcare personnel, the descriptions on package inserts should be reexamined.
冨田 隆史 葛西 真治

冨田 隆 田矢 功司 島村 栄員 岡田 喜克 岩崎 誠 五嶋 博道 吉田 洋一
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.17, no.8, pp.1574-1578, 1984-08-01

大腸癌治癒切除例のうち手術時隣接臓器への浸潤が認められ他臓器合併切除を施行したものは 17.2% (10/58) で, 長期生存は3年10ヶ月, 2年6ヶ月の2症例であるが, 局所再発や播種性腹膜炎による死亡は2例のみで, 合併切除の有効性を示すものと思われた. 肉眼的他臓器浸潤例のうち組織学的に癌浸潤は 57.1% にみられ, 他の42.9%は結合織や膿瘍形成による炎症性癒着であった. 特に膿瘍形成例でその内腔に癌細胞が浮遊し, 相手臓器まで膿瘍腔が連続進展していることから癌浸潤が考えられた. したがって炎症性癒着といえども癌直接浸潤を考慮すべきである.
井上 勝夫 福島 寛和 冨田 隆太 橋本 修 吉村 純一
