鈴木 亘
社会政策学会誌 (ISSN:24331384)
vol.14, pp.118-129, 2005-09-30 (Released:2018-04-01)

This study focused on the anti-economic measures of the Osaka welfare allowance program and calculated its effect and influence on the local economy. Using the example of Osaka, I performed calculations with concrete data of Osaka. As a result, I determined that in 2003, the welfare allowance of 206.0 billion yen finally caused demand increase in the local economy of 345.3 billion yen. On the other hand, a reduction of income taxes only had an economic influence of 241.7 billion yen, and also, public construction spending was only 337.3 billion yen. Therefore, welfare allowances are understood to be a superior policy for stimulating the economy. Furthermore, when calculating the effect upon creating employment, only 25,474 employment positions were created by public constructing spending, and 19,560 employment positions were created by a reduction of income taxes, whereas the welfare allowance program created 27,685 employment positions.
鈴木 亘
學習院大學經濟論集 (ISSN:00163953)
vol.52, no.1, pp.15-47, 2015-04-01

鈴木 博人 宮腰 寛之 山本 俊六 是永 将宏 鈴木 亘 青井 真
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.40, no.S08, pp.191-206, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

高速鉄道では,地震発生時に速やかに列車を減速・停車させることが重要である。新幹線では,線路沿線や線路から離れたより震源に近い地点に設置された地震計で観測される地震情報を利用して,線路に主要動が到達する前に列車を減速・停止させる早期地震検知システムが構築されている。近年,太平洋沖に海底地震計の観測網が整備された。海底地震計を早期地震検知システムに利用することができれば,東北地方太平洋沖地震などの沈み込み帯で発生する地震をより早く検知できると期待される。そこで,新幹線の早期地震検知システムに海底地震計を利用する方法を開発し,海底地震計のしきい値の設定方法や誤警報の防止方法を提案した。さらに,海底地震計を早期地震検知システムに利用することの効果を検証した。JR 東日本では,房総沖のエリアの海底地震計を2017年11月1日に,茨城・福島沖から青森・釧路沖のエリアを2019年1月25日に利用開始した。
鈴木 亘
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.68, no.2, pp.13, 2017 (Released:2019-01-02)

One of Jacques Rancière’s contributions to aesthetics is his re-reading of the history of aesthetics. Rancière refers to the regime that has identified art as “art” since the end of the 18th century as “the aesthetic regime of art.” Against the short divisions of art history by modernism or postmodernism, he seeks to describe the long term. For Rancière, ideas of “modernism” and “postmodernism” need critique because the two cannot treat general transformations in the aesthetic regime of art. We will explain how his thinking can renew the discourses of modernism and postmodernism. This essay first examines the pre-existing modernist and postmodernist thinking that Rancière criticizes. It then deals with his view of the history of art history by reading Le partage du sensible. This reading aims to emphasize the work’s originality with regard to modernist and postmodernist thinking. We finally investigate his analysis of political art in Malaise dans l’esthétique, whose arguments offer us a new point of view fot reconsidering contemporary political art. We conclude this essay by stating that Rancière recognizes the political effectiveness of the “mixtures” of the heterogeneous that fundamentally characterize the aesthetic regime.
鈴木 亘
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.257, pp.119-129, 1977-07-30

1)康和2年(1100)および保元2年(1157)に再建された平安宮仁寿殿は, ともに母屋(桁行七間・梁行四間)の四面に庇を付けた東西九間, 南北六間の平面規模をもつ建物と推察される。このうち南・北両庇は孫庇の形式であり, 架構上, 仁寿殿は七間四面(桁行九間・梁行四間)の主屋に南・北両面孫庇を付けた形と考えられる。屋根は桧皮葺入母屋造りで, 特に四隅の庇は角庇の形式とし一段低い屋根をかけていたらしい。『大内裏図考証』に考定されている平安宮仁寿殿の規模, 形態は康和・保元両度の仁寿殿に大略認めることができるが, 母屋(桁行七間・梁行四間)部分の平面構成は後者と大分異なる。『大内裏図考証』には仁寿殿の母屋中央一間に南北行の馬道を考定している。しかし, 管見ではそれを裏付ける史料は認められなかった。むしろ平安後期の記録によると, 康和・保元両度の仁寿殿は母屋中央に桁行三間・梁行四間の広さをもつ大室がとられ, それを中心に母屋部分は東西に大きく三つの隔が構成されていたと考えられる。中央の大室は南面南庇との境に妻戸三戸, 東西両面に妻戸および連子窓(壁上連子), 北面に妻戸および壁をたてていた。また大室東側の母屋桁行二間・梁行四間部分は妻戸などをたて一室を構成していたと思われる。大室西側の母屋桁行二間・梁行四間部分は中央に方二間の室を設けていた。この室は南面に格子をたて, 北面を壁とする。方二間の室の南側二ケ間は観音供の本尊を安置した念誦堂と推定される。なお, 康和・保元両度の仁寿殿は母屋に天井を張っていた。また母屋の内部一間毎に柱をたてていた可能性がある。2)康和・保元両度の仁寿殿にみられる平面規模および形態は, 基本的に, 応和1年(961)再建の平安宮仁寿殿にも認めることができる。応和以後の平安中期に再建された平安宮仁寿殿の建築については資料を欠いている。ただし, 天徳以後の度重なる平安宮内裏の造営において殿舎の数または殿舎寸法の高大を減ずべきこと, あるいは造営の過差を制すべきことが議せられたのは長保3年(1001)罹災後の内裏造営の時である。平安宮内裏の建物には, その後の再建造営において規模の変更が伝えられるものがある。けれども, 仁寿殿については応和および康和・保元の各期の建物にほぼ同一の平面規模と形態が認められるので, 平安中期の仁寿殿は前期の規模, 形態をほぼ踏襲して再建されたと推測される。なお, 平安中期までの平安宮仁寿殿は母屋に天井が張られなかったらしい。
鈴木 亘
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.26, pp.92, 2018 (Released:2020-03-21)

Jacques Rancière, who has recently published many books on art and aesthetics, shows great interest in Friedrich Schiller’s Aesthetic Letters as one of the turning points in art history. In particular, Ran- cière focuses on Schiller’s description of the beauty of an ancient statue, the Juno Ludovisi, regarding this description as the first and best example of “the aesthetic regime of art,” which regulates our perception of art up to this day. By investigating Rancière’s reading of Schiller, this paper aims to point out that he reinterpretes Schiller’s Aesthetic Letters in such a way as to extract from it thoughts about a more fundamental revolution than Schiller’s.
鈴木 亘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.374, pp.100-110, 1987-04-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

It is since Han age that the existence of Chao Tang (|§1gO is confirmed in the Chinece Imperial Palace. This paper is intended to study the formation of Chao Tang from Han to Tang age, and to show the process of its changes, as well as its architectural characteristics.
近貞 直孝 鈴木 亘 三好 崇之 青井 真 根本 信 大嶋 健嗣 松山 尚典 高山 淳平 井上 拓也 村田 泰洋 佐竹 次郎 阿部 雄太 是永 眞理子 橋本 紀彦 赤木 翔
防災科学技術研究所研究資料 = Technical Note of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (ISSN:1347748X)
no.430, pp.1-169, 2019-03-28

日本海溝海底地震津波観測網(S-net)などの稠密な沖合の海底水圧観測網によって得られる観測記録を用いて津波の浸水を即時に予測するための手法の開発を行った.この手法では,津波計算結果を用いて沖合の水圧変動と予測対象地域の沿岸水位分布,浸水深分布,到達時間を記録する津波シナリオバンク(Tsunami Scenario Bank; TSB)を予め用意する必要がある.理想的には,想定されるあらゆる地震による津波シナリオを登録すれば予測精度の向上が期待されるが,有限の時間と計算機資源では実現不可能である.そこで,本研究資料では,予測対象地域に対して効率的に津波シナリオバンクを構築するため の手順を千葉県九十九里・外房地域を対象とした場合の実例とともに示した.ここでは網羅性を担保するため,南海トラフや伊豆・小笠原海溝のように遠方の波源断層モデルを設定しているが,予測対象地域での沿岸水位分布の変化が大きくならないよう連続性が担保されるように波源断層モデルを間引いて計算コストを圧縮した.さらに,まずは比較的計算コストの小さい最小 90 m 格子の沖合津波計算を実施することで,沿岸に到達する津波を予め評価した上で計算コストの大きい最小 10 m 格子の陸域浸水計算を実施するようにした.陸域浸水計算においては,構造物条件の違いが与える浸水深分布への影響の評価を行った.ここでは,安全よりの「構造物が損傷しない場合」と危険よりの「構造物の損傷が大きい場合」に加えて,最も確からしい「構造物の損傷率を考慮する場合」について陸域浸水計算を実施し評価した.一方,津波浸水即時予測システムを構築する際には,情報の受け手である利用者のニーズに応じて予測に用いる構造物条件を決定する必要がある.最後に,構築した津波シナリオバンクの妥当性と予測手法(Multi-index 法)の検証のため既往津波を模擬データとして評価し,一定程度の精度が得られて いることを確認した.また,多層ニューラルネットワーク回帰をMulti-index 法と併用することで予測 精度を向上することが出来ることを確認した.We have developed a new algorithm for a real-time tsunami inundation forecast in the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) titled "Enhancement of societal resiliency against natural disasters" using ocean bottom pressure changes taken by the Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Japan Trench (S-net). In this algorithm, we need to prepare the Tsunami Scenario Bank (TSB), which contains offshore tsunami waveforms at the observatory locations and the maximum tsunami height distributions, inundation depths and arrival times along the target coastal region. Ideally, TSB should contain tsunami information for all possible tsunami sources that may affect the target region, but it is impossible to prepare them in a finite time and computer resources. This technical note provides how we designed TSB for real-time tsunami inundation forecast and constructed the TSB for the Pacific coast of Chiba prefecture. Furthermore, to evaluate the propriety of our algorithm called the Multi-index method, we investigate pseudo tsunami scenarios represented paleo-tsunamis.
木村 優花 川上 和宜 中村 匡志 横川 貴志 清水 久範 小林 一男 青山 剛 鈴木 亘 羽鳥 正浩 鈴木 賢一 高張 大亮 小倉 真理子 陳 勁松 中山 厳馬 若槻 尊 山口 研成 山口 正和
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.12, pp.1075-1081, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-01)

Since it is important that patients take their oral anticancer therapy as prescribed, pharmacists need to assess adherence. In addition, oral anticancer drugs are expensive, and reuse of leftover drugs at outpatient pharmacy clinics is useful in reducing drug costs. The present study aimed to clarify when and why patients have leftover capecitabine tablets, and the cost of leftover capecitabine tablets reused at an outpatient pharmacy clinic, focusing on adjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX) chemotherapy for gastric cancer. We retrospectively studied patients who received adjuvant CAPOX chemotherapy for gastric cancer between November 1, 2015, and April 30, 2021, at the Cancer Institute Hospital of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. The cost of leftover capecitabine reused by pharmacists was calculated based on the National Health Insurance drug price standard for the study period. This study included 64 patients who received adjuvant CAPOX chemotherapy. Thirty-seven patients had 152 leftover capecitabine tablets. The most common reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets were nausea and vomiting (21.7%), missed doses (18.4%), and diarrhea (13.2%). The leftover capecitabine tablets for 25 patients were reused at the outpatient pharmacy clinic at a cost of JPY 604142.8 (JPY 24165.7 per patient). The study results suggest that evaluating capecitabine adherence and the reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets at outpatient pharmacy clinics as well as reusing leftover medication can contribute to reducing drug costs.
鈴木 亘 Costantine Chasama Kamata 古山 和道
岩手医学雑誌 (ISSN:00213284)
vol.75, no.2, pp.69-79, 2023 (Released:2023-09-01)

Erythroid-specific 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS2) is the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in erythroblasts. ALAS2 is essential for supplying heme to produce hemoglobin in developing erythroblasts. While it has been reported that the gene expression of ALAS2 is regulated at the transcriptional and the translational steps, the post-translational regulation of ALAS2 protein is not well understood. In this study, we examined the protein complex of FLAG-tagged ALAS2 (ALAS2F) using immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry and identified several mitochondrial proteins in the complex of ALAS2F. We also confirmed the presence of these proteins in the complex of ALAS2F by Western blot analysis, and we speculated on the novel role of one of these identified proteins on the post-translational regulation of ALAS2 protein. Further studies on the role of these proteins in the regulation of ALAS2 protein will reveal the precise mechanisms of the post-translational regulation of ALAS2 in erythroid cells.
渥美 亮 鈴木 亘 吉田 伸子 伯水 英夫
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.5, no.2, pp.209-216, 1990 (Released:2007-03-29)

To examine the drug interaction between LC9018 and tegafur, the tegafur was administered to LC9018 treated or control mice and plasma concentrations of tegafur and its active metabolite, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) were monitored.1. In 300μg LC9018/animal (intravenous, i.v.) treated group, the maximum plasma level(Cmax) of 5-FU and the area under the curve (AUC)decreased to 43% and 64% of control values, respectively. On the other hand, no change was observed in tegafur level, suggesting that LC9018 inhibited the conversion of tegafur to 5-FU at this dose.2. In 300μg LC9018/animal (intrapleural, i. pl.) treated group, 5-FU level decreased to 55% of the control at 30min after administration. But the influence on the metabolism of tegafur was smaller compared to the intravenous treatment of LC9018.3. In 180μg/animal (i.v.), 150μg/animal (i.pl.) and 300μg LC9018/animal (subcutanous, s.c.) treated groups, both tegafur and 5-FU level did not alter compared to the control.4. From above results, influence of LC9018 on the metabolism of tegafur depends on the dose and the administration route (i.v.> i.pl.> s.c.). It is considered that LC9018 slightly affects the metabolism of tegafur at clinical dose (200μg/animal i.pl.).
㓛刀 卓 青井 真 中村 洋光 鈴木 亘 森川 信之 藤原 広行
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.65, no.3, pp.223-230, 2013-01-31 (Released:2013-07-19)
14 17

We present an improved implementation of the approximating filter for real-time seismic intensity calculations proposed in previous work. As earthquake early warning (EEW) systems become ever more widely used, the current method of computing a JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) seismic intensity shows a serious problem since it introduces a time delay resulting from frequency domain filtering. In order to improve this method to permit real-time calculations suitable for EEW systems, we have proposed a real-time seismic intensity computed using an approximating filter in the time domain. For a simple computing system such as a strong-motion seismograph, it is straightforward to calculate the real-time seismic intensity because the approximating filter consists of only four first-order filters and one second-order filter. Based on testing using K-NET and KiK-net strong-motion seismographs, we have found that a strong-motion seismograph has enough computational capacity to undertake more sophisticated filtering. Here, we develop an approximating filter consisting of six second-order filters applied in the time domain for accurate real-time seismic intensity calculation. The relationship between the JMA seismic intensity and the real-time seismic intensity calculated using the improved approximating filter is examined using a large number of strong motion records. The results show that the differences between the JMA seismic intensities and the real-time seismic intensities are less than 0.1 for 99% of all records. Although the improved filter requires twice as much computation power as the previous approximating filter, it is suitable for EEW systems that require more accurate real-time calculations of seismic intensity.
鈴木 亘
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.71, no.1, pp.61-72, 2020 (Released:2022-02-16)

Among many authors discussed by Jacques Rancière, Stéphane Mallarmé is one of the most important poets and has been intermittently revisited since the publication of Mallarmé (1996). This monograph is intensely focused on the relationship between Mallarmé’s works and politics (particularly dealing with a thought of “community”). The relationship between art and politics is consistently addressed in Rancière’s other writings but has become complicated since he reinterpreted the history of Western aesthetics around 2000. However, previous studies on Rancière’s interpretation of Mallarmé fail to acknowledge such complexity because they focus exclusively on Mallarmé and his contemporary writings. Therefore, this paper investigates The Future of the Image (2003) and Aisthesis (2011), as well as Mallarmé, to trace changes in Mallarmé’s status. Through this investigation, this paper reveals new politicization in Rancière’s writings on Mallarmé. This paper is organized as follows: firstly, confirming that Mallarmé is the poet that observes ordinary events of everyday life, and secondly, this paper clarifies a discrepancy between the figure of Mallarmé depicted in Mallarmé and Rancière’s concept of the “aesthetic regime of art.” Finally, this paper demonstrates that Rancière provides new insights on Mallarmé in his writings since the year 2000.
鈴木 亘
學習院大學經濟論集 (ISSN:00163953)
vol.57, no.4, pp.313-327, 2021-02
